AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +5 Dex, +2 natural, +2 untyped bonus; +2 deflection vs. evil)
hp 167 (8d10 * 1.5 + 47 Con + 15 Mythic)
Fort +16, Ref +17, Will +18; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion; +2 resistance vs. evil
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, stalwart, SR 13 (vs Evil Spells/Outsiders)
Weaknesses aligned combatant, focus casting, magical signs, personal warp
Speed 80 ft.
Melee +1 Holy Staff of Sacred Light (Crit: 20/x2, deals Magic/Bludgeoning damage)
. . One-Handed: +14/+9 (2d6 + 8) || PA: +11/+6 (2d6 + 14) || +2d6 Damage vs Evil
. . Two-Handed: +14/+9 (2d6 + 10) || PA: +11/+6 (2d6 + 19) || +2d6 Damage vs Evil
. . Dual Attack: +13/+13 (2d6+8/2d6+8) || PA: +9/+9 (2d6+14|2d6+14) || +2d6 Damage vs Evil [+Defensive Whirl if both hit)
. . Special Add Destructive Blast's damage to strike when using Energy Blade/Melee Blaster Combo (Does Not Provoke AoOs)
. . Situational Bonuses: Hit Golems as if they had no Damage Reduction. Ignore Swarm immunity to weapon damage. +5 Atk/+4 Damage when using Luminous Smite.
. . Destructive Blast touch +12 (5d6 Magic/Bludgeoning or 5d4 Untyped plus other effects [Radiant Blast])
-Destructive Blast touch +13 (5d6 Magic/Bludgeoning or 5d4 Untyped plus other effects [Radiant Blast])
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 19, 4d6), inspired spell[MA], luminous smite, marked, mythic power (9/day, surge +1d6), sun's blessing, wild arcana[MA]
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; Recharge Magic Rules, Metamagic okay)
. . Exalted Sun Domain・endure elements (6 Hours), heat metal (GR), searing light (GR), fire shield (GR)
. . 4th-level, Divine Source・freedom of movement(1 Hour), holy smite (GR)
. . 3rd-level, Divine Source・magic circle against evil (4 Hours), remove curse (GR)
. . 2nd-level, Divine Source・align weapon (good only) (5 Minutes), remove paralysis (GR)
. . 1st-level, Divine Source・protection from evil (5 Minutes), remove fear (GR)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +15)
. . At will・dimensional hop (80 feet/day)
. . 1/day・dispelling touch
Recharge Rules GR = General Recharge, +X = Spell Point Cost, otherwise the recharge time is given
Caster Level 8; MSB 8; MSD 19; Concentration +14
Tradition Focus Casting (Staff, DC 24); CAM Wisdom
Spell Points28 7 (Quartered by Recharge Sphere Magic rules)
Destruction - CL 10; DC 21; Duration Instant; Range Long (800 ft), Medium (200 ft), Close (50 ft), Touch; Talents Energy Blade, Extended Range, Radiant Blast; Drawbacks Aligned Combatant (Good)
- Destructive Blast 5d6 (Extended Range [+1], Radiant Blast)
- Destructive Blast 10d6, w/ SP spent for Increased Damage (Extended Range [+1], Radiant Blast)
Life - CL 8; DC 20; Duration 1 Hour (Invigorate), otherwise Instant; Range Touch; Talents Greater Healing (x2), Resuscitate, Revitalize (Fast Healing 3), Self-Renewal; Drawbacks None
- Cure (1d8 + 24) [+1] (Resuscitate, Self-Renewal)
- Invigorate (7 temp HP)
- Restore [+1] (Resuscitate, Self-Renewal)
- Revitalize (Fast Healing 3 for 8 minutes, max 240)
Light - CL 10; DC 21; Duration 10 minutes (Glow), up to 10 minutes (Bright Light), Concentration; Range Long (800 feet), Medium (200 feet, Glow), 55 feet radius (Bright Light); Talents Area Glow, Blinding Light, Bound Light, Daylight, Encompassing Light, Hypnotic Pattern, Revealing Light; Drawbacks None
- Glow (Area Glow [+1], Blinding Light)
- Glow (Bright Light) (Area Glow [+1], Blinding Light [+1], Bound Light [+1], Encompassing Light, Hypnotic Pattern [+1], Revealing Light [+1]) [Recharge incurred if spending a Spell Point to maintain without Concentration]
Warp - CL 8; DC N/A; Duration Instant; Range Medium (170 ft), Close (40 ft); Talents Unseeing Teleport; Drawbacks Personal Warp
- Warp (Medium) [+1] (Unseeing Teleport [+1])
- Warp (Close) (Unseeing Teleport [+1])
Weather - CL 8; DC 20; Duration 8 Minutes [+1], Concentration; Range Medium (180 ft); Talents Greater Weather, Severe Weather; Drawbacks None
