Daniel Stewart's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

Liberty's Edge

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Looking for 4 or 5 people to try out a new system of character generation. Call the Lifepath Backgrounds, by Tim Cox, is an attempt at adding a richer character background, including advantages and disadvantages, in much the same way as the RPG Traveller creates its characters.

I will be using D&D (Olde Sword Reigns) as the base game and if we decide to run a short adventure with our newly made characters, it will be based in the World of Blackmarsh.

Does this sound interesting to anyone...let me know and we can try out this new method of character creation!!

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Happy to give it a whirl…I’m assuming you are speaking of Lifepath Backgrounds - the product page has an extensive Publisher preview…

Liberty's Edge

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Thats the one...I love the style of Traveller character generation and having something similar to it for D&D sounds very interesting. I have run a few for myself and now want to see how the process works in an actual game atmosphere.

I’ll take a look at it this weekend

Definitely interested, but will be traveling during the weekend and really busy for work next week, so it might take me a while.

Grand Lodge

Gimme a bit

Grand Lodge

Daniel Stewart wrote:

Looking for 4 or 5 people to try out a new system of character generation. Call the Lifepath Backgrounds, by Tim Cox, is an attempt at adding a richer character background, including advantages and disadvantages, in much the same way as the RPG Traveller creates its characters.

I will be using D&D (Olde Sword Reigns) as the base game and if we decide to run a short adventure with our newly made characters, it will be based in the World of Blackmarsh.

Does this sound interesting to anyone...let me know and we can try out this new method of character creation!!

I take it I have to buy it? the lifepath thing. I’ll grab it later on when I have time.

Liberty's Edge

Helman - no, you do not need to have a copy...I do and that should be good enough. As it is I wanted to go through each step together as much as we could so we could all see the various possibilities for our rolls...

Well then this sounds interesting indeed as I recall Travellers mode of character generation although its been a long while since I ran that game.

As long as it doesn't include the death outcome from Traveller, could be really fun. Count me in.

Sounds intriguing, would be interested. (I posted with wrong alias before so deleted that post).

Hey, I would be interested in that. Traveler character building was fun, and if there's something like that for more fantasy PCs, that sounds awesome.

What's the thought behind using Olde Sword Reigns? Are you a big OSR fan, or are you just trying to keep things simple? Or is it that Lifepath Backgrounds doesn't "connect" to a more complex system like Pathfinder?

Liberty's Edge

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Ok...looks like I got my 5 people!! Thanks for applying. For anyone else still interested, please drop by as I would like to get together another group or 4-5 people for another "live" character building.

For this round, I have:

Black Dow

On for the next group I have, so far:


Thanks all who are interested!! I hope it works out ok. I will get back to the second group once the first has gone through and any suggestions/problems have been worked out.

For the first group, please report to the Discussion board. We can start with whoever is available and as you become free, we can work on your backgrounds.


I would give this a go if there is room in the 2nd group

Liberty's Edge

Yup there was 1 more space. So now we are all filled up!!

Just realized I am not familiar with D&D (Olde Sword Reigns). Will that be an issue? If it is then I will withdraw interest.

LDDragon wrote:
Just realized I am not familiar with D&D (Olde Sword Reigns). Will that be an issue? If it is then I will withdraw interest.

You can pick up Olde Swords Reign for FREE at DrivethruRPG…

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
LDDragon wrote:
Just realized I am not familiar with D&D (Olde Sword Reigns). Will that be an issue? If it is then I will withdraw interest.
You can pick up Olde Swords Reign for FREE at DrivethruRPG…

So then all-in for OSR & Lifepath we're looking at $4.99?

Could be worse :)

Well I’m not planning on purchasing Lifepath - Daniel should be able to run us through it…

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
LDDragon wrote:
Just realized I am not familiar with D&D (Olde Sword Reigns). Will that be an issue? If it is then I will withdraw interest.
You can pick up Olde Swords Reign for FREE at DrivethruRPG…

Ok cool, thanks! :)

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Dot to bring the thread up the list.

So Daniel Stewart are you going to let us know when you launch either of these two Groups? Looking forward to this moving forward.

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