Dolmenwood Adventures

Game Master Daniel Stewart

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

It is a cool, spring morning that finds our adventurers, Gwomotom Danklow, a Mossling Friar, and Shandor Underbleat, a Breggle Hunter, scouring the marshy forest for a particular plant. Known as Witch’s Purple, Gwomotom has a buyer for the big, floppy-bracket fungi back in the town of Blakeswell. The two met on the other side of the fungal forest known as the Mulchgrove in the village of Orbswallow, the centre of Moss Dwarf culture in Dolmenwood.

It is while the two are rooting about the edge of the fungal forest that another duo stumbles across them. This group consists of Jack Trippler, a Grimalkin Thief and his confidant Trystyn Marryman, the Elven Enchanter. Both recently from the realm of Fairy, they seem to be lost or perhaps just not yet attuned to this world. Whichever it is, they stand watching the Breggle and the Moss Dwarf as they continue to hunt for the elusive plant.

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

Shandor looks at the two newcomers and says, "Gwomotom, we have company." He then waves at the Elf and Grimalken and says, "Hello there."

"Well met strangers, pleasant day today. A breggle and a mossling! Jack & I have always wanted to meet non-human mortals! I remember my tutor teaching about mortals, it was fascinating, part of why we're here actually, if you take my meaning. I didnt enjoy slavery either, but coming here seemed like a good idea regardless. People do like cats."

As he turns to his friend ... the oddest thing ... his eyes seem to flash, and they look exactly like the eyes of a cat.

"Um ... you know you didn't shift, right? You're really just standing there looking like a person who looks like a cat. I know this gentleman Shandor looks like a person who looks somewhat like a goat, but that's actually normal here. We're not."

"oh my goodness, master Geomotom! How brilliant! I would like the costume of a Pluritine Church leader also! Forgive me for asking, but did you steal it or is there a shop where people can buy such things? I should like to fetch one straight away. My parents had mortal clothing, they didn't even glamour it, just wore it, as it was."

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Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

As the mossling straightens up you are glad there is a large growth of fern in his groin area as he doesn't have a stitch of clothing on. The bare patch on his head while strange for a mossling and the holy symbol of the church are the only indicators that he is a friar. He looks at the newcomers and says "Well met. Mortal clothing you say? It itches too much in the wrong places. Somewhere in my sack is my habit. Please don't say you need me to put it on. The sun on me feels so good and I feel so much more energetic."

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

Stepping into the clearing, hearing the Breggle comment to his Mossling companions, Jack freezes his blue fur bristling on neck and head. He quickly looks looks about, his flabby jowls shaking left and right, as if suprised to be seen. As his companion and long time friend Tryst begins to speak two the two strangers. Jack furrows his heavy brows and snub nose. Fastidiously straightening the collar on his black pied doublet, he does not wait for the Mossling named Gwomotom to answer but chimes in. "Greetings transient travelers, May I surmise the advent of two perdurable persons is not too terribly disconcerting."

"Jack! We talked about this! You can't just remind mortals that they're going to die!"


"Once upon a time, before my capture, life seemed to have a rather equitable trajectory. Being here is at least part of our attempt to right our course. But we interrupted you, apologies. Can we help with something?"

Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

Gwomotom looks at the two and scratches his frothy beard, "Help you say? Well, we're looking for Witch’s Purple. I've got a buyer for some and it grows around here. That is if we get to it before the goat. Ya seen any?"

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

Survival DC 5: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Shador looks around and spots some more of the fungi.

Or whatever the Forage check was for.

He then glances back at the other two and says, "I have seen others like you pass through from time to time, but I am not sure it is ever comfortable to meet strangers in the middle of the swamp."

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

Survival: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Looking properly rebuked by his friend, Jack shakes his head answering the Mossy Monk, "I've espied no such Violet Fungus." turning towards Tryst, he looks up to his friend questioningly.

Raising an eyebrow, at Shador's statement, he couldn't tell if the fellow had seen a Grimalkin and elf passing through these mortal woods before ore if he was just being polite. Not that it mattered, seeing the two mortals seemed friendly enough, Jack responds. "Yes folks found in the dark places are often disconcerting."

He puts on his best smile, "This buyer you speak of, would they be an inhabitant of these same woods, or might they be from a burgh or conurbation?"

Trystyn Marryman wrote:

"Jack! We talked about this! You can't just remind mortals that they're going to die!"


"Once upon a time, before my capture, life seemed to have a rather equitable trajectory. Being here is at least part of our attempt to right our course. But we interrupted you, apologies. Can we help with something?"

