Nialla Shadowflame's page

No posts. Organized Play character for robert Goode.

Organized Play Characters

The Exchange Copernicus Temple 1e

Male Human Occultist, level 5 (0 posts)

The Concordance Azura Skye Priestess of Shelyn

Female Sylph Bard 2 / Cleric 2 (0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Thr'shn'kal "Thresh" J'Kar

Male Vesk Soldier 5 (0 posts)

Dataphiles Aida 5978

Android Technomancer 3 (0 posts)

Wayfinders Yuri Lighttail

Ysoki Operative 1 (0 posts)

Manifold Host RBG - 704
(0 posts)

Wayfinders Naressa Kolaris

F Lashunta Envoy (0 posts)

Acquisitives Jayden Cholis

Mechanic (0 posts)

Rbg96 Playtest GM
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Nialla Shadowflame

Female Human - Nidalese Cleric 10 (0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Mikka Greentooth

Goblin Druid (0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Karn Bloodrender

Male Orc Monk (0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Xindra Vashir
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Sir Greylin

Skeleton (0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Torment Al'Rockna
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Satya Al-Zaheer
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Kessa Stormheart
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Gordon Ramsleaf

M Halfling Alchemist (0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Krynia

1/2 Orc Kineticist (0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Rosencrantz Guildenstern

Human Bard (0 posts)
Grand Archive Amadeus Von Yurick
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters RBG_2014

Minotaur Barbarian (0 posts)


Numerian Gunslinger
"Console Cowboy"

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.
(33 posts)
Anton Rabinoff

M Half-Elf Fighter 6/Swordlord 1 (19 posts)
Merisiel… in… SPACE!
APRIL 26-b

NXSA-Infocorp Autonomous Program for Research on Interplanetary Life
Party Skill Buffs:
+1 Guns/Beams w/in 300 yd, +2 First Aid/Physician, +5 Diagnosis, +6 Surgery, +6 Tracking, +3 Mechanic/Repair (Robots), +5 Detect Lies, and other
Speed 5, Dodge 8, Will 12, Per 12+, HT 10, FP –; Gilligan: DR 30, HP 16/20; Skipper: DR 15, HP 5/5; Mary Ann: DR 1, HP 1/1 (135 posts)
Arvid Songstál

M Human (Vayangurr) Skald 3 (Spell Warrior) | HP: 30/30 | AC: 20 / T: 12 / FF: 18 | Fort: +4/+6, Ref: +3/+4, Will: +4/+6 | CMD: 16 | Init: +4, Perception: +6 | (64 posts)
Atheos, God of Skepticism

"Lord of Atheism" | Not-a-Lesser-God | Attack 3d6, Defense 5d6, HP 40 (249 posts)
Attoshi Moon-Scarred

Dreaming Orc Bloodrager (Primalist, Metamagic Rager, Crossblooded Arcane/Fey) 13 | Fighter (Dragoon) 2, Oracle (Planar, Lunar Mystery, Lame Curse) 11 (8 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Blessed Brother Barion

Half-Elf (Riverfolk, Half-Drow) Bard (Rubato) 5/Incanter 5 | HP: 36/36, SP: 9/9, MP: 0/9, TP: 4/4, PP: 5/5, BP: 14/14 | AC: 21 / T: 13 / FF: 18 | Fort: +3, Ref: +7, Will: +6+ | M. Touch: +4, R. Touch: +8 | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | Init: +9, Perception: +10 (LL, DV) (86 posts)
Cernan the Patient

Detective Cernan's on the case! *** M Aasimar (Emberkin) Arcanist (White Mage) 2 *** Party-at-a-Glance Spreadsheet (176 posts)
Pathfinder Chronicler
Charlotte Adellan

F Aranea Sorcerer 2/Veiled Illusionist 10/Arcanist 3 | HP 124/174, AC 36 (T 20, FF 30) Fort +18, Ref +20, Will +21 (all +1 vs spells), immune to mental control | Per +22/23 vs traps, darkvision, auto-detect all spellcasting (121 posts)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Elements (PFRPG)

M Suli Aegis (Trailblazer) 5, Fighter (Unbreakable) 1/Medium (Spirit Dancer) 6/Mythic Trickster 1 | HP: 71/86, Stamina: 1/8 | AC: 19 / T: 12 / FF: 19 | Fort: +9, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | M. Touch: +9, R. Touch: +7 | CMB: +10, CMD: 21 | Init: +1/+3 favored, Perception: +9/+11 favored (LL) | Resist Fire 5, Electric 5, Acid 5, Cold 5, DR 3/- (609 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
The Crimson Stranger

