Hellknight Hill: Bumblebrashers! (Inactive)

Game Master Joana

Hero Points: Darla * Des * Drake * Gellius * Gethric *
the Bumblebrashers' map

One of two tables I am running through Hellknight Hill has had two players bow out. We are looking for two replacements to join our game, which has been running since August of 2019.

The remaining PCs are a human fighter, a halfling rogue, and a human bard. The group has just retreated from a fight with skeletons that wasn't going their way and is heading back to Breachill to recruit reinforcements.

The party is currently second-level, with standard ABC character creation rules. I use maps, updated on every PC's initiative so we all stay on the same page; you can check the gameplay thread to get a feel for the group. We aim for a post per weekday when out of combat; in combat, I give 24 hours to respond before botting your character or putting you on delay. Weekends are more relaxed.

Let's set a tentative cut-off date for recruitment one week from today, whatever that happens to be in your respective time zones.

Full disclosure: I will be running this AP, so I am familiar with the story but I have no issue keeping my PC and player knowledge separate.

I read a bit of the gameplay thread and I'm really enjoying your writing style and the rest of the group. I've been wanting to play this AP for a long time, and I can match the posting rate requirements.

In terms of a character, I whipped up a goblin oracle of life with the Haunting Visions background.

Des Bumblebrasher
Goblin oracle 2 Advanced Player's Guide, 67
CG, Small, Goblin, Humanoid
Perception +4; darkvision
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics -2, Dahak Lore +5, Deception +8, Diplomacy +8, Medicine +4, Occultism +5, Performance +8, Religion +4, Stealth +2, Thievery -2
Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 18 (+4)
Other Items buckler, hide, crossbow, dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalks (10), flint and steel, handheld musical instrument, healer's tools, rations (1 week)s (2), religious text, rope (foot)s (50), soap, torchs (5), waterskin, wooden religious symbol, writing set, purse (2 sp)
AC 13 (14 with shield raised); Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +6
HP 32 Focus Points 3 Hero Points 1; Resistances fire 1
Speed 10 feet
Melee [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Ranged [1] crossbow +4 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 P
Ranged [1] dagger +4 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Divine Oracle Spellcasting DC 18; 1st (3 slots) bless, heal, spirit link Cantrips (1st) daze, disrupt undead, forbidding ward, guidance, shield, stabilize
Focus Spells 3 Focus Points, DC 18; 0th Death’s Call, Healer’s Blessing, Life Link
Feats Assurance, Domain Acumen, Goblin Song, Student Of The Canon
Other Abilities charhide goblin, component substitution, curse of outpouring life, death, healing, Isger, life

Des is a member of the Bumblebrashers, converted to Desna's faith by Warbal. They act as the tribe's healer, and for the past couple of weeks they've been having terrible dreams and visions, which has made them increasingly restless and anxious. Now that the heroes from Breachill are here to help, Des sees an opportunity to do something, so in consultation with Helba they have offered to join them.

Nosteo here is a character I used in this AP on this site that died out before the point this group is at. I'd love to try again. Here he is bumped up to level 2.

Full stats and background are in profile but here's a quick rundown(and I'll put the backstory in a spoiler too). Nosteo is a diabolic sorcerer who also has the champion dedication. I'm going for a guy with evil blood in his veins who tries to fight against his nature. Has the paladin cause and worships Iomedae. He would be more like a battle cleric than a spell slinger. He carries a sword and wears armor but will probably be kind of a switch hitter between magic and martial.

Nosteo is clearly of Chelish decent, he has the pale skin, dark hair, and sharp features associated with them. Nosteo is from Varisia however. In his youth it became clear that he carried the family curse, which only shows up every few generations. Somewhere in his family's past a devil's bloodline was added into the family tree. No one remembers for sure how that happened but the family also passes down an ancestral longsword that seems to be a Hellknight weapon and it is commonly accepted that it has something to do with the knights. It's also probably the reason why his family now lives in Varisia.

To try to combat the evil blood in his veins Nosteo joined the church of Iomedae. He tries his best to be as honorable and good as possible but he has found he is a very good liar and slips up from time to time.

Nosteo found out about the origin of his curse-the little known about it anyway-after his father bequeathed the family sword to him. He decided to find out everything he could about the Hellknights, and maybe his family's history, that day. When he heard about Citadel Altaerein he decided to go check it out.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Really interested in this, not got a character straight off, but wanted to dot in before I look at something.

