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![]() When I click on Forums under Community from the home page, I get "Not Found -- We were unable to find what you were looking for." (The "Please let us know" link says content is blocked.) It works fine when you're already inside the forums. I got here from My Campaigns to a Discussion thread and then out to the main forums. ![]()
![]() One of two tables I am running through Hellknight Hill has had two players bow out. We are looking for two replacements to join our game, which has been running since August of 2019. The remaining PCs are a human fighter, a halfling rogue, and a human bard. The group has just retreated from a fight with skeletons that wasn't going their way and is heading back to Breachill to recruit reinforcements. The party is currently second-level, with standard ABC character creation rules. I use maps, updated on every PC's initiative so we all stay on the same page; you can check the gameplay thread to get a feel for the group. We aim for a post per weekday when out of combat; in combat, I give 24 hours to respond before botting your character or putting you on delay. Weekends are more relaxed. Let's set a tentative cut-off date for recruitment one week from today, whatever that happens to be in your respective time zones. ![]()
![]() Please cancel my Lost Omens and Maps subscriptions. I am aware this will take me below the 4-subscription status to receive free scenarios. Also, while you're at it, the vestigial Player Companion subscription is still active on my account. If you could detach that, it would make things tidier. Thanks! EDIT: Actually, you know what? I just looked at the December 2020 shipping thread, and I'm going to hold on to the Maps subscription at least through then for the Troubles in Otari flip-mat. Just cancel Lost Omens and Player Companion, please! ![]()
![]() My subscription order was two items which shipped separately. My original shipping estimate was $4.61. Yesterday, one of my items shipped by itself, and today the other shipped. For the two separate shipments via the same shipping method, I was charged $11.42 for shipping, more than twice the charge I was originally quoted. Under normal circumstances, I suppose I should have noticed from the auth email that the system was unnecessarily separating my order into two shipments, but I haven't gotten an auth email reliably for several months now and didn't receive one this month. All I had was the order page that I took the above screenshot from*, which showed the shipping charge I was expecting to see. *: When the flip-mat shipped by itself yesterday, I screenshotted the order page so I could double-check the shipping charges. I thought perhaps the AP volume could ship by Media Mail so that two shipments would end up being the economical way to go, but clearly that's not what happened. ![]()
![]() In another thread, a community member reported Mark Moreland giving a hint about the next unannounced AP in a Know Direction podcast. TRDG wrote:
"Constitution" could be something to do with Andoran ... or Galt! :D ![]()
![]() I've made GM reference threads for the component parts of the Agents of Edgewatch AP and would appreciate having them stickied when you get the chance. No hurry! Devil at the Dreaming Palace
![]() So I saw this article yesterday and was pleased to see both the P2e and Starfinder core books praised. Today I scrolled past it and was struck by the first and fourth segments of the picture. Kyra and the Star Trek officer are in such similar poses! :D ![]()
![]() Grab monster ability wrote:
What happens if a monster makes a successful strike, but all the damage is successfully prevented with Shield Block? Does the monster Grab the PC? the shield? neither? In the absence of any clear rules text, I'm leaning toward saying that the monster Grabs the shield itself and that the PC can automatically escape simply by Releasing the shield. ![]()
![]() Is there something weird going on with flagging posts right now? I tried to flag a thread as being in the wrong forum, but first, instead of the usual drop-down list I got one where they all started with "[FlagReason, id: #]," and then when I selected "Thread is in wrong forum," I got a pop-up error "Sorry, there was a problem adding your flag." ![]()
![]() Let's say the PCs are in exploration mode in a dungeon, using the Avoid Notice activity. They enter a room with a mimic in it doing its Mimic Object thing. ![]()
![]() On September 16th, I received an email with the above title, saying that my payment method had been declined. I contacted my bank, and they said they saw two charges (my subscription order had been split in two for shipping) and that both had been approved. (I checked again today, and both charges have moved from pending to "real" as of the 17th.) I called Paizo next and spoke to Virginia (I believe), and she said she saw nothing wrong with either part of my order, suggesting that perhaps the system sent the email as a glitch. As of today, however, when shipping was supposed to be complete, I haven't received a shipment email for the Ambush Sites Multi-Pack flip mat, nor is the PDF in my downloads. I'm not in any huge hurry for the maps (I'd be much more frantic if it had been my AP installment stuck somewhere), but could you take a look at this again? It appears that I've been charged for the map pack, but it hasn't actually shipped. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Because this has been brought up twice in the Lost Omens World Guide product discussion thread, and because we have been told to take the discussion out of the Lost Omens World Guide product discussion thread... Why are Paizo PDFs so expensive? Paizo prices their PDFs at approximately 30% off the print price. Always has. However, when the Pathfinder RPG launched, Paizo heavily discounted the PDFs for what they considered "core" books: the CRB, Bestiaries, and other rulebook lines. Those were priced at $9.99, so that people could cheaply get into the game and see if they liked it.* For P2e, the price has gone up to $14.99 for those core books. All other Paizo PDFs, from novels to maps to AP volumes, sell for approximately 70% of the print product pricing. The one difference: in P1e, Paizo included the setting book, the Pathfinder World Guide, as core and sold its PDF at $9.99. This time around, for whatever reason, they've made the decision not to give the setting book the same discount. Note that all the rules are, in fact, available online for free, and that you can get the PDF of any new book for free with the print edition by subscribing to the line. *: Interesting historical note: The original plan was for only the CRB and the Bestiary to get the cheaper $9.99 price. ![]()
![]() Owing to its proximity to Breachill Town Hall, the Wizard's Grace tavern is the favored establishment of the many adventurers who wish to seek work from the council in the town's monthly Call for Heroes. Here, adventurers and municipal workers regularly mingle, exchanging stories and generally enjoying the atmosphere created by the diverse clientele. Over the past few days, the tavern has grown particularly busy, as hopeful adventurers seek to make an impression on the locals, particularly any town officials who might have stopped by for a drink and a meal. Today at noon the Call for Heroes will be held, and Trinil Uskwold is presiding over the traditional meal of boar stew with lentils for hopefuls and spectators alike. ![]()
![]() Owing to its proximity to Breachill Town Hall, the Wizard's Grace tavern is the favored establishment of the many adventurers who wish to seek work from the council in the town's monthly Call for Heroes. Here, adventurers and municipal workers regularly mingle, exchanging stories and generally enjoying the atmosphere created by the diverse clientele. Over the past few days, the tavern has grown particularly busy, as hopeful adventurers seek to make an impression on the locals, particularly any town officials who might have stopped by for a drink and a meal. Today at noon the Call for Heroes will be held, and Trinil Uskwold is presiding over the traditional meal of boar stew with lentils for hopefuls and spectators alike. ![]()
![]() Players selected for this campaign are: ![]()
![]() Players selected for this campaign are: ![]()
![]() Every hero has an origin story. A lot of them start in Breachill. Unlike many towns, where so-called adventurers are met with rolling eyes, doors shut in their faces, jacked-up prices, and the epithet "murder-hobos", Breachill welcomes adventurers. After all, it was a wandering adventurer who rescued a group of lost folk and, out of the goodness of his heart and overflow of his purse, founded the town itself. In memory of Lamond Breachton, the citizens of Breachill respect all wanderers and enthusiastically employ adventurers to solve problems outside the wheelhouse of the local authorities. Any unusual situation, from lost caravans to lost livestock, rats in the cellar of the local tavern or bandits on the highway into town, can be solved at the monthly Call for Heroes, where young locals looking to prove themselves or outsiders needing work are officially approved and hired to take on the task. It may not be an easy way to earn some coin, but it's a lot more exciting than mopping floors or harvesting crops. And who knows? a life of fame and fortune, travel and acclaim might be waiting for you! So, what's the deal? We're all excited about the new edition. This is the chance for all of us to kick some tires, take a test drive, and inhale a deep whiff of that new-system smell. I will commit to run book one of the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, Hellknight Hill; when we get done with that, we'll decide whether to continue on. My purpose in running this game is threefold:
Who are you anyway? Hi, I'm Joana! I've been playing since 1998, starting with AD&D 2nd edition and continuing through 3rd, 3.5, and Pathfinder 1e. I've been active in PbPs on these forums since 2009. As GM, I completed a game of We B4 Goblins! and am currently running a sandbox campaign set in Riddleport that has been running since 2012 and a Giantslayer campaign that has been running since 2015. What are you looking for? Players who can post at least once per 24 hours on the average day (weekends negotiable). Mechanically, I don't need any numbers yet. Since one of my goals is to learn the new system, I'd rather walk through character creation in the Discussion thread once the party has been assembled. I just want to know the A-B-Cs (Ancestry, Background, and Class, with the Background selected from the campaign backgrounds listed in the Age of Ashes Player's Guide), a little about your PC's life up until now, and why your PC is applying to be an adventurer at Breachill's Call for Heroes. Anything else? I use maps, updated on every PC's initiative so we all stay on the same page. You can check the combat in my existing games to get a feel for my style. Because this is a new system, we're going to start out sticking as close to RAW as possible. I am not an expert on 2e; unless you're a Paizo dev, you probably aren't, either. We'll muddle through together. I'll make mistakes; please let me know about them (politely) and we'll do our best to fix it. I was an English major, so spelling, grammar, and punctuation count. You're not being graded, and typos happen, but please make an effort. I don't recruit in your gameplay thread, so please don't roleplay in my recruitment thread. :) It's easier for me to keep track of submissions if I don't have to scroll through prospective PCs talking with each other. There will be a chance for preliminary roleplaying and meet-and-greets in the gameplay thread when the party has been selected. Let's set a tentative cut-off date for recruitment one week from today, whatever that happens to be in your respective time zones. ![]()
