Rednal's page
RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. 3,066 posts (31,393 including aliases). 66 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 53 aliases.
Alcelia, the Eternal Sorceress
Allison Hazel, the Undying Magi
Amy, Sarcastic Sorcerer
Female Human Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 3 | HP: 15 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | Fort: +1, Ref: +2, Will: +4 | CMB: +1, CMD: 12 | Init: +7, Perception: +4 |
Angi, Subject 705
Female Human Kineticist 5 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 13, T: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: +8, Ref: +7, Will: +1 | Fire Blast: +6 (Damage: 3d6 + 5) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | Init: +9, Perception: +8 |
Ariel, the Mage Queen
Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11
Arion, the Celestial Summoner
Summ. 6/Arch 1 | HP: 54/63 | AC: 20 / T: 14 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | Init: +4, Perception: +7 [Ylva: +17]
Atsuko, the Conduit
PL 10 | Toughness: 2 (10) - Penalties: 0 | Dodge: 6, Parry: 0, Fortitude: 2, Will: 10 | Initiative: +4, Perception: +12 | Hero Points: 2 |
Azri, the Lich of Khalharum
Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |
Camiel, the Virgin Lover
Female Human Clever Godling 17 / Eldritch Godling 17 / Hierophant 3 | HP: 182 | AC: 30 [41], T: 17 [28], FF: 28 [39], SR: [27] | Fort: 22, Reflex: 26, Will: 26 [Day: 28/32/32] | BAB: +12, CMB: +14, CMD: 31 | Init: +9, Perception: +31 |
Celestine, the Hellish Incanter
Incanter 4 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 12 [16]; T: 12 [13]; FF: 10 [14]; CMD: 13; MSD: 15 | Fort: 2; Ref: 3; Will: 4 | Int: +8; Perc: +4 | Drawbacks: Somatic x2
Cerise, the Sparkle Princess
Female Human S. Prin. 6 | HP: 61/61 (R:5) | AC: 21, T: 15, FF: 18 | DR: 5/Good, SR: 27, Resist: Energy, Conditions, Effects | Fort: +13, Ref: +11, Will: +13 (+4 vs Cond/Eff) | M. Atk: +10(+12) | CMB: +9, CMD: 25 | Init: +3, Perception: +7
Cynthia, Shaman of Hope
Human Shaman 5 | HP: 24/34 | AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13 | Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +9 | Melee: +3, Ranged: +6 | BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | Init: +9 (Roll 2x), Perception: +13 |
Efin, the Warpriest of Desna
Female Human Sor 2 / WrP 2 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 15 / T: 15 / FF: 14 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7 | M. Touch: +2, R. Touch: +2 | CMB: +2, CMD: 17 | Init: +7, Perception: +9 |
Eir, the Mysterious Android
Android Mesmerist 1 / Summoner 1 | HP: 9/9 (Suit: 6/11) | AC: 15 / T: 11 / FF: 14 / Immune: Dis/Emo/Exh/Fati/Fear/Slp | Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | M. Atk: +4 | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Init: +3, Perception: +8
Ellara of the Hundred Forms
Incanter 5/Shifter 5 | HP: 40/40 | AC: 14 [20], Touch: 12, FF: 12 [18] | Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +8 | Melee: +7 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | Init: +7, Perception: 12
Estria, Scholar of the Ancients
Scholar 2 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 21 / T: 13 / FF: 18 | Fort: +0, Ref: +6, Will: +3 | R. Touch: +4 | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | Init: +9, Perception: +5
Fes, Aldori Swordslave
Female Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 1 | HP: 10 | AC: 14, T: 14, FF: 10 | Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +0 | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | Init: +4, Perception: +1 |