Thinking either wizard or ranger.

Thinking dwarf associated with Tuskhead Stoneworking

I am ridiculously interested. Lemme check out the player's guide and see what I can cook up.

Here's what I came up with

Nilan is a former student of the local librarian Jorell Blacktusk. Nilan left some year and a half ago to make his name, and is now returning to Breachhill after hearing about the call for adventurers. He arrived a little late, but is still willing to help.

Words to describe Nilan:

Why does Nilan adventure:
To gather knowledge and power
To fulfill his dream of becoming a powerful Wizard

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.


YOU'RE BACK!!1!!11!!!!eleven!!!

When did you get back???

Hey, there's someone doing a recruitment right now for SW Deadlands. You in?!?

Liberty's Edge

Oh, um, and in other news, the character submission for Atlas2112 is gonna look like this one.

I admit the backstory was something I wrote when I was new, and the story is inspired...but overly long. Not my best, but at least it provide fertile ground when I need inspiration for how the character can grow.

The character is lvl 1 now, but I'll bump her up to 2.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I have the main outline of a Dwarf Wizard, stone mason. Although there is a bit more to go, the guy is one of the stone masons at Tuskhead Stoneworking, probably related to the family there. I get the idea he would be a bit more studious than his fellow workers and with his interest in stone, is a bit of an archaeologist. Intensely interested in history, because you can read it in the stones. Unlike many other wizards, he's also very partial to partying with his fellow workers at Cayden's Keg, although doesn't get asked as often as his companions.


Although there is a bit more to go, the guy is one of the stone masons at Tuskhead Stoneworking, probably related to the family there. I get the idea he would be a bit more studious than his fellow workers and therefore a bit more of an loner. He wants to prove himself and adventuring might well be the way he can show his worth to the family. He found a couple of scrolls and has spent some time trying to use the magic from them, he has recently used a scroll to stop his workmates hitting him after he had played a bit of a naughty trick on them. He is a dwarf with a mischievous streak. Made ity up to them later by going for a bit of a drink at Cayden's Keg. (scroll trickster dedication)

Kittenmancer here, made an alias and expanded on background, appearance and personality.

Kittenmancer wrote:
Full disclosure: I will be running this AP, so I am familiar with the story but I have no issue keeping my PC and player knowledge separate.

Oh, yeah, I saw your recruitment thread. I have made a few changes to the backdrop of the first book, just to make it play well with the party, though I don't intend to tinker with the overarching AP plot.

I haven't taken a good look at the P2e oracle yet. (I'm only really familiar with the classes being run in my games, and we started before the APG was released.) In P1e, the life oracle was the best healer in the game; how does the P2e version measure up, in your opinion?

Gwendolen looks to be a P1e character, and this is a 2nd edition adventure path. Are you planning to rebuild her in P2e?

Nice character sheet. Did you make it yourself or get it from somewhere else? I haven't found a P2e character sheet yet that I feel is just perfect, though this one is a clear improvement over the official one that just has way too many pages. One thing I find myself wishing for as a PbP GM is a prominent section just for Reactions and their triggers so I don't forget about them.

Thank you for the submissions so far. I am going to stick with my original deadline of one week from the OP, as I'm not going to have the leisure to go over the characters closely until the weekend, so if anyone is still thinking about a submission, you have until then.

@Joana I'm currently running a Menace under Otari game (from the beginner guide) and I found that just having a google doc with reactions in my normal combat docs helps. I also have the players tell me ahead of time when they would apply a reaction (Eg. Shield block) and I automatically apply it for them, instead of bogging things down retconing actions.

Joana wrote:

Oh, yeah, I saw your recruitment thread. I have made a few changes to the backdrop of the first book, just to make it play well with the party, though I don't intend to tinker with the overarching AP plot.

I haven't taken a good look at the P2e oracle yet. (I'm only really familiar with the classes being run in my games, and we started before the APG was released.) In P1e, the life oracle was the best healer in the game; how does the P2e version measure up, in your opinion?