- Control Weather (Severity 4) (Greater Weather [+1 or +2], Severe Weather [+1])
Recharge Rules GR = General Recharge, +X = Spell Point Cost, otherwise the recharge time is given
Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 21
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 29
Feats Combat Casting, Consecrate Spell, Dual Path[M], Extra Magic Talent, Extra Path Ability[M], Martial Focus, Melee Blaster, Piercing Spell[UM], Power Attack, Quarterstaff Master[UM], Solar Spell, Staff Technique, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff)
Traits birthmark, focused mind, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+34 to jump), Appraise +10, Climb +8, Diplomacy +18 (+19 against outsiders with an alignment subtype that matches at least one portion of your alignment), Disable Device +5, Escape Artist +6, Fly +10, Handle Animal +10, Heal +7, Intimidate +6 (+7 against outsiders with an alignment subtype that opposes at least one portion of your alignment), Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +14, Perception +16, Perform (sing) +13, Ride +9, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +21, Survival +10, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception; Other Modifiers +2 Circumstance bonus on Knowledge (Arcana/Dungeoneering/History/Local/Nature/Nobility/Planes/Religion) when able to study Pathfinder Chronicles Special +1d6 GP for every 5 points above 30 when earning money through Perform
Languages Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran, Thassilonian
SQ agile feet (9/day), amazing initiative, area glow, blinding light, bound light, casting, cleric domains (divine[APG], sun, travel), control weather, cure, daylight, delayed damage pool (40), destructive blast, display of charisma[MA], divine source[MA], divine vessel, du: blooded strike (+3 bleed), du: debilitating injures (bleed) (-3), du: defensive slice, dual wielding sphere, duelist sphere, dw: balanced blows, dw: cyclone cut, dw: defensive whirl (-2), dw: dual attack, dw: focusing defense (+1), dw: mercurial flow, encompassing light, enduring armor[MA], energy blade, equipment: critical genius, exalted resistance[ARG], extended range, glow, greater healing, gu: cold iron call, gu: durable, gu: greater delayed damage x2, gu: patrol, guardian sphere, hypnotic pattern, impossible speed[MA], interplanar prestige, invigorate, lay on hands 9/day (4d6), legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary power, legendary surge, light in the darkness, light talent (area glow), mystic combat ability (penetrating blow), mythic bond, radiant blast, recuperation, restore, resuscitate, returning, revealing light, revitalize (Fast Healing 3), self-renewal, severe weather, specializations (cleric domain, cleric domain), teleport, unseeing teleport
DA Divine Inspiration, Exalted Domain (Sun), Recharge Magic/Recharge Sphere Magic
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds (3), potion of haste, potion of shield of faith +2 (2), wand of cure light wounds, wand of lesser restoration (49 charges), alchemist's fire (5); Other Gear staff of sacred light, (staff power) amulet of hidden light[ARG], bag of endless holding, boots of springing and striding, cloak of resistance +2, (staff power) golembane scarab, (staff power) necklace of adaptation, (staff power) swarmbane clasp[UE], magnifying glass, mwk tool (perform sing), pathfinder chronicle (x8), skeleton key (+10 disable device - not user's - on any standard lock), sunrod (4), trail rations (2), drafting papers, sword of station (belt, cast command at cl1 three times per day) (worth 1,680 gp), 100 pp, 4,923 gp, 4 sp
Other Loot 12 silver crossbow bolts, books on Thassalonian lore, handpainted triptych of an Eoxian space vessel (worth 300gp), plane shift foci for Material Plane & Shadow Plane
Special Loot
> Tsikinal's feather (Use when casting Planar Ally to summon a specific Couatl - one Iris freed from captivity while helping Chimi. When using, the cost in offerings is not needed.)
