
Mista Jay's page

4 posts. Alias of GrinningJest3r.


Sunlord Thalachos
Aes the Sun Sorcerer
(1 post)
Antonio "Bane" Diego

Male Human Ragechemist 2 [HP: 23, Init: +1, Perc: +5, AC: 15, Tch: 11, Flt: 14, Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0 (+2 vs poison)] [Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d3+5/×2); Ranged bomb +3 (1d6+2 Fire/×2)] (4 posts)

Goblin Zen Archer Monk 1/ Grenadier Alch 7 - HP: 62/62 | AC: 18; T: 17; FF: 12 | Fort: +6; Ref: +11; Will: +3 | CMB: +5; CMD: 21 (25vs Bull Rush, Trip) | Init: +7 | Perc: +10 | Speed: 30ft | Darkvision: 60ft | Perfect Strike 2/day Longbow (100'): +13 // 1d6+1 (×3) | Arrows: 32/40 | Longbow flurry (100'): +11,+11, +6 // 1d6+1 (×3) | Bombs (20') 13/day: +13 // 4d6+6 piercing OR fire (x2) [Immolation/Explosive Missile/Neutralizing] | Horsechopper (melee/reach 10'): +7 // 1d8 (x3)
Acro +16, Climb +11, Cr(alchemy) +19 (+26 to create alchemical items), EscArt +16, Fly +7, Kn(Loc) +14, Kn(Nat) +17, Kn(Pla) +14, Perc +10, Ride +9, Stealth +29, UMD +8
(138 posts)
Life Stealer
Brimstone Djinnblood

Male Ifrit Efreeti Sorcerer 1 (0 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis
Carrick "Onyx" Mason

Male Human Elemental Master Arcanist 3 [Hp: 22, Perc: +0, Init: +0, AC: 10, Tch: 10, Flt: 10, Fort: +3, Ref: +1, Will: +3] [Melee heavy mace +3 (1d8+2/*2)] (1 post)
Cole Haros

Male Human Dirge Bard 2 (2 posts)
Ury Sevenskulls
Dakkragg Kellid

Male CN Half-Orc Untouchable Bloodrager 2 | Orc Ferocity, Uncanny Dodge | HP: 24/24 | AC: 18 (Tch: 12, Flt: 18) | Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 | Darkvision 60' | Masterwork Greataxe +8 (1d12+7/x3) (1 post)
The Rake
Eli Szardos

Male Human Deep Walker Ranger 3 [Exp: 6290] [HP: 34, Init: +5 (+7 underground), Perc: +7 (+9 underground), AC: 16, Tch: 12, Flt: 14, Fort: 5 (+4 Endurance), Ref: 4, Will: 2] [Melee +8 (1d10+6/18-20/×2)] (190 posts)
Holy Guide
Enjilo Svar

HP: 28/28 | AC: 19; T: 15; FF: 15 | Fort: +5; Ref: +9; Will: +5 | CMB: +4; CMD: 29 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed: 30ft ||| Important Abilities: elemental aspect (minor: 6 min./day), track +1, woodland stride ||| Melee scimitar power attack +6 (1d6+6/18-20) | Melee scimitar +7 (1d6+4/18-20) | (use a swift action to add 1d6 fire for elemental strike) ||| Skills: Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Fly +7, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (planes) +3, Linguistics +2, Lore (Elementals) +5, Perception +8, Perform (dance) +1, Stealth +5 ||| Languages: Common, Ignan, Terran (23 posts)
Wild Elf
Erios Shadowstep
(2 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Herrnarrell Leafblade

Male Moon Elf Magus (kensai) 1/slayer (stygian slayer) 1/gestalt 1 [HP: 10, Perc: +6, Init: +5, AC: 16 (T:14, F:12), Saves (F:+2, R:+5, W:+2)(+2 vs enchantments)][Immune:Sleep][Low-light vision] [Special Abilities: Arcane Pool +1 6/day, Studied Target +1][Melee elven leafblade +5 (1d4+1/18-20)][Spells Prepared - 0th: daze (DC 15), flare (DC 15), 1st: color spray (DC 16), shocking grasp] (62 posts)
Rohkar Cindren
Jak Sykes

Male Human Cleric 1/Bard 1 [HP: 12/12, Perc +8, Init +0] [AC: 13, Tch: 10, FF: 13] [Fort: 3, Ref: 2, Will: 6][Melee longspear +1 (1d8+1/×3)] (8 posts)

