Self enlarging Barbarian


I'm thinking of building a Barbarian with a one level dip to get the growth subdomain.

What I'm not sure is which way to go. Three classes can get the growth subdomain at first level: Cleric, Inquisitor, Druid
And there are few gods granting the growth subdomain, so which to choose?

The druid limits the armor I can use, so I see this as the least probable option.
No other class has any relevant drawback. All are 3/4 BAB classes and have the same strong saves and both clerics and inquisitors get the deity's favoured weapon (which would only matter if it's an exotic weapon).
So it boils down to which class get me the better stuff with a 1 level build in addition to the domain.

As 1st level channeling isn't that strong I could see me taking the divine strategist archetype, if I go cleric.

But what dip would you suggest for a melee focused barbarian using a big weapon, Cleric or inquisitor?

Inquisitor's a good bit more frontloaded. Make it an Intimidate build and enjoy that +1 Intimidate, along with the Domain, Judgement 1/day, and Wis to Knowledges.

Although, if possible, you may wanna try playtesting an Abyssal Bloodrager instead (depends on whether that's an option, you want this for an ongoing game, etc. etc.).

I would take a look at the bloodrager if there was a final version available. But as far as I know it is still in development.

As I see the guy I'm looking to build he would not care much about knowledges (except perhaps nature) or intimidate.

I will be joining a Kingmaker game from book two on (level 4) as the former party fighter takes over the gm seat. And as I love the idea of having a melee with the growth domain and always wanted to play an AM Smash Barbarian I now want to combine both for this game.

It is a rather big group with an archer ranger, an oracle of fire (melee + blasting), an oracle of life, a crossblooded sorc (draconic + fire elemental) and a rogue with a elven curved blade.

So what they lack is the melee brute, which serves me fine.

In the end I'm looking for a hard hitting melee with some tricks to buff up the mundane might the barbarian packs. Be it in combat (like the swift action enlarge through growth) or out of combat through cantrips (I'll have few 1st level spells) and other goodies.

Even without Knowledges and Intimidate (which are still nice to have even if you don't wanna invest much for whatever reason), the Judgement 1/day and extra spells per day (since he's a Spontaneous casters) give him an edge over the Cleric (unless there was another Domain you wanted the first level ability from. Is there a god that gives both Travel and Growth? That might be worth it) and DEFINITELY the Druid (you get what as a Druid? The Domain, and then a crappy 1 HD AC that never levels? Yeah...)

Barring the really good front loaded Domain (of Which Travel is one of the few with that nifty move speed boost), you're better off with Inquisitor for just a 1 level dip.

Or possibly the Crusader Cleric, depends on whether you value Judgement and an extra spell or two a day over a Bonus Feat, which is only likely to be useful if you take Weapon Focus and have a deity with the Growth Domain who has your weapon of choice as his Favored.

Daikitsu with the community domain could be nice (heal fatigued with a touch) as a second domain.
Or perhaps the fur subdomain (granted by Erastil, Kataphys or Cernunnos) to get more movement speed and low light vision with a swift action. Especially if I take human as my race.

But from the flavour point I'd rather take Immonhiel or Gozreh as Deity and the first doesn't give a good second domain, the second perhaps seasons. That's rather situational but might come in handy now and then in kingmaker.

Non of the deities I could take has an interesting favoured weapon to use as crusader cleric so this one is out.

For Inquisitors the spellbreaker archetype might be good because it allows rolling twice vs some will saves. Which is always good.

To sum up:
Deity: Immonhiel or Gozreh (perhaps Cernunnos)
Spellbraker inquisitor or divine strategist cleric
Domain: Plant (growth) and perhaps Weather (seasons) or Animal (fur)
Race: Orc,Human, lizardfolk (All PCs so far are unusual races so no problem here)

The pc I Am building doesn't have to be super optimized because non of the other PCs is.

If you can be convinced of a 4 level dip into Druid, you can take the feat Shaping Focus and turn into Huge Dinosaurs by level 8 (Allosaurus is one of my favorites with grab, rake and pounce and a bite that has a 19-20 crit, but Behemoth Hippo is good for vital strike builds). Getting the Domain instead of the Animal Companion is just fine, and then you also have access to stuff like low level healing and Barkskin.

If you just want to be big for Melee Prowess and can be patient, you can always check out a dip into Living Monolith prestige class as well.

I really want the growth domain because I think monstering out (enlarging) for a short time while wacking the enemy has much style. And it doesn't work with wildshape because polymorph effects and size changing effects don't work together.

And about being patient: I'm not. Especially with this pc I want to be cool from the start.

