Mongoose Traveller (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

Travellers' Aide Alert.....
This game could be hazardous to your health, but still lots of fun!

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Discussion Page

Let us talk about things!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

How much money does Ben have, exactly?

I mean, uh ...are we going full on sandbox or do we have a mission?

I'm guessing we need to discuss a ship? Since Benjamin has contributed Yacht shares are we going for a yacht?
Off the shelf (that's a big shelf) or do we customise it?

We seem to have a few Pilots, but that's a good thing, means we can have rotating pilot duties with Marissa taking over in combat situations.

We don't seem to have a gunner who isn't also our best pilot (unless I've missed it), perhaps may be worth introducing Benjamin to the ships guns, as part of the starship package?
Of course the default Yacht has no guns, so may be worth deciding on what we're doing about the ship first?

Also I'd like to lay claim to the Astrogation skill in the Starship Package, if no-one has any objections?
Adding Advocate & Survival from connections to profile.

  • Pilot (any) 1
  • Gunner (any) 1 - Solomon Drake?
  • Engineer (any) 1
  • Mechanic 1
  • Sensors 1 - Marissa Ocara?
  • Medic 1
  • Comms 1
  • Astrogation 1 - Myrian Sonor?

Actually with 3 pilots I'll go ahead and pick up gunner, since Solomon seems to be a washed out fighter jock.

I'm cool with the Yacht, but it does seem like Ben would have guns installed in it :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

At the moment you have NO vessel, but the promise of one. Pool all your ship shares and that total will be the percent down payment you have to purchase a vessel of your choice (or whatever might be made available). Part of this initial adventure is locating a ship that is for sale (with the money you have on hand) and any repairs/modifications you might need.


I have pilot 2, gunner 1 and would love to take astrogation from the group pool. Somehow, as pilot of a pirate ship, I imagine she'd have been doing a lot of the astrogating.
A yacht is a BIG chunk of change and comes unarmed, which I'm a bit worried about. Whatever we get, we have to figure out how to make payments on it.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

I am fine with taking whatever is left over when people are done. As for ships I am open to suggestion. We just have a good chunk towards a yacht. but we could go for something else if you guys want.

If Marissa wants Astrogation I'll pick Engineer and/or Mechanic

Current List:

Pilot (any) 1
Gunner (any) 1 - Solomon Drake?
Engineer (any) 1 - Myrian Sonor? (take it in Electronics)
Mechanic 1 - Myrian Sonor
Sensors 1 - Marissa Ocara?
Medic 1
Comms 1
Astrogation 1 - Marissa Ocara

My guy can take Pilot 1

Lt. Charlotte Kimoto F34 (34) SI HS 6A3855-U

I'll pick Comms 1, just to round out my skill list. While piloting is my specialty, I'm also a fair decent mechanic and can fit in just about anywhere.

Current List:

Pilot (any) 1 - Spazmodeus the Unnamed
Gunner (any) 1 - Solomon Drake
Engineer (Electronics) 1 - Myrian Sonor
Mechanic 1 - Myrian Sonor?
Sensors 1 - Marissa Ocara?
Medic 1 - BenJamin Kas
Comms 1 - Charlotte Kimoto
Astrogation 1 - Marissa Ocara

I would say second choices denoted by ? are still up for potential grabs with definitive selection given to primary indication.

Looks good to me, though I'm really happy to take any of them except pilot and gunner which I have already.

Updated my profile, with Engineer (Electronics) and Mechanic, I'll take them off again if anyone else lays claim.

Looks like we're pretty much ready to go?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Just going to make copies of your character sheets and read through and then we should be ready...
Spazmodeus do you have your alias up yet? If you are not sure how to set it up, just take a look at anyone elses, I think they are pretty much all the same.
Also if I could get just a rough outline of your backgrounds as well, that would be helpful...they do not need to be as detailed as Myrian's, but if you follow her example it will be good! Thanks, just lets me remember what kind of jobs/careers you have had in the past.

Myrian - I notice Zero has its fingers in piracy as well as terrorism. As you worked undercover with them, it is possible that you may have met Marissa in the past couple of years. Marissa retired relatively young, when she started to fear that the pirates wouldn't let her go. It could be that she was fine with smuggling and hijacking freighters and so on, where nobody gets hurt (unless they put up a fight) but that Zero wanted to use her as a terrorist, and she drew the line at killing innocents.