SURV: 1d6 ⇒ 6

"That? There in all that dirt? That's the thing?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Shandor was able to spot 1d6 ⇒ 1of the plants, while Trystyn's sharp eyes discovered 1d6 ⇒ 5 for a total of 7 usable plants for Gwomotom to take to town (each will fetch 10gp from your buyer).

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

As the Mossling digs the mushrooms from around the roots of the giant elm tree, Jack wrinkles his nose causing his whiskers to twitch. Asking "What does one do with said Fungus? Assuredly, they don't digest them, everyone knows verdure and similar flora are deleterious."

Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

Gwomotom smiles as he spots some of the fungus and collects it. He turns toward the fey creatures and says "Why yes they do. Some people like it's effects and there may be others I don't know of yet."

Survival: 5: 1d6 ⇒ 6

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Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

Shandor shakes his head and says, "It is amazing what different creatures will eat. And what they will not. To think that some are not fond of turnips."

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

As Shandor finishes speaking of turnips, Jacks eyes grow wide and he begins to yack and make loud noises. Eventually hacking up a furball into his paw. He examines it for a moment, then shows it to the others. "fur ball."

Tossing it towards the woods, he continues. "While I find this discourse on vegetables fascinating, let me inquire anew." Speaking slowly as if to be understood. "Is there a town nearby?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator


Witch’s Purple: Big, floppy bracket fungus of deep purple hue and woody consistency. The fungi smell of fine wine and taste of aniseed. If eaten: Brings on a psychedelic state wherein all things appear purple-hued and eyes seem to quadruple in size. The subject’s skin takes on a violet hue for 1d4 days.

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

"Ah...yes. We are heading to Blakeswell to sell these items. It is not too far from here." Shandor says as he motions in the general direction of the town.

"Not to intrude, but could we join you? We have wanted to get to a mortal settlement, and I would like to buy things. I would like food also, cooked by a person."

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

His jowls shaking vigorously as he nods his head in agreement with Tryst requests, Jack, pauses glaring at the elf about the comment of food cooked by a person. They had been sharing the responsibility of cooking and granted, Jack preferred his lunch warm and still squirming, but in his opinion his ability to cook for herbivores had improved greatly over the last seven hundred and fifty years.

Taking his eyes off his friend he looks towards their two new acquaintances and chimes in, "Yes, might we peregrinate with you?"

Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

Gwomotom nods when Shandor points in the direction of the town and says "I'm a cook too so you are in luck. Did you want any of the mushrooms in lunch? Theysmell of fine wine and taste of aniseed. It causes all things appear purple-hued and eyes seem to quadruple in size. Your friend might look truly frightening with eyes that size. It does cause your skin to turn purple for a few days."

Gwomotom Danklow wrote:
Gwomotom nods when Shandor points in the direction of the town and says "I'm a cook too so you are in luck. Did you want any of the mushrooms in lunch? Theysmell of fine wine and taste of aniseed. It causes all things appear purple-hued and eyes seem to quadruple in size. Your friend might look truly frightening with eyes that size. It does cause your skin to turn purple for a few days."

"In all seriousness, yes, absolutely, but at a time when perhaps appearing purple might be more convenient. I think right now, it may be enough that you will walk into town with an Elf; my best & deaerest will need to decide for himself whether he walks in like the rest of us, or 'differently' from the rest of us."

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

"Good company is always appreciated." Shandor says as he looks around to see if he can spot any more of the illusive fungi.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Historian/Curator

Dismal grey trees drip sullenly in the mist. Giant white toadstools encroach from the south. An isolated and near-forgotten village, now subsumed in the rapidly expanding fungal forest of Mulchgrove. Situated beside a stinking, green pool known as the Blacke, visitors cannot ignore the village's awful stench.
Once a thriving mining town, Blackeswell now stands forgotten and half derelict, with only a few stubborn inhabitants remaining. These inhabitants have a slightly green colour to their skin...said to be due to drinking from the stinking bog.

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

"Ah...Blackeswell... It is good to be back to...civilization." Shandor says with a sniff as he looks around.

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Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

Nearing the town, Jack runs off into the bushes. Seconds later a large heavy tom-cat with flabby jowls, Blue fur and a Snub nose appears from the same general direction. Instantly rubbing up against Trytan's leg, he gives a loud purr. Trotting into town behind Shandor he slows slightly, wrinkling his nose as the stench of the town assails him.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Returning to the town, the elf, mossling, Breggle and a large blue-furred cat elicit very little interest from the locals. Gwomotom heads towards what looks like a ruined building, that actually seems to be some sort of dwelling. Knocking on the door, you wait for the owner to answer.

