
MidsouthGuy's page

Organized Play Member. 361 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Razmir and Razmiran are very interesting, and have a lot of potential for modules or adventure paths.
I would compare Razmiran to the Medieval Papal States since it is a relatively small country, the Church of Razmir is all over the Inner Sea Region, and the leader of the faith is a sovereign ruler.
I find it unlikely that Razmir himself is dead, but if he did die his priests would likely just select a replacement. Or they could claim Razmir "ascended" and select a High Priest to rule in his name. His death may even propel Razmir to true divinity. There are a lot of ways it could go.

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Melkiador wrote:
It depends on if 1.5 is going to be more of a community project or an actual business. A community project is much more likely to become reality. If it’s an actual business, then they’d legally be better off not to be taking part in this discussion, for copyright concerns.

I was under the impression that this was all hypothetical. Just a bunch of fans musing about what could have been and sharing ideas for houserules. An actual PF1.5 essentially already exists as the Porphyra RPG if anyone here is truly interested in playing a slight update of PF1e that remains decently compatible with 3.5 D&D. While it would be fun to sit down and help the community create a better version of PF1e, I want to focus on my own projects instead of just improving on a game I consider great as is.

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My ideal PF1.5 would still be very similar to PF1e. I would use a scalpel rather than a machete to make the changes I want. Most of the mechanics would stay exactly as they are in PF1e. I would do some slight tweaking to martial and casting classes to keep their power levels more evenly balanced. There would be a short bestiary in the corebook so the entire game came in one volume. I would remove alignment restrictions for Clerics and emphasize obedience to the rules of their God instead. Archetypes would be put in the corebook to allow even more customization. Oracle would be a core class instead of Alchemist and Tengu would become a core race instead of Goblins. So I guess that would make it more of a PF1.25.

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Gripplis are my favorite small race. As for classes, I'm a big fan of Monk and Barbarian for small races. Never underestimate someone the perfect height to stab you in the crotch.

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In all honesty? The Psychic. Plus if I make a Grippli Psychic I can literally be Hypno-Toad.

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Continued to support it and produce new material for it.
Also a Gunslinger Sorcerer hybrid class would have been cool.

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I would like to see a region based monster codex. Monsters of the Swamp, Monsters of the Desert, Monsters of the Snow, and so on with variant monsters specific to those areas.

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Yqatuba wrote:
It always kinda bothered me she was the demon lord they had get redemeed as it was pretty obviously because she's pretty. If, say, Dagon got redemeed that would be more interesting.

I would love to have seen Dagon become a Chaotic Neutral deity of the deep ocean, or maybe Gogunta become a full deity of swamps. Pretty much any of the more monstrous Demon Lords being redeemed would have been more interesting to me than Nocticula.

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Ryan Freire wrote:

There are 24 adventure paths that take characters from like, 1 to 15 minimum, even if you could finish a module a month itd take 12 years in just premade adventure paths, not even looking at stand alone modules and module series or homebrew campaigns.

I would be stunned if anyone actually ever makes it through all the premade adventures.

This is my new goal. Run ALL the PF1 premade adventures.

See you in 12 years.

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I'm still playing 1e. I don't plan on switching to 2e ever. At this point, if I do switch to anything else, it will most likely be back to playing 3.5 D&D. I'm not interested in learning a newer system for a variety of reasons. I don't like limiting customization for the sake of streamlining, monsters shouldn't be so weak you can defeat them with strong language, ability scores should be generated by rolling 3D6, and the various humanoids of a fantasy world are called races not ancestries or species.

I'm currently running a homebrew sandbox game for a couple of friends. I'm considering running Kingmaker or Iron Gods if I can get more players.

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My personal hypothesis is that Barbatos is a Qlippoth Lord who became Lawful. Instead of wanting to wipe out mortal life, he wants to punish, torment, and degrade it. His best bet for making that desire come true is to join the ranks of Hell, so he did. Him being a Qlippoth Lord would explain the friendship with Chaotic beings and eldritch appearance.

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According to Darklands Revisited Gugs reproduce by gorging themselves on the flesh of a recently deceased Gug, finding a safe area to hide, falling into a nightmare laden sleep, and vomiting out 2 to 10 smaller Gugs. Also, Gugs are surprisingly caring toward their offspring, making sure they have the food and safety they need to reach adulthood.

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Yqatuba wrote:
Should they be treated as having vulnerability to fire? That would make sense.

That would actually depend on the species of tree. Some trees will go up like they're soaked in gasoline even when the wood is green. Other types of wood just smoke, blacken, spit boiling sap, and refuse to burn at all when they're green.

