![]() Also, if you take the Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) You can start getting bonuses to your Strength at level 11 with another feat. So that's nice. If you want to maximize your rounds of Claws (and bite when you get to level 2 DD), carry a Polearm or two, and use it when you cannot full attack and for attacks of opportunity. When you get into the thick of it, drop the polearm and full attack. If you want to cast spells taking one hand off the polearm and casting is a free action, and putting your hand back on the polearm is also a free action. Just because you have a weapon of choice doesn't mean you shouldn't have a back up as well. ![]()
![]() If you are looking for a BBEG with a little more of a unique flavor, I'd go for a Veiled Master. These creepy aberrations have direct ties to Aboleth who have long desired mastery over mankind. Having a bunch of Symbol spells and escape options like teleport and dimension door along with a detailed understanding of the maze and Fast Healing would be really rough for a party to track down in a place like this. ![]()
![]() Okay, after eating too much for the holiday and contemplating Swordlord awesomeness, I have a submission. I know there were a couple more Swordlord aspirants out there, good luck to you guys. "Alecksi the Ostentatious " Alecksander Paveldrago
Three sentences: Believing he has something to prove, Alecksi trained on his own very hard to become excellent with the Aldori dueling sword so that when he came of age he could win back the respect he believed his family was due. He called in some favors to get assigned to explore the greenbelt after he was excluded from a local tournament on a technicality of his heritage as opposed to his actual skill, which despite being untrained rivals and surpasses others of his age. He desires to prove himself and the honor of his mother who used to claim that a one night stand with a Rogarvian prince was where the child came from because of which they have suffered economic and social hardships. ![]()
![]() It's in the Inner Sea Primer. Thanks for the Link, nightdeath. There's a prestige class in Paths of Prestige too. It's available to look at on the d20PFSRD I might just go with a classic duelist if I have to, I always did like those. ![]()
![]() I believe that you cannot cast animal growth on a wildshaped druid. It would be like stacking two polymorph effects, which doesn't happen by the rules. Another thing that doesn't happen by the rules is adding templates to creatures you can turn into, but I can see that the intent was that you could, otherwise the author of that particular archetype wouldn't have included Roc in the text of the wildshape ability. I'm sure most people would allow a houserule to fix the issue if an errata cannot be found. It certainly would make the Eagle Shaman more playable. If your plan would be eventually to grab and drop, you will want a high strength. This is not only for carrying capacity but it's difficult to make a dex based grappler. I'd actually go Barbarian with Strength Surge for added success on the initial grapple, then moving half your speed and dropping enemies would be really fun. The problem with this is the amount of flying creatures you will run into later in the campaign, but at least you are still a Giant Bird and can get some decent attacks. Another option would be Lore Warden for the bonuses to CMB, but that does take a bit more time to get going. ![]()
![]() The half elf's eyes flitted over the crowd as his card gets ignored. Perhaps the bartender didn't read. That could be a problem. He closed his eyes and thought of a solution that didn't involve him opening his mouth and speaking. A bead of sweat popped onto his forehead as even the thought of initiating conversation made him feel hot. He reached over and turned the card over, and there was then a picture of a fish and a frothy drink with a bee over it. Perhaps that would do. He turned away from his nemesis and scanned the room. Two elven bards, a tattooed elf, and an elf with golden eyes. In his entire life he'd never seen so many. He was several leagues closer to Kyonin than where he grew up so the opportunity was definitely there. Their noble stature and easy going nature along with their musical voices must make it so easy for people to be with them. It's no wonder his mother was taken captive of their charms. But Pavel was unnoticed so far, and it suited him fine. The one thing he was terribly curious about was how the golden-eyed elf could be of a family that bred houses. Perhaps it was a local expression for carpentry? Elves were sure mysterious. Elsewhere in the bar was the noisy goblin. He was definitely entertaining to the crowd as well, as the rest of the people there didn't seem to fear him. There was either slight annoyance or amusement, so it seemed he didn't really pose a danger and might be known in these parts. There was also a halfling who ate quickly and spoke even more quickly. He didn't exactly know why but just having that small man nearby was enough to give him a small measure of comfort to his anxiety. There were also a couple of human swordsmen holding themselves with the stature of training, and he wondered where they might have received their instruction. He might have topic of conversation with them, or perhaps they could cross blades for some sparring. It would certainly beat talking to them. He hazarded a smile as he caught their eye and gave a nod of respect. ![]()
