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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Ok...welcome all! I want to start by getting you all to give me a shout here so I know you are still interested in playing. Secondly I want to go through each of your characters to make sure all is well. I will be copying them into HeroLab so I can track stats and such. I will also be using it for the combat.
So I wait for your arrival!! Also what is a good place to post pictures, information, etc. for you all to be able to access? I want to have lots of player handouts, as well as the exploration map and battle maps. Any suggestions?
See you all soon!!
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Well there are a few things that we need to work on for Kent.
Firstly he will need a bit of a better background. Find a way to get him to Restov, as that is where the game will begin. Secondly, as I am storing the characters on HeroLab, I noticed a few mechanical problems. You can only have 1 specialization for school. Also I need to know what your arcane bond is, an item or a familiar. Lets get that sorted out then move on! Glad to have you aboard.
Kent Unsaid |
![Tablark Hammergrind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/tablark_color.jpg)
He is a Foresight school specialization (associated school to divination).
I have a bounded ring. By the way I have never used hero lab before is there anything special I need to do?
It's not hard to get him to Restov seeing as how he's a world traveler even has a trait for it. He goes all over the place looking for lost knowledge. Any rummors of lost libraries or such in the green belt?
Svetlana Orlovsky |
Checking in here. Also, I have Svetlana on Herolab already, do you want the .por file?
Kent Unsaid |
![Tablark Hammergrind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/tablark_color.jpg)
Added Draconic to languages known because most ancient texts tend to be written in Draconic and the languages does not tend to change over time.
As for background are there any rumors of lost libraries or such in the green belt? Kent is always going after lost knowledge.
Brigid auf Whitehelm |
![Red Mantis Assassin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Cinnabar-the-Impalist_.jpg)
I'm here. Looking forward to the new campaign, and meeting all my fellow players. I still have some gold to spend, but once that's done, I should be ready.
Areanna Delante |
![Mithral Scarab](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/11-mithrilscarab_final.jpg)
*Yawn* phew, I love sleeping till noon hehe. Anyways. Areanna Delante reporting for Duty!
This is my second attempt at Kingmaker so I am hoping we can get more than two pages into the first book.
Anyways, I made my character in Herolab, I am unsure how to send the profile. Everything should be in my profile though.
I've got a lot of free time for a while so I can post a lot.
This character has under gone three evolutions, each for a Kingmaker campaign. I like the finished results a lot but if you still see improvement opportunities to be made, I'll do my best to make use of your opinion and wishes.
Again thanks for letting me join. Here's wishing us a long and fruitful campaign.
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Is there anything I can do to tie Vladimir to the campaign a little more?
I will be filling in your receiving the charter in Restov and your travel from the city to Oleg's Trading Post. If you want to give a brief (BRIEF!!!LOL)summary as how you received your commission on the charter, then go ahead...I will need everyone to do this. Even if i is 'I won a lottery at the adventurers guild hall', or something similar. Otherwise I am waiting for everyone to get here...then a little one-on-one roleplaying with the DM to get us started, then off we go!!!
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Added Draconic to languages known because most ancient texts tend to be written in Draconic and the languages does not tend to change over time.
As for background are there any rumors of lost libraries or such in the green belt? Kent is always going after lost knowledge.
Will update your languages..and if you want there to be a rumor..go ahead and make it. There are all kinds of stories about these 'wildlands', and many are of lost ruins, hidden tombs and such. In our one-on-one intor we can sort that out...
Kent Unsaid |
![Tablark Hammergrind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/tablark_color.jpg)
Once the was a powerful mage named Zanfer who was said to have discovered many kinds of magic and amassed for himself a vast store of knowledge however when he died he elected to have his library buried with in a hidden tomb. It is said that this tomb is somewhere in the greenbelt.
Seem alright?
Just as a note in there are a lot of knowledge based artifacts it you want to add something at some point: Codex of the Infinite Planes, Anathema Archive, Book of Infinite Spells , Book Of the Damned , Revelation Quill , Sihedron Tome , Book of Eternal Necromancy , The Crystal Ball of the Prophet
Kent Unsaid |
![Tablark Hammergrind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/tablark_color.jpg)
I have to ask what does ..... mean? Does in mean a pause so that what you say next is with some trepidation?