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Otha wrote:

MidSouthGuy, have you considered playing PF1 via play-by-post on the forums here? I was an old school AD&D'er back in the 70's and 80's that had to drop it due to time commitments when I got married and started a family. Discovered Pathfinder during an online RPG PBP event several years back; loved it and have been playing PFS here ever since. It won't be the same as a face-to-face group, but it might allow you to continue to play PF1 if you can't find another group.

There are many folk who've said they'll continue to play PF1 here online for the foreseeable future. I'm hoping that's the case; I participated in a couple of PF2 play test sessions and decided to stick with PF1...

I have done a few play by post campaigns, and it just wasn't the same as a face to face group. If that's all I can do to keep playing the game I enjoy then I absolutely will, but as of right now I see that option as basically a last resort.

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What I'm really feeling down about is that my group will soon be disbanding, and now I will have to struggle to find a group playing the game that I actually want to play. Finding people that played Pathfinder instead of 5e was difficult when I had to do it a few years ago. Finding a group that plays PF1 now is going to be next to impossible. Sure, there are groups still playing older games, but they are usually made up of friends who have been playing together for years and generally aren't looking for new players. The lack of content, limited customization, number caps, and arbitrary restrictions in PF2 and 5e kill any hope of having fun for me if I try playing those. Jumping ship to a different system that I actually enjoy just puts me back in the same boat of struggling to find people who want to play something other than 5e. So now I will have to spend an unreasonable length of time seeking a new group that's playing what I like the most, play/run a system that I genuinely don't enjoy, or stop gaming altogether.

And that SUCKS.

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I really hope we get to see more Razmir soon. An AP focusing on the Living God or even just a module set in Razmiran might actually be enough to convince me to buy a PF2 product and slog through the process of converting it to PF1.

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So, chainswords then?

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SuperJedi224 wrote:
MidsouthGuy wrote:

Get the BIGGEST giant tortoise you can (I'm talking Gargantuan or bigger)
Like this one?

YES, that one exactly! I'm having my group storm a tortoise mounted fort as soon as possible. This idea is too good not to use.

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I don't plan on switching over to 2e at all. I switched to Pathfinder from 3.5 because I didn't want to change editions or learn a new system. That includes editions of Pathfinder. I'm going to play PF1 until nobody is left playing it. I don't like the way newer editions of rpgs are going with bounded accuracy, resonance, level caps, and monsters so weak they can be killed by breaking wind at them. There is still a market for 3.5 style games, and someone is going to supply that demand. As soon as someone makes a retroclone of 3.5/PF1 to fill the void, I will be playing that instead, and to the Rough Beast with Pathfinder.

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I think we are very likely to get something similar to "Agents of Evil" for 2e that will introduce options for Heretics of Good Gods and Appeasers of Evil Gods into the new edition. Religiously deviant characters are fairly popular, and I can't see Paizo completely ignoring the people who enjoy playing them. Also, if you truly have your heart set on some kind of heretic Divine caster, just talk to your GM about it. As long as you aren't trying to do something completely absurd (like a Paladin of Asmodeus) most GMs will work with you about bending Alignment rules.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I disagree wholeheartedly with "most people are going to attack goblins on sight". For the most part, people should have viewed goblins as "raccoons who have learned to set fires"- mostly a nuisance, and more dangerous if you hassle them than if you leave them alone. Just keep an eye on them so they don't cause too much trouble, but "stealing your refuse" is fine.

I would like to respectfully disagree. NPC Goblins are more like "pyromaniac coyotes who eat pets and sometimes try to kill people" than raccoons, and better to keep their numbers as low as possible so they don't become more dangerous. But Goblin PCs should be exceptions to these concepts. A Goblin PC is much more like a Gully Dwarf than an "average" Goblin, but probably able to count past two and more likely to bite.

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Even though they are a core ancestry now, that doesn't change the fact that Goblins are monsters and people will kill them on sight unless they have a very good reason not to do so. A random Goblin walking up to a town with a crudely made truce flag would get shot full of arrows, and the guards on the wall who shot it would have a good laugh in barracks later that night. "Stupid little beast thought we would treat it like a person!" The only difference is now there will be more of a spotlight on those rare cases where people do have a very good reason not to kill said Goblin. About 95% of people should still see a Goblin and think "kill the monster" without stopping to worry about what it wants, and the other 5% will at least be willing to find out what the little monster jabbering excitedly at them wants before deciding to murder it or not.

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As far as I know, the canon answer is no.

That said, you can just make one up. Any middle of nowhere community could be infiltrated by an Old Cult and eventually have everyone worshiping an Outer God. Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath would be good picks, and a community of indifferent Azathoth cultists could be interesting if you want a less blatantly hostile option.

