[ACG Playtest] The Sarkorian Prophecy (Inactive)

Game Master RainyDayNinja

When a novice Pathfinder in the Grand Lodge of Absalom discovers an account of a long lost prophecy which may hold the key to defeating the Shadow Lodge, a team of brave agents heads into the heart of the Worldwound to recover the document. Not only do the forces of the Abyss and the demon-tainted environment stand in their way, but so does a rival team of Pathfinders set on recovering the Sarkorian Prophecy first.

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dotting as shaman

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

OK, so here's what's been submitted so far:

Davachido - Monk/Swashbuckler
WerePox47 - Slayer
BinkyBo - Investigator
Paladin of Baha-who? - Warpriest
Qunnessaa - Warpriest
The Dragon - Hunter
Azure_Zero - Bloodrager
Sir Culer - Bloodrager

Dotted, but with no submission:

Alex Mack - Slayer
Lord Thasmudyan - Investigator
Devilfluff - Arcanist
Blk4ce - Arcanist or Investigator
JustJacqui - Shaman

I'll leave submissions open, mostly because I won't have time to get things started for a couple of days. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Basher Ames, Brawler 10:
Str: 20
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 9

Human, Male, CG
Initiative: 5
Concentration: 1
Senses: Normal vision
Land Speed: 30ft
Health: 84/84

[spoiler=Defense]AC: 28
Touch: 21
Flat-Footed: 21
Fort: 12
Ref: 15
Will: 8
CMD: 30
-Grapple: 34
-Disarm: 31

BAB: 10/5
CMB: 15/10
-Grapple: 19/14
-Disarm: 16/11

Attack: 17/12 (15/15/10/10)
Damage: 1d10+10/1d10+8
Crit: x2

Acrobatics: 18 (3+5+10)
Climb: 18 (3+5+10)
Heal: 12 (0+2+10)
Intimidate: 19 (3+6+10)
Perception: 15 (3+2+10)
Sense Motive: 15 (3+2+10)

Gold: 1,900
+3 Mithral Chainshirt
+4 AC
+6 Max Dex

Belt of Physical Might, +2 str/con
Cloak of Resistance +3
Ring of Protection +2
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1
Dusty Rose Prism +1 insight to AC
Deep Red Sphere: +1 Dex

Smuggler’s Wayfinder

Class Abilities:
Martial Maneuvers: 5/day, one feat as swift, two as move, or three as standard.

Unarmed Strike: 1d10

Brawler’s Flurry

Maneuver Training
Grapple: +2 to CMB/CMD
Disarm: +1 to CMB/CMD

AC Bonus: +2 to AC and CMD

Brawler Strike: Magic/Cold Iron/Silver

Racial, Traits, and Feats:
Dual Talent

Indomitable Faith
Bruising Intellect: Int for Intimidate instead of Cha

Improved Unarmed Strike
1st Weapon Focus (Fist)
2nd Intimidating Prowess
3rd Dragon Style
5th Weapon Specialization (Fist)
5th Eclectic
7th Improved Grapple
9th Stunning Fist

Basher is ostensibly an odd choice for the Pathfinder Society with his healthy disrespect and distrust of authority as well as an unhealthy fondness for fisticuffs with nearly any foe that presents itself. However, his superiors certainly cannot argue with results and his association with the Pathfinder Society has certainly been a decorated, if odd, one.

Basher is a man who, despite working for people that regularly stick their noses into danger and mystery, often finds himself on the receiving end of more than his fair share of blades, claws, bows and situations that would make an oracle scratch their head. Somehow his penchant for beating things into submission and being able to scare the pants off most things has seen him through the incredible danger he faces regularly.

He refers to his life as a statistical anomaly as he is smart enough to know that the odds are always against him and some of that attitude spills into how he handles situations. As far as he is concerned, he should have died many times before now. As such he may as well enjoy his borrowed time as best he can, even while wandering into the Worldwound at the behest of the mucky-mucks up top. He has punched demons before, they have got arms to twist and noses to break too. If he does some good while risking his neck out there, even better.

