About Flora Black, "Black Orchid"Flying brick master-of-disguise plant woman. She appears where there is evil, and is gone when it is banished! ... She flies like an eagle, fights like a tiger, has the strength of a regiment ... Many have tried to guess her secrets, but all have failed... Superman: What planet did you get your powers from?
John Constantine: So what's your story then, love? Did you get bit by a radioactive orchid?... Race: Orchidfolk (modified Ghoran)
This time, she's learned enough to not travel alone. Lady Linden was, once, a noblewoman of a forgotten elf city, who chose to flee her home and obligations in the midst of political turmoil. Her identity disguised, she traveled the forests of the world, eventually becoming the apprentice of a brilliant but dangerous nature alchemist named Sylvain. Eventually, the past caught up with Linden. Prince Thorne, to whom she had been betrothed many decades before, had sent dozens of spies to track her down over the years—when a few finally found her, she refused to go without a fight, and was killed in the confusion. Her teacher, the alchemist Sylvain, was devastated at the loss of his beautiful and brilliant student, and so he mixed together the strongest magics of the forest he could gather—and while Lady Linden never returned to life, a few months later a strange flower sprouted over her grave, eventually growing into a full-sized plant woman. The Black Orchid, as she was reborn, had little memory of her past life—and while she held some fond regard for the alchemist who had created her, she knew she would not be safe unless she left to wander the world. And so she gathered the best disguises she could find, and set off to discover who she was. Black Orchid's strange and magical plant form granted her many strange powers, some of which she learned to control—by pumping water and magic through her strange plant veins, she could build up incredible force and durability, turning her concentration into strength and fighting skill. Strangely, powered somehow by the sun, she seemed to have even gained the power of flight. And so Black Orchid set off as a hidden hero, deciding that she needed to use her powers for something. With her powers of stealth and disguise, she infiltrated pirate ships, cutthroats' guilds, and even the throne rooms of a few corrupt rulers, dragging each down into obscurity as she faded back into the forest. And then, finally, she returned to her old mentor—and there the assassins caught up with her, burning half the forest to the ground. Black Orchid perished in the flames, but as she fell, managed to send out a few seeds... and when the ashes settled, they began to sprout. The new Black Orchid, calling herself Flora Black, is more cynical, and more realistic. She's still a heroic infiltrator, but she's seen the darkness the hearts of men hold—and while she's willing to chose forgiveness over vengeance, she's got little tolerance left for villains unwilling to give up their evil ways. But she also has only partial memories of her past lives. Is she the second Black Orchid? The third? It's all become a bit of a blur, and she'll do what she can to try and construct—or reconstruct—her new identity.
• Can cripple enemies very effectively with stuns, martial arts and no-save strength-damage ninja tricks • Absolute master of disguise and stealth, impersonates both enemies and allies to confuse her foes • Able to perform some cool physical feats, fly • Can speak to trees Character choices explained:
High wisdom: Black Orchid does not have a lot of memories, or training, but she has an immense amount of both tactical and peaceful intuition. She'd have higher charisma, but she's not actually that comfortable around people—she's just trained herself to deceive them. Psionics and Focused offense: Black Orchid's powers come mostly from manipulation of her own plant body into harder, faster, or more resilient forms. I've chosen to represent this as psionics (and using wisdom to hit and dodge), while only taking character-appropriate powers. Disguise: Black Orchid is an absolute master of disguise, always possessing another mask to pull off—but it's never addressed whether this is an actual power, or just good skill with the right tools. The best Pathfinder disguise kit is a Hat of Disguise, so Black Orchid always carries one (or several) around.