![]() Pavel walked in without making much of a fuss, not like he made a fuss much of anywhere. The tavern was noisy and lively and so he immediately felt uncomfortable. Oh that he were in the library with books a plenty that were quite polite and stayed upon their shelves until they were reached for instead of loud, immediate and pungent. But adventure called and he was here to answer. He strode across the room with purpose and sat down at the bar, the studs on his leather armor shining in the candlelight. He carried two Aldori Swords, one on his back and one on his hip. His brownish hair and blackish eyes helped him wash into the crowd without much notice with his unhandsome but not quite ugly face. Most everything about him was unremarkable in some way. He pulled a card from his vest pocket and laid it upon the bar with a flourish. The card itself had some writing on it... Fish and mead,
He slid the card toward the bartender and turned to his left, placing an elbow on the bar and keeping an eye out toward the room. Perhaps there would be someone here with whom he could join up. There was much good to be done, it was just a matter of where. ![]()
![]() Okay. After days of struggle I finally gave in and made a Magus. It just seems like what needs to happen. Pavel Winter: Whispers in the dark assailed me by night. I heard the voice of the blade for as long as I could recall. It spoke to me, longing for release, and my heart resonated with it’s pleas for freedom.
Pavel Lodovka- Half elf Magus (Bladebound/Kensai) Traits: Sword Scion, Style Sage, Magical Lineage (Frostbite), Elven Reflexes
Stats: 12, 16, 12, 18, 14, 7 Skills: Knowledge Arcana 8, Dungeoneering 8, History 9, Planes 8, Perception 5, Spellcraft 8
history and personality:
Pavel Lodovka was the result of an indiscretion of youthful lusts. Not having the heart to destroy or abandon the child, his mother agreed to keep the boy in the back of the manor far from prying eyes. Of course it only accentuated the rumors but he lived a very quiet solitary existence from the start. Servants often found him talking to himself, but he would always grow silent when they approached him. Despite all this, he was a bright boy learning to read early and he became enamored with books and stories of heroes, and enjoyed the family history as well. The Lodovkas had been around much longer than Brevoy and had many stories about great deeds and heroic rescues and the like, and it wasn’t long before he was swinging a fireplace poker, vanquishing invisible foes. Despite his desire for heroism he was painfully shy and no one even knew that he was even interested until he submitted a formal request for a sword tutor on the family stationery. The family head was amused enough by the seven year old that he made it happen. As the boy grow his abilities did as well. Not only a burgeoning master of the sword, he was able to study and master rudimentary magic as well. Before too long he was interested in gaining prestige to the south and making a name for himself. He also requisitioned an old war trophy his great grandfather had liberated from a Swordlord he had defeated in a duel. Since the piece was old and rusted and not particularly good for display, the family granted it to him along with a few traveling necessities and sent him on his way. He was grateful to the kindnesses of his family, but he did not wish to be a burden to them any longer. As he traveled south he discovered the plans to explore the stolen lands. The half elf petitioned to be allowed to join the expedition as to achieve his own goals. He knew it would be difficult and dangerous, but that’s what heroes overcame. He changed his Surname to Winter as to not bring shame to his family if he should fail. Personality: Pavel is a quiet, shy person who longs to do wonderfully heroic things. Helping explore territory that has long been in the hands of people who have preyed on civilization is something he would love to take care of. He will help with anything he can, and is diligent in his work, and fears nothing but public speaking. Blackblade: Haunted with the spirit of a vengeful and defeated Swordlord, this blade by the name of Stanislav hungers for the destruction of the nation of Brevoy and the return of Swordlords to their rightful place. Ages had passed and trouble come and gone, and the old blade had been poorly taken care of for years until it found a fresh-faced Lodovka who might be influenced. Talking to him was easy since he was so lonely, and as an impressionable youth, he was stirred with stories of old. He was able to get him to leave home despite his nature and even found a way to get rid of that wretched Issian name. Perhaps he could be a tool of vengeance, or perhaps bring him to hands that were eager for the same work. notes: I liked the idea of having an intelligent Aldori Sword, and this was the best way to accomplish it. I'm playing as if he were intelligent from the start, and isn't evil, just ambivalent to all but his goal, more of a CN alignment, just for the sword. Pavel would be a really nice, shy person.
