OotKA Game

Game Master Daniel Stewart

This will be the start of the new adventures of the OotKA

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Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hope you find this!

Ok...am here now dotting

Finally found it!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hurrah. Ok. I will also open the gameplay thread...simply write amything you want there and it will come up on your main page

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok here are the stats for your players

2nd level
25 point buy
1000gp starting money
Any race (run it past me first)
Any class (again run it by me)
a brief background (I will post more info in the campaign section)

That is about all for now...I will probably work up your characters in HeroLab then export them as BCC code for your profiles.

What is OotKA?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

They are a group of players who use to play RL, but have since moved away. I am creating a PbP game for them in hopes we can continue gaming here online..

Female Human Fighter-2

Hi! Here I am!

Female Human Alchemist-2

I'm here too for when things are up and running :)

Female Human Fighter-2

So, my vote is that we know each other already - perhaps met on the road to the keep. Sasha has been acting as a guard for somebody travelling to the keep - perhaps a resupply caravan, or somebody of importance. What would make sense, Dan? Alex, Inamm, what do you think?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Acting as a guard wold be right up Sasha's alley. Most caravans try to be middle-size, large enough to protect itself, but small enough to not attract too much attention. Up to the others how they wish to proceed..

Female Human Alchemist-2

Alex could be a medic for the caravan as a way to make a little money on the way to the keep.

Female Human Alchemist-2

she's kinda a jack-of-all trades. Could help with small repairs, etc. as well

Female Human Alchemist-2

Dan, do we wait until everyone who has initiative goes before us or is it a free-for-all? Just wondering if I post or wait...

Female Human Alchemist-2

just realizing that my post doesn't really make sense...stupid brain! Do I wait until it is my initiative to post?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

you can post your turn if you want...I will post it into an end of turn action report

Female Human Fighter-2

Dan, can you give me an example of what you're looking for here? I've never played like this, or even seen it. Maybe a link to one of your other games? Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Not a problem...here is the link to my kingmaker game. Have a look-see and hopefully you can get a feel for how we do things...or if you have a different way, we can look at that too...


sorry, my real name is the default and i keep forgetting to change it. :(

Female Human Fighter-2

case in point damn it!!!

Female Human Fighter-2

OK, sorted it out, sasha is now my default...

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

lol...no problem...the attack by the dogs was perfect! For Sasha to attack you just make the 2 attacks

Attack #1: [dice]1d20+3[/dice}
Damage: [dice]1d6+2[/dice}

Attack #2: [dice]1d20+3[/dice}
Damage: [dice]1d6+1[/dice}

(note-I did not close the square brackets otherwise you could not see the formula, just the results. You could just cut this and paste it changing the { bracket for the [ bracket.)

Does this make sense?

Female Human Fighter-2

Yep makes sense, just wasn't sure if I had to make any adjustments for off hand weapon, etc...

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

it should be all on your character sheet..also when doing multiple attacks, always format it as attack, then damage, then attack and damage. That way I can keep track easier as to which strike hit and which missed and how much damage they did...otherwise a good start (well except for missing, but the dog got one!!)
Oh..maybe name your dogs so I can tell which one is which...I just have 1 and 2 now.

Female Human Alchemist-2

Dan, did the orc attack Alex with anything or just rush her like a football player? Also, do I have to roll anything for splash damage or is that all you?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

He hit her with his sword. The rushing was just to get close to you and a little colour..it was not a bullrush or anything like that. The splash damage, as I was reading today, will affect anyone within a 5' radius of the hit target. If you roll a miss, then we have to decide where the bomb went and roll splash from there.

Female Human Alchemist-2

Dan, Alex will assess who needs healing the most. Is that a heal skill check? If so then I'll write it in the gameplay with my roll. What DC am I looking for?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

You need a DC of 20 to check for infection and make sure the woound is clean and properly bandaged. This will give the player back 1 hp as well. This is a house rule..hence the DC-20, rather than just a DC-15 for first aid. I see this as going one step further. If you had a medkit, then you could get a +2 bonus, and sew up the wounds as well (another +1HP)

Female Human Fighter-2

oops, just realized that dialogue seems to be in bold. i'll do that next time. Please point out any other formatting conventions that I'm missing! Also if I'm putting stuf as ooc in the other thread that should go here.