GM Rednal
Harumi, Oracle of Time
Aasimar Oracle 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 13, T: 11, FF: 12 | Fort: +1, Ref: +1, Will: +3 | BAB: +0, CMB: +1, CMD: 12 | Touch: +1, Ranged Touch: +1 | Init: +1 [2 Rolls], Perception: +7 |
Hecate, Quiet Techslinger
Human Gunslinger (Techslinger) 6 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 19, T: 17, FF: 12 | Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +5 | BAB: +6, CMB: +6, CMD: 24 | Init: +13, Perception: +12 |
Hime, Officer of the RHC
[Bound Spirits: Gwenolyn's Ghost, Taios] Female Human Incan 4 / PctMkr 4 / Wrlrd 4 / Arch 1 | HP: 49/55 | AC: 24 [ISS: 26], T: 17, FF: 17, ER: Cold 5 | Fort: +7, Ref: +6, Will: +12 | CMB: +4, CMD: 23 | Init: +7, Perception: +10(+12), Trapsense |
Iris, Goddess of the Morning
Female Adv. Aasimar Cons 7/Inc. 8/Mgk 8/Tier 3 | HP: 167/167 | AC: 25 [+2 vs Evil] / T: 17 / FF: 20 / SR: 13 (vs. Evil Sp/Out) | Fort: +16, Ref: +17, Will: +18 [+Stalwart] | M. Touch: +12, R. Touch: +13 | CMB: +12, CMD: 29 | Init: +10 [Hope: +14], Perception: +16
Izami, Kami of the Blade
Wraith 6 | HP: 56/56 (FH:5) | AC: 16 [22] / T: 16 / FF: 15 / Immune: Bleed, Fire, Mind-Affecting, Mind Blank, Petrify, Polymorph | Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +8 | R. Touch: +4 | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | Init: +7, Perception: +9/+19 to spot
Kariel, Oracle of Korada
Female Aasimar Oracle 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 14, T: 12, FF: 12 | Fort: +1, Ref: +2, Will: +2 (+2 v. Evil) | CMB: +1, CMD: 13 | Init: +4, Perception: +1 |
Korina, Daughter of Yog-Sothoth
Female Human Oracle 1 / Summoner (Master Summoner) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10 | Fort: +1, Ref: +2, Will: +2 | BAB: +0, CMB: +1, CMD: 13 | Init: +8 | Perception: +1 |
Luca Wistor, the Void Caller
Female Human Summ (MS/VC) 5 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | Fort: +1, Ref: +3 Will: +5 | CMB: +1, CMD: 13 | Init: +8, Perception: +3 (Fluffy: +5/Scent) |
Lucas, Master Kineticist
Male Human Kineticist 3 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 17. T: 13, FF: 14 | Fort: +7, Ref: +6, Will: 2 | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | Init: +5, Perception: +7
Lucielle Astor
Maika, Seller of Miracles
EG 5/AoA 9/Mys 6 | HP: 130/130 | AC: 27 / T: 16 / FF: 26 | Fort: +11, Ref: +10, Will: +20; +4 spells/SLA/blind/visual | M. Touch: +7, R. Touch: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 (25 vs trip) | Init: +16, Perception: +28
Merfina, the Angelic Songstress
(Bound Spirit: Milo of Clyde, Ubro) (CA's: Bless, Lore Consultant) Adv. Aasimar Arm 6 / Inc 6 / PctMkr 6 | HP: 78/78 | AC: 24, T: 17, FF: 18, SR: 11 (vs Evil) | Fort: +9, Ref: +7, Will: +9 | CMB: +11, CMD: 28 | Init: +10, Perception: +9 [+12] | SP: 20/21
Miyu, the Exorcist
Inc 5 | HP: 12/22 | Melee: +2, Ranged: +5 | AC: 16 [22], Touch: 16, FF: Never | Fort: +2, Ref: +7, Will: +9 | Init: 11 | Perception: +12/+22 to Spot
Myra, Arcane Explorer
Female Human Arcanist 1 | HP: 11 | AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10 | Fort: +1, Reflex: +3, Will: +2 | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | Init: +2, Perception: +1 |
Myrrine, Daughter of Hades
Female Aasimar Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1 | HP: 8 | AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10 | Fort: +2, Ref: +2, Will: +3 | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | Init: +8 , Perception: +4 |
Neve, Druid of Storm and Snow