> Sunbreath Quartz x10 - (Sells for 25 GP each. Has three effects. 1) If exposed to light for an hour, sunbreath quartz emits a pale yellow glow equivalent to a candle. This illumination lasts for 12hrs before the crystal needs to be recharged. 2) By casting a spell with the [light] descriptor (or a glow effect) on a crystal, sunbreath quartz can be used as a single-use weapon against creatures affected by exposure to bright light. A charged sunbreath quartz can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 20ft. Upon impact, the crystal shatters, releasing the light. A struck creature must make a Fort Save (DC 10 + stored spell level + spellcasting attribute modifier) or be blinded for 1rd. Creatures without eyes are immune to this effect. If the struck creature possesses light blindness or light vulnerability, it also takes damage equal to 1d6 + spellcasting attribute modifier. 3) If used as an additional material component for a spell with the [light] descriptor (or a glow effect), sunbreath quartz transforms the spell into a ray capable of damaging shadow creatures. On a successful ranged touch attack, a struck creature takes 1d8pts of radiant damage.
> Special Wayfinder (Grants access to the Grand Lodge's extensive records-room, be taken seriously by Pathfinders)
Special Abilities
Agile Feet (9/day) (Su) For 1 rd, you ignore difficult terrain.
Aligned Combatant (Good) Your destructive blast deals full damage only to creatures of your opposed alignment
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Birthmark +2 save vs. charm & compulsion
Casting (CL 8, Wisdom, DC 20) You can cast sphere effects.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Consecrate Spell Spell is maximized against evil creatures and creatures with the evil subtype. +2 to Spell Level.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Delayed Damage Pool (40) (Ex) You have a Delayed Damage Pool. (See the Guardian Sphere)
Destruction: Destructive Blast 5d6 Ranged or melee touch attack deals 5d6 damage
Destruction: Energy Blade Add your destructive blast to a weapon attack
Destruction: Extended Range Increase the range of your destructive blast
Destruction: Radiant Blast (DC 21) Destructive Blast deals untyped damage (d4's, d8's vs undead) and can force target to treat others as if they had concealment for 1 rd
Dimensional Hop (16 5-ft inc/day) (Sp) As a move action, teleport with no AoO to seen destination. Spend an equal distance to carry others.
Dispelling Touch (1/day) (Sp) As a standard action, melee touch affects foe with targeted dispel magic.
Display of Charisma (Su) As a free action, use 1 power for +20 to a Cha skill or check.
Divine Might As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to use any base combat sphere ability (such as the additional attack of the Dual Wielding sphere or the Hard Drinker ability of the Barroom sphere). You may also apply up to one applicable talent from the same sphere (although it must affect the ability you're using, rather than simply providing a passive benefit). If either talent has an effect that lasts beyond the action to activate it, or provides skill points, that effect lasts until the start of your next turn. You do not need to know either of the talents, but you must meet all of their prerequisites in order to use them with this ability. When you activate a sphere ability through Divine Might, your level is treated as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. [Campaign Power]
Divine Source (Good, Liberation) (Su) You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause.
Divine Vessel (9/day) (Su) Whenever you are the target of a Divine spell, allies within 15' gain +2 on their next attack roll, skill check or ability check.
Du: Blooded Strike (+3 bleed) (Ex) Whenever you use the attack action or an attack of opportunity to attack or disarm a creature, you deal an additional 1 point of bleed damage to the target on a successful attempt, +1 for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess; this stacks with any other bleed damage you are capable of dealing. Practitioners of the Duelist sphere never provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting combat maneuvers against a target currently taking bleed damage.
Du: Debilitating Injures (Bleed) (-3) (Ex) Whenever you deal bleed damage to a creature, you may cause them to take a penalty on all weapon attack rolls equal to the amount of bonus bleed damage granted to you by blooded strike for as long as the bleed is in effect. Any healing or other ability that ends the bleed also ends this penalty.