Female Human Alchemist-2

I will post today after work...Alex plans to do a little healing. I think that the pitbull and Inamm should get the potions and will suggest as such

Female Human Fighter-2

Ha! Alex is nuts! I like her! :)

Female Human Alchemist-2

Sorry! Guess my last post should have gone here...still getting used to what info goes where...

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

me too...I keep answering in the wrong place...we will figure it out soon enough!!

Female Human Alchemist-2

What areas can we be from? Do you have an even larger map of the area?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Sorry for the delay...work!! grrr..
I will try and post a bigger map, but for now there are a few places that you might have come from that are, somewhat local. There is the local seat of power called Gilfort Manor. The local 'Lord' rules from this small town/castle. Nest is the town of Brayor. It is the economical hub of the area. Closer to the Keep are the two villages of Weststeading and Eaststeading. I can try to give more info of all later, if you want. You can also come from an entirely different Barony if you want, but that would be much more rare. People do not travel much nowadays....

Female Human Alchemist-2

Could just be me but I'm finding the red on the map really hard to read...could you use a darker colour? If it's too much work then don't bother.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

No bother...but when I tried other colours they showed up even worse...I will see what I can do!

Female Human Fighter-2

Sorry for the delay - was visiting my dad and he only has dialup. will catch up today when kids are asleep

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

no problem..

Female Human Alchemist-2

Alex won't do anything else. I'm ok with moving to next day :)

Female Human Fighter-2

Is there anything I should be doing to move this forward?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I was kinda waiting for shelley to post something....I will bump her and get her to add anything, otherwise I will move you to the smithy....

Female Human Alchemist-2

What shops are available to look at? Alex may want to replenish her supplies

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Inaam is seriously looking for things like quick escape routes and dead ends, both at street and roof level. She is also looking at the people they pass to figure out wealth, status. She is trying to surreptitiously eavesdrop on conversations to try and get an idea of things about the Keep that may be interesting, or worse, indicate any overt interest in her personally. She is attempting to do all this while trying to maintain an appearance of a casual newcomer to this Keep. Dan, I do not know what I will need to roll to do all these things:

A) look casual
B) listen to conversations on the street that look promising
C) locate people behaving suspiciously
D) try to figure out if anyone seems overtly interested in her (understanding that her racial characteristics and new status in the Keep will garner some casual interest regardless

Moved these questions here to keep the in-play forum open.

A. Not really a problem, although you are easily recognized as an outsider...most of the people in the keep know each other, so anyone new stands out.
B. That will take either a Knowledge-Local or Diplomacy (Gather Information) roll. You may do either on the in-play forum.
C. Again as a newcomer you will not be able to tell much about the long-term residents, but a Knowledge-Local roll can help you get to know the locals better.
D. Perception rolls can tell if you are being followed, or if anyone seems overtly interested in you. Most of the Keep people will have some interest, even if it is just for current events in the world at large.

Female Human Fighter-2

So, next stop - anywhere in particular? Do we want to roam around so Inaam can do all her fancy checking stuff out rolls? Any particular shop you want to see?

Female Human Alchemist-2

I think the only place that Alex may be able to get supplies would be the general store. None of the other descriptions sounded alchemy in nature. She'd like to check out the general store

Female Human Alchemist-2

Pawn shop could be interesting too...and who could resist a bakery?

Female Human Alchemist-2

Alex will be looking for anything that she can replenish some of her alchemical items ie material components...and possibly something pretty :)

Female Human Fighter-2

Tee hee! Chalk and a bell. Maybe a silver mirror too?

Female Human Fighter-2

Sasha will look through the maps. She'd like one showing the local area around the keep, that looks current. Depends how much it is, though.

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