Also not so much a wish list sense my Char can't even use Book of Eternal Necromancy or The Crystal Ball of the Prophet. But the other stuff ya wish list.
Areanna Delante |
![Mithral Scarab](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/11-mithrilscarab_final.jpg)
How's my Profile. I figure the wedding I preformed at was in Rustav and from their I got myself recruited into the expedition to keep logs on the journey and do charts. Also to do some entertainment as well. All at Orlovsky's recommendation of course.
That's about how I get placed.
Is there anything else you need flushed out.
Kent Unsaid |
![Tablark Hammergrind](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/tablark_color.jpg)
@Daniel I just want to make sure you understand this, but kingmaker was make under the assumption of 4 unoptimized P.C's with 15 point buy and even then it's a bit sparse*. So what I am saying is do not feel shy about adding stuff in. Kingmaker is not just a sandbox for the players it's a sandbox for the DM as well.
*have not read the path, but have seen a lot of talk on the forums about kingmaker
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Well I was waiting for Ulryk to show up here, but I think I will get the ball rolling. I will send him a direct message to make sure he knows he was picked, but in the meantime, I will post a start for the rest of you. I will let you get to know each other, and once that begins to slow, i will move you on to the next area. And no worries about challenges...I intend to 'beef' some of them up, if needed!
Svetlana Orlovsky |
@Daniel: Thanks for the charter! Pretty cool with all the PC's names on it. Regarding backgrounds, I think Svetlana's has enough to get her to Oleg's with charter in hand, but I can add more if you want. I also had a question: how do you handle AoO's for attempting to trip with a reach weapon (I've seen intelligent minds differ on this). For example, if Svetlana attempted to trip a hobgoblin armed with a short sword that was 15' away from her, would the hobgoblin get an AoO on her? If your answer is "yes", would it be OK for me to tweak the character a tad to adjust?
@Areanna (and any others with a House Orlovsky connection): I see that both our backgrounds have Orlovsky as a common connection. Svetlana is (by birth) an Orlovsky but was disowned for some, um, er, "unseemly" behavior shall we say. I conceptualized the noble house has not so much one big manor with all the family in it but rather a series of blood-connected smaller familes tied together poltically. Still, given both our backgrounds the two PC's would probably at least have heard of each other. Any problem with a tie-in there?
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Hi and thanks...I always like player handouts, so I will be trying to add as many as I can!!
As for the trip. If the hobgoblin it is 15 feet away it cannot have an AoO...its 15 feet away!! LOL. So I guess that is my ruling, just remind me if I forget, but it seems pretty clear to me. Maybe she should pickup improved trip as well, just in case.
As for the connections within the houses - go for it!! I was going to say something about this, but I figured you guys could sort it out yourselves...I don't need to interfere!
Svetlana Orlovsky |
OK very cool, that was my feeling about the AoO's as well, just didn't want to assume.
Another question: how do you add bold and italics text? The other boards I've played on had ways to do this (I tend to use bold for speech and italics for internal dialogue), but am not sure here.
EDIT: disregard last tramission, just saw the "show" button below!
LurkingTyranny |
I saw her skills in her stat block: Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Perception +5, Perform (dance) +7, Perform (sing) +7, Perform (string instruments) +5, Survival -1 (+1 to avoid becoming lost when using a Mapmaker's Kit as you travel)
Out of curiosity, is Kent and Elf or a Human - your profile says human in one place and elf in the other.
Svetlana Orlovsky |
There is: Vlad, but I don't think he's posted in the IC thread yet
Brigid auf Whitehelm |
![Red Mantis Assassin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Cinnabar-the-Impalist_.jpg)
Posting from my phone. Will introduce myself once I get to a proper keyboard. But I agree, we should have a withering amount of archery fire before our enemies close. I'll be able to fight pretty effectively in melee, but my best tricks will be with the bow.
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
Posting from my phone. Will introduce myself once I get to a proper keyboard. But I agree, we should have a withering amount of archery fire before our enemies close. I'll be able to fight pretty effectively in melee, but my best tricks will be with the bow.