Du: Defensive Slice (Ex) When a ranged attack is made against you or a creature within your reach (except for unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects), you may cut the weapon (or ammunition) out of the air, deflecting the attack so the target takes no damage. As an attack of opportunity, make a melee attack roll at your highest bonus. If the result is greater than the attack roll total of the ranged attack, the attack is deflected. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Associated Feat: Cut from the Air.
Dual Path (Mythic) You can choose abilities from two mythic paths. (Champion/Archmage, but with Inspired Spell instead of a Champion's Strike)
Dual Wielding Sphere (Ex) Dual wielders train in ambidextrous techniques that allow them to wield double weapons or two weapons simultaneously. Whether blending sword and dagger or spinning a double-bladed sword through a dazzling attack routine, few warriors are as awesome to behold as practitioners of the Dual Wielding sphere. You gain the following ability: Dual Attack
Duelist Sphere (Ex) Training in the Duelist combat sphere teaches a practitioner techniques for prevailing in single combat, disarming a foe or taking control of their weapon while whittling away at them one knick at a time. You gain the following ability: Blooded Strike.
DW: Balanced Blows (Ex) Reduce the penalties for attacking with your dual attack ability by 1/2 (minimum -1).
DW: Cyclone Cut (Ex) While wielding two weapons, as a standard action you expend your martial focus to twirl the two weapons with enough force to create a damaging cyclone of air. Each creature within 10 ft. of you must takes damage equal to your weapon damage for both your primary and one of your off-hand attacks. A successful Reflex save reduces this damage by half. For every 5 additional base attack bonus you possess, you may increase the radius by an additional 5 ft.
DW: Defensive Whirl (-2) (Ex) Whenever you use an attack action and successfully strike a single creature with both your main-hand and off-hand weapons, that creature takes a -1 penalty to all attack rolls against you for 1 round. For every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess, this penalty increases by an additional -1.
DW: Dual Attack (Ex) Whenever you make an attack action with a light or one-handed weapon, you can make an additional attack with a light or one-handed weapon held in your off-hand, though both attacks take a -2 penalty on their attack rolls when doing so; only your initial main hand attack qualifies as an attack action, and the additional attack cannot be made with the same weapon as your initial main hand attack. Your off-hand attack only applies 1/2 your Strength modifier, and if your off-hand attack is made with anything other than a light weapon, both attacks take an additional -2 penalty. Associated Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
DW: Focusing Defense (+1) (Ex) You may spend a move action to regain your martial focus and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC and CMD for 1 round. At +10 base attack bonus, this bonus increases to +2.
DW: Mercurial Flow (Ex) You deal your full Strength modifier to damage on attacks made with your off-hand attack instead of half. You may treat off-hand attacks as though they were made with your main hand for the purpose of Power Attack or similar abilities.
Enduring Armor +6 (Su) Armor of force grants armor bonus equal to 3 + your tier.
Equipment: Critical Genius (Ex) You may select 1 weapon with which you are proficient (including unarmed strike), treating that weapon as though its critical threat range was 19-20 (unless it would be higher) and its critical multiplier as though it was x2 (even if it would normally be higher). In addition, when you confirm a critical hit with the chosen weapon while using the attack action, you deal additional damage equal to your base attack bonus; this additional damage is applied after other modifiers and is not multiplied by the critical hit. At +10 base attack bonus, the chosen weapon’s critical threat range is instead treated as 18-20.
Exalted Resistance (13) You have spell resistance 13 vs evil spells, or any spell cast by evil outsiders.
Focus Casting (DC 24) You must make a concentration check to use magic without your focus item
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration Checks
Gu: Cold Iron Call (Ex) When targeted by a spell or spell-like ability, you may delay the onset of its effects until the end of your next turn as if it were damage. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to its caster level for the purpose of your delayed damage pool. If you do not have enough space remaining in the delayed damage pool, you may not delay the effect.
Gu: Durable (Ex) When targeted by a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious) you may delay the onset of its effects until the end of your next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to the attacking creature’s Hit Dice for determining the capacity of your delayed damage pool. If you do not have enough space remaining in the delayed damage pool, you may not delay the effect.
