WOIN O.L.D. Game (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Stewart

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Liberty's Edge

Looking to start to see if anyone would be interested in this game? I recently purchased the book and it looks like a very interesting system and I would love to get a chance to try it out. Anyone else interested??

I'm potentially pretty interested, depending on what the actual setting is going to be!

Liberty's Edge

Was looking at a fantasy-ish setting. It is a little bit of a secret, but players will build characters from the Fantasy genre.

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

I'd need a little more details on the setting/campaign style, but yeah, I'd be interested in getting WOIN to the table :-)

Liberty's Edge

The land is made up of various warring city-states. For years the 3 largest have been fighting each other, usually through intermediaries (smaller city-states who own them fealty). Most of these smaller cities barely exist, having little in the way of resources and have come almost completely dependent on one of the 3. Players have been pressed into the army of one of these poor factions and forced out to fight.
That is where we will start. As I am new to this system, I will be learning the ins and outs as we go (I have read the whole thing over, just new to actually playing it!)

Anything else you want to know just let me know. I am just looking for interest right now, I will have much more available if this becomes a recruitment thread.

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Players have been pressed into the army of one of these poor factions and forced out to fight.

Would this affect the races or lifepaths available, or would we be drafted regardless of what we had been before?

Liberty's Edge

Neither race or standing (lifepath) would matter...some may be able to pay their way out of service, but sooner or later all end up paying one way or another.

Liberty's Edge

Thematically the lands are as follows: Germanic-like lands (much like the Empire from Warhammer); Egyptian/Zulu-like territories; and finally a mighty island nation resembling Ireland/Scotland in their presentation.

Oh very cool, yeah I'm super new to WOIN, but I'd be into this.

Liberty's Edge

Well, I think 4-5 players would make a good and manageable party but could go with less if no one else seems interested!

Hey Daniel, I,, nominally interested. Do you have a link to a free/ quickstart set? I’ve checked the WOIN website and Drivethru, but can’t seem to find anything apart from the 12 page preview...

Liberty's Edge

The only other thing I can find is a starter kit, but it looks to be mostly for WOIN N.E.W which is space. There are a few examples and the basics are the same for all games (combat etc).

What I am hoping to do is a sort of 1 0n 1 character generation where we roleplay your careers and options. Sort of like Harn or Traveller (without the death..lol)

SO we would get your stats, choose a race and then your origin and RP from there. I think that will give us all a good understanding of character creation and how certain skills and abilities work.

Liberty's Edge

I will note that most of this world is human and that magic is quite rare. That being said, you are still able to play whatever you want but you will need to understand the hardships you will be in for, that is all.

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Okay - I'm interested :-)

I will say that I'm particularly intrigued by WOIN's magic system, so I'm glad that's not off limits! Is magic going to be kind of a "Burn the Witch" sort of deal socially speaking?

Okay I am interested as well!

Liberty's Edge

Ok, just a few more and I will switch this over to a recruitment thread...

Liberty's Edge

Magic is viewed in different ways depending on where you are.

In the north, you could be considered a witch if not sanctioned by the city-state, or if you are you most likely are considered a valuable possession tightly tied with one of the ruling families. In the dark Boreal forest of the north, rumour holds that small enclaves of elves and dwarves may have users of magic within them. Occasionally an attack on woodsmen or a patrol will report magic-using enemies, but they are far and few.

In the south, most of their wielders of magic are considered holy men and women with divine-gifted abilities. They are afforded great respect, even by the rulers of the Cities. In the far jungles, wild "shamen" and "witch-doctors" are rumoured to exist, but if so, they are rare and do not venture far from their forest homes.

Finally, the most magically active people are from the island to the east. It is thought this is where magic was first practiced. The island is thought to be overrun by wizards, sorcerers and summoners, but the truth is that magically active individuals are only slightly more common here than anywhere else. The biggest difference is that the City-state here actively recruits magically active people into their bureaucracy. These people are trained in "wizard schools" and owe their loyalty and position to the rules of the City-States. On the mainland, the method of teaching is still a master/student and each harbours their own secrets.