I've also never played anyone shy, and thought it would be a unique opportunity. I didn't really have to have a dump stat, I just went with it. With that Charisma, I have given up on regency, but I knew that such a person would do well in a variety of roles. Also, I might switch the Frostbite Magical Lineage to something like Force Punch. I still haven't fully decided on the spell list. ![]()
![]() An Angel of Death Aasimar "Killing Me Softly" Bard could have deadly performance at level 14. And I'm kind of disappointed you don't have a sniper/assassin. I'd go with a Wayang Alchemist with a MoMS dip for Kirin Strike for exceptional long distance death capability using explosive missile and targeted Admixture. And he creates disposable copies of himself for suicide missions if need be. Spoiler: Alchemist 10, Master of Many Styles 2, 20 pt buy, level 12 8 18 12 18+3 lvl +4 Alcemical +6 Headband 12 7 Feats: 1 Point Blank Shot, 3 Deadly Aim, 5 Rapid Shot, 7 Rapid Reload (Light Crossbow), 9 Precise Shot, 11 Improved Unarmed Strike, Kirin Style, Improved Precise Shot 12 Kirin Strike
He can go with the Cognotogen for extra damage on the hit, or Mutagen for the difficult shots. He can up this with Cat's grace and Fox's cunning for extra benefits. Saying he's completely buffed, with equipment he has a +10 to his Int, which due to Targeting Admixture counts four times with a hit. For 1d6(bolt)+5d6+10(bomb)+10(Targeting Admixture)+20(Kirin Strike)+6(Deadly Aim). Then get him Slaying and Bane Bolts and have some fun sniping. ![]()
![]() The original Christmas story has loads of room for adventure. There is an evil foreign king intent on killing the prophesied new born rightful Aasimar ruler of the land. He even goes so far as to proclaim an edict that all children under two years old should be killed. There could be a lot of fun in saving those children, helping the baby king escape, and fighting evil henchmen backed by demonic influence. There's room for plenty of NPCs like the Three Eastern Magi who need to escape too, a collection of Halfling Druids with bonded Sheep, and a host of Trumpet Archons with a Star Archon in command. ![]()
![]() For an undead practitioner of Wrath, there's nothing better than a ghost. But I'd use it for Pride/Illusion. Why? Best part of a ghost is that they come back like a lich, but they don't have a phylactery, so you can trick them like that. They also keep more of their appearance than a lich would, so they can stay beautiful. A Vampire would work too, but you need a ghost 'cause they are nice and tricksy. Making this one of their first battles, it can actually come back later teamed up with another guy if they don't take care of him properly. Ghosts work best for story too, and the best ones don't know they are dead. And a pride ghost not knowing they are dead is really awesome. They've fallen prey to their own illusions, they don't know that they just aren't amazing spellcasters with unnaturally long life. The only way to beat them for good is to show them that they are dead. So the party bard or anyone with good talky skills can finish them off. Or, perhaps a mirror, all which have been smashed already in the area, which brings me to my next point, setting. Have the place the ghost is at be either an abandoned mansion or theater. The point is you need lots of statues about. Now, I don't know about you but in our home group, statues freak the heck out of our parties because of golems and constructs constantly posing as statues, so make all the statues normal, well maybe except one. I like the mansion the most due to the many rooms they can float through, multiple floors as well, just to be irritating to those with short term buffs. As for minions, shadows and greater shadows are great, air elementals, invisible stalkers and a invisible dirge bard to declare the caster's greatness and his enemies doom. Also, traps. Invisible walls covering pits with gray oozes at the bottom, Invisible boulders crashing down stairs, Invisible walls of force popping up when you trigger a plate. Make your Rogue work. Load up on the shadow spells. I mean seriously. Shadow evocation, shadow conjuration. Keep them chasing shadows and maybe have a few shadows summoned as well to keep them on their toes. Nothing bothers people than hordes of shadows. Especially your melee practitioners. ![]()
![]() I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to bail on you. I didn't think I'd get picked up on another PBP I signed up for, and I really don't have time for both. I think that bowing out now while you still have some interested parties is a good plan, as it will save you the making of a new thread in a couple weeks when I'm burnt out. This really was looking to be an awesome AP, and I was working out a steampunk/Mysticism way to make the Paladin work, but I'm just bonking my head against the wall knowing I'm overcommitted. I apologize for the tease. Have a good game. ![]()
