About Vox, the Song of the PeopleThe Voices:
Alice/Jasper - 16yr old, twins.
Isabelle - 13yr old. Charles - 10. Tobias - 9 Vox
Init +11 (+9 Dex, +2 trait) Senses: Perception +22, Low light vision, Darkvision (60ft). DEFENSE
HP 99/99 ([8+15*5]+0+16) Fort +10 (5 base, +0 Con, +5 resistance)
Spd 30 ft, Climb 15ft.
Base Atk +12/+7/+2
Total Points: 176 [15*(6 Vigilante + 3 Int + 2 background)]
Fine Gloves & Embroidered Scarves, 250gp (Gift).
2,919 gold 27 silver 0 copper. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Weapon Proficiencies: Vigilantes are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Dual Identity:
A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large.
The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante. Changing from one identity to another takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures to preserve the vigilante’s secret. Changing identities is more than just changing outfits and clothing (although that is certainly a part of it); the process often also involves applying make-up, altering his hair, and adjusting other personal effects. Furthermore, the change is as much a state of mind as of body, so items such as a hat of disguise and similar spells and effects that change the user’s appearance do not reduce the time required to change identities. Most social talents require the vigilante to be in his social identity, but a vigilante who uses vigilante talents in his social identity risks exposing his secret. Despite being a single person, a vigilante’s dual nature allows him to have two alignments, one for each of his identities. When in an identity, he is treated as having that identity’s alignment for all spells, magic items, and abilities that rely on alignment. For the purpose of meeting a qualification for a feat, class, or any ability, he is only eligible if both of his alignments meet the requirements. A vigilante’s two alignments cannot be more than one step from each other on a single alignment axis. For example, a vigilante with a lawful neutral social identity could have a vigilante identity that is lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil. If a vigilante is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes both of his alignments to the new alignment. Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the vigilante work only if the vigilante is currently in the identity the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two identities are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or effect has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist. Seamless Guise: A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for his current identity. Should anyone suspect him of being anything other than what he appears to be while either in his social or vigilante identity, he can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as his current identity, and not as his other identity. Vigilante Specialization: At 1st level, a vigilante must choose to be either an Social Talents:
Social Grace: The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device (Craft Armor). Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus.
Reknown - West Dock [Level 3]: The vigilante becomes known for deeds and abilities regardless of his current identity. This renown grants him favorable treatment in civilized company and lends him an air of menace while facing down his enemies. While he is in his social identity, a vigilante can spend 1 week gaining renown among the locals of any community of no more than about 200 individuals (a village, if using settlement population ranges). This could be the entire community or a smaller neighborhood in a larger settlement. He must spend at least 4 hours each day socializing and making contacts. After spending 1 week doing this, whenever he is in his social identity, all NPCs in the community have a starting attitude toward him that is one category better, as long as each person’s initial attitude would have at least been indifferent (see the Diplomacy skill description). While he gains renown in an area using his social identity, he also spreads rumors and tales about his vigilante identity. Once he has gained renown in a community, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks whenever he is in his vigilante identity. This bonus applies only while he is near the community in which he has gained renown; he must be within a number of miles equal to his vigilante level. A vigilante can hold renown in a limited number of communities (normally one, with other social talents allowing two). If he gains renown in a new community, he must decide which one of his previous communities to lose. These effects are subject to GM approval. For example, the GM might rule that an NPC or monster has not heard any tales about the vigilante. Or, a foe may have a starting attitude toward him that’s one category worse, rather than one category better. Loyal Aid [Level 5]: The vigilante gains the service of a number of loyal allies who can help him gather information, cover for his two identities, or perform minor tasks. Inside his area of renown, a vigilante with this talent gains a bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information equal to half his vigilante level. In addition, if the vigilante wants, he can task his friends to help cover for him by spreading false tales of his location and activities to others. This has the effect of increasing the DC of Diplomacy checks to gather information about the vigilante and Survival checks to track him by an amount equal to his level. This lasts for 1 day, and can be used only once per week. Finally, once per day, the vigilante can ask his allies to perform a minor task for him. This usually involves delivering a message, purchasing a piece of mundane gear worth 100 gp or less (which the vigilante must pay for), or retrieving an object owned by the vigilante (that would be easily accessible by the ally). This task might take other forms as well, subject to GM discretion, but can never involve combat or danger. A vigilante must be at least 3rd level and have the renown social talent to select this talent. Quick Change [Level 7]: The vigilante learns to shift between his identities with ease. Instead of needing 1 minute to change his identity, he can now do so as a full-round action. If, after a quick change, he encounters any