After almost a minute a human wearing what looks like a large green mushroom cap as clothing answers the door. Gwomotom knows this man as Salis, an herbalist and the person who sent them into the wilds to find the Witches Purple.

"Yes...can I help you?"

Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

Gwomotom smiles at the man and says "Salis, I have the Witches Purple you requested. We did pretty good too.!" He then hands over the fungi.

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

As their new friend talks with the human, Jack moves in and out between people's legs, running ahead of making sure the way was safe.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

The strangely dressed human looks over the mushrooms you gathered, muttering to himself.

"This one is a little small....the cap is almost torn off that's a good one..nice and plump.."

After several minutes, he sniffs loudly and pulls out his coin pouch.

Now then..what did we agree upon?? 2 gold was it??"

Male Mossling Friar 1| AC 12| HP 5/5|

Gwomotom chuckles and says "Your memory is fading I think. It was 5 gold per fungus. You might need to lighten up on some of the fungi."

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Historian/Curator

"Errr..yes, that's right...10gp that will be you go! Now don't go and spend it all in one place!! Harharhar!"

With the transaction complete, the door closes and you find yourselves on the street as the day is slowly coming to an end.

Sorry, I was reminded it was 10gp per I just retcon'd it

Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

"Mmmmrrrrrooooowwwwww" Loudly approving of Gwomotom's dealings Jack head bumps the friars leg, then rubs up against it as he heads towards what appears to be an eating establishment.

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

Shandor smiles at the trader as he looks around for any good looking turnips and says, "It was good to do business with you."

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Jack wanders the area, but the overpowering smell of the Blake reins in his olfactory senses..until he suddenly gets the wiff! Heading in the direction his nose tells him, he soon arrives at a large, long building. The stench of the water is taken over by the smell of delicious fish...and fish parts! Several other cats have also gathered, but seeing the great blue tom, they all give way.

A door opens and a faintly green man in a gore-smeared apron holding a bucket exits.

"Here you go my lovelies...don't crowd now...plenty for all."

He begins to empty the bucket which is full of delicious-smelling fish offal. Upon seeing Jack he crouches and gives a whistle

"Well now...what have we here? Greeting my good fellow. Welcome to Blakeswell's fish market. I am Kelvin. Here, try some of our local ya go! Now perhaps a blessing upon me for my sharing of food? Saint's knows I could use it!"

He stays kneeling as if waiting for something to happen.

"In due course one thinks, he does need to eat, but you have our blessing good Kelvin, I am Trystyn, and when he's done gobbling, I imagine you will meet Jack, who I will remind to shake your hand, because that is a thing people do."

Trystyn smiles, only slightly bashfully

"Then I imagine he will start a conversation about gold, because I know he likes gold, and we all like to have more gold, and we thought we helped with something gold-worthy but it will be valuable for him to clarify that because, well, that's his thing. Then I hope we can have cooked fish somewhere, because it does smell good!"

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Male Gromalkin Thief Lvl: 1 Hp 5/5 | AC 17 | Doom: 13, Ray: 14, Hold: 13, Blast: 15, Spell: 15 | spd 40 ft.

Watching the fishmonger and the other felines, Jack pauses. Fish did smell so good, but the idea of feeding, or even worse, begging with mere Cats did give him pause. As Kelvin tosses the bit of fish his direction, Jack realizes Tryst has moved beside him. Twitching his whiskers at this friend, Jack had come into town 'incognito' now his friend was talking about shaking hands with the fishmonger. Breathing a sigh, Jack looks at Trystyn for a moment then turns and responds to Kelvin, "Meow". Hoping the fishmonger was satisfied with the 'blessing' Jack picks up the bit of fish offered and trots off.

Moving to the back of a quite building he gulps down the piece of fish, the then returns to his 'normal' Gromalkin shape. Smoothing out his doublet he tucks his pipe in his mouth and proceeds out from behind the building. Moving near their two newest companions, he asks, "Having had an hors d'oeuvre shall we find an establishment to finish our repast?"

Alertness: 6 Listen: Search: Stalking: 6 Survival: 5 Tracking: 5
Neutral; HP 12/12; AC 16 (17 w/ Shield); D 12, R 13, H 14, B 15, S 16, MR +2;

"Good day Kelvin, has the fishing been good?" Shandor asks the merchant.

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