Basher is, in a word, tough looking. Apart from a frankly gorgeous chain shirt of worked mithral he wears under his tunic, the man carries no obvious armaments. This only seems to make him more worrying though. His hands and forearms are a network of innumerable scars from claws, fangs, and blades of all kinds over muscles like corded steel. Even without saying a word, it is obvious just what this man is skilled at.

His face, while not unhandsome, is certainly not pretty either. His blocky features make him seem like a simple brute but his eyes are bright, clear and worryingly perceptive. Launching himself into battle repeatedly with only his hands has left its mark on him and it seems that no matter where you look, another scar hovers on the edge of your vision. His nose has been broken before and healed slightly crooked and a notch has been taken out of his ear.

Here's my submission a Slayer sporting a Wolf animal companion and using the combo of Paired Opportunist, Outflank, Opportunist and high criting weapons to hopefully dish out crazy many attacks of opportunity.


Dimitri was born in the uncivilized lands in the lower reaches of Brevoy, a harsh land that harbors a harsh people. His father was a hunter and trapper and from him he learned to walk the forest and the tundra, to shoot a bow and how to defend himself against wild beasts and wilder men.
When Dimitri was a teenager a drunken Marshall stabbed his father in a petty dispute. Dimitri swore revenge and two years later sought the man out in Restov. Having killed a man of the Baron he had to get out of Brevoy and headed south, first to the River Kingdoms and south to Varisia. Here he began to eek out a living for himself as a scout and caravan guard. But this was not enough for the young exile and he soon joined the pathfinder society where he has risen to become an elite agent over the last ten years.

Dimitri Lebeda:

CN Human Slayer 10
STR 12 (2)
DEX 22 (17) (Levels)
CON 14 (5)
INT 8 (-2)
WIS 12 (2)
CHA 7 (-4)

Birthmark: +2 trait Bonus versus compulsion, mind affecting.
Watching Taldor: +1 to initiative. Draw weapon as free action in surprise round.

Feats& Slayer Talents
1 HB: Nature Soul
2 Finesse
3 Combat Reflexes
4 WF: Kukri
5 Animal Ally
6 Surprise Attack
7 Boon Companion
Alertness (Animal Companion)
8 Outflank
9 Paired Opportunist
10 Advaned Talent: Opportunist

Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +3d6
3rd Favored Target

Acrobatics +19
Perception +18
Stealth +19
Survival +10
Knowledge Local +6

Equipment (tentative):
+1 Keen Kukri (x2)


Wolf Animal companion
Bodyguard Archetype
STR 24 Dex 16 CON 20 WIS INT 3 CHA 6 WIS 12
Init +3 AC 22 HP 85 Fort +11 Ref +9 Wil +4 CMB +14 CMD 27
Attack +14/+9 (1d8+10)
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, WF: Bite, Paired Opportunist, Outflank
Shared vigilance: AC and master gain Alertness
Tenacious Guardian: bodyguard can always act in a surprise round (though it remains flat-footed until it acts). As long as its master is adjacent, a bodyguard remains conscious (though it becomes staggered) when its hit points fall below 0. While below 0 hit points, the bodyguard loses 1 hit point per round but gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score plus its master's class level.
Uncanny Dodge
Skills: Acrobatics +15

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'm actually hoping someone will submit a Shaman, because you could use a healer, and it seems like one of the more complicated classes.

Hello again! I'm still most interested in trying for a spot for a warpriest, but if it comes down to having to decide between mine and Paladin of Baha-who?'s, I'm willing to let him have the warpriest spot and try a skald, most of whom is ready below, except for things that are more or less likely to be influenced by gear. I'm posting directly in the thread because I don't want to generate an alias yet that I'm less likely to find a use for in the long run.