Lady Adrexa, the Red Queen of Escarra (26 posts)
Cyril Erenwehr

M Elf Fighter 1 (Lore Warden, Martial Master) (1 post)
Drow Battle Wizard
Dalang Teniel

M Wayang Bard 4 / Bloodrager 4 / Oracle 4
HP 51/51+, AC 18/16, T 17/14, FF 12/10, Init +5, Fort +5/+7, Ref +10, Will +8, Perception +11, Stealth +16, Intimidate +19/21/+23, Rage 11/11, Perform 16/16
Party Buffs:
Misfortune: immediate re-roll of one d20
(945 posts)
The Dapper GM

Rocks fall, everyone dies (1,597 posts)
Deacon Ridley

Halfling URogue 3 / Oracle 3 | HP: 33/33 | AC: 19 / T: 14 / FF: 16 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +7/+9 | M. Touch: +5, R. Touch: +5 | CMB: +4, CMD: 13 | Init: +5, Perception: +10 | (389 posts)
Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan
Doctor Janus of Oenopion

M Human (Garundi) Alchemist 12 (Visionary Researcher)
HP 144/144, AC 27, T 15, FF 22, Init +5 Fort +17, Ref +19 (Evasion), Will +14
Social Skills:
Appraise +19, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +19, Nobility +17, Perception +23, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +22
(3 posts)
Cleric of Brigh
Dr Agathis

Aspiring Pokémon Professor
Team Status:
Doc 42/42, AP 5/5, Healthy; Odo 45/45, Healthy
(55 posts)
Dr. Flynn Carrigan

Mathemagician's Apprentice
HP 12/12, FP 10/10, Per 14, Will 14, Parry 11 (13 with low mana), Deflect Missile/Turn Blade 15 (with high mana)
(190 posts)
Captain Elreth
Eindrið Lawspeaker

Human Cavalier 4 / Bard 4 | HP: 30/48, SP: 1/8, P: 2/4 | AC: 22 / T: 16 / FF: 17 | Fort: +9, Ref: +11, Will: +6 | M. Touch: +6, R. Touch: +6 | CMB: +4/+9, CMD: 20 | Init: +7, Perception: +6, Sing: +15 |
Active Buffs:
(495 posts)
Elmar Thonsson

Male Dwarf Ranger 19, Lore Warden 2 (HP 279/279 | AC 32 T 22 FF 23 | Fort 27 Ref 28 (Evasion) Will 17 | Init 26 | Percp 42 (46 vs traps in stone) [darkvision, tremorsense 10]) (694 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
ENS Andy Hudson
(55 posts)
The First Librarian

Demigod, Herald of Atheos (5 posts)
Flora Black, "Black Orchid"

Current disguise: Alandre (Disguise Check: 33)
Vital Stats:
HP 90/100 | PP 12/23 | AC 21 T 19 FF 12 | Fort 9 Ref 9 Will 12 | Init 3 | Percp 14
(79 posts)
Flying Jack

M Aquatic Elf Brawler 1 (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade)/Bard 1 (Juggler, Busker) |
HP 10/10, Stunts 6/6, AC 18, T 14, FF 14, Init +6, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2/+5, Perception +4
(132 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Gerbault Swiftblade

M "Halfling" (Goblin) Investigator 5 (Empiricist, Steel Hound) / Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade) (29 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Grammanar Gun-Runner

M Half-Orc Barbarian (Savage Technologist, Breaker) 5 / Gunslinger (Techslinger) 1/ Fighter (Vengeful Hunter) 2 (279 posts)
Medical Drone
HK-51 “S-5K”

Type 4 Droid Soldier 4/Scoundrel 3/Gunslinger 1 (1 post)
Howling Dan, the One-Man Band

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6 (33 posts)
Farzam Khorsheed
The Inimitable Doctor Janus

M Human (Osiriani) Alchemist 20/Fighter 3//Gunslinger 20/Monk 1/Fighter 2 (8 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
The Invincible Lord Rook

M Half-Elf Iroran Mummy Inquisitor 20/Oracle 5//Oracle 15/Fighter 2/Ninja 2/Unchained Monk 6 (54 posts)
Janice "Snapdragon" Li

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20
(538 posts)
Murthok Huul
Jiator the Architect

Thassilonian Halfing Lich Soundstriker Dirge Bard (32 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Korash the Spiky