Which Island is which with North/South/East as far as the Germanic, Egyptian, and Ireland/Scotland influence goes?

Liberty's Edge

I will add a map with the proper names and such, but the Island is the Irish/Scot-like place, the Egypt is south and the germanic to the north.

Liberty's Edge

Ok...switched this up to a recruitment threat. Will keep it open for a few weeks, but as of now if you have posted here and want to play, you are in! Just send me your "OK" and we are off to the races. As I said before, the character generation will be done between you and I and will include some RP elements for your background. All you really need to do is choose a race and from where you wish to be from.

Watching with interest - I backed the WOIN Judge Dredd & World of 2000AD Kickstarter - still getting my head round the system but I plan to run a Mega City One Judge centric game down the line.

Apologies Daniel - hopefully not hijacking your thread - am just curious to see what kind of interest your game gets (and also how the game plays out in action) - looks a cool concept.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Black Dow...not a problem...it is an interesting system so I too am looking to see how it all works and such. Did you want to join us?

Honestly chief - my dance card is pretty full (as you well know) so I'll politely decline and watch developments from the wings :)

Appreciate the invite nonetheless.

I'm in, thinking of being a Grand Elf from the North, something of a Mage Hunter, tracking down unregistered witches.

Liberty's Edge

That sounds promising! Under the Campaign tab, I will add information about the world as well as some rules we will use (like those for character generation)

All of you can go ahead and choose a homeland: Rinthungi (The North), Ankhu (The South) or Darini (The Island). Then choose a race and your origin, or starting class. There is a list of steps in the campaign tab to help you, or you can ask me and I can give you all the info...whatever you like is fine with me, but stop after you pick your origin as this is where we will pick it up together.

Clear as mud...lol

Ok I am ready for character creation.
I just do not know how this all works. I could imagine a dwarf magic user or a human fighter.

Ok, I'm in - a human Darini, former or current and escaped slave in Ankhu. I'll need help from there. A martial of some kind..., at least until the character and I learn the magtic system.

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

I'm thinking an Ankhu Minotaur Acolyte - are there any starting assumptions I should take a look at as far as the faiths of the setting? Or is this a bit of a tabula rasa in that respect?

Liberty's Edge

The Pantheons are as follows:

Rinthungi: The people of the north follow a monotheistic religion that worships the god Hast. The great cathedrals to Hast can be found in every city centre and one day a week is given over to worship. The church is commanded by the Grand Bishop and the Council of Curates. All other religions are considered heresy and punishable by torture and death. The Scarlet Inquisition is constantly on the watch for foreign corruption and many visitors to Rinthungii cities have fallen afoul of the church.

Ankhu: A polytheistic people, the main gods and goddesses of the Ankhui people are as follows:

Asu - Sun god and chief of the pantheon.
Ippon - Moon Goddess and protector of women and children. Wife of Asu.
Zarast - Lord of the Wastes and Storms. Brother of Asu and giver of magic.
Kanna - Goddess of the springs and oasis. Also worshiped by the Jungle People in a more savage incarnation.

Darini: Also a polytheistic people, their gods are considered great heroes of myth who transformed into gods.

Danu - god of the sea
Corris - female deity of magic and the night
Petra - female deity of women and the land
Minster - God of War

Liberty's Edge


Note your starting attributes (each attribute starts at 3, except for Magic and Reputation, each of which starts at 0).

2. Choose a race.
a) Apply race attribute adjustments.
b) Note your Size.
c) Choose three racial skills.
d) Note all the listed race exploits.

3. Choose a hook, and note it in your descriptor.
a) Choose one attribute related to that hook; this is called your hook attribute.

At the top of each character sheet is a descriptor. This is a short introductory character summary. For example, Selena’s reads:
a brilliant Human Firemage who loves to gamble
The descriptor is made up of the following elements, some of which are not always used.
a[n] [age] [trait] [race] [career] who/with [hook].

