
Sir Edmund Pentallion's page

20 posts. Alias of Daniel Stewart.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Just Dot to start please...make sure your avatar has all your character info attached please

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

New Dolmenwood game

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Testing some new ideas for different games

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hey we are for our first shot at building a better background. Cannot wait to get started and see how well (or not) this system works!!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Looking for 4 or 5 people to try out a new system of character generation. Call the Lifepath Backgrounds, by Tim Cox, is an attempt at adding a richer character background, including advantages and disadvantages, in much the same way as the RPG Traveller creates its characters.

I will be using D&D (Olde Sword Reigns) as the base game and if we decide to run a short adventure with our newly made characters, it will be based in the World of Blackmarsh.

Does this sound interesting to anyone...let me know and we can try out this new method of character creation!!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok you can dot in here

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hey, just setting this up so we have a place to work on our characters

Liberty's Edge

Just a check, at the moment, to see if there is much interest in this type of game. I have been reading the rules, and have always loved the Iron Kingdoms setting. So anyone interested? Would start at 1st level and I am thinking of using a number of the optional rules as well. So who's game?!!

Liberty's Edge

Closed game for new players...sorry...might open it up later

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator


Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator


Liberty's Edge

Looking to see if anyone is interested in playing in an Old-School Essentials game. This OSR by Necrotic Gnome harkens back to the old white box play of D&D. I will be utilizing Necrotic Gnome's Dolmenwood setting for this adventure.
Looking forward to seeing if we have enough interest and getting some characters made and an adventure planned!!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Open for dotting

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Discussion Thread, try out ideas and build your character...

Liberty's Edge

Looking to start to see if anyone would be interested in this game? I recently purchased the book and it looks like a very interesting system and I would love to get a chance to try it out. Anyone else interested??

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The call came late last night, but you were expecting it, so it was not a surprise. “Report to the Commandant’s office 0800h tomorrow morning” was all it said.
Talk had been going around for some time that something was wrong. Supply had been tearing the warehouses apart looking for parts, and Tech was busy attempting to come up with some sort of work around to the problem. That problem was the breakdown of the Heat Exchange System (HES). Civ had been complaining for months that the temperature in their quarters were fluctuating, and security had reported a number of illegal connections to the environmental systems as people attempted to bypass the main systems and create their own HES.
After talking to his department heads, and getting their suggestions, the Commandant sent out a call that you are now answering.
The office you are waiting in is both large and barren. Many of the complex computer systems seem to have been removed at some time in the past, leaving gaping holes in the walls and dangling wires snaking out of loose conduits. You do not have to wait long before the door slides open and the bent, shriveled form of the commandant shuffles in. Well over 100 years old, the commandant is a wizened old man who looks as frail as a spider’s web, but one look into his ice blue eyes will dispel and thought of softness or loss of ability.

”Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. The HES is gone kaput and we need some parts to fix her up. I know that those parts can be found in the old Imperial Lab located on the other side of the moon. The last reports from the scientists were that they were all abandoning the place and heading to Pyt Prime. We never heard from them again, however they did give us brief access to their supply system and we copied their manifest for just such an emergency. From this list we can see they have all the parts we need….and more. Supply will give you a total list of what they need and the last known location. Lucky for us, their supply was all in one place, so you should not have to go wandering about looking for what we need. “

The old man takes a deep breath and then fixes the group with his piercing gaze.

”Now the bad news. There are only 3 ways to get to the base. The first is to walk. It would take you roughly 5 days to get from our outmost airlock to the lab. We have pressure tents and Vacc suits to lend, but the terrain will be harsh, to say the least. Second is the old grav train tunnel. We use to ship lots of supplies to the base, before the Incident, and a tunnel was cut to make this easier however, when they left, the scientists, for some reason, recalled all the cars and sealed the tunnel. It has no environmental controls at all, but it would only take 20 hours to get there. Finally, and the best as far as I am concerned, is repairing the grav sled in the hanger and driving to the lab. It would take 5 hours, but you would have to repair the vehicle before you left….and since time is of the essence, we can only give you 2 days to work on it.”

Again the commandant stops to take a breath and look over the party.

”So, this is how it is. We need you back as soon as possible with the parts. The lab is empty, but we have no idea if it is still under power or not, so you might need to be in your vac suits the entire time. Get the parts and get back fast! So, any questions?”

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

General OCC Chat here please

Liberty's Edge

Just looking to see if there is a group interested in, at the moment, a short Traveller game. Several ideas and plots that I would like to explore. Will fill in more as interest grows, but ask your questions.

NOTE: Humans only for this initial game. The worlds will be outside the Imperium and will have followed their own history.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

ok here it is

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Discussion Page

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thinking about starting a Traveller game if I can get enough interest. So who wants to play?
Just using the core book to start.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hope you find this!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok...welcome all! I want to start by getting you all to give me a shout here so I know you are still interested in playing. Secondly I want to go through each of your characters to make sure all is well. I will be copying them into HeroLab so I can track stats and such. I will also be using it for the combat.
So I wait for your arrival!! Also what is a good place to post pictures, information, etc. for you all to be able to access? I want to have lots of player handouts, as well as the exploration map and battle maps. Any suggestions?
See you all soon!!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok...I am willing to give this a shot with the first book, Stolen Land. I am looking for 6 players. A 20 point buy with 2 traits (any subject to my accepting) and I was thinking of going old school and allowing only base classes and races. Max starting money, and I am sure I am forgetting something, so please just ask.
I will also need a background telling me how you ended up at Oleg's.
Be gentle...its my first time Dming a PbP, thought I have had 20 or so years real life DM experience.

Liberty's Edge

Again...just testing the system...see who is interested..

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Just testing the system at the moment to set up for the possibility of an Oriental Adventure in the near future...