creature familiar with both of his identities, he must attempt a Disguise check to avoid the creature seeing through his hastily donned disguise and realizing that the identities are, in fact, the same person. The vigilante can spend 1 additional round adjusting and perfecting his appearance and persona to negate the need for this check. Great Renown - Old Korvosa, North Point, Midland [Level 9]: The vigilante is known on a broader scale. He can gain renown in a single community of up to 5,000 individuals (a large town) or up to two communities of no more than 2,000 individuals each (two small towns). The bonus while he is in his social identity remains unchanged, but the circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks from his renown social talent while he is in his vigilante identity increases to +6. A vigilante must be at least 7th level and have the renown social talent to select this talent. Incredible Renown [Level 11]: (Korvosa) The vigilante is incredibly famous in both identities. He can gain renown in a single community of up to 25,000 individuals (a large city) or up to two smaller cities of no more than 10,000 individuals each (two small cities). The bonus while he is in his social identity remains unchanged, but the circumstance bonus to Intimidate from his great renown social talent while in he is in his vigilante identity increases to +8. A vigilante must be at least 11th level and have the great renown social talent to select this talent. Immediate Change [Level 13]: The vigilante can change identities as a move action, and he no longer needs to spend extra time to adjust his appearance and persona. A vigilante must be at least 13th level and must have the quick change social talent to select this talent. Safe House [Level 15]: The vigilante can establish a safe house in his area of renown, and he can change it every time he changes his area of renown. If he doesn’t have the renown talent, he can still select this talent and place the safe house in a single location to which he has access, but he can never move the safe house from its initial location until he gains the renown talent. This safe house must be an area no larger in volume than a cube that is a number of feet per side equal to 10 feet per vigilante level. The safe house can be arranged any way he likes and it can be part of a larger building, like a secret room or an underground cave. Objects within this safe house can’t be located by any effect that is less powerful than a discern location spell. At 7th level, this protection from being located also applies to creatures in the safe house. At 13th level, the entire area is protected from scrying effects (though not mundane snooping) like a mage’s private sanctum. Unshakable: Starting at 3rd level, a vigilante adds his class level to the DC of any attempts to Intimidate him.
Once a creature has been the target of this ability (either as the target of the attack or as a nearby creature, regardless of whether or not it was successful), it is immune to that vigilante’s frightening appearance for 24 hours. This effect is in addition to the bonuses gained from the startling appearance ability. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Vigilante Talents:
Lethal Grace [Level 2]: The vigilante combines strength and speed into incredibly deadly attacks. He gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, and if he already has the Weapon Finesse feat, he can immediately swap it for another feat for which he qualified at the level he chose Weapon Finesse. When using Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack using his Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and his Strength bonus on damage rolls, he also adds half his vigilante level on damage rolls. This bonus damage is not reduced or increased if the vigilante is wielding a weapon two-handed or in an off-hand.
Rooftop Infiltrator [Level 4]: The vigilante gains a climb speed equal to half his base speed, which increases to his full base speed when climbing a rope. Sniper [Level 6]: The vigilante can deal hidden strike damage with ranged attacks at any distance, rather than within 30 feet. Only a stalker vigilante of at least 6th level can select this talent. Hide in Plain Sight [Level 8]: The vigilante can use Stealth to hide even when being observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of dim light (his own shadow doesn’t count), he can hide without anything to actually hide behind. Only a stalker vigilante of at least 8th level can select this talent. Stalker's Senses [Level 10]: The vigilante has a sense for danger. He always acts on the surprise round. At 6th level, he gains uncanny dodge, and at 12th level, he gains improved uncanny dodge. Only a stalker can select this talent. Volatile Bombs [Level 12]: A vigilante with this talent gains the ability to attach an alchemist bomb to a ranged attack he makes with a bow or crossbow as part of firing the attack. If the attack hits, it deals an additional amount of damage equal to that of an alchemist bomb, using the vigilante’s level as his alchemist level to determine the bomb’s damage. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. The vigilante can takes this talent multiple times. Each time he does, he can use the ability one additional time per day and he gains one alchemist discovery that can modify bombs, treating his vigilante level as his alchemist level for any prerequisites. He can apply these discoveries to his bombs as normal. Blind Spot [Level 14]: The vigilante is so skilled at stealth, he can use the Stealth skill to hide from creatures with unusual senses that normally automatically detect creatures. This includes senses such as blindsense, blindsight, lifesense, scent, or tremorsense. For each such ability that the creature possesses, if the vigilante is not bypassing the sense in another way—such as the negate aroma spell for scent or flying for tremorsense—the creature gains a stacking +20 circumstance bonus on all Perception checks to notice the vigilante, rather than automatically noticing the vigilante. Only a stalker vigilante of at least 6th level can select this talent. Evasive [Level 16]: The vigilante is hard to catch with area attacks. He gains the evasion ability, and at 12th level, he gains the improved evasion ability. Only a stalker vigilante can select this talent. |