About CaraidCaraid
Senses: Perception +22 (E, +4 Wis), Low light vision, Darkvision. DEFENSE
Fort +21 (E, +3 Con)
Spd 25 ft
Spellwrack (4th level occult, 1/day) STATISTICS
Dream May [Ancestry 1]: You are the child of a night hag, making one of your eyes violet or even black. Your mother's powers over sleep and dreams have given you a degree of resistance to those effects, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against sleep effects and effects that cause or alter dreams.
In addition, sleep is more restorative for you. You regain HP equal to your Constitution modifier times double your level instead of just times your level, and you reduce any drained and doomed conditions you have by 2 instead of by 1. Called [Ancestry 5]: You have heard the Call, and in constantly resisting that persistent demand, you've developed a mental bulwark against effects that would target your mind. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Will saving throws against mental effects. If you roll a success on your saving throw against a mental effect that would make you controlled, you get a critical success instead. Hag's Sight [Level 9]: You've nurtured the supernatural abilities gifted by your hag mother, particularly your sight. You gain darkvision. Hag Magic [Level 13]: Through your heritage, you can replicate a hag’s magic. Choose one common spell of 4th rank or lower from those available to a coven, including the spells contributed to a coven by a hag of your mother’s type. You can cast this spell once per day as a 4th-rank occult innate spell. Class:
Reach Spell [Oracle 2]: You can extend the range of your spells. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, increase that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet.
Reanimator Dedication [FA2]: You have dedicated your studies to the art of raising and commanding undead. If you're a spontaneous spellcaster with animate dead in your repertoire, it becomes a signature spell in addition to your usual signature spells. In addition, if you're able to target the mostly intact remains of an appropriate type of dead creature when casting animate dead, the undead you animate gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, AC, saving throws, and skill checks for the duration of animate dead. Divine Access [Oracle 4]: Your ability to tap into divine magic surpasses the spells traditionally available to you (the divine spell list). Choose one deity who grants one of your mystery's granted domains. Add up to three cleric spells of your choice granted by that deity to your spell list. You can select from these spells when you add or swap spells in your spell repertoire. Burning Hands (1), Fireball (3), Wall of Fire (4). Undying Conviction [FA4]: Your presence has a bolstering effect on your undead minions. Undead creatures under your control and within a 30-foot emanation around you gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws to resist positive damage and to Will saving throws to resist effects that would make them controlled. Steady Spellcasting [Oracle 6]: Confident in your technique, you don’t easily lose your concentration when you Cast a Spell. If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, your action isn’t disrupted. Deathly Secrets [FA6]: No means of creating or ruling the undead is beyond your grasp, even those of magical traditions not your own. You learn either the eyes of the dead or subjugate undead focus spell. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by meditating over the earthly remains of a dead sentient creature. The rules for focus spells appear here. Focus spells granted by the reanimator archetype are from the same tradition as those used to meet the archetype's prerequisite. Advanced Revelation [Oracle 8]: You learn an advanced revelation spell associated with your mystery. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. Medic Dedication [FA8]: You become an expert in Medicine. When you succeed with Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, the target regains 5 additional HP at DC 20, 10 HP at DC 30, or 15 HP at DC 40. Once per day, you can use Battle Medicine on a creature that's temporarily immune. If you're a master in Medicine, you can do so once per hour. Oracular Warning [Oracle 10]: You have a flash of insight about impending danger related to one ally, and you can shout or gesture to warn that ally of the threat a moment before it materializes. One ally of your choice can roll twice for initiative and use the better result; this is a fortune effect. If you are legendary in Religion, you receive two visions and can warn two allies, granting them both this benefit. You are momentarily thrown off by the divine insight, however, and you must roll twice for your initiative roll and use the worse result. This is a misfortune effect. The two effects are tied together; if you would avoid the misfortune effect for any reason, or if any of your allies would negate their fortune effect, your Oracular Warning does nothing. Depending on whether you use gestures or call out, this action gains either the visual or auditory trait, respectively. Greater Deathly Secrets [FA10]: Your undead secrets grow stronger still. You learn either the malignant sustenance or grasping grave focus spell. Your focus pool increases by 1 point. Magic Sense [Class 12]: You have a literal sixth sense for ambient magic in your vicinity. You can sense the presence of magic auras as though you were always using a 1st-rank detect magic spell. This detects magic in your field of vision only. When you Seek, you gain the benefits of a 3rd-rank detect magic spell on things you see (in addition to the normal benefits of Seeking). You can turn this sense off and on with a free action at the start or the end of your turn. Necromancer's Visage [FA12]: Necromantic energy demonstrates your power over undead, creating a demeanor that commands their fear and respect. Undead creatures can immediately sense your Necromancer's Visage and tend to act accordingly. If you take a hostile action against an undead creature, it becomes permanently immune to your Necromancer's Visage, and your Necromancer's Visage ends. You can spend 10 minutes to restore your Necromancer's Visage, though any creatures that became permanently immune remain so. Each time an undead creature 2 or more levels lower than you attacks you, it must attempt a Will save against your spell DC. If you're also affected by sanctuary or a similar effect, only one affects the attacker (you choose which). Critical Success The creature is permanently immune to your Necromancer's Visage. Success The creature can attempt its attack and any other attacks against you this turn. Failure The creature can't attack you and wastes the action. It can't attempt further attacks against you this turn. Critical Failure The creature wastes the action and can't attempt to attack you as long as your Necromancer's Visage persists. Mysterious Revelation [Oracle 14]: Your mystery holds unknowable depths of magic not always associated with the divine. You can have one spell in your spell repertoire not on the divine spell list, in addition to spells you've added to your spell list from abilities like divine access. You cast that spell as a divine spell. You can swap which spell you add and from which tradition as you could any other oracle spell, but you can't use this feat to have more than one spell from another tradition in your spell repertoire at the same time. Dandy Dedication [FA14]: You are a consummate student of dignity, etiquette, and fashion. You become trained in Deception and Society; if you were already trained in either, you become an expert in it instead. You gain the Influence Rumor downtime activity. General:
Toughness [General 7]: You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.