I've been reading your gameplay thread and I am very much enjoying the changes, they tie the story together really well. I plan to steal most of them for my game, honestly. :) (I was planning that even before I saw this recruitment, from reading through the GM reference thread)

About the PF2 Oracle, I have no idea how it compares with the PF1 version yet, for me character personality and backstory >>> mechanics. I do enjoy that using mystery spells activates the curse, it seems like a fun mechanic to RP around. The class simply fits the image I have of Des, the self-sacrificing, guilt-ridden goblin that has internalized a lot of the anti-goblin hatred and is working really hard to prove they're not like that.

Okay, I'm going to throw this guy in there: Drake

Should be good to go. Gonna look him over again just to double check but this is the gist of him.

Vigilant Seal

Lough is interested.


Darkness. Light.

Not remembering how he came into this world - nor his earliest years - except how they Felt (and more on that later) - his earliest memories were of his uncle’s rough hands keeping a young Lough away from the sharp implements that decorated the shop - axes, hammers, chisels, all made of dried skin, dead wood, and cold iron - until such a time he would encode a rigorous set of routines directing one’s preoccupations towards measures that would minimize the drawing of blood or formation of clot by cut or bruise. And Lough would still develop plenty of those over the course of his apprenticeship, slaying animals and emptying them of their guts to hang in the unrelenting sun, chopping into the rings of aged saprolings that had matured but were stripped of their fruit, plunging hunks of ore into blazing furnaces before bludgeoning them repeatedly with those same implements that were once forbidden to touch. Life has a strangely cruel sense of humor. Or at least that is a conclusion the young man would eventually draw. But not yet.

Lough did not possess a lexicon out of a working range of basic conversation and workshop jargon. Curt, but courteous. His uncle taught him to have manners, respect his elders, brook for children at play, and not to speak ill of other people even when they were not around to hear. Besides, he quickly grew very competent in his skill, and possessed of a youthful constitution, soon enough became able to outpace his mentor without giving on quality. The implements they made together - and sold or bartered in town - where a source of pride, first in his uncle, and aptly instilled into him. People would talk about how “I barely have to swing this axe” or “this hammer never breaks” or other remarks that stood as a testement to the craftmanship involved. And the first change went barely unnoticed becasue of it - Lough’s fingernails were incredibly sharp and strong, iron working like wood in his grasp, wood like leather, and leather like textile. If his uncle noticed, he never mentioned it. That didn’t stop lough from hiding his hands when he went out; maybe wearing his heavy work gloves, maybe always carrying around other objects, or at the end of the week at the local pub, simply keeping them in his pockets.

As his weeks began to take upon a clockwork rythm - 6 days of hard work at his uncle’s shop, piecemail work for the local lumberer at high demand, and always at the pub the 7th day - a coworker of his (from the lumber consortiom) expressed curiosity towards the very thing he meant to hide, and Lough found himself telling this coworker a story about a family member who did not exist, embarking on a quest that did not happen, and meeting a gruesome end that was inexplicably gory. He couldn’t believe his own words as they flowed from his mouth! Pronouncing words he had never even heard before! And the look on this coworker’s face! Sure enough, the feat was asked by others to be repeated, two or three times now, starting small, then burgeoning into what felt like the whole pub sitting in and listening in - surprised each time the story took a turn for the worse! Walking away from the pub that night, Lough danced as though on a cloud, a constellation of emotions that included both euphoria and sorrow, surprise as well as a deep-seated sense of order. It dawned on him in this walk home that there had been a second change: The stories he had been telling had happened: Happened in a dream he had forgotten.

But there were more.

Restless nights of sleep under terrors of imagination, Lough would wake up in cold sweats, having “lived” as someone else and met a terrible fate - in a word, “died” - only to wake up, back into the clockwork machine that was his post-somnambulant experience set. He was asked again, the following 7th day, and the next, and the next after that, and so on, to continue telling new stories, each which flowed from his mouth without thought, each that had mapped directly onto a dream he had “forgotten” earlier that week, each time to the look of uproarious shock his audience of coworkers, barkeeps - and eventually other patrons in this town and the next - retained when the story concluded with some awesome turnabout. It became not a thing that he chose to do. But instead, the thing itself chose to have itself done by him. Lough - despite his growing popularity - began to succumb to a nagging sense of non-control, growing like a tiny seed in the back of his mind, embedding roots into the very sense of self that his uncle had worked to diligently to build in him. Verging on the brink of something… else?