She might have even helped Myrian escape, once she saw what Zero done with her help. She would then have slipped away and hopped a transport, tracking down Myrian and entering the imperium equivalent of witness protection.

Or, there could still be a price on her.

Sorry retconned piracy & smuggling in to try and pull things closer together.

Link sounds good, perhaps you aided me without my knowledge? Realising there was something odd about me and keeping it to yourself until my botch up. At which point you manipulated things in my favour?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator


I was just going over your character and I nticed that, when you moved into the Agent career, you took all the open skills. You actually only get 1 of those skills, not all of them. So you need to go back and remove all but 1 of those skills. Otherwise it looks good.

Oops, thanks for catching that.
realistically I would probably have taken Gun Combat 0, which went up to 1 in term 6, so I've removed them (only really lost Streetwise & Drive)

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Ok here's Spazmodeus' guy.
Just need to do gear, personality, appearance.

Funny, 20 years in the Navy and has no gun or vacc suit skills. LOL

Are we playing out the discharge, or starting in the bar?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

At the bar, if you please

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

testing....having issues' dotting gameplay thread.

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

weird...can post here but when i post to gameplay i get the "you can change your profile name up to 10 posts" message , but it won't take the post...

If you don't mind, I'm going to post 8 more times here to get that condition taken care of.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

dot away....I had that problem once before too...dont know why..

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5


Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

well that didn't help...just shows me a preview
i'll have to contact customer support i guess.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Post as your alias in the recruitment thread...that might do it

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

nice idea, but nope, my posts to gameplay just show me a preview.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hmmm..I do not see you under players either..that is why I thought posing with your alias in recruiting might work...or maybe you need to post more than once??? I really have no is weird though...but we will wait from you to join, have no fears!! Leave no one behind!!

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5

Yeah you only show up as a player once you've posted to the gameplay thread.

Sent a message to customer support, we'll see what happens.
You don't need to wait for me, just assume he's there, just a strong , really silent type :)

@Thaddeus - Not sure what you've already tried, but I've run into 'posts won't go out of preview' even though I'm hitting submit and not preview. I think I've never done anything more than restart my browser, though you may try signing out of the site and signing back in if restarting the browser doesn't work (or try a second browser).

Advance warning, I'm on holiday from 26th Oct and back on the 1st Nov. I'll try and keep up on phone but expect short posts over that period.

Also hope Thaddeus can get his issues with the gameplay thread. wish I had some advice to offer.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

same here...not a problem, post when you can, and if necessary I will move you along

Lt. Charlotte Kimoto F34 (34) SI HS 6A3855-U

Also providing advance notice; I will be unavailable from October 19 through the 27th. I am celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss in Disneyworld!

Thaddeus "Chief" Mora Prot:5 END:3/6 Str:4/4 Dex: 5/5
Solomon Drake wrote:
@Thaddeus - Not sure what you've already tried, but I've run into 'posts won't go out of preview' even though I'm hitting submit and not preview. I think I've never done anything more than restart my browser, though you may try signing out of the site and signing back in if restarting the browser doesn't work (or try a second browser).

Yeah tried all that, even tried with my Spazmodeus alias, can't post to that thread. Grr... waiting to hear back from customer service.

Gratz, Whtknt !!!!

Charlotte Kimoto wrote:
Also providing advance notice; I will be unavailable from October 19 through the 27th. I am celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss in Disneyworld!

Congratulations again!

Lt. Charlotte Kimoto F34 (34) SI HS 6A3855-U

Thank you!

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

I am only going to congradulate you in one thread. So it will be this one since it is the first I see. May you two have a wonderful anniversary, and may there be as little conflict over the tea cup ride as possible.

Not a nitpick but a clarification, when I looked at melee combat before posting it looked like it said STR or DEX (my choice) which is why I would pick DEX over STR. I'm fairly new to the rules though...So I don't want to embarrass myself too badly :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

ok..I was looking at it as STR for the more physical (unarmed combat & bludgeon) skill, and DEX from blades and natural weapons...but I see your point. And no worry about embarrassment..I am new to these rules as well and some are a little vague. What do you think? I was leaning towards the above, but do you think it should be the player's choice in these situations? (Not just this one, but any where there is a choice between 2 attributes)? I am open to debate :-)

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