A Home in Every Port [General 11]: You have a reputation in towns and villages you've visited, and residents are always willing to open their doors to you. When in a town or village, during downtime, you can spend 8 hours to locate a resident willing to provide lodging for you and up to six allies for up to 24 hours at no charge. The standard of living within the acquired lodging is comfortable, and square meals are provided at no cost. After 24 hours, you must pay standard prices for further lodging and meals or use this feat again to find a new resident willing to host you. Skill:
Streetwise [Background]: You know about life on the streets and feel the pulse of your local settlement. You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally.
Stitch Flesh [Skill 2]: You can use Treat Wounds to restore Hit Points to undead creatures, not just living ones. The techniques you use to do so vary, but all require sutures, bandages, and other tools included in healer's tools. Some conditions that might raise the DC of treating undead's wounds differ from that of living creatures. Battle Medicine [General 3]: You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day. Discrete Enquiries [Skill 4]: You are subtle in your efforts to learn the things you need to know. When Gathering Information, you can hide the true subject of your inquiry among other topics of little interest to you without increasing the difficulty of the check or taking more time to Gather Information. Anyone trying to Gather Information to determine if someone else was asking around about the topic in question must exceed your Deception DC or the normal DC to Gather Information about your inquiries, whichever is higher, or else they don't learn of your efforts. Intimidating Glare [Skill 6]: You can Demoralize with a mere glare. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language. Continual Recovery [Skill 8]: You zealously monitor a patient’s progress to administer treatment faster. When you Treat Wounds, your patient becomes immune for only 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. This applies only to your Treat Wounds activities, not any other the patient receives. Half-truths [Skill 10]: You are able to weave your words in such a way that you never use actual lies, but still mislead people to certain conclusions. You can attempt to make a Request of a creature using Deception instead of Diplomacy. You can attempt to Lie to a creature using Diplomacy instead of Deception. If you fail your check to Lie, the creature realizes that you were twisting words to fool them without outright lying. Assured Identification [Skill 12]: You rarely misidentify an item. When using Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion checks to Identify Magic, if you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. If you would misidentify a cursed item because you roll a success but not a critical success, you simply can't identify it instead. Courtly Graces [Skill 14]: You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. Unless you are intentionally presenting yourself differently, anyone who speaks with you will assume you are a noble or closely associated with the nobility (such as a prominent servant). You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If you use the normal skills in those situations, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead. SKILLS
AC penalty is 0 LANGUAGES
Curse of Outpouring Life:
Life energy flows outward from you and connects you to all living things, but you expend your vital essence to do so. Your presence comforts the ill and injured, causes scars to fade slightly, spurs new growth in plants, and otherwise infuses your surroundings with vitality. Minor Curse: As your life force seeps outward, it becomes more difficult to keep your body functioning. Effects that restore Hit Points to you take a status penalty equal to half your level (minimum 1) to the number of HP you recover. Moderate Curse: The flow of life energy away from you can't be reversed. In addition to the effects of your minor curse, you can't be healed by magical effects originating from other creatures. However, if you are unconscious, magical effects can restore you to 1 HP (but no higher). You are affected normally by healing elixirs, potions, and other items. When you cast heal and all your targets are living creatures, you roll d12s instead of d8s for the amount of healing. Whenever you finish casting a non-cantrip spell, you restore Hit Points equal to the spell level to your choice of either one target of the spell or the creature nearest to you. You can't heal yourself in this way. This healing has the healing, necromancy, and positive traits, as well as the tradition trait of the spell. Major Curse: Life energy tears through you to empower your magic. Some of your spells carry positive energy with them. Each time you use a spell slot to cast a 5th-level or higher spell that takes 2 or more actions to cast, you disperse positive energy in a 30-foot burst with the effects of a 3-action heal spell with a level 4 lower than that of the spell you cast. This healing occurs immediately after you finish Casting the Spell. You don't benefit from this healing. Instead, you lose double the number of Hit Points rolled for the heal spell. --------------------
However, when Caraid was thirteen, the shop doorbell rang and a ring that his father always wore turned jet black. His father told Caraid to hide in the cellar and, under pain of death itself, not to come out. Caraid obeyed his father, but the cellar was under the main shop and he heard the conversation that was carried out above his head. "Hello Nepenthe, what are you doing here?" The voice that replied was female and... unnatural somehow. "I've come for my side of the bargain Oren. Where is the boy?" "Dead." Caraid's father replied and the boy could practically see his father's shrug. "These past two winters. Something got into his lungs. Probably one of those poisons they mess with in the Foundry." There was a long pause before the female voice spoke again. "You're lying Oren, where is he?" "I don't know Nepenthe!" His father growled. "And even if he were alive I wouldn't let you take him. Your kind takes girls, not boys! That was our agreement!" "Our agreement was for one soul Oren." The female replied, her voice soft and menacing. "If I can't have his, then I'll have to have yours!" Caraid waited for his father to speak again and heard nothing except a strange whisper in his ear, one that coaxed him to go upstairs, to reveal himself. But Caraid was stubborn and loyal to his father and he stayed put until the woman above cursed under her breath and the door closed behind her. His father disappeared that day, leaving no trace behind and Caraid was quick to sell his fathers shop and leave, before 'Nepenthe' could come back or hunt him down. Given his own, unique abilities Geb seemed like the most unlikely place he could conceive of, so that's where he went and grew to manhood working for the Export Guild. |