HP: 86/86 | Arcane Pool +4: 19 | AC: 36; T: 22; FF: 29 | Fort: +15; Ref: +17; Will: +22 | CMB: +20; CMD: 35 | Init: +15 | Perc: +19 | Speed: 30ft ||| Throwing Hammer:
+18, +18, +13, +8 // 2d6+13+1d6 fire+2d6/20x2
+25, +25, +20, +15 // 2d6+18+1d6 fire+2d6//20x2
(9 posts)
Khornate Tahakatan

HP117 | AC13, T8, FF13 | F10, R6, W2; +6vsPoison, +2vsPolymorph
Defense buffed:
HP137 | AC21, T8, FF19 | F10, R9, W4; +6vsPoison , +2vsPolymorph
Pounce, Scent, Fly60ft, Climb60ft
Melee attacks pre-buffs:
gore +15 (1d8+8), 2 hooves +10 (1d6+4), tentacle +10 (1d6+4 plus grab and grab), 2 tentacles +10 (1d8+4 plus grab and grab), 2 wings +10 (1d8+4)
Melee attacks post-buffs:
bite +23 (4d6+14), 2 claws +23 (3d6+14), 2 claws +23 (3d6+14), gore +23 (3d6+14), 2 hooves +18 (2d6+8), tentacle +18 (2d6+8 plus grab), 2 tentacles +18 (3d6+8 plus grab and grab), 2 wings +18 (3d6+8)
(13 posts)
Worshipper of Torag
Kilduer Shadowaxe

Male Dwarf Ranger (Deepwalker, Guide, Skirmisher) 2 [HP: 31, Perc: +10 (+1 when underground, +2 to notice unusual stonework) Init: +3 (+3 when underground), AC: 20 (T:13, F:17), Saves (F:+7, R:+6, W:+4)] [Special Abilities: Craftsman +2, Cruelty -2, Deep Warrior +2, Hatred +1, Ranger's Focus +2, Track +1, Wild Empathy +3][Melee mwk dwarven waraxe +7 (1d10+3/×3) OR x2 Melee mwk dwarven waraxe +2 (1d10+3/×3)] (17 posts)
Kiyoshi Gekido

AC 57, Touch 51, FF 56 | Fort +47 Ref +52 Will +29 | 20ER vs Force, 10ER vs acid/elec, 10ER vs cold while raging | Wounds: 217; Vigor: 325 | Init +26 (+2 in forest) (GO FIRST) | Senses See in Darkness, See Invisibility/Auras; Perc +15 (+2 forest, +2 vs Surprise) | Speed 115ft Fly (Perfect); Dimension Door CL7 at-will (in shadows) | Melee +32(P)/+30(S) (+2 on tails ABP) (favored enemies: undead+4, humanoid+2) (incorporeal touch); Range: 5ft + 5ft (Lunge) = 10ft - (P)Bite 1d6(STR)+23+2+1 +30(SA, dispelling)+1d6(force) (P)Claw x2 1d6(STR)+23+2+1+3+30(SA, dispelling)+1d6(force) (S)Tailx9 1d6(STR)+23+2+1+3+30(SA, dispelling)+1d6(force); Warp Touch (20/day, DC31) | 20ft reduced light level 1 step (38 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Logain Arjac

Thaythilorian Mobile Fighter 15/Inquisitor of Haborym 15 - Champion 5 | HP: 280 | Speed: 60ft, use 2x MP for +50ft for 1 hour | AC: 36*, T 17*, FF 31*, 20% miss chance (continuous), CMD varies, CMB varies | Fort: +20**, Ref: +14**, Will: +24** (Immune to possession and mental control, Immune to sleep) | Init: +25 | Perception: +28 (+30 to notice cursed objects, haunts, and magically disguised creatures), Senses: darkvision 180 ft., blindsense 60 ft., blindsight 30ft. | Resources: Greater Bane 15 rounds/day, Judgement 5/day, Missile Shield 3/day, Shatterspell 2/day (17 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Lothar Khalid

Male Human Kellid Bloodrager (primalist, untouchable rager) 1/Paladin (oath of vengeance, warrior of the holy light) 1 [HP: 12, Perc: +3, Init: +4, AC: 18 (T:12, F:16), Saves (F:+4, R:+2, W:+1] [Special Abilities: Bloodrage 13rds/day, Angelic Attacks +1d6 vs Evil outsiders, Combat Expertise, Power Attack -1/+2, Detect Evil (At will), Smite Evil (1/day) (+3 attack and AC, +1 damage)][Melee earth breaker +4 (2d6+4/×3)] (68 posts)
Lucas "Hathcock" Martin