![]() If you can be convinced of a 4 level dip into Druid, you can take the feat Shaping Focus and turn into Huge Dinosaurs by level 8 (Allosaurus is one of my favorites with grab, rake and pounce and a bite that has a 19-20 crit, but Behemoth Hippo is good for vital strike builds). Getting the Domain instead of the Animal Companion is just fine, and then you also have access to stuff like low level healing and Barkskin. If you just want to be big for Melee Prowess and can be patient, you can always check out a dip into Living Monolith prestige class as well. ![]()
![]() I might be interested in a Spell Sunder build for a Barbarian. I think it would do wonders to have the ability to break some spells. That is, if you think it fits the campaign. I'll try to have a build up by morning. Edit: now I want to build a paladin and aim for Ultimate Mercy early entry. I've always wanted to to that. Dang it, I'll have something for you in the morning we will see which inspires better. ![]()
![]() RainyDayNinja wrote: I'm actually hoping someone will submit a Shaman, because you could use a healer, and it seems like one of the more complicated classes. The hunter and the Investigator with the Infusion Talent can both heal reasonably well. If we put some of our resources into Wands of Cure Light and a few other emergency potions and such, we should be fine. ![]()
![]() I'll make a alias if chosen. Bloodrager: Lorkov Petulankor
CG Half Orc Bloodrager 10th level Abyssal 16+2race+2lvl
HP 94 Traits
Skills: Intimidate 15, Perception 13, Survival 13 Spells Known- 5,4,2 1st- Shocking Grasp, Feather Fall, Mirror Strike, Weapon Wand, Ray of Enfeeblement 2nd- Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Brow Gasher, Ablative Barrier 3rd- Vampiric Touch, Haste
Lorkov grew up mean on the streets of Absalom, not knowing his past or his parental heritage, doing whatever he could not to just survive but to be on top. He loved to fight, to destroy, and to cause heartache. He became a gang leader and fought to carve out his little kingdom there on the streets. He was the worst sort of leader, arrogant, dumb, and strong enough to bully his way past most troubles. Until she came along. She was a half-elven cleric of Shelyn, and she didn’t take crap from anyone, especially him. He fell in love instantly because no one else had really stood up to him that was smaller or without power. It fascinated him, it intrigued him, he wanted her completely. He found out that she was a part of that Pathfinder society, and so he left his gang and joined up. Eventually he won her respect, not due to his brains, but to the fierceness of his resolve, and partly to prove to her parents that the power of love could change even the worst sort. He carries a small portrait with him wherever he goes, and few tease him about it, as they don't want to incur his wrath.
![]() StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement. I'm describing my experience with it, and you say, "No"? As if I didn't experience it? How wonderfully dismissal of you. Just because it was better before doesn't make it useless now. Our Multiclassed Barbarian/Ranger carved through the scores of enemies flung against us, and as our primary damage dealer, she would get at least one extra attack per encounter, or more if we were attacked by 4-5 creatures. Several times, as they would approach, she would get an attack of opportunity on one and then be able to kill it as the second one closed when she was able to one-shot it with a crit, killing half the encounter before she got a turn and finishing it when she did. It's a perfectly viable feat you can use to get extra attacks if you aren't going Beast Totem, and some people will not do that for flavor, or due to multiclassing. And it's useful at lower levels than 10, which you spend at least half of your time in any given AP, and more so in PFS. Also, if you receive Enlarge and have Lunge, your reach is amazing and you can hit bad guys that are twenty feet or more. Extra Attacks are extra attacks, and Cleaving finish is superior to your version because you always get your extra attack at your Highest Attack Bonus and it doesn't specify that you cannot take a 5' step. Now I can understand that YMMV, especially if you aren't doing more than 4 encounters in a day, but if you have a GM that brings the minions it's worth the investment to preserve the resources of the group. I also made mention of the feat because in the guide, it didn't. It did mention Cleave, and it mentioned Improved Cleaving Finish, which isn't worth it, but it left out Cleaving Finish. I'm not even arguing that it's a must have, but rather that it should at least be mentioned if Cleave is mentioned because it's better than Cleave, even the Cleave that was, and if retraining isn't an option, this is a way to make it useful. ![]()