![]() Low priority here, but when y'all have made it through GenCon and finished shipping and have time to breathe, I've made GM reference threads for the component parts of the Age of Ashes AP and would appreciate having them stickied. Hellknight Hill
![]() Shield Block says: Quote:
Okay, so the shield Let's turn to p. 175: Quote: An item reduces any damage dealt to it by its Hardness. The Hardness of various materials is explained in the Materials section on page 354. If an item takes damage equal to or exceeding the item’s Hardness, the item takes a Dent. If the item takes damage equal to or greater than twice its Hardness in one hit, it takes 2 Dents. For instance, a wooden shield (Hardness 3) that takes 10 damage would take 2 Dents. A typical item can take only 1 Dent without becoming broken. A second Dent causes it to become broken, though it can still be repaired. An item that would take a Dent or become broken while already broken is destroyed beyond salvage. Some magical or especially sturdy items can take more than 1 Dent before becoming broken, as noted in their descriptions. So, in this explanation, the wooden shield These two abilities don't seem to work together. If Shield Block reduces damage to the character by only the shield's hardness, as the reaction reads, the shield shouldn't have a chance to be dented or broken, and there's no need to link to p. 175. If the shield can be dented or broken by using it to Shield Block, then the reaction should reduce damage to the PC by the amount equal to up to three times the shield's hardness (the amount of damage reduced by Hardness plus the amount needed to break the shield.) (Apologies if this has been brought up already; there are so many threads in the playtest forum. I'd appreciate a link to any previous discussion.) ![]()
![]() Session 0: Character Creation I am running Doomsday Dawn for my family: my husband, with extensive gaming experience going back to AD&D, my 15-year-old daughter, and my 12-year-old son, both of whom have very limited experience with Beginner Box rules. My daughter decided to play the same character she has played in Black Fang's Dungeon and so on: an elf rogue named Iris. My son wanted to play a goblin and ended up with a barbarian named Ratscum. My husband is filling in the blanks in the party with a dwarf cleric and a human fighter. We found all the ability boosts in character creation hard to keep up with. It feels like you don't really know where you want those extra +2s until you've added all your fixed boosts, but then you have to go back and figure out where the extra boosts came from so you're not putting them into the same ability scores as the fixed ones from that level. Also, the character creation walkthrough on page 11 seems to skip over the four free ability boosts altogether. I only found them when I thought the scores we were ending up with didn't look as high as the characters I'd seen generated in some of the preview threads. I let my kids distribute their boosts as they chose, with only mild reminders of what their classes' key abilities were. I was totally inwardly cringing at my son's decision to go with a 14 Cha and 12 Con, although he's thrilled with his first-level Raging Intimidation feat, and my daughter didn't put any points into Wisdom, despite the fact that she took the Keen Hearing ancestry feat. I view this as a chance to see if the playtest rules are more forgiving than P1e rules to non- (anti-?) optimizers. We found most of the campaign backgrounds kind of boring. My daughter took Mind Quake Survivor because it was the only one that sounded dramatic enough to her. My son was happy with Goblin Renegade because he already wanted to be a goblin, but his character doesn't have Crafting trained so the Quick Repair feat is going to waste for now. In all, character creation for two newbies took probably three hours from sitting down with character sheets and pencils to finalizing purchases. There was a lot of flipping around pages and PDFs around the ability boosts. I should note that my husband, experienced gamer and noted micromanager, is still flipping around the PDF as I type, trying to find exactly the right options for his PCs. We'll see to what extent the PCs that were agonized over outplay the ones that were put together on a whim. ![]()
![]() When I go to the Paizo Blog page, the datestamps for the most recent entries are off. For example, right now, the Player's Guide blog indicates it was posted "2 minutes ago" and the ACG blog "56 minutes ago." However, both were posted yesterday afternoon. I've noticed this in passing before since the site update, thinking, "Oh, hey, a new blog entry!" when I see the "x minutes ago" and clicking before I realize I've already read that entry, but I just assumed that maybe I had read the screen wrong. This time, I double-checked to be sure. |