Trait. The trait is the name of a special ability defined by a character’s lowest or highest attribute (see the section on traits, later).
Age. The age entry is only used if the character is younger than adult or older than middle-aged. You may choose a synonym you like for “young” or “old” (adolescent, youthful, aged, mature, etc.); age can give you a free exploit (see the section on age below).
Career. The career entry can be one of two choices. It can be the character’s current career, or it can be the character’s longest-serving career. If the longest-serving career is not the current career, it should be prefixed with “ex-” (for example, an ex-Inquisitor or an ex-Soldier).
Hook. A character’s hook is a broad background, skill, or area of interest chosen by the player. It can be anything, but it’s designed to round out the character with personality, interests, or hobbies. For example, a player might choose “...who enjoys hard liquor,” or
“...who has a taste for romance,” or even “...who collects insects as a hobby”.

Next choose an origin career from the following:

Farm Hand
Slave Urchin
Wizard's Apprentice

Liberty's Edge


I do not see a playable minotaur in the basic book, so I will have to say no. Just the races and careers in the basic book. I did add a few new origin classes to the basic book (see above spoiler for those)

@Daniel could you list all playable races and classes and a quick overview please!

Liberty's Edge


Sounds good...do you have a character sheet you are filling out? I added one to the campaign page for you to download.
Great idea for a character, so his origin could be:

Acolyte, Apprentice, Bastard, Chosen One, Farmhand, Feral, Noble, Nomad, Wanderer, Primitive, Urchin, Villager, Wizard's Apprentice

Liberty's Edge

Races - Sylvan Elf, Human, Mountain Dwarf, Orc, Ogre
Origins - Acolyte, Apprentice, Bastard, Farmhand, Noble, Urchin, Villager, Wizard's Apprentice

Races - Human, Mountain Dwarf, Orc, Ogre
Origins - Apprentice, Bastard, Chosen One, Farmhand, Feral(Jungle), Noble, Nomad, Wanderer, Primitive (Jungle), Urchin, Villager

Races - Human, Grand Elf, Mountain Dwarf, Smallfolk
Origins - Acolyte, Apprentice, Bastard, Chosen One, Farmhand, Noble, Wanderer, Urchin, Villager, Wizard's Apprentice

Daniel Stewart:
So I sort of... plotted out almost all of it because I'm very new to this game and wanted to make sure the paths I was taking went in a direction that worked, and didn't lock me out of the end goal of being an Inquisitor. Link. I thiiiiiink I did it all right? But let me know if something is wrong. Obviously we can still break it down and do RPing about different bits!

Daniel Stewart:
What is a chose one? And a Bastard? And how does a noble play?

Liberty's Edge


Bastard: You were brought up by a family, but you never really belonged and had to learn to fit in.

Chosen One: There was always something special about you. You are prophesied, with a destiny greater than yourself.

Noble: You had a privileged upbringing surrounded by luxury.

A noble can either come from a lesser titled family, or wealth merchant clan. While these people may be able to dodge the recruiters for a time, they will eventually be tracked down and usually forced into the most menial or dangerous positions.

Liberty's Edge


There are a few things about your character that, while not wrong, do not actually fit with the world-view. Firstly Inquisitors would follow a religious route, not one of a wizard, so origin would be either Chosen One or Acolyte. Secondly, only one church actually uses Inquisitors and that is the Rinthungi followers of Hast. Grand Elves are only found on the island of the Darini as well.
You would need to change a few things, therefore to become an inquisitor, unfortunately. This is kinda why I wanted to go through this part together so we could tailor the character to what you would want. That being said, if you changed his origin to either chosen one or acolyte and took your first career as a cleric or druid, then we could work something out in RP from there. How does that sound...I do not want to squash your ideas, so let me know truthfully and we will move forward...I want you to have fun!!

Daniel STewart:

Then I would like to play a dwarven Noble

Daniel Stewart:
Ah, that's good to know! And yeah, why I wanted to block some of it out ahead of time. Let me think about it a bit - I'm not as into the religious angle, so I might go with something different.


I am going to lurk on this. Very interested to see how this works out had some interest in WOIN. The world sounds very interesting.


Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Ah, I was just going off the SRD :-)

Not a problem, happy to angle away from a minotaur... Though that may tweak other things to since I was definitely just building towards the aesthetic of a priestly minotaur in a cotton kilt with a long braided uraeus...

Okay - Next pitch!