Why not go titan mauler? They can grow big at will at 2 rage/round, plus get all sorts of crazy bonus...

Inquisitors don't get domain spells so you would only get the enlarge domain power but not the spell. So much less enlargement time per day. I would go with the cleric. Im not too familiar with archetypes but one of them is bound to have something useful.

Liberty's Edge

You could do this with 4 levels of Rogue if you take Minor Magic and Major Magic as Rogue Talents. This would let you cast Enlarge Person as a spell-like ability twice per day. Of course, this also requires a minimum intelligence score of 11. But I think the Rogue skills and +2d6 Sneak Attack will be more useful to you than what Cleric, Inquisitor, or Druid can offer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Short of a class dip (do you really want to dip), not much in the way of low level options.

Enlarge Potions?
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard?

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A Duergar barbarian can enlarge himself two times per day too. COuple it with a theologian cleric of Gorum with the growth subdomain for maximum enalrge person spells and spel-likes per day.

Dark Archive

Crusader Cleric sounds like it might be an option, and gives you Weapon Focus or Heavy Armor Proficiency as a bonus.

If you have the feats to spare, Living Monolith is probably the best option: Enlarge 3/day as a swift action, with no loss of BAB. 2 Prereq feats: Iron Will (useful!) and Endurance (bleh). olith

Alchemist dip isn't a bad way to get this.

Shadow Lodge

Umbranus wrote:

I'm thinking of building a Barbarian with a one level dip to get the growth subdomain.

you should see if your gm will allow you to play the blood rager from the playtest. the abyssal bloodline they get gives you the ability to enlarge when you rage.

its pretty awesome, and not OP at all

Sovereign Court

Easy! Go Alchemist. Not only do you get Enlarge Person as an extract (meaning, I believe, it's only a standard action instead of 1-round), you get a Mutagen to give you +4 Str and +2 AC! You also get Brew Potion and a few bombs for good measure. (What barbarian doesn't like blowing stuff up?) Also chat with your GM but I allow players to use extracts and potions while raging, so its got that going for it too.

At higher levels an intelligent weapon that casts enlarge person (doing it as its own standard action instead of wasting one round of your time) might be a viable option. Assuming you keep it pleased with you and willing to cooperate...

Umbranus wrote:

I'm thinking of building a Barbarian with a one level dip to get the growth subdomain.

What I'm not sure is which way to go. Three classes can get the growth subdomain at first level: Cleric, Inquisitor, Druid
And there are few gods granting the growth subdomain, so which to choose?

The druid limits the armor I can use, so I see this as the least probable option.
No other class has any relevant drawback. All are 3/4 BAB classes and have the same strong saves and both clerics and inquisitors get the deity's favoured weapon (which would only matter if it's an exotic weapon).
So it boils down to which class get me the better stuff with a 1 level build in addition to the domain.

As 1st level channeling isn't that strong I could see me taking the divine strategist archetype, if I go cleric.

But what dip would you suggest for a melee focused barbarian using a big weapon, Cleric or inquisitor?

Inquisitor.. take the

Spellbreaker (Archetype)
The world is full of dangerous magic, and many recoil in the face of such power. The spellbreaker, by contrast, learns to recognize and resist certain types of magic, wading through waves of magic to reach her foes.

Strong-Willed (Ex): At 1st level, a spellbreaker is able to stand strong against magical effects that seek to control, compel, or persuade her. The spellbreaker rolls twice and takes the best result when making a Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect. This ability replaces monster lore.

For a warrior (even a barbarian) re rolls on mind effects are gold everyone wants to own your melee power, protect it.

The bloodrager class has a bloodlione that increases reach and gives the spell enlarge person

Shadow Lodge

In the following order, here is my thoughts

Bloodrager<Alchemist<Theoligian Cleric</=Crusader Cleric</=Separatist Cleric<Inquisitor<Titan Mauler<Rogue<Druid<Buy your own stuff.

Because Bloodrager lets you single class this with a bunch of other cool options that work beautifully well with eachother. Then alchemist give mutagen and enlarge person for extra strength that stacks with rage. After that, the clerics:theoligian lets you prepare more enlarge person spells, Crusader give weapon focus, Separatist give any deity you like. Then inquisitor offers rather little other than the one archetype that is as useful as the previous options to a barbarian. Titan mauler gives up a lot for 2 abilities worthwhile (jotungrip and titanic rage) and takes 14 levels to enlarge. The rogue because, well, you need 4 levels, Then finally druid because armor restriction to already meh AC of most barbarians.

