Into the Dolmenwoods (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

A forage into the dark and grim eves of Dolmenwood. What mysteries might lay hidden under the murky green depths of these fae-haunted woods?

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator


Ran out of time last night, but will try to get into gameplay today.

I love that little Welcome to Dolmenwood document. So simple in 6 pages, terse paragraph descriptions of everything...wish I could create something like that. :)

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

It is wonderfully terse.

I imagine that it's the result of a great deal of editing and rewriting.

"I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one."

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

Posted in as Sigfried. Not sure if we wanted to know each other not or such before the game started. I won't lie, I have very little exposure to rules like THAC0 so please excuse my ignorance or need for help if I need it. I'm sure I'll get it quickly once everything comes into play.

The combat tables is where thac0 originally came from and might be easier starting out, to just simply look it up. They also claim it gives slightly different probabilities than rolling, but I dont understand that part.

But a formulaic way you can do it in a roll is subtraction. You start with your thac0, subtract your d20 roll, then subtract any bonus (add penalties).

So for example, if your strength bonus is +2 and thac0 19 you could roll attacks like:

Attack: 19 - 1d20 - 2 ⇒ 19 - (1) - 2 = 16 hits AC 16
Attack: 19 - 1d20 - 2 ⇒ 19 - (18) - 2 = -1 hits AC -1
Attack: 19 - 1d20 - 2 ⇒ 19 - (11) - 2 = 6 hits AC 6
Attack: 19 - 1d20 - 2 ⇒ 19 - (7) - 2 = 10 hits AC 10

Thats what I intend to do with my weak ass dagger throws.

edit: ah, I understand the probabilities difference now. Its because a 20 always hits certain ACs and that isnt reflected in the rolls, only in the tables.

For example to hit AC -3 with a strength bonus of +0, I dont need to roll 22...just 20. Guess I just keep an eye out for crits as always.

I believe the different probabilities lie in those repeated 20s in the top left corner.
With a thAC0 of 19 and that strength bonus of +2 you'd need a 18 to hit AC -1, a 19 for AC -2, etc. On the tables, a 18 would hit any of those, since the needed roll is given as 20 for all of them.

At least in AD&D that 20 wasn't actually the highest number as it seems in that table: 20 was repeated 6 times and then started to go up again. No idea what the idea behind that was. :)

Good point about 18 hitting any. Should probably just roll, add bonuses and consult table treating 20 as a max.

I'll take a look at the 1e AD&D table...

edit: indeed 1e AD&D has numbers higher than 20 in the matrix. One of the differences from BX set I suppose.

Ziyad wrote:

Good point about 18 hitting any. Should probably just roll, add bonuses and consult table treating 20 as a max.

I'll take a look at the 1e AD&D table...

edit: indeed 1e AD&D has numbers higher than 20 in the matrix. One of the differences from BX set I suppose.

Of course, if you're swinging against anything up in that range you should probably think about the choices that have led you there. :)

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

The avatar changing issue has been fixed, so the house knows.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hi the character backgrounds that I am seeing played out in the bar!! I am giving anyone who still has a character that needs to be passed by me until Friday to get them in. We will be starting the actual adventure at that time!!!

Liberty's Edge

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Male Historian/Curator

Hurrah for South Park Fans!!!

For future reference, I think I could have attacked and still done Fighting Withdrawal, is that right?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I cannot see anything in the OSE SDR that shows fighting withdraw? Do you happen to know where this might be found??

Yes its here under movement in melee. There is fighting withdrawal and retreat as options. The retreat specifically mentions no attacks possible, but fighting withdrawal does not. Further down it mentions movement and attacks are possible in the same round, which is what made me think so. Those two options are also sort of how it works in AD&D 2e...but really have no clue.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Historian/Curator

Well, let's make it is called a Fighting Retreat after all!!

Liberty's Edge

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Male Historian/Curator

I made a note in the campaign tab about binding will allow you to regain 1hp per level of the binder. This should assist a little in the healing of the party.

Ah nice, I assume Jacob's bandage attention qualifies to nudge me up an hp then. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

It certainly does!

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

Man, this dice roller is being real harsh to me in this campaign so far....

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I know...I think it may be

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

Apologies for my absence. Our current shared home internment is not great for my psychological well-being, and one way I tend to manifest is to withdraw, which is not fair to all of you. I'll try my best to fight that urge.