Instead going for a Rinthungi swordswoman who secretly possesses magic, but plays it off as unusually good fortune to avoid the inquisitors

How integrated are Orc and Human society up in the North? Like - Orcs are on the playable list, but are they essentially Kill on Sight in polite society?

Liberty's Edge


The orcs had a very advanced society before the coming of the elves and dwarves to Iuria. They were driven almost into extinction by these groups, then the humans arrived and basically did the same to the elves and dwarves. In many aspects, the orcs are considered even lower on the social scale than elves and dwarves but are very valuable as house troops. I view them much like Roman legionnaires in their structure and military ability, but with a very strong sense of honour. Their hatred of dwarves and elves has long disappeared as the orcs see them all as 3rd class citizens (even if the other 2 groups do not). Most humans 'rank' above all the demihumans and most look down on them as a group, but individuals will vary. This is the attitude in the North only. Ankhu and Darini have different responses to their nonhuman citizens.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Jack!! Good to see you here. Would love for you to hang around and see how things work, or if you want to make up a character (you don't actually have to play...the experience will be good for all of us!! But you are more than welcome to play as well!!)

Liberty's Edge


Sounds good...now do you want to be an actual titles noble (like a baronet or count) with lands and such or more of a wealthy business family with just a title for show? Also which city-state are you looking to dwell in? You can get down all the basics, then take a look at the available careers for your location and we can move forward from there. Sound good?

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Hmm... So I like the secret natural magic user idea, but there don't seem to be good careers for that... I think I'll just start off with her as an Urchin and then see where things go from there.


I could have sworn I wrote something!
I would like to be a Thane´s son, a true nobles son. From the city state of Ankhu . Where can I check the careers?

Liberty's Edge


Two quick questions: What country are you from and what race have you decided on? Here is the info for your origin character level and we can work you towards becoming a mage if that is what you want.

So you started out your life as one of the many unwashed street urchins found in any of the city-states. Your parents, if you ever knew them, were taken away to fight in one of the many battles that are constantly forming between the various cities. Left to fend your yourself you survived by being smart, quick and vicious when needed.

Urchin (2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2) + 6 = 13years)
A rough childhood on the streets taught you how to survive.
Prerequisites: none.
Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, END +1, LUC +1
Skill Choices (choose 2): perception, [performance], running, stealth,survival, thievery
Life on the Streets. Accustomed to sleeping rough, you heal a bonus 1d6 Health each day.

One day, when you should have been out scrounging food, you decided to follow an old man you had seen several times wandering your neighbourhood. He seemed extremely fragile and it surprised you that none of the local thugs had cracked his skull and robbed him. You follow him back to his home...a small shack leaning up against a squalid tenement.

Liberty's Edge


Raised in the house of a Thane, one would think you had it all...money, safety and comfort and while that might be true, you also had something lesser citizens did not, Duty!

So it has always been in your family, that the city asks and the Thane delivers. A badge of courage they say when the youngest and brightest are sent to war...a duty to repay your elevated class and status the rules announce as they pluck the son's and daughters from their homes and thrust them into the forefront of whatever battle they have going on at the time. If they survive and return home, then a new generation of nobles, battle-hardened and war-wise take the place of the old and the circle begins all over again.

Noble (2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 = 11)
You had a privileged upbringing surrounded by luxury.
Prerequisites: none.
Attributes: LOG +1, CHA +1, LUC +1, REP +1
Skill Choices (choose 2): [artistic], [gaming], carousing, linguistics, leadership, [performance], religion, swords
Silver Spoon. Your wealthy upbringing means that you start play with 1,000 bonus silver pence and a superior quality set of clothing.

Raised in the heat-seared hill of the Drakken Massives, the city of Kha is home to your father's house. As the Thane of a great house within the city, you are awarded many benefits that the dirty masses can only dream of. Unfortunately, like them, you are also a 'slave' to the City-State and when the call comes, you too must answer.

Do you think you have room for one more? I've been following this thread for a while. And I even downloaded the O.L.D. pdf. And have been reading the character creation.

I was thinking either a human burglar or an assassin who got pressed into service, likely due to being caught.

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