Deciduous Seedling - Martial Artist 2 | Gladiator 1 | Soulknife 6 (Deadly Fist, Gifted Blade)
Vitals (M/L/H):
Init +5, HP 79/92, PP 23/26 | AC 36/34/32, T 20/18/16, FF 36/34/32 | Fort +6, Ref +11/10/9, Will +10 | Perception 17 (Low-Light)
(204 posts)
Witch Doctor
Kwale Scarface

M Half-Orc (Rainkin) Bloodrager 1 / Witch 1 (7 posts)
Leo Silvertail

Male Were-Snow Leopard Human Gladiator 1 | Pious Sentinel 5 | Child of Bast 3
Stats (hybrid):
HP 112/112 | AC 31, T 18, FF 23 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 | Init. +7 | Percp. +17, Stealth +21
(110 posts)
Lina the Unbroken

F Human Monk (Unchained 5) / Warrior 1, Adept 4 / Mythic 2
HP 63/63, MP 7/7, Ki 4/4, AC 23, CMD 28/30 vs Grapple, T 19, FF 18, Init +8, Fort +10, Ref +10/+11 (Evasion), Will +7/+11, Perception +12/+23 (Litilgandr)
AoE Instructions:
Unless otherwise mentioned: Trip at 10' reach, +12 CMB or +14 vs humans
(1,437 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
Lord "Inkwell" Rook

M Human (Taldan) Inquisitor 12 (Urban Infiltrator, Tactics) / Monk 2 (Unchained) / Fighter 1 (Lore Warden) (266 posts)
Martin Crofter

M Aasimar (Lawbringer) Magus 1 (Hexcrafter)
HP 11/11 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14| Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +3 (Darkvision)
(54 posts)
Worshipper of Torag
Marvin the Strangler

M Human Brawler 3 (Strangler, Steel-Breaker)//Magus 2 (Staff Magus, Hexcrafter) || HP: 39/39 | AC: 18 / T: 14 / FF: 14 | Fort: +6, Ref: +9, Will: +4 | CMD: 19 | Init: +7, Perception: +6 (183 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Orvin Rabinoff

M Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained) 1/Arcanist (School Savant) 4 (0 posts)
Plot Bot

Bot bot bot bot bot (1 post)
Berserker Cannibal
Reefclaw Kraol

M Shifter (Wereshark-Kin) Monk 5 (Unchained)/VMC Barbarian (26 posts)
Rex Trickshot

M Tiefling Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5/Warpriest 2 (51 posts)
Runcible Misthrax

M Tiefling Arcane Gunfighter 5 (105 posts)
Sanidine, Desert Wolf

Animal Companion (Charger) 10 (HP 85/85 | AC 38 T 12 FF 35 | Fort 11 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percp 13 [low-light vision, scent]) (2 posts)
Echo Wood Scout
Shiri Dog-Catcher

M Strix Kineticist (Elemental Ascetic) 1 (19 posts)
Silas Lavein

M Elf Cleric 3
Quick Stats:
HP 13/17, AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6; +2 vs. enchantments
(352 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Sir Darren Carter

M Human (Taldor) Cavalier (Beast Rider) 8 / Cleric 1 (Devout Pilgrim) / Fighter 1 (Dragoon) (45 posts)
Vencarlo Orinsini
Sir Leonard

Definitely not a disguised leopard (11 posts)
Sister Margaletta

F Human Warrior 1/Unchained Monk 3; Initiative: +4 ; AC: 16/14/12 ; Saves: 7/7/3 ; HP: 47/47; Ki: 3/3; Perception: +9 ; (170 posts)
Ta'mas Dune-Runner

M Human Barbarian 1, Wild Child 1
HP 22/25, Rage 3/7 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18| Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +2 (+4 vs most mind effects) | Init +1 | Perception +8
(69 posts)
Lord Glorio Arkona
Tiger Sherman

M Tiefling (Beastbrood) Swashbuckler 2
HP: 16/24 | AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15 | Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +5 | Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft
(152 posts)
Uncle Eston

M Tiefling Fighter 5 (Lore Warden, Martial Master) / Monk 2 (Maneuver Master)
(HP 54/56 | AC 23 T 17 FF 16 | Fort +9 Ref +10 (Evasion) Will +7/+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | Init +5 | Percp +10 [darkvision])
(38 posts)
Victoriana Whitecap

F Gnome (Gear Gnome) Oracle 4 (Lore)
HP: 35/35 | AC: 23, T: 16, FF: 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | Init +1 | Perception +3, Low-light vision
Lvl 1: 8/8, Lvl 2: 4/4
(394 posts)
Halfling Slinger
Zanton Steel-Speaker

M Gnome Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 3//Incanter 3 (21 posts)