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I dislike Rahadoum for a variety of reasons. I find the trend of protagonists whose worldview is "religion is stupid, Gods are bad, every priest is a charlatan, we're better off without it all, look how enlightened I am" that has inundated modern entertainment boringly repetitive. That there is an entire country dedicated to this concept in Golarion just rubs me the wrong way. I also find players who make adamantly sacrilegious characters for the sole purpose of trolling the Cleric/Paladin annoying, and saying their character is Rahadoumi gives them a "just playing my character" shield to hide behind. I am biased because I absolutely love Divine magic and classes that cast it, and will openly admit that, but Rahadoum seems to me like nothing but a scrap tossed to the type of cliche "edgy" teenagers who like to scrawl Nietzsche's most famous quote on bathroom walls. Rahadoum could work in a setting where religion and Gods are left up to faith, but in Golarion it sticks out like a sore thumb, and one that would be better off amputated at that.

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Damiel > Fumbus

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Can we just take a moment to marvel that a thread originally intended to point out any canon good chromatic or evil metallic dragons has completely derailed into a debate over the ethics of eugenics?

To go back to the original question, there are a few neutral chromatic and metallic dragons mentioned in canon material.

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I know this is mostly a joke, but I'm seriously hoping for ACCURATE SWORD NAMES in PF2. The historically accurate names for these weapons are widely available and can be found with a simple online search or by opening up a book on Medieval weaponry. But Pathfinder, D&D, and other fantasy games continue to ignore this easily obtained information in favor of using incorrect terms.

A broadsword used in one hand is called an arming sword, not a longsword.

A broadsword that can be used one or two handed is a bastard or hand and a half sword, and is in between an arming sword and longsword in weight and length.

A broadsword used in two hands is a longsword and it is longer than both an arming sword and a bastard sword, but not as massive as a greatsword.

A greatsword is so huge that it can't easily be mistaken for another type of sword and was usually carried propped upon the shoulder due to its size rather than in a sheath or scabbard.

If I can find this information and make a point of using the right terminology in my home games, surely the skilled professionals at Paizo who do this kind of stuff for a living can do the same, so why are they still calling one handed broadswords "longswords" when that is blatantly and verifiably incorrect?

Okay, my HEMA fueled rant is over. Thank you so much if you bothered to read it.

Maybe we should just call swords by the damage they do? "The merchant has two D6swords and a D8sword, but someone just bought his last D10sword."

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Some people love it. And good for them. This is a game and hobby with many different aspects involved in it. And the great part of it is that none of them are mutually exclusive. You can put a minmaxer, narrative player, and a Lawful Stupid player at the same table, and have a load of fun as long as they're cooperative with each other. I won't be rude or hateful to someone who enjoys minmaxing their character into an optimized machine that does what it does on the level of an Olympic athlete anymore than I'll be rude to someone who is more about creating a good story than actually playing the game. If a minmaxer is outshining the other players, I'll just tweak the story to include more of what other characters are good at so that the minmaxer isn't ruling the table but still gets to keep their painstakingly crafted character.

We all have different tastes, and none of them are wrong. Respect goes a long way.

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What Witches are supposed to do is HEX and they do that very well. If you want a better spell list, you can always modify it. This is a tabletop game. If you believe a part of it should be different, you can alter it to your tastes pretty easily.

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Absolutely nothing. I love it just how it is, RAW. It cleaned up 3.5 to make playing the game easier, while retaining the massive amount of customization possible. PF1E is a great example of a game system that did everything right.

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To the best of my knowledge, there are no nations on Golarion where this is the case. People in a world where werewolves prowl the forest, goblins dwell in the sewers, and necromancers may be raising your deceased loved ones as mindless automatons in the local graveyard seem to have more important fears than who or what other people are getting turned on by.

However, it's a tabletop game. You can add that cultural bias to any country where you feel it would be an appropriate element, or perhaps as an unpleasant surprise in an otherwise pleasant region. Any country where laws are strict and invasive to personal privacy (Cheliax and Hermea come to mind) may have laws about what is permitted to go on in the bedroom. Any culture that places a high emphasis on reproduction (Orcish culture would be an example) could potentially frown upon sexual acts that don't have the potential of producing a child.

It's your game. Add in or take out what you deem appropriate. Hope this was helpful.

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It would probably depend on who you ask.

To a citizen who toes the line, doesn't look below the surface, and is completely on board with the regime's way of running the country, Hermea is probably a paradise. Orderly neighborhoods, smiling faces, long life, education, good health, enough food for everyone, people having beautiful healthy babies, no religious conflicts, the benevolent leader's assistants constantly checking in with the common folk to ensure that even the lowliest citizen is happy, and anyone who tries to "mess up our perfect system" is humanely exiled for their own protection and happiness. People who are LAWFUL would find a society like that idyllically comforting.