Gu: Greater Delayed Damage x2 (Ex) The size of your delayed damage pool increases by +1 per point of base attack bonus you possess. You may take this talent twice; the effects stack.
Gu: Patrol (Ex) As long as you have martial focus, as a full-round action you may increase your threatened area by 5 ft., +5 ft. for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. This increased threatened area is applied after the effects of the reach weapon special feature. Until the beginning of your next turn, you may make attacks of opportunity against any creature in this threatened area that provokes attacks of opportunity. You may move to bring the creature that provokes the attack of opportunity within your reach as part of these attacks, provided your total movement before your next turn does not exceed your base speed. Any movement you make provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. Associated Feat: Combat Patrol. Talents with the (zone) tag grant additional effects to this ability. Each patrol may only benefit from one (zone) talent.
Guardian Sphere (Ex) Guardians specialize in protecting their allies and drawing the ire of their enemies.
You gain a delayed damage pool equal to your 3 x your base attack bonus. When you receive damage, as part of taking the damage you may redirect all or part of it to your delayed damage pool. Apply damage reduction and resistance before redirecting the damage. You may not redirect damage that would exceed the maximum capacity of the damage pool. Your delayed damage pool empties at the end of your turn each round, inflicting any damage stored in the pool on you, bypassing any damage reduction or resistance you possess and resetting to 0. Any additional effects of the attack, such as poison, are still incurred immediately even if the entire damage of the attack is redirected to the delayed damage pool. Any healing you receive in excess of your maximum hp automatically reduces the amount of damage in your delayed damage pool.
Should you lose access to the Guardian sphere, any damage (or other effects if you possess certain talents) is incurred at the end of your turn.
In addition, choose one of the following packages: Challenge or Patrol. (Chosen: Patrol)
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Impossible Speed (+20 feet) (Ex) Spend 1 power to increase speed by 10 ft/tier for 1 hour.
Improved Channel (Ex) At 4th level, you gain Improved Channel as a bonus feat.
Incanter Domain (Divine) Incanter Exalted Domain (Sun) Granted by Divine Ability.
Incanter Domain (Travel) Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Inspired Spell (Su) Use 1 power, cast one Cleric spell at +2 CL, it doesn't need to be known/memorized.
Interplanar Prestige (Ex/Sp) Your mighty accomplishments have drawn the notice of creatures beyond your home plane. You gain a bonus equal to half your mythic tier on Diplomacy checks against outsiders with an alignment subtype that matches at least one portion of your alignment, and on Intimidate checks against outsiders with an alignment subtype that opposes at least one portion of your alignment. If you have the Leadership feat, you add half your mythic tier to your Leadership score for the purpose of attracting an outsider cohort.
In addition, if you are at least 7th level, you can expend two uses of your mythic power to cast lesser planar ally as a spell-like ability, treating your mythic tier as your caster level. If you are at least 11th level and 6th tier, you can expend three uses of your mythic power to cast planar ally.
If you are at least 15th level and 9th tier, you can expend four uses of your mythic power to cast greater planar ally.
You must provide the required offering to bargain for your ally’s service.
Lay on Hands (4d6 hit points, 9/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Legendary Power (4/day) All legendary items contain a pool of power - at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whether or not that creature is mythic. These uses of legendary power can only be expended to activate the legendary item's abilities (and only those abilities, not charge-based spells).
Legendary Surge (+1d8 to Attack Rolls - All, Concentration Checks) All legendary items have a legendary surge ability, similar to a mythic character's surge ability (see page 170). A mythic bearer can use their mythic surge die in place of the item's. If she's bonded to the item, she can increase that die by one step.
