
Orchίd's page

118 posts. Alias of Nikolaus de'Shade.

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Siobhan Sable

| HP: 97/106| AC: 27[29] | F: +14, R: +8(11), W: +13 | Lore +9, Med/Perc +11, Rel +12, Dip +14, Ath +15, Intm +16 | +16, 2d6+6 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 2/2 | Active conditions: (594 posts)
Katra Sebine
Silver Crusade Adolina d'Jhaltera

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active: (1,200 posts)
Gold Dragon
Silver Crusade Edric 'Godly'

HP: 212/212. 0/16 | AC:30 | F:+23+ R:+17 W+20 | Itm/Med/Perc/Surv +18, Acr/Lore +15, Ath +23 | +23, 3d12+7+8 | Active Conditions: (899 posts)
Anwa of the Soft Step
Sovereign Court Issi Flamehair

Retired - now known as Wandering Phoenix, one of the Mage Warriors. (1,052 posts)
Liberty's Edge Isabel Rhelian

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions: (1,134 posts)
The Exchange Tyrek Archaos

|HP: 73/73 (14NL), Ward 10/7| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +10, R: +10, W: +7 | Init: +4 | Perc +16, Acr/DD/Stl/SM +13 | Speed 30ft | Burn 2/7, Buffer 1/1 | +10[+12], 4d6+12[+4] | Active Conditions: -1 burn for infusions (464 posts)
Swordswoman of Sothis
Scarab Sages Say'ri Al Bashere

HP 57/62 | AC21, T15, FF16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +6 | CMD 20 | Acr +12, Perc/SM +12, Knw L +11, Surv +9, Sth +8 | Init +7 | Rapier +11/+6, d6-1; Pistol +14/+9(15), d8+5(6) (7)| Grit 2/3.00 | Active: (1,062 posts)
Jask Derindi
Grand Lodge Ashlion of Vudra

RETIRED: Saved the Isle of Kortos and now busy creating a very large family with his wives. (1,314 posts)
Dark Archive Cardinal Lucius d'Borja

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions: (877 posts)
Dark Archive Sariana Nightsong

| HP 122/133 | AC:27 | Fo:+16 Re:+16 Wi:+17+ | Ath +15, Acr +16, Dec +16, Itm +14, Med +13, Perc +15 | Fangs/Fists +18 2d8+6+d6 bleed | Ki 2/2, HeP: 3/3, Haste 1/1 | Active Conditions: (886 posts)
Laria Longroad
Liberty's Edge Cyrene Two-spell

| HP: 45/58 | AC: 18 | F+10, R+8, W+10 | Lvl 1: 2/2, Lvl 2: 2/2 | Dip/Itm/Per +10, Nat +11, Med/Rel/Sth +8, Lore/Soc +6 | Hero 2/3 | Sabach: AC: 20 | F+ 11, R+8, W+9 | Whip +10, d8+4(+1), Dagger +10, d6+4(+1) | Active conditions: (256 posts)


Ahreni, Fallen Angel

HP 59/60 | AC22 (24), T/FF 19/22 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +3 | CMB 9, CMD 24 | Acr+16, Dip+16, KnwR +10, Per+10, Prf/Bluff/SM +16 | Init +7 | Glaive +12, d10+12 | Challenge 2/3, Resolve 4/4 | Active: (940 posts)
(199 posts)
Alessandra Filosovici

RETIRED - ascended to godhood. (1,191 posts)
Baldur Halfhand

|HP: 22/22| AC: 16 |F: +5, R: +6, W: +8 | Ar/Cft/Lor/Occ/Soc +8, Med/Nat/Per/Thi +6 | Speed 25ft | 1: 1/3, Foc 2/2 | Active conditions: (124 posts)
Benedict Daxos

HP: 38/38 | AC 18/18/13 | F +8, R +8, W +7 | Init +4 | Dip +11, HA +9, SM +6, Knw No +5| Katana +8, d8+5. 18-20x2; Shortbow +7, d6. x3. | LoH 4/4, d6 | Active Conditions: (153 posts)

|HP: 204/204| AC: 30 | F: +21, R: +20, W: +24+ | Dec/Dip +25, Itm +23, Med/Prc/Rel/Soc +22, Lor/Occ +18 | Lvl 1: 4/4, 2: 4/4, 3: 0/4, 4: 0/4, 5: 4/4, 6: 4/4, 7: 0/4, Focus: 1/3 | HeP 3/3 | Active conditions: (696 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Caspian Lotheed

|HP: 35/35| AC: 18 T:14 FF:14 | F: +4, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Bluff +7, UMD +11 [(+d6) Dip +7, DD +13, Per/SM +11, Spl +11, Knw +7/8] | 1: 4/4, 2: 2/2 | Active conditions: (281 posts)
Female Human

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions: (714 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin

HP:77/119 | AC:30 FF:22 T:22 | F:+9 R:+17 W+4 | Init +6 | Acr/Slth +24, Blf/Dis/Itm/Perc +20, SM +15, DD +26 | 1: 4/5, 2: 5/5, 3: 0/3; Summon 1/1, Shroud 4/4, Fading 3/3 | Sabre +23/+18, d8+13+5d6; Sabres 21/21/16/16, d8+13+5d6, 17-20x2 | Active: 4 str damage (57 posts)
Dr Jack "Sawbones" Maturin