Alcibie Ligeia
Elf Skald 10
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +2 Senses low-light vision; Perception +14

AC X, touch X, flat-footed X (+X armor, +2 Dex)
hp 78 (10d8 + 25)
Fort +X, Ref +X, Will +X (+2 to saves vs. enchantment spells and effects)
Defensive Abilities: Immune magic sleep effects

Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. with encumbrance)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Skald Spells Known (CL 10; concentration +13)

4th (1/day, DC 17)- dimension door, kiss of the First World
3rd (4/day, DC 16)- arcane concordance (CL 11), confusion, good hope, haste
2nd (5/day, DC 15)- blistering invective, blur, calm emotions, pyrotechnics, sound burst
1st (6/day, DC 14)- charm person, cure light wounds, ear-piercing scream, grease, moment of greatness
0 (at will)- dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, mending, message, read magic

Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Arcane Strike, Improved Critical (rapier), Lingering Performance, Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (planes) +15, Perception +14, Perform (string) +16, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +11
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Sylvan
Gifted Adept (arcane concordance): Your interest in magic was inspired by witnessing a spell being cast in a particularly dramatic method, perhaps even one that affected you physically or spiritually. This early exposure to magic has made it easier for you to work similar magic on your own. Pick one spell when you choose this trait—from this point on, whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.
Unorthodox Strategy: You are particularly quick on your feet, and gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move through an enemy’s threatened squares.


Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A skald adds half her class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge skill checks, and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Well-Versed (Ex): At 2nd level, the skald becomes resistant to sonic effects. The skald gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, as well as sonic and language-dependent effects.
Lore Master (Ex): At 7th level, the skald becomes a master of lore, and can choose to take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that she has ranks in. Once per day, the skald can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action. She can use this ability one additional time per day for every six levels she possesses beyond 5th, to a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.
Skaldic performance: 15 rounds/day

Raging Song (Su):
A skald is trained to use the Perform skill to inspire allies (including herself, if so desired) to feats of strength and ferocity. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st, a skald can use raging song for 1 additional round per day.
Starting a raging song is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A raging song cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the skald is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain it. A raging song counts as the bard’s bardic performance special ability for any effect that limits bardic performances, such as how many can be maintained at once.
A raging song is language-dependent with audible components, but not visual components. Affected allies must be able to hear the skald for the song to have any effect. A deaf skald has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a raging song. If she fails this check, the attempt still counts against her daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to raging songs.
When the raging song begins, each ally within range must decide whether to accept or refuse the effects of the raging song (this is not an action); unconscious allies automatically accept the song. Once this choice is made, it lasts until the song ends or the ally moves out of range (returning to the area allows the ally to decide again); the raging allies cannot decide to end the rage on their own.
Allies with 30 feet gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of skald rage, allies (other than the skald) cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. Affected allies are fatigued for 1 round after they’re no longer affected by the song (whether because the skald stops maintaining the song or because they’re no longer in range). At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, the song’s bonuses on Will saving throws increase by 1; the penalty to AC doesn’t change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonus to Strength and Constitution increase by 2.
At 7th level, a skald can start a raging song as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a skald can start a raging song as a swift action.

Dirge of doom (Su):
At 10th level, a skald can create a sense of growing dread in her enemies, causing them to become shaken. This works like raging song and expends rounds of raging song, but it only affects enemies within 30 feet who are able to hear the skald’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the skald continues her performance. This cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, evenif the targets are already shaken from another effect.
This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect, and it relies on audible components. A skald may not use dirge of doom and raging song simultaneously.

Spell kenning (Su):
At 5th level, a skald is learned in magic of clerics and wizards, and can use her own magic in an inefficient, roundabout way to duplicate those classes’ spells. Once per day, a skald can cast any spell on the cleric or sorcerer/wizard spell list as if it were one of her skald’s spells known. Casting the spell requires the skald to expend two skald spell slots of that spell level or higher. If the desired spell normally requires 1 full round or longer to cast, the casting time for the skald increases by 1 full round per spell level; otherwise, the casting time is just 1 full round per spell level. (For example, if a skald wants to use spell kenning to cast mage armor, a 1st level sorcerer/wizard spell, she must spend 2 full rounds casting it and expend two skald spell slots of 1st level or higher.)
At 11th level, a skald can use this ability twice per day. At 17th level, she can use this ability three times per day.

Rage powers (Ex):
At 3rd level, a skald learns a rage power (see pages 32–34 in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook) which affects the skald and any allies under the inf luence of her raging song. This cannot be a rage power requiring the creature to spend a separate action to activate it. Unless otherwise noted, a skald cannot select an individual power more than once.
When using raging song, the skald chooses which rage power to add to the song, and all affected allies gain the benefit of that rage power. The skald uses her skald level as her barbarian level for the purpose of selecting rage powers which require a minimum barbarian level.
If a rage power can only be used a certain number of times per rage (such as no escape), each ally affected by the raging song can use the rage power once during the raging song.
If the skald has a rage power from another source, she (but not her allies) can use those rage powers during a raging song. She cannot select a duplicate rage power, unless that rage power can be taken multiple times.
If the skald has the ability to rage from another source, she can use her skald rage powers during that rage.
The skald learns another rage power at 6th level and every three levels thereafter. She may add multiple rage powers from this ability to a raging song at the same time.
Superstition (Ex): The barbarian gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies.
Spirit Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian. This slam attack is made using the barbarian's full base attack bonus, plus the barbarian's Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the barbarian's Charisma modifier.
Spirit Totem (Su): While raging, the spirits that surround the barbarian make it difficult for her enemies to see her. The spirits grant the barbarian a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to the barbarian (typically due to reach). A barbarian must have the lesser spirit totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Character background:

Alcibie has a knack for getting in over her head. For whatever reason – a satisfactory one escapes her to this day – she has always been prone to extremes of emotion that seem to exceed those of most people around her. This has its advantages when she loses herself in the music she conjures from her harp, but an embarrassment when she loses her temper. It is so much the worse because she does not reject the elven values of serenity and delicacy, and dreads whispers behind her back that despite her light touch on the strings, or her skill in magic, she is still the girl who threw this, that, and such and such a tantrum. Over long decades, she has learned to control her anger, especially: not to ignore it or easily dissipate it, but to forge it into a cold fury that can give her dangerous focus and determination. Learning to rein in her worst impulses has also helped Alcibie gain an instinct for the words that can incite others to anger, from her first experiments in confining her paroxysms of rage to the toxic darts of a poisonous tongue. If she finds she cannot cow the objects of her displeasure with well-honed invective, she is usually able to encourage herself by belittling their talents or recalling the outrages done her.
Nonetheless, Alcibie still feels guilty about how easily she can be tempted into nursing her anger, and continues to work on improving her temper, travelling ever further afield from her home in Varisia’s Mierani Forest to find a way to hold on to inner peace. After a dangerous but cathartic tour through the musical academies and opera houses of Cheliax, in which she tested the depths of her darker emotions, she continued on over the Inner Sea to Absalom, hoping to earn the opportunity to hone her skills at the renowned bardic college of the White Grotto. The school was wonderful, but the confines of the metropolis proved stifling to one used to the isolation of the woods at the western edge of the world, and so she was easily convinced to give the Pathfinders a sympathetic ear when some more idealistic members suggested opportunities for fighting the good fight in ways other than brute force, but which also appreciated the value of righteous wrath. She accepted the invitation, and has started on a roundabout route back to the untamed regions near her home where she hopes to do some good while uncovering something interesting and continuing to soothe her angry heart.

I'm planning a shaman for another pbp group... but I suppose I could switch them.

Made a quick rough draft render of VITA

Also made a present for later rendering her in her raged state

Render made with DAZ studio, using Genesis base

RainyDayNinja wrote:
I'm actually hoping someone will submit a Shaman, because you could use a healer, and it seems like one of the more complicated classes.

The hunter and the Investigator with the Infusion Talent can both heal reasonably well. If we put some of our resources into Wands of Cure Light and a few other emergency potions and such, we should be fine.

RainyDayNinja, I posted a Bloodrager build near the end of the first page of the thread.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

OK, I'm going to go ahead and close submissions. Here's the team roster:

- The Swashbuckler With No Name (Davachido)
- Barlo Balfori, Investigator (BinkyBo)
- Kuwabara Kasei, Warpriest (Paladin of Baha-who?)
- Arae Garven, Hunter (The Dragon)
- Alcibie Ligeia, Skald (Qunnessaa)
- Lorkov Petulankor, Bloodrager (Sir Culer)

To those who got in, congratulations! You can go ahead and make aliases, buy all your gear (62,000 gp apiece), and put the relevent info (Race Class HP XX/XX | AC XX | T XX | FF XX | CMD XX | Fort +X | Ref +X | Will +X | Init +X | Perc +X | Sense Motive +X) in your "Class/Levels" box for easy reference. Here are a few expectations for the game:

-Since this is a playtest, you all have to promise to pop in at the Playtest forum when you're done (or earlier) and report your experience.
-Because it's on a time limit, I want to keep things moving at a good clip. I'll roll everyone's Initiative, Perception, Sense Motive, etc. when you need to make a reactive check. Try to post every day.
-Be explicit with what you do with your actions, especially when you use a mechanic from the playtest material

While you're doing your shopping and such, I'll get the Gameplay thread started with the opening narration, and you can ask questions, make Knowledge checks, etc.