Shadow Lodge

Casting a spell: standard action.
Accelerated drinker: move action.

No surprise FAQ killed that munchable:

"Alchemist: Does the Accelerated Drinker feat from Cheliax, Empire of Devils allow a character to drink an alchemist extract as a move action?

—Sean K Reynolds, 10/09/10"

Sir Thugsalot wrote:

Casting a spell: standard action.

Accelerated drinker: move action.

Enlarge person: full round action

Extract: standard action

Silver Crusade

@OP: You clearly want the Growth Domain, not any of those other suggestions. Reason: It's a swift action, plus you get extra 5' movement. You just get Big and go to it, no time-consuming buffs or hassles. Presumably you'll also use a reach weapon, for maximum 'shut down the foes' options. This will work particularly well in Kingmaker, since there is usually only 1 fight per day.

E.g. Round one versus multiple incoming foes:
1. 5' step
2. Swift action Enlarge (free 5' move) & reach is now 20'
3. Full attack something within 30' of your start location
4. Make sure the foes you did NOT attack are in your threatened squares, so they are locked down.

Either Cleric or Inquisitor would work well. One plug for Cleric: careful deity selection could get you some interesting Variant Channeling that is fully developed at 1st level. For example, the Earth variant negative channel makes your entire 30' radius difficult terrain (no 5' steps ==> more AoOs for you!), to which you are basically immune if you have the Travel Domain (Agile Feet) & 20' reach.

The huge reach & speed is also nice versus foes who try to stay away from you. With your 60' movement rate (30' + 10' Barb + 10' Travel + 10' Longstrider), Growth, and 20' reach you are able to whack a foe who starts your turn 85' away.

You will be less effective in cramped indoor spaces.

Magda Luckbender wrote:

@OP: You clearly want the Growth Domain, not any of those other suggestions. Reason: It's a swift action, plus you get extra 5' movement. You just get Big and go to it, no time-consuming buffs or hassles. Presumably you'll also use a reach weapon, for maximum 'shut down the foes' options. This will work particularly well in Kingmaker, since there is usually only 1 fight per day.

E.g. Round one versus multiple incoming foes:
1. 5' step
2. Swift action Enlarge (free 5' move) & reach is now 20'
3. Full attack something within 30' of your start location
4. Make sure the foes you did NOT attack are in your threatened squares, so they are locked down.

I'm not yet sure if I will take a reach weapon. But apart from that you got my idea/my point.

I hate buff rounds because if you build right you can start the fun at round one and end up doing more than with wasting onbe round on buffing.

On the bloodrager: I already thought about it. But as I'll be playing a bloodrager in another game (special playtest game) with another gm I'm not sure I want another one.

My bloodrager:
The bloodrager I'll be playing has the arcane bloodline and will be using blur while raging to get concealment to activate his moonlight stalker feat. Might not be the strongest build but I wanted to muse moonlight stalker for a long time now.

on the living monolith: I see the special requirement to become this as a big drawback. Why should a sphinx be in the area where kingmaker taked place? My gm for this game will be a first time PF gm and I don't want to make him do the work nessesary to make this reasonable.

But thanks for the advice non the less.

shaxberd wrote:
You could do this with 4 levels of Rogue if you take Minor Magic and Major Magic as Rogue Talents. This would let you cast Enlarge Person as a spell-like ability twice per day. Of course, this also requires a minimum intelligence score of 11. But I think the Rogue skills and +2d6 Sneak Attack will be more useful to you than what Cleric, Inquisitor, or Druid can offer.

Or 2 levels of rogue and the extra rogue talent feat.

Have you considered the theologian archetype for Cleric it limits you to 1 domain (presumably growth) but you will be able to use your slots to cast enlarge person.

Another good choice could be separatist as you don't need the favoured weapon you could pick up the travel domain for extra movement and the ability to shrug of difficult terrain or another domain with an ability you think is good.

Seperatist is a good idea, I missed this.

get use magic device and a wand? stay full babariab, since you need cha for umd might as well get eldritch heritage: orc. trade iun your bonua feat for focused study get your bloodline skill focus, umd skill focus, plus another. now youre a versatile rage machine

EsperMagic wrote:

get use magic device and a wand?

Which, again, would cost me an action to buff which I already dismissed.

What's the use in buffing for one round when most combats only last 3 rounds? I will surely not do 50% more damage by selfbuffing so in the end this one round is a wasted round.

then dont bother buffing and just be a straight barbarian. You;ll do enough damage anyways. Use the beast totem line of rage powers to eventually get pounce.

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