
Sir Edmund Pentallion's page

20 posts. Alias of Daniel Stewart.


"Id does for what I need. It is mostly stock. I have not owned it very long, so have not had the time to make any real adjustments."

He does not add that he does not have the money for such additions as well!

Edmund returns to his home and gathers up the rest of his equipment, then desends to the buildings underground parking and, removing the tarp covering it, starts up his Toyota Gopher. He attaches his rifle to the rack behind the driver's seat and pulls out into the evening traffic. In short order, he is back with the others.

"Well now, did not know if we were going far and who had what for transportation. Not a beauty, I know, but one must cope with what one can get" he says, referring to the slightly battered truck.

"If we are dividing and meeting up at a later time, I should like to retrieve my rifle. I have a vehicle and I will give you my access number to the comm I use. You may call when a secure site is established. Ok?"

Retcon to Hawatari's question - sorry for the delay.

The older gentleman looks the slender elf woman and seems to come to a decision.
"I was trained at Sandhurst as a sniper, and those skills have seen me in good standing. Best to kill the fuzzy-wuzzies from a distance, what! For close combat I have this!"
He opens the holster at his hip to show the butt of a Ruger Super Warhawk.

I just underwent further eye surgery and will not be able to make large posts, or may be slow in posting (I can only use my ipad). So please either bot me, or I will try to post. I am also move to a new job in a few weeks, so that is playing merry havoc with things here as well. Moving far north into the Northwest Territories. Should have internet on arrival. Thanks ans sorry for the delays

"Well now, I have not heard such a diatribe since my senior year at Eton! All well said, young lady. I have never needed to use a, what do you call it...street name? My work, up until now, has been legitimate. I hunted. Name the creature and I probably can tell you a story that would set your hair on end. As to all this 'cloak and dagger' tosh, well I am new as a babe to it, and am willing to follow you lead my dear, however I am not some 'rookie' to be ordered about. I have more years in my profession than the lot of you do in life, and I will thank you to remember that and speak respectfully. I am have fallen on hard times, but I will not put up with being treated poorly. I hope we see eye to eye, yes?"

Edmund gets up first and goes to hold the door open for the young lady, as they leave the meet.
"So now where to? Someplace to do a little, what do you Americans call it, oh yes, Leg Work. My place is not too far from here. It is a modest accommodation, but should suffice for the time being. Or would you rather just jump right in and head out into these Barrens of Redmond?"

@ Tentacledone: It not bad, if you want, I can take your HL character and input it for the GM....I have to do mine anyway....

No. Worries. And I loved that game. Lol. Will do it tonight.

I created my character in you want me to reconstruct it in chummer and send you the file?

"Hmm..with so many variables and unknowns, perhaps the pay should be on some kind of sliding scale? Its one thing to swipe the cargo from a group of go-gangers, but quite another to tangle with a corporate response team or one of the big criminal organizations, what!"

Edmund keeps his eyes hooded, but his hand close to his super warhawk, just in case!, he has his pistol, he left the rifle at home....sorry should have specified that!!

Well, well...what do we have here!, Edmund thinks as he reads the message. Clicking the "Accept", he reads the details and smiles to himself.

"Yes, this will do nicely!", he says aloud to the empty room. Going through his closet, he removes his tried and true Ares Big Game Hunter outfit.
Might as well look the part, he thinks as he dresses.

Once outside, he calls a cab, give the address and sits back, relaxed, but aware of his surroundings. When he arrives, he tips the driver a 50 pound note and heads into the somewhat squalid bar.

Once inside, asks for the Edward's Party.

Edmund looks around the "average" condo he is renting in Northgate in Downtown Seattle. The once wealthy nobleman shrugs his shoulders and quietly comments, "It was worth it!"

A man of average height in his later middle years, Sir Edmond moves with the grace of a dancer a fraction of his age. A fortune spent on reconstructing his body after the ravages of time (and a behemoth) had left him a near cripple, the bio and cyberwear has given him a new lease on life. Unfortunately he will now have to work to try and resume his past station in society.
Leaning back and looking out his window, his eyes zoom in on the many visitors to the local Mall. His hunter's instinct picks out those individuals he would consider "dangerous". As the light fades, his cybereyes adapt; first to the low light, then thermographic as night descends. Sipping a mild whiskey, he relaxes and watches the prey go by.

Here is my alias for Sir Edmund.

Starting Money - 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 4) = 14x100 + 2749 = 4149

Ok. Thanks. Was not sure the concept was too much. Best of luck mdt. Always had fun playing with you guys (hi pirate Devon!)

Well I guess I went too exotic with my choice. Please add me to the stand-by list. If I even got a vote that is lol
Have fun everyone. Now I just need to find out what to do with another profile. :-)

Well I can only hope you found my submission unique enough to select me. But everyone is right, there are some very interesting submissions!
Best of luck my fellow petitioners.

mdt: Fixed error in skill points (had perception as +2 trait, and it should have been +2 Ranks). Also broke down HP total, showing Con and FB.

Here is my alias for Shou. I think I have made all the changes you asked for. If not, tell me what need to be altered and I can do it.