Good gaming to those that got in.

Hi there, I know that recruitment is closed but I note that you don't have an Arcanist so I thought that I would throw this one out here in case a spot opened up. Obviously it may be subject to change when the revisions come out.


Professor Marcus D'Avore

Human Arcanist 10
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Perception +24

AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 mage armor, +2 Dex, +1 Ring, +1 Amulet, +4 shield)

Hp 72
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +10

Speed 30 ft
Melee +5
Ranged +5
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Arcanist Spells Known: (CL 10; concentration +18)

Spells per day: 7/7/7/6/3

Bold spells are those currently memorised.

0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

1: Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Snowball, Liberating Command, Grease, Identify, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Good, Law, Chaos, Alarm, Endure Elements, Shield, Obscuring Mist, Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Magic Weapon

2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Glitterdust, Command Undead, See Invisibility, Locate Object, Continual Flame, Scorching Ray, Arcane Lock, Blindness, Web, Alter Self, Knock, Rope Trick, Darkvision, Whispering Wind, Create Pit, Frost Fall

3: Dispel Magic, Haste, Stinking Cloud, Slow, Magic Circle vs Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Summon Monster III, Arcane Sight, Clairvoyance, Tongues, Daylight, Fireball, Invisibility Sphere, Fly, Gaseous Form, Suggestion, Wind Wall

4: Dimension Door, Emergency Force Sphere, Charm Monster, Black Tentacles, Summon Monster IV, Arcane Eye, Scrying, Confusion, Wall of Fire, Greater Invisibility, Animate Dead, Enervation, Elemental Body I, Dragons Breath, Dimensional Anchor

5: Teleport, Overland Flight, Lesser Planar Binding, Wall of Stone, Contact Other Plane, Prying Eyes, Dominate Person, Wall of Force, Fickle Winds

Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14(16), Int 26(22), Wis 11, Cha 7

Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 15

Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Improved Initiative, Spell Penetration, Persistent Spell, Quickened Spell, Dazing Spell, (Human Alternate Racial Trait: Skill Focus: Knowledge (Arcana), Perception)

Skills: Diplomacy 8, Knowledge: Arcana 27, Planes 21, Religion 16, Nobility 16, Geography 16, History 16, Local 16, Nature 16, Dungeoneering 16, Perception 24, Linguistics 21, Fly 10, Spellcraft 21, (Stealth 12, Disable Device 12)

Languages: Common, Thassilonian, Varisian, Elven, Ossirian, Ancient Ossirian, Dwarven, Orcish, Giant

Traits: Magical Lineage (Fireball), Eyes and Ears of the City


+3 Cloak of Resistance (9k), +3 Mithril Buckler (10k), Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (16k), Clear Spindle Ioun Stone plus Wayfinder (4.5k), Eyes of the Eagle (2.5k), Handy Haversack (2k), Belt of Might Con +2 (4k), +1 Ring of Protection (+2), +1 Amulet of Natural Armour +1 (2k), Wands: Infernal Healing, Cure Light Wounds (1.5k), 8010gp spent on scribing costs, 490gp

Bugger, and I'd just finished sorting out my Heavenly-Life Shaman D:
Because yes, it is a complicated class to make, with Spirit, Spirit Magic, Hexes, Wandering Hexes, Wandering Spirits and then basic cleric spells all being different...

I was also going to ask how ability scores are increased as levels progress, because I noted that some characters had ability scores not possible to achieve through 20 buy point originally and couldn't find it anywhere.

Have a good game guys!


just remember arcanists are going to get reworked.... so should probably a) do something else or b) be ready to remake it.

Ability scores increase by +1 to one score of your choice every 4 levels.

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