Female Human Level 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 20, T: 17, FF: 17 | Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +2 | CMB: +4, CMD: 21 | Init: +3, Perception: +5
Pescyra, Queen of Dis
Regina, the Ethermancer
Ether 5 | HP: 22/22 (R:2) | EP: 19/19 (R:3) | AC: 16, T: 14, FF: 13 | Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +6 | R. Touch: +8 (Dmg: 5d3+6) | CMB: +2, CMD: 16 | Perception: +9, Init: +3
Rhea Varn, the Hapan Sage
Sage 1 | HP: 8/8, WP: 24/24 | AC: 18{19}, T: 17{18}, FF: 15 | Fort: +3, Ref: +5{+6}, Will: +6 | M. Touch: +3{+4} (1d6 + 1d6) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17{18} | Init: +3{+4}, Perception: +8, Pilot: +7{+8}
Rhiannon, the Geokineticist
(EO: Yes) Kineticist 3 | HP: 33/33 (3 NL) | AC: 17 / T: 12 / FF: 15 / DR: 2/Ada | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +2 | R. Atk: +6 (2d6+6) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | Init: +4, Perception: +10
Rose, the Arcane Gunner
Female Human Level 4 | HP: 74/74 | AC: 27, T: 20, FF: 18 | Fort: +11, Ref: +13, Will: +13 | CMB: +7, CMD: 26 | Init: +14, Perception: +11 |
Saeri, Professional Harrower
Female Human Magus 3 / Witch 3 | HP: 25/25 | AC: 16 [20]; T: 16; FF: 10 | Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +4 | CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | Init: +5, Perception: +3
Sakuro, Obsessed Arcanist
Female Human Arcanist 4/Arch. 1 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 13, T: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | Init: +9, Perception: +6 |
Sana, Oracle of Yog-Sothoth
Female Aasimar Oracle 2 | HP: 13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | Fort: +0, Ref: +1, Will: +5 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 11 | Init: +1 | Perception: +5 |
Sariel, Fallen of Temptation
Sariel, Herald of Light
Aasimar Summoner (Master Summoner) 7 | HP: 38/38 | AC: 12, T: 11, FF: 11 | Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +8 | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | Init: +7, Perception: +5 |
Selene, Constable of Caliphas
Female Human BldLtr 4 / Inc 4 / Shft 4 | HP: 69/69 | AC: 17 [21], T: 15, FF: 13 [17] | Fort: +8, Reflex: +9, Will: +9 (+Situational) | BAB: +4, CMB: +8, CMD: 22 | Init: +6, Perception: +11 [+25] |
Selene, the Hero of Yerasol
Human Human BldLtr 3 / Inc 3 / Shft 3 | HP: 50/50 | AC: 16, T: 14, FF: 12 | Fort: +7, Reflex: +8, Will: +7 | BAB: +3, CMB: +7, CMD: 21 | Init: +6, Perception: +9 |
Serena, the Hyperborean
[Active: Mage Armor] Sor 6/Arch 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 13 [17] / T: 13 / FF: 10 [14] / Imm: Dazz/Patt | Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6 | R. Atk: +6 | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | Init: 9, Perception: +10
SF3PP Wiki
Tio, Monk of the Four Winds
Female Human Natural Weretiger Monk (Monk of the Four Winds) 1 | HP: 14 | AC: 14, T:14, FF: 12 | Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4 | CMB: +3 (+5 Grapple), CMD: 17 (19 v. Grapple) | Init: +8 |
Titus, Bane of Demons
Sage 7 (Neg Lvl: 1) | HP: 40/49 | AC: 25 / T: 24 / FF: 21 | Fort: +7, Ref: +11, Will: +12 | M. Touch: +3, R. Touch: +8/+11 (KB) | CMB: +3, CMD: 25 | Init: +8, Perception: +18
Touch, the Mesmerizing Dancer
Mes. 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15, T: 12, FF: 13 | Fort: +1, Ref: +4, Will: +2 | Melee: +1 | CMB: +1, CMD: 13 | Init: +8, Perception: +6
Valissa, Sharp-Tongued Soldier
Female Human Level 7 | HP: 92/92 | AC: 19, T: 14, FF: 17 | Fort: +8, Ref: +5, Will: +12 [+4 vs Evil] | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | Init: +8 | Perception: +13 |
Yidhra, Goddess of Paradoxes