Seasons turned - as they do - and Lough had developed a new habit of sneaking out into the local wooded area - either in the dead of night or the first light of morning - to spend time with himself with nature. When he couldn’t sleep - or wouldn’t sleep - he came out here, spending hours by himself, the soft chirp of crickets or birds, the excess cold of winter or heat of summer suffusing his skin, the sun’s rising embers or the moon’s creeping glow casting over him. Unlike everything else in his life, there was no real pattern to this. Sometimes weeks or months woudl fly by without his return. Sometimes only days between. Sometimes hours. And Lough liked it like that. He still went to work 6 days a week and storytelling on 7th days. But into that perfect order, he managed to work in a little uncertainty - a little unpredictability. In a sense, this was Lough “taking back” what had been “taken” from him - even if he couldn’t really articulate what it was that had been lost. No matter. He had managed to retore the balance, and found himself able to thrive in this newly restored equilibrium.

But it was only short lived. It happened in one night, a third change, in a dream. She was there, and she had never been there before, and what was more strange, that instead of being someone else, Lough was himself. He was aware that he was himself. And that he was dreaming. And aware that the dream was aware of him. And she was there. He felt her in his throat. Like she was watching from inside of his throat. Watching him. She began to whisper. A language Lough had never heard, but intuitively understood. A language he Felt. Whispers to come. But come where? He thought to himself, reasoned that he was already here, and so, could not “go” anywhere else. But she didn’t listen - she only spoke. Lough learned things from her. Like an infant. He Felt about things. About things to come. About things that would happen to him. About things that he would barely live through, that he would survive, that in surviving he would pay a cost, a cost that was too high to pay, that he would have to live with himself knowing he had paid it. And she never lied!

But this dream Lough never “woke up” from - she simply stopped talking to him. He went back to bed, layed there. When the sun was up, he went to work with his uncle. He visited his wooded area. He stayed until dark. She visited him there. More speaking, more visions, visions testing his mortality, visions of losing things he cared for. There was an accident at work that day. Lough had been cutting down a tree - using proper technique and exceedingly compliant safety measures - but the tree fell and killed one of his coworkers. Just as she said it would. And just like she said he would, Lough was not held accountable, and the event was deemed an “accident”. Except it wasn’t an accident. Lough “knew” it would happen, and did nothing to prevent it. That night, when she spoke to him, in addition to more dire visions, she spoke about this event, and about another. There was a second accident that week. Similar circumstances, similar results. Lough was there, witnessed it, again was not blamed - despite the coincidence! - and left with the guilt of inaction. She stopped coming for a period of time. But just when Lough thought she’d never return, she did. And more of the same. To his pattern of life, was added not only his seemingly random departures into the woods, but too these seemingly random arrival’s of this Matron (as he would come to call her). And slowly the everpresent sense of looming dread that had plagued his mind, his heart, his soul, dis-integrating them of their once vigourous passion for sheer existance, began to slowly, slowly, slowly eat away at what he had created for himself to escape it.

Light. Darkness.

If there is still time, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

Would you allow a Fleshwarp character or would you rather we avoid Rare races?

Molemanking wrote:
Would you allow a Fleshwarp character or would you rather we avoid Rare races?

Given the party's current location, I think a fleshwarp character would be unlikely, but if you think you have a great idea how to explain their backstory, go ahead and pitch it.

Radiant Oath

Thank you Joana.

Here is my Fleshwarp Cleric of Casandalee, Phaeton Sanlest.

Elevator Pitch:
Phaeton is more machine than man at this point and has only recently escaped the waning grasp of teh Technic League. His family, both afraid for his safety and of his new visage, encourage him to seek out Breachill. They tell him his great grandmother, a retired Hellknight, had settled down in the area. His family informs him that the town had good relations with a goblin tribe that lived nearby, so Breachill may prove more tolerant of his appearance as long as he can prove himself.

Phaeton has the Returning Descendant background and is a Technological Fleshwarp.

Recruitment is now closed. I'm going to get some feedback from my current players and will announce my decision within a day or two.

Thank you for your submissions. The votes are in, and we would like to welcome Des Bumblebrasher and Drake McClain to the game. Please head over to the Discussion thread to check in.

Congratulations and have fun you guys!

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