HP: 304/304 | Grit: 6, Ki: 6 | Resist: Negative/Positive Energy 10 | DR: 5/magic | AC: 38; T: 25; FF: 23 | Fort: +24; Ref: +27; Will: +22 | CMB: +25; CMD: 50 | Init: 49 | Perc: +36 | Speed: 30ft ||| Important Abilities: Deathless | Prescience 7/day | Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge | Expert Sniper, Stealthy Sniper, Master Sniper, Precise Shot | Fast Stealth, Hellcat Stealth | Sneaking Critical, Sneaking Precision | Rapid Reload | Temp bonus: Impen. Veil post#1801
White Feather: - Rapid Sneak Attacks: +28, +28, +23, +18, +13 (+4vsCrit) // 1d10+27/19-20x4(+11d6+20) | Ammos: Anti-Undead/Demon/Fey: (+3/+3/+1ammo) (Bane +2/+2/+2 +2d6 vs Undead/Demon/Fey) (+2d6vsEvil/Evil/Chaotic)
(141 posts)
Lucas H. Martin
(1 post)
Mikel Sergius
(1 post)
Mista Jay

Male Elven Trapsmith Rogue [HP: 18, Init: +4, Perc: +8, AC: 16, Tch: 13, Flt: 13, Fort: 1, Ref: 7, Will: 1 (+2 vs enchantments)] [Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19-20/×2), Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19-20/×2); Sneak Attack +1d6] (4 posts)
No-name blaster

Male Elf Wiz1 (2 posts)
Pamela "Ivy" Isley

Female Human Jungle Druid [HP: 20, Init: +2, Perc: +9, AC: 18, Tch: 12, Flt: 16, Fort: 5, Ref: 2, Will: 7] [Melee club +1 (1d6/×2), Melee heavy shield bash -3 (1d4/×2)] (4 posts)
Fiendish Baboon
Ravana Vali

Vanaran Blight Druid (Destruction bond) 1 / uMonk of the Lifting Hand 1 (2 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Roland deWulf

Male Musket Master Gunslinger 2 [Hp: 20/24, Perc: +7, Init: +5, AC: 18, Tch: 14, Flt: 14, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +2] [Ranged musket +7 (1d12/×4)] Human (45 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Roland G deWulf

Male Human Musket Master Gunslinger 3 [Hp: 26, Perc: +8, Init: +7, AC: 19, Tch: 15, Flt: 14, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +3] [Ranged musket +8 (1d12/×4)] (100 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth
Runt the Diamond
(2 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Sethos al-Sabah
(1 post)
Simo Munden

Male Human/Pale Stranger Mysterious Pistolero 10 / Pale Stranger (3 posts)
Goblin Stickylord

HP99 | AC25, T19, FF19 | F13, R17, W11; +4 and one size larger vs Wind | CMB +12 (+2 vs grapple), CMD 26 (+2 vs grapple) | Init +18 | Senses See In Darkness; Senses Perception +17 (+23 in dim light or darkness) Speed 40 ft. (70 ft. with at-will Expeditious Retreat), climb 20 ft. ----Melee rapier +14/+9 (1d4+5/18-20 plus 4d6 sneak attack) or unarmed strike +14/+9 (1d2+5 plus 4d6 sneak attack) ----Ranged +2 bomb 40' +18/+13 (6d6+14 fire plus 4d6 sneak attack); 20/day; Bomb discoveries: Explosive, Glitter, Laughing Gas, Smoke, Immolation, Thorny [+18/+13 (6d6+11 piercing plus 4d6 sneak attack)] (103 posts)
Member of Church of Razmir
Tommy "Hush" Elliot

Male Human Pistolero [HP: 24, Init: +5, Perc: +7, AC: 19, Tch: 16, Flt: 13, Fort: 5, Ref: 8, Will: 2] [Ranged pistol +8 (1d8/×4)] (4 posts)
Royster McCleagh
Walter G. Carter

Male Human Expert 2 Marshal 1 [HP: 20, Init: +1, Perc: +7, AC: 11, Tch: 11, Flt: 10, Fort: 2 (+4 vs environment and suffocation), Ref: 1, Will: 3] (84 posts)