Life: Cure 1d8+24 (DC 20) Heal a target
Life: Greater Healing (2) Your cure heals 1 additional HP per caster level
Life: Invigorate (Up to 8 temp HP) Grant up to 8 temporary HP to an injured target
Life: Restore Heal a target's ability damage and remove negative conditions
Life: Resuscitate Cure or invigorate creatures who died within the last round
Life: Revitalize (Fast Healing 3) Cure can grant the target Fast Healing instead of healing normally
Life: Self-Renewal You can cure or restore yourself as a swift action
Light in the darkness Gain the Light Sphere, or a bonus talent from that sphere
Light: Area Glow Cause all creatures an objects in an area to glow
Light: Blinding Light Your glow can dazzle or blind creatures in its area of effect
Light: Bound Light (DC 21) Your glow can entangle and stagger creatures in its area of effect
Light: Encompassing Light (2 sizes larger) Your glow causes the target to act as if it were a larger size
Light: Glow Cause an object or creature to shed light
Light: Hypnotic Pattern (DC 21) Your glow can fascinate creatures in its area of effect
Light: Revealing Light Your glow can reveal invisible creatures and objects
Luminous Smite +5/+4 (Su) When causing a weapon to emit light, empower it against evil creatures
Mageknight Channel Positive Energy 4d6 (+10 vs undead) (4/day, DC 21, undead get no Channel Resistance) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Magical Signs Your use of magic is obvious to all observers
Magnifying glass +2 Appraise for small or highly detailed items.
Marked -2/+2 (Su) As a swift action, mark a target you damaged with a weapon to give them -2 vs your magic and yourself +2 vs theirs
Martial Focus (Double Weapons) Choose one fighter weapon group. While wielding a weapon from this group with which you are proficient, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with them.
Melee Blaster Melee attacks with destructive blast do not provoke AoO
MSB +8 Use for counterspelling, concentration, caster level checks, and beating SR
MSD 19 Use when defending against an MSB check
Mythic Bond A legendary item is typically bonded to a single mythic creature. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it fully.
Mythic Power (9/day, Surge +1d6) Use this power to perform your mythic abilities.
Nimbus of Light (30 ft., 8 rounds/day) (Su) As a standard action, 30 ft. aura of daylight deals 8 dam to undead each rd and dispels [Darkness] spells.
Penetrating Blow (Su) Spend 1 SP as a swift action to make all attacks as touch attacks for your turn
Personal Warp You may only teleport yourself
Piercing Spell Affected spell treats creatures with SR as having an SR of 5 lower. +1 Level
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quarterstaff Master Use a quarterstaff one-handed
Recharge Magic Iris' Vancian spells and SLAs use the Recharge Magic rules.
Recharge Sphere Magic Iris' Incanter spells use the Recharge Sphere Magic rules.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Solar Spell Light spell dazzles creatures and deals extra damage and extra effects against oozes, fungal, shadow, and undead creatures. +1 Level.
Stalwart (Ex) If you succeed at a Fort or Will save for reduced effect, you take none instead.
Sun's Blessing, Exalted (Su) +10 to channel damage vs. undead and they don't get channel resistance.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Warp: Teleport You can teleport yourself as a standard action
Warp: Unseeing Teleport Teleport without line of sight
Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff) +1 on all Attack Rolls with selected weapon.
Weather: Control Weather (Severity 4) You can change the temperature, precipitation, and wind in an area
Weather: Greater Weather Spend 1 or 2 spell points to simultaneously affect 2 or 3 types of weather
Weather: Severe Weather You can increase your control weather severity for an additional spell point
Wild Arcana (Su) Use 1 power, cast an arcane spell from your class list at +2 CL (doesn't need to be known/mem), or 1 Sphere Spell with 1 Talent.
Divine Abilities:
Divine Inspiration The deity can enchant creatures to create a specific emotion. The deity can affect one creature per divine rank at once, and up to the same number each day. All must be within the deity’s line of sight when first affected. The specific effects depend on the emotional state induced, and last until the next dawn.
Courage - The enchanted creatures become immune to fear effects and receive a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill checks, and Will saves.
Hope - The enchanted creatures gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Exalted Domain (Sun) Iris has the Exalted Sun Domain and can cast its domain spells as spell-like abilities (under the Recharge Magic rules).
Recharge Magic/Recharge Sphere Magic Iris' casting uses the Recharge Magic (Magus) and Recharge Sphere Magic (Incanter) rules.
Misc. Items:
Sword of Station: This decorative sword and scabbard occupies the belt slot and grants a +2 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. Three times per day, the wearer may draw the sword and deliver a single-word command, as per the spell (CL 1). The blunt and poorly-balanced sword is treated like an improvised club when used as a weapon in combat. Value: 1680gp (sell for half)
Iris, the Goddess of the Morning, has always had an... interesting... relationship with the rest of the celestial realms. Born from the sense of wonder creatures felt at the first dawn in the universe, Iris has always been a forward-looking goddess who emphasizes the opportunities that each new day brings. She's fond of bold proclamations, admires those who work hard to succeed on their own, and encourages giving aid to the worthy while holding back from anyone who honestly doesn't deserve the help.
However, there have been times when she's disagreed with other members of her pantheon. She occasionally has interpretations of goodness that are thought of as odd by her fellows - for example, she's utterly fine with slavery, seeing it as a venue for people to work hard without worrying too much about other things (like food or lodging). She'll also be the first person to smack down those who abuse positions of authority or ownership - Iris approves of the idea of a well-run society, but not one that systematically oppresses people or makes them unhappy. She's also opportunistic - each morning is another chance to start anew, and her penchant for supporting revolts (from national-level takeovers to intrepid businessmen seeking to overtake their rivals) means that she's just a little too chaotic and unpredictable to be one of the gods of law. In other words, she'll help people on their way up, but they're going to have to work hard if they want to stay up and remain in her favor.
Iris' favored weapon is the Quarterstaff, a common item that can be used in many different ways by creative individuals, and her holy symbol is a rising sun. She is worshiped by those who want to improve their lives, as well as those who value hard work in support of society. Iris' domains are Divine, Good, Liberation, Sun, and Travel.
Her followers are commanded to sleep in an area where they can be woken by the light of dawn and spend time in prayer once its light touches them - however, Iris is a reasonable goddess, and makes exceptions for those who are unable to do so (i.e. underground, physically incapable, etc.) and those who would be put in danger if they went to such an area.
Most of Iris' followers are expected to prepare at least one spell with the [Light] descriptor each day (or, if unable to prepare spells, to learn such a form of magic), and to subsequently use it at some point to bring more light into the world. She never grants spells with the [Darkness] descriptor, nor does she allow her followers to reproduce similar effects through other divine magic.
She is popular among good-aligned Aasimar, many of whom see her teachings in their own lives, and the more capable casters among these followers almost always learn the Consecrate Spell and Solar Spell metamagics in tribute to her.
Mihrel, the Staff of Sacred Light:
Staff of Sacred Light
Slot: None
CL: 20th (The bonded creature uses their caster level for effects at all times)
Weight: 5 lbs
Aura: Strong varied
Mythic Powers:
-Legendary Power (2/day)
-Legendary Surge (+1d8 to Attack Roll and Concentration Checks)
-Mythic Bond (The Staff of Sacred Light is bonded to Iris)
-Upgradable (Spend 1/2 the gold and 8 hours to upgrade/enchant the item)
-Returning, Same Plane (Spend 1 mythic power to summon weapon to hand, as if using the teleport object spell. Item must be on the same plane.)
Additional Crafted Powers:
-Amulet of Hidden Light [On command, the staff can shed light as a sunrod. Unlike a normal light source, creatures outside this area (60 ft) cannot see the light.]
-Amulet of Natural Armor +1 [Gives a +1 bonus to Natural Armor]
-Armillary Amulet [Gives a +5 Competence Bonus on Spellcraft]
-Golembane Scarab [Enables its bearer to detect any golem within 60 feet, although they must concentrate (a standard action) in order for the detection to take place. It also enables its possessor to combat golems with weapons, unarmed attacks, or natural weapons as if those golems had no damage reduction.]
-Necklace of Adaptation [Wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making them immune to all harmful vapors and gases (inc. gas spells and inhaled poisons) and allowing them to breathe, even underwater or in a vacuum.]
-Swarmbane Clasp [The bearer’s weapons, unarmed attacks, and natural attacks deal full damage to swarms, regardless of the swarm’s immunity to weapon damage (if any, although damage reduction applies as normal). If the wearer is damaged by a swarm, she automatically succeeds on her saving throw against the swarm’s distraction ability.]
Sphere Staff Powers:
-+2 Enhancement Bonus to Caster Level for the Destruction and Light spheres
This long golden staff is loosely wrapped in chains, with crystals on the ends of the chains that flicker with holy power. Large celestial gems decorate each end of the staff, one larger than the other and highlighted by more golden metal. Unlike a normal staff, a staff of sacred light holds a maximum number of charges equal to the holder's Character Level x2.5 (rounded down) and can't be recharged normally. Some of its powers use charges and others don't. A staff of sacred light doesn't lose its powers if it runs out of charges. The following powers don't use charges:
-Light My Fire (0th Level)
-Entropic Shield (1st Level)
-Hex of Chaos (Will DC 22 negates) (2nd Level)
-Zone of Truth (Will DC 22 negates) (2nd Level)
-Create Food and Water (3rd Level)
-Daylight (3rd level)
The following powers drain 1 charge per use:
-Aura of Peace (Will DC 23 negates) (3rd Level)
-Remove Curse (Will DC 23 negates) (3rd Level)
-Searing Light (3rd Level)
-Dismissal (Will DC 24 negates) (4th Level)
-Holy Smite (Will DC 24 partial) (4th Level)
-Breath of Life (Will DC 25 negates or partial) (5th Level)
-Divine Ray (5th Level)
-Greater Dispel Magic (6th level)
-Greater Restoration (Will DC 27 negates) (7th Level)
These powers drain 2 charges per use:
-Plane shift (Will DC 25 negates, arrive 2 to 200 miles from the intended destination) (5th Level)
-Holy Word (Will DC 27 partial) (7th Level)
-Cleansing Light (Will DC 29 partial) (9th Level)
-Summon Monster IX (the summoned creatures receive the benefits of the Augment Summoning feat) (9th Level)
For 5 charges, the staff of sacred light creates a gate (9th Level).
The staff of sacred light has DCs 4 higher than normal for a staff. The wielder still uses her own save DCs if they exceed those of the staff. [Calculation: 10 + Spell Level + Wisdom Modifier + 4]
The wielder can use any of her metamagic feats on spells cast with the staff of sacred light by expending 1 charge per increase in spell level, with a minimum of 1 charge spent. The adjusted level of the spell can't be increased above 9th level.
The wielder can expend one use of mythic power to gain the benefit of a number of charges equal to her mythic tier. Any excess charges are lost.
A wielder who knows the mythic version of one of the staff's spells can cast such spells from the staff by expending one use of mythic power. This can be combined with using mythic power to provide charges. Additionally, the wielder can expend one use of mythic power to add 1 charge to the staff, with no risk of the staff becoming inert if it is already fully charged.
For someone with a Character Level of 15 or higher, a staff of sacred light gives the wielder spell resistance equal to 23 plus her tier. If this is willingly lowered, however, the staff can be used to absorb arcane or divine energy directed at its wielder, as a rod of absorption does. Unlike the rod, this staff converts spell levels into charges rather than retaining them as spell energy usable by a spellcaster. If the staff absorbs enough energy to exceed its limit of charges, it loses half its total of charges and the bonded creature cannot cast spells through it for 24 hours. The wielder has no idea how many spell levels are cast at her—the staff doesn't communicate this knowledge as a rod of absorption does. Thus, absorbing spells can be risky.
A staff of sacred light is highly attuned to the gods of good, and the user must already be capable of casting spells of a given level before spells of that level can be cast through the staff - for example, the wielder would need to be able to cast 3rd level spells normally in order to cast Daylight from a staff of sacred light. At no point will a staff of sacred light grant access to spells of a level higher than the user could normally cast. Finally, a staff of sacred light will not function for an evil character (though its owner, if good, can still use its Calling effect even if it is currently held by an evil character).
Levelup Ideas:
-Mythic Tier 4/5? - Pick up Crafting Mastery and possibly Display of Intelligence.
-Ask about taking Master Artificer - 3PP feat that speeds crafting. Goal is to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the time it takes to craft Iris' items - which, in general, will trend expensive.
Useful Combat Techniques:
-Hex of Chaos (SoSL) + Melee Attack - May arguably be one-handed, but casting through the staff does not provoke AoOs, so no need for concentration checks. Randomly mess with enemies AND hurt them in the same round!