Just a note about your character Bridget...you took a bastard sword, but you do not have the feat to use it properly. Do you want to change this??
LurkingTyranny |
Do we need a rogue? We have a Ranger and a Bard, they should be able to help pick up some of the slack in skills we would be missing from a rogue, plus Svetlana seems to be focused on Diplomacy and Bluff as well.
Alternatively, if you think we need a rogue you could post something in the recruitment thread that you are looking for a rogue to fill out the party and limit it to the first three or four applicants.
Regarding Bastard Sword's - Bridget's character can still wield a bastard son I believe, just with a two handed grip.
Brigid auf Whitehelm |
![Red Mantis Assassin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Cinnabar-the-Impalist_.jpg)
Brigid auf Whitehelm wrote:Posting from my phone. Will introduce myself once I get to a proper keyboard. But I agree, we should have a withering amount of archery fire before our enemies close. I'll be able to fight pretty effectively in melee, but my best tricks will be with the bow.Just a note about your character Bridget...you took a bastard sword, but you do not have the feat to use it properly. Do you want to change this??
Good point. I bought the bastard sword (since they can be wielded two-handed as martial), but since I have the gold left over, I should go with the greatsword.
Areanna Delante |
![Mithral Scarab](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/11-mithrilscarab_final.jpg)
As Lurking pointed out, if it is skills we need, I can easily adapt to that with future levels. I get 9 skill points a level and am good with most things aside from wisdom based skills, our ranger ought to be able and pick up wisdom based skills I believe. I was thinking of splashing a level or two of ranger myself but if down the road we are in desperate need of a rogue, I'd considered levels in Rogue sniper archetype myself.
Just putting that out there.
LurkingTyranny |
Alternatively Brigid, you could hold onto the bastard sword and then when you reach 2nd level, take exotic weapon proficiency to utilize it - it with one hand. Though in truth, if you were going to do that, it would make more sense to sub out the bastard sword with an Aldori dueling sword (given the location), since that can be used with dexterity if you also have weapon finece.
Brigid auf Whitehelm |
![Red Mantis Assassin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Cinnabar-the-Impalist_.jpg)
Alternatively Brigid, you could hold onto the bastard sword and then when you reach 2nd level, take exotic weapon proficiency to utilize it - it with one hand. Though in truth, if you were going to do that, it would make more sense to sub out the bastard sword with an Aldori dueling sword (given the location), since that can be used with dexterity if you also have weapon finece.
Certainly an option, but archery is very feat-intensive, so I'll be sticking with the martial weapons for the time being. (Of course, I may change my mind if a particularly cool magic weapon comes along that happens to be exotic.)
Svetlana Orlovsky |
To bad about the rogue, but aside from traps I do think we'll have most things covered. Svetlana can cover all face skills (except Intimidate) plus sense motive and stealth. With the ideas others have presented, we should be fine.
@Daniel: how did you want me to get Svetlana's .por file to you?
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![Dr Davaulus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Queens-Doctor.jpg)
To bad about the rogue, but aside from traps I do think we'll have most things covered. Svetlana can cover all face skills (except Intimidate) plus sense motive and stealth. With the ideas others have presented, we should be fine.
@Daniel: how did you want me to get Svetlana's .por file to you?
If you could just get me a link to it. I actually have them all on my system, and I was going to send a copy to each of you, if that would help!
Svetlana Orlovsky |
Hmmm.....not sure I know how to link to a file, it's just on my computer. I don't really have a place to post it, but am happy to upload it somewhere if you can tell me how. Otherwise I could just e-mail it to you, if that works.
Brigid auf Whitehelm |
![Red Mantis Assassin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Cinnabar-the-Impalist_.jpg)
I just realized every time I wrote "Issian" I was thinking "Iobarian". Furthermore, I think I wrote "Irrisen" a couple times, as well. Bloody I-words. The Inner Sea Guide describes Iobaria as a former nation that has collapsed into barbarianism. Issia is the rugged and harsh region of Northern Brevoy. In a lot of ways, I suppose it doesn't matter, though I was thinking my home village would be a lot more remote. Let me know what you prefer.