![]() As a GM, I wouldn't authorize the Magic Jar method for Blood Money. It specifically says in the spell description that you must cut one of your hands. You don't change identity in the Magic Jar or the Marionette Possession spells, so your own hand (that lifeless body over there) still needs to be cut for the spell to work. I'd also rule the Ring of Inner Fortitude that would prevent the strength damage would also prevent the spell Blood Money to create the components necessary for the spell. Blood Money specifically says that those Immune to Damage cannot use the spell to create expensive components, so it would logically follow that if you used some method to prevent damage you also wouldn't receive the components. ![]()
![]() As it's Desna's favored weapon, you can also get Guided hand and use your wisdom to hit with both ranged and melee and have it be your main casting stat, and get heavy armor proficiency. It is comparable to the dagger, and as it has been said, is similar to the dagger in it's crit range. The higher crit does make it better at Coup de Grace, and it just plain looks cool. It's plenty awesome, and it's versatile. ![]()
![]() Freezing Sphere is the choice for several reasons. With the Magical Lineage trait, you can quicken the Sorcerer version and you get that for free with Spell Perfection. Secondly, it fits your bill for quicken from the sorcerer end, and finally you can hold it as a touch spell which means you get another casting of the spell for 4 in a round. Just make sure you've protected yourself versus cold. Both Resist and Protection from energy should keep you from dying from your own spell. In order to get 6th level Sorcerer and 7th level Cleric, You need 13 levels of cleric and 12 (13) of Sorcerer so an early entry isn't actually necessary, but it can still save you some levels. Also... Fire blooded sorcerer? No. Crossblooded Draconic/Orc, Yes. Crossblooded is the best way to go for the Mystic Theurge blaster because you have a whole heap of spells available from your cleric levels, and because you aren't interested in versatility with a one spell focus.
Traits, Magical Lineage, Noble Scion (war) 1. Spell Focus Evocation
Level 15 Archon-Blooded Aasimar Mystic Theurge, CB Sorc Draconic/Orc 1, Cleric 3, Bloatmage 1 (Pharisma, Ice/Healing) CL Cleric= 21
80d6+160 (~420+Rime) Needed gear- Page of Spell Knowledge level 6 (Freezing Sphere)*not needed at level 16 with another level of Sorcerer or Bloatmage
Sure, it may not exceed some spell by level 20, but most AP's don't get that far anyway. The build after this would be Bloatmage to level 20 for extra castings or 2 levels of Sorcerer (for third level bloodline ability and 7th level slots) and 3 levels of cleric if you want to get the domain bonus for the healing domain for whatever reason. ![]()
![]() Rolling for fun: Set #1
Set #2
I guess that's a no brainer... let's see if I can get the juices flowing on a character. ![]()
![]() If everyone's okay with it, I'm actually going to switch to Bard. Same history, same feats, same stats, same spells (except switching Acid Splash to Message) and it's practically done. The major reason is that if I'm going to be in the iconic group, a Bard is a better 5th wheel and I really could do either with the setup I have going on. My Charm Person won't be at DC 18 anymore, but I think we will manage. I've already gotten permission from GM Derek, so I'll have the changes done tomorrow. Tonight I have my IRL game. ![]()
![]() No trouble at all, I've updated his money and possessions as well, if you want to take a look. I went and purchased a couple of scrolls if that is okay, otherwise I'll just hang on to the money and spend it later. Also, if Kopoth were to have an actor portray him, I'd probably pick someone with Charisma and a smooth voice. Someone like Benedict Cumberbatch most likely, although with lots of makeup. ![]()
![]() The Persuasive feat is where I got it from. I put Eschew materials on my feat list because it's a bonus for sorcerers. ![]()
![]() Here is my Sorcerer. He has got some sweet face skills, which he uses before he resorts to magic. I don't have an official stat block yet, but all the skills, feats and spells are in there. I included the HP because I used my Favored class bonus for another skill point.