AC 21 (+2 Natural +1 Dex, +6 Wis, +2 Monk) Touch 19, Flat-Footed 12 HP 100 (6d10+2d8+24) Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 Fighting Defensively: AC 29, Touch 27
Protective Items:
Defensive Abilities:
Fighting Styles:
Panther Style, Panther Claw: Up to 6 bonus AoOs per turn against enemies who make their own AoOs. Combat Expertise:
Alternate Deadly Fists:
Speed: 50 ft., Fly 60 ft. (good) Initiative: +3 BAB: +7/+2 Grapple: +12 (+18 with Grip of Iron) (+23 once grappling) Disarm: +19 Trip/Reposition: +15 (enhancement bonus added) Flurry of Blows:
Standard Action:
Offensive Abilities:
Traits and Feats:
Traits: Reactionary (Combat, +2 init) Magical Knack (Magic, +2 to Gifted Blade CL) Feats:
Combat Expertise (1)
*Indicates class skill Total points: 56 (Ninja 16, Soulknife 24, Int 8, Favored Class 8) *Acrobatics +16 (4)
Gifted Blade Powers:
Powers chosen to match with powers Black Orchid naturally has Max Power Level: 1
Power Points/Day: 23 (Wild Talent 2, Gifted Blade 3, Wis 18) Powers Known: 2
Special Race Abilities:
Delicious: Ghorans take a –2 penalty on Escape Artist and combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple against any creature that has a bite attack with the grab ability Natural Armor: Ghorans have tough, rugged skin, granting them a +2 natural armor bonus. Type: Ghorans are plant creatures. Past-Life Knowledge: Ghorans remember memories encoded in their ghorus seed. They treat all Knowledge skills as class skills. Natural Magic: Ghorans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day–detect poison, goodberry (created berries bud from the ghoran's body), and purify food and drink. The caster level is equal to the ghoran's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the ghoran's Charisma bonus. Ghorus Seed: As a full-round action, a ghoran can expel its ghorus seed from an orifice in its abdomen. If planted in fertile ground and left undisturbed for 2d6 days, the seed grows into a healthy duplicate of the original ghoran, save that the duplicate may reallocate all of its skill ranks upon sprouting. Once a ghoran expels its seed, it gains 1 negative level, and it dies as soon as its duplicate sprouts. This duplicate replaces the previous ghoran character. Light Dependent: Ghorans take 1d4 points of Constitution damage each day they go without exposure to sunlight.
Custom Race Features:
Ghorans, as plant people who clone themselves when they die, actually fit Black Orchid's backstory pretty well. Flight (60 ft, good, 8 RP) Treespeech (2 RP): Speak with plants at will. Martial Artist Abilities:
Flurry of Blows Pain Points (Stunning fist DC +1) Exploit Weakness (Swift, Wis+Monk vs. DC 10+CR to get +2 to hit, ignore target's DR) Unarmed Strike (1d10) Armor Bonus (+2) Maneuver Training Stunning Fist (8/day, DC 21) Evasion Fast Movement (20 ft) Extreme Endurance (Immunity to Fatigue) Physical Resistance (Ability damage reduced by 1) High Jump (+8 to Acrobatics)
Ninja Abilities:
Poison Use Sneak Attack: +1d6 Ninja Ki Pool: 1 Ninja Trick: Pressure Points (Sneak attack deals 1 point strength damage) No Trace (+1 to Disguise)
Gifted Blade Deadly Fist Abilities:
Empowered Strikes +2 Psychokinetic Discharge (10' increment) Quick Empower Blade Skills:
Magic Items/Weapons:
Armbands of the Brawler) (500 gp) (+1 to grapple) Amulet of Mighty Fists, Psionic Dueling (4000 gp) Periapt of Wisdom +4 (16000 gp) Hat of Disguise, Greater (12000 gp) (+2 Str, does not allow will save) Masterwork Tools (Disguise Kit, Alchemy Kit)
Character Wishlist:
Feats: • Greater Grapple/Panther Parry (9) • Medusa's Wrath (10) • Panther Parry/Greater Grapple (11) • Mobility (12) • Psionic Disarm • Psionic Trip • Lunge Powers:
Alternate Fists:
Blade Skills: