blahpers |

No way. Mengkare is totally uncorrupted by absolute tyranny because of his Incorruptible Pure Pureness™.

Dasrak |

Dragons are color-coded for your convenience. Don't want to have to actually make the players think about their actions and the morality of slaughtering a sapient non-human creature. Stick to the color-code to give them a simple and fool-proof means of determining whether a glorious and majestic beast is worthy of being butchered by adventurers. /sarcasm
Mengkare is probably something Paizo will never touch. It was too divisive at the time, and the current political climate would make it... well, let's just say that if this thread goes on that tangent there's a safe bet we'll trigger Godwin's Law within a page or two.

FaerieGodfather |

No way. Mengkare is totally uncorrupted by absolute tyranny because of his Incorruptible Pure Pureness™.
He'd totally be Lawful Good if that weren't an oxymoron. ;)

Dracovar |

Hermea humans are bestest humans!
Mengkare did nothing wrong!
Better breeding through genetic manipulation is a great pastime, especially when you've got a long, long lifespan. It's Good because it's for the Greater Good. And it's Good to be Good. All Gold Dragons know that. If you aren't with them, you aren't Good. And if you aren't Good...well, Dragons have to eat too.
Mengkare/Hermea - "Building better people for a brighter future."
(defectives will be disposed of...often with a delicious sauce suitable for a Dragon's refined palate.)

deuxhero |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Dragons Revisted mentions a few trends and calls fallen metalic dragons "tarnished". Copper Dragons can become greedy, rampaging drunks and are the most likely to fall to evil or neutrality. Green dragons are often too involved in their books to maintain an evil alignment and often "fall" to neutral. Silver dragons can become neutral easily, but evil ones are handful in 1000 years rare. It claims such fallen silvers are completely different creatures like fallen angels become devils, but it doesn't elaborate on it.

MidsouthGuy |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Can we just take a moment to marvel that a thread originally intended to point out any canon good chromatic or evil metallic dragons has completely derailed into a debate over the ethics of eugenics?
To go back to the original question, there are a few neutral chromatic and metallic dragons mentioned in canon material.

Myrryr |
Dragons Revisited specifically mentions one 'yellow' dragon that was found, but it was dead and unnamed. Unfortunately, actually named tarnished or gleaming metallics/chromatics in canon, I've never seen. I don't think there are any that are unequivocally stated as such.
Mengkare is probably the closest to being off-alignment to named canon metallics, but is unconfirmed. Aethervox is probably the closest to being off-alignment to named canon chromatics, but is actually listed as LE, just has no actual evil actions in her written history whatsoever.

Goblin_Priest |

I wonder if powerful divination magic could help screen candidates for a breeding program? :P
Old enough gold dragons get access to spells, right? And one of the biggest hurdles in human breeding humans is that a breeder is only likely to achieve, at most, 4 generations in his whole career, but dragons are much longer living though so that's one less issue to worry about. Then there's costs, but there's literally a state dedicated to it, so again one less practical issue to worry about.
If anyone can pull it off, Mendrake the gold dragon can! :P

Goblin_Priest |

Haha, discussing alignment and not expecting it to derail. Adding dragons in the mix and then not expecting discussions on the technical feasibility of eugenics? Good one!
Now this gold dragon, he's clearly lawful good, and very smart, so we can certainly expect him not to fall into the traps of RL counter-parts, breeding for frivolous traits like eye color and such non-sense. Focus on the good stuff, like longevity, health, stamina, strength, intelligence, creativity, benevolence, and such.

Dracovar |

I vaguely remember a neutral chromatic dragon mentioned somewhere (I forget what color and which neutral alignment).
Ok, despite some entertaining discussions on eugenics, here's a possibility:
Olohimba (a green) worships Pharasma. Pathfinderwiki doesn't list an alignment (which they do for almost all the other dragons they have cataloged). With Pharasma being Neutral, we might have one serious contender for a "neutral' Chromatic dragon w/Olohimba.

UnArcaneElection |

{. . .}
2) We are talking about magic here... maybe there's magic organelles that sorcerers have? {. . .}
What, like Midichlorians?
And by the way, since the Pathfinder Campaign Setting already has a couple of canonical Fiends that turned Good, it's only a matter of time before a Good Chromatic or Evil Metallic Dragon shows up, although since they tend to be much bigger, you might have to wait a while just due to smaller sample size.

jbadams |
I remember reading somewhere the reason some people are born as sorcerers are because they have some draconic ancestry
In Pathfinder that depends on the Bloodline. For Draconic bloodlines it may be from a dragon, but there are numerous other options. It also isn't necessarily a blood relation, but could be the effects of some encounter that an ancestor had.
"Each sorcerer has a source of magic somewhere in her heritage that grants her spells, bonus feats, an additional class skill, and other special abilities. This source can represent a blood relation or an extreme event involving a creature somewhere in the family’s past. For example, a sorcerer might have a dragon as a distant relative or her grandfather might have signed a terrible contract with a devil."