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

Unfortunately understandable, @Brother Jacob.

Thanks for the hunt for bandages.

@Daniel, any progress with Siegen's wounds?

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

Sorry that I've been quiet here, been super busy here the last few days. I'll get back to regular posting tonight! <3

Neutral Elf 1 5/7 hp | AC 5 | ThAC0 18

Ditto. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Not a problem guys. I am going slow too so no worries. Jump in when you can.

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:


Dwarf hits level 2 at 2,200xp so Siegen gains:

Level 2 Dwarf

HP with CON bonus: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

THAC0 and saves stay the same.

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

With that load of experience points, Siegfried is solidly into level 2 now. I'm going to roll here for his additional hit points.

Hitpoints: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Very nice. Sixteen HP isn't bad at all. Any ideas of how we want to do treasure?

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

How about this?

1. If one person wants an item, they take it. If it replaces an item, that item goes into party loot.

2. If multiple people want an item, they negotiate or roll off. If it replaces an item, that item goes into party loot.

3. Even split of portable loot and sales of loot.


Sounds good to me, that would be 775/6= 129 sp and 2 copper each for this first haul.

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

I'm also 2nd level, whee!

New HP: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4, so that ends up with 10 hp total. THAC0 stays the same, but I now get one spell, woohoo!

Male Halfling, AC 3, HP 10/10, Saves; 8-9-10-13-12 Halfling / 3

1d6 ⇒ 1 and that is all

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10
Pickles Twiddletoe wrote:
1d6 and that is all

Sad face

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

I am definitely down for it. I just wanted to bring it up here before I make my post in the gameplay group :D

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

@Pickles: yikes!

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

I currently have an earache so my response time might be affected.

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

I missed how much each of our share of silver was ... can anyone help, please?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

129 sp and 2 cp each for the loot from the well.

Then we just got 50 sp in advance.

So 179 sp 2 cp.

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

Thanks, Ziyad.

Siegen continues to show off his 7 charisma in blunt speech. ;)

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

Are we converting GP to SP in this game? I forget, sorry.

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10
Ziyad wrote:

129 sp and 2 cp each for the loot from the well.

Then we just got 50 sp in advance.

So 179 sp 2 cp.

Thanks for that.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator the values are :

4 Copper Farthings(cf) = 1 silver pence(sp)
12 silver pence(sp) = 1 silver shilling(ss)
240 silver pence(sp) = 1 gold pound(GP)

The copper farthing is a penny-like coin.
The silver pence is slightly larger and thicker than a dime
The silver shilling is roughly the size of a nickel
The gold pound is about the size of a quarter

[ooc]sorry these are Canadian coin sizes (or even somewhat American)

Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

Thanks for the explanations. I'll go ahead and buy cold-weather clothing plus a bedroll.

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Male Human Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10

FYI, Brother Jacob has prepared a casting of CLW, but I am playing it that he doesn't yet know that he can cast it yet, as he doesn't think that he has successfully atoned for his sins. It seems his god has another opinion, however.

Ziyad will be your willing guinea pig when he is dropped to 0 by a goblin.

| HP: 21/21 | AC: 4/3 with shield | D: 12 W: 13 P: 14 B: 15 S: 16 | Open Door 5in6 |

Just a heads up! I will be leaving on a trip tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until Monday evening. While I will have the internet to do stuff, I can't guarantee that I'll have enough time to keep up with posting. If needed, feel free to bot me as necessary!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Historian/Curator

Here is a reminder for the start of combat...

1. Declare spells and retreats
2. Initiative: Each side rolls 1dd - add your dex bonus (if any)
3. Winning side acts:
a. Monster morale
b. Movement
c. Missile attacks
d. Spell casting
e. Melee attacks
4. Other sides act: In initiative order.

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:

Is that one person rolls for all of us then?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

no each of you gets a roll...the monsters will usually only roll once

Male Lawful Dwarf 2 | HP: 15/17 | AC: 18 | Saves DP9, W10, PP 11, B 13, SRS 13 | | Infravision 60' | Speed | Spells: None | Detect Construction 2-in-6 | Detect Room Traps 2-in-6 |Listen 2-in-6 |Stone Sense | Active conditions:


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