To someone who doesn't like being constantly monitored, has unorthodox opinions, wants to do things differently, or perhaps is simply openly indifferent to a government program, would find Hermea to be worse than a prison. A Chaotic or even Neutral person would find it stifling and invasive. They monitor what you read, what you eat, who you associate with, and if you want to marry someone you need government approval. If your freedom matters to you, living in Hermea would be a smiling, white washed version of Hell.

Personally, you couldn't pay me enough to live in or even visit Hermea.

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I would imagine they dwell inside Rovagug's prison, fighting and murdering for eternity, unless they're all consumed by the Rough Beast.

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A blind Ranger who has anything with a vision based attack as his favored enemies. Not so much a build as a suggestion, but it's thematic.

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I've never liked the static AC system. It feels like just standing there waiting to see if I get hit. I would much rather have opposed Attack vs. Defense rolls or something of the like that feels more like I am actively trying to defend myself.

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I have absolutely zero intention of playing PF2E. I've read the rules, kept up with the updates, and it is something I want nothing to do with. I don't like bounded accuracy, being assigned my ability scores, the inclusion of goblins as a core ancestry, non-Lawful Good 'Paladins', and how many pools of various points I have to keep up with. The only way Paizo will ever be getting any more of my money is if I buy softback versions of the PF1E books. I will keep playing PF1E until there are simply no people left who want to play it. Whether that happens in a year, five years, or fifteen years I don't know, but I switched to Pathfinder from 3.5 because I didn't want to change editions in the first place. That includes editions of Pathfinder.

Maybe this makes me the spiteful kid who hears we're moving and hopes the new house burns down so we can keep living in the old house.

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As excited as I am for all this, it's a shame it's all going to be irrelevant once PF2 drops.

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RIP Paladin. You had a good run.

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This may be a bit off topic, but I would love to see some kind of Chaotic Neutral Paladin-like class devoted solely to the spreading of Chaos and the smiting of Law without regards to Good or Evil. And I could see that type of behavior working as an Antipaladin archetype.

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I'm really hoping those "major changes" for the Paladin don't include non-Lawful Good Paladins.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
MidsouthGuy wrote:
I'm still REALLY hoping Resonance gets dropped completely. Too many pools, too much bookkeeping, and too many headaches for it to be worth my time. When I sit down at the table, I want to play a game, not do algebra.

Resonance as a "count how many magic items you have equipped" is vastly simpler and easier than "item slots." I sincerely hope that stays.

It's the difference between "neat- a magic hat, I don't have 10 magic items equipped so I can put it on" and "hey, a magic hat- which of my magic goggles, circlet, and headband do I need to take off to use it?"

I still prefer item slots. It's entirely possible to wear goggles, circlet, headband, AND hat at the same time. Although you will look ridiculously gaudy.

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I'm still REALLY hoping Resonance gets dropped completely. Too many pools, too much bookkeeping, and too many headaches for it to be worth my time. When I sit down at the table, I want to play a game, not do algebra.

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I've been wanting to give my group an encounter that turns their usually black/white view of alignment on its head, and the idea of a Neutral Cleric of Charon came to mind.

Charon is the Horseman of Death, the embodiment of death by old age. He ferries people across the River Styx along with his Thanadaemons, even working with mortals as long as the price asked is paid. He is content to wait, knowing those destined to be his will come to him one way or the other given enough time. Death by old age is perfectly natural, and ferrying people to where they need to be is a practical and useful job. Even Daemon hating Hanspur makes an exception for Thanadaemons.

So would a True Neutral Cleric who goes about assisting those about to die of old age, ferrying the elderly across rivers, and providing last rites to the dying who are unable to obtain proper services fit him thematically? Or does that seem too close to Good behavior for a Daemon Cleric?

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Imagine someone replaced a skunk's stink gland with a can of spray paint.

It's about like that.

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I think the Horsemen of the Apocalypse would be tied for 'Most Evil Gods' of Pathfinder. They're all Neutral Evil, Evil that is unrestrained by order or disorder. True Evil, if you will. They are architects of extinction on a multiversal scale, but it isn't the impersonal destruction of Rovagug. For the Horsemen, it is very personal, almost intimate in a twisted way. They want you and your people to suffer before the end, and then to swallow whatever is left of your soul afterward to ensure you can never come back.

That is TRUE Evil.

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Let's say a Devil goes from Lawful Evil to Lawful Neutral. What happens? Does it remain a Devil even with it's altered alignment? Or does it automatically become some other type of being?

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After doing some thinking, I would much rather worship Lamashtu if I lived on Golarion. Drive people I don't like crazy all day, then get messed up on Waters of Lamashtu mixed with wine, eat the freshest meat I can get my hands on, and have freaky sex with whoever (or whatever) holds still long enough all night. That sounds pretty good to my inner barbarian sociopath.

Blessed be the Mother!