RETIRED: after forty years of forensic investigation for the Starwatch. (637 posts)

RETIRED: advancing artificial medicine to save her wife's mind. (669 posts)
(422 posts)
Gaius Trevelyan

HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 (t:13, ff:13) | CMB: 2, CMD: 15 | F: +3, R: +7, W: +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Rapier: +6, d6+3, 18-20x2. | Panache 4/4, Inspiration 7/7 | Lvl 1 3/3 | Active: (353 posts)
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm'
(2,528 posts)
Winter Klazcka
Harmony Mai d'Valois

RETIRED - married and living happily ever after. (898 posts)
Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II
Imperia Tanessen

RETIRED - Queen Consort of Cheliax (693 posts)
Pirate Sniper

Vigilante Persona RETIRED - killed Queen Ileosa and saved Korvosa. (484 posts)
Luce, Light's Shadow

Alias "Shadow" | Female Akorosi Spider | Insight 2 (Study 1, Survey 1), Prowess 1 (Finesse 1), Resolve 3 (Command 1, Consort 3, Sway 2)| Vice: Family | Stress: 5/9 | Harm: 1 (electroplasmic shock) | Healing Clock: 0/4, Foresight: 1/2, Planning Clock 2/8 (114 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Lucien Fesch

|HP: 6/25| AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Dip/Per +9, DD +11, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Smite 0/1; LoH 2/4 (d6); Armor 3/4 | Falc +7, 2d6+4, 18-20. Pistol +5, d8. x4. | Active conditions: (248 posts)
Consortium Agent
Maximus Tanessen-Thrune

HP: 117/206 | F: +25, R: +25, W: +30 | Arc/Lore +24, Per/Occ/Rel/Slth +26, Soc +28, Int +30, Dec/Dip +32 | 1: 2/2, 2: 2/2, 3: 2/2, 4: 2/2, 5: 1/2, 6: 1/2, 7: 1/2, 8: 0/2, 9: 1/2. Focus 3/3. (109 posts)
Melodie d'Valois

RETIRED - happily married and ruling Taldor. (1,674 posts)
Mithras 'Myth' Invictus

D +0, F +3, Sa +0, Su +1, M -1. Po 1/5. Conditions: (54 posts)
Katra Sebine
Morgana of House Deverin

HP: 12/12 | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +5, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Slth +8, SM +7, Perc/Surv +6 | Speed 30ft | Spear: +5, d8+6, x2, P. Bite/Claws +5, d6/d4+4, x2, BPS/P | Aspect 4/4, FE (Water) +2 | Active conditions: (514 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Natalya 'the Firebird'

|HP: 194/194 | AC: 30 | F: +23+, R: +20+, W: +21 | Nature +17, Acr +18, Perc +19 [21 for init], Med +23, Ath +25, Stealth +24[26 for init] | Speed 30ft | KB +22, 3d6(+5), 60ft. | HeP: 1/1 | Active conditions: (440 posts)
Fire Giant
Ogon Magehunter

HP: (4NL) 51/51 | AC: 21/24 (13 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +9, R: +5, W: +3 | Init: +1 | Intim +6, Perc: +9, SM +9, UMD +5 | Speed 20ft | Kinetic Blade +8 (vs. touch), 2d6+2+3, x2 | Burn 1/8, Resolve 1/1 | Active conditions: (247 posts)

HP: 12/12 | AC: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 |HA +3, KNat +4, Perc/Prof/Stl +7, Srv +8, SM +10| Claw/Bite +4, d4/d6+3, Spear +4, d8+4 | HeP: 1 | Active: (118 posts)
Golden Orb
The Radiant Twins
(0 posts)

Vanaran Male Monk HP: 22/22 | AC: 16 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 20 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, Acro +9, Stealth +9 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Unarmed: +5, d6+3+1, x2, B. Longbow: +5(6), d8+3(+1), x3, 110ft, P. Perfect Strike 1/1 | Active conditions: -2 dex (224 posts)

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions: (224 posts)
Saleh el'Dinn

RETIRED (490 posts)

RETIRED - Runelord of Altruism (1,141 posts)

RETIRED - defeated Karzoug, saved Sandpoint and happy Alpha of her little Pack (975 posts)
Terana Murkwater

RETIRED - divine guardian of the Compass (Ruins of Azlant) (913 posts)
Augmented Gearsman

HP: 8/24 | AC: 19 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Itm +4, Slth +5, Arc/Ath/Cft/Lore/Occ/Soc +7, Med/Perc +8, Eng +9 | Spiked Chain +8, d8+3[+d6] | Hero: 2/2 | Active: (365 posts)
Vincent Maridos II

Male Medium Vampire (Dhampir) Arcanist 13 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 21 | Init: +7 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | P+18, Bl +25, Scrft +24, UMD +20, Knw A/D/L/N/P/R +24, H/No +18, G+17| Speed 30ft | 1: 6/6, 2: 6/6, 3: 6/6, 4: 6/6, 5: 5/5, 6: 4/4| Reservoir 9/16, Staff 10/10 |Active Conditions: (367 posts)
Jilia Bainilus
Violetta di Valori
(40 posts)
Elf Archer
Vox, the Song of the People

Social Persona RETIRED - off to kill one of the Eldest. (513 posts)
Álainn the Fey

RETIRED - now part of the Harrow Realm. (325 posts)