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570 posts. Organized Play character for Redelia.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please fill out the RPG Chronicles listing for this game.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hello, players who have signed up for this game on the convention spreadsheet. Please dot and delete from this thread for now so that the game appears in your campaigns list. We will start when the convention does.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

This adventure comes with a set of four pregenerated characters who all have a backstory tied into the adventure story, so I'd encourage you to use them. There are also some adventure rewards that are only awarded if you use the pregenerated characters.

I will provide the pregenerated characters a bit closer to start time.

If you will use a pregenerated character, please provide the information on the character you want to receive the credit.

If you plan to use your own character, please provide the information about that character I need to report and fill out your chronicle sheet.

If you're new here and don't know what some of this means, you are very welcome here. Let me know and either I or some of the other players will be happy to walk you through this stuff.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hello, everyone who signed up for this game on the convention spreadsheet. Please dot and delete, and we will start when the convention begins.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone.

Please provide the information I need to fill out your chronicle sheet, and also tell me anything unusual about your character I should know before we start.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Welcome, everyone who has signed up for this game on the Outpost Event Spreadsheet! Please dot and delete here and then go to the discussion thread to tell me about your character. We will start on March 2.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hello, players. Please provide me with the information for reporting/your chronicle sheet, and also let me know anything unusual about your character. Please also check my GM profile to make sure you're happy with what is there; by playing at my table there are a few things you're agreeing to, such as me botting your character if you don't post for a while.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hello, everyone, and welcome. While we are waiting for the special to start, please dot and delete, and provide the information requested in discussion.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

please dot and delete

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please dot and delete when your character is ready.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

discussion is now open

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

discussion is now open! feel free to begin to discuss your character choices.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I'm recruiting six players who would like to play through this playtest adventure, learning the rules together. Wee will start building characters together on August 3, and hopefully begin the story on August 8. The game will be reported as a society game. I will leave recruitment open for 48 hours, or until I have 9 applicants, after which I will make my choices to put together a party. It's OK that you won't be familiar with the rules when we start and probably don't know what kind of character you want to make; we'll be learning together!


I'm recruiting six players who would like to play through this playtest scenario, learning the rules together. The first day the scenario is available is August 1, so we will start on August 3, using pregen characters so that we can get started right away. We will be following society playtest rules, and the game will be reported as a society game. I will leave recruitment open for 48 hours, or until I have 9 applicants, after which I will make my choices to put together a party. It's OK that you won't be familiar with the rules when we start; we'll be learning together!

This will be where GMs can post to look for players for their SFS2 games.

Watch this space; I'm sure there will be playtest games recruiting soon!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi! This will be where discussions happen for our lodge.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hello, everyone, and welcome to out new space station!

This is a place where we can gather to play Starfinder Society Second Edition games. It is a sister lodge to Flaxseed, Cottonseed, and Castamir Station.

We will start out playing playtest games together, and then move to the final rules when they are released.

More details will follow later; for now, this is a placeholder.

I look forward to exploring the new game rules with all of you!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

OK, everyone! We'll be using the quest series the Silverhex Chronicles, available for free here. The first thing I need each student at this table to do is to acquire the adventure.

Because PF1 does not have bounties, we will be needing to run one quest at a time. I'll start out, then you'll each run one quest, and then I'll run the remaining ones. Unfortunately, you won't be able to report the game to Paizo or to get GM credit, but you will get credit for the entire series to the character you choose to play as.

This is a level 1 quest series, so I need each of you to pick a level 1 character you plan to use whenever you are not the GM.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone! This is the campaign where I'll be running my parts of this quest series. Please dot and delete and come chat in the discussion thread!

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone, and welcome to GM school. If you have been notified you are a student or mentor for GM school, please dot and delete from this thread. We will get started in about two days.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please provide me with the information needed to complete your chronicle sheet.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please dot and delete. We will get started soon.

I am recruiting for a table of PFS characters to play through these final two levels of the Emerald Spire. Characters who can only play 15 but not 16 are welcome, but characters that can play both are preferred. Please tell me a little about your character. One seat is reserved for the person who asked me to run this.

Recruitment will close in 72 hours or after there are 8 applicants, whichever comes first.

The game will hopefully get started within a few days of the close to recruitment. We will pause the game as needed if everyone will be busy later this month with holidays.

I look forward to playing with many of you.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi, everyone!

It’s been a while since we’ve run a session of GM school, so early next year I will run GM school again. This time, there will be classroom sessions on the Paizo forums and on Discord. If there is sufficient interest, Starfinder, Pathfinder 1, and Pathfinder 2 will all be covered.

We will start on Monday, January 8. For the first few weeks, we will having classroom time only. We will be talking about what makes a good GM, and about best practies to make a game run smoothly. I will be leading these discussions, with Bigrin as my co-teacher on Discord, and mentors will also be contributing their experience to the discussion.

After we’ve covered the basics in classroom, we will continue classroom while games start up. A mentor will run a game for students in order to provide material to talk about, and then students will run games for each other. For Starfinder and Pathfinder 2, there can be several games running at the same time. Due to some older rules for Pathfinder 1, only one game can be run at a time, so GM school may take longer for PF1 students.

I’m looking for both students and mentors.

Requirements to participate as a student:
-willingness to be part of up to three games at a time. You will only be a GM in at most one of these; the others will be games run by a mentor or by another student

-ability to post every day for the length of GM school

-willingness/ability to pay up to $5 US to purchase an adventure, if needed. We will try to get convention support to give you your adventure for free, but this depends on how many students are interested.

Mentors will be selected as needed from those who apply.

If you are interested in participating as a student, please fill out this google form.

If you are interested in participating as a mentor, please fill out this google form to apply.

I’m looking forward to working with many of you.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (Paizo Forums)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

please provide chronicle sheet and reporting information here.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please dot and delete. We'll start soon.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi everyone! Please dot and delete for now. We'll get started soon.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please provide me with the info I need for reporting and to fill out your chronicle sheets here.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone! Please dot and delete for now. We'll get started soon.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please provide the information for reporting and chronicle sheets here.

Hi, everyone!

I'll be running this Pathfinder 1 scenario here on the forums, starting as soon as everyone is ready.

I'll close recruitment as soon as I get 8 applicants, or after 48 hours, whichever comes first. There are two characters I'm holding a spot for, both level 6.

This game will still be ongoing when things get really crazy in late December, but we'll pause for a few days a few times for various holidays. It's not a problem if you'll be unable to post for a few days once or twice due to holiday travel or anything like that.

Hi, everyone!

I'll be running this Pathfinder 1 scenario here on the forums, starting as soon as everyone is ready.

I'll be running at low/lowish tier, so only characters of levels 1-4 should apply.

I'll close recruitment as soon as I get 8 applicants, or after 48 hours, whichever comes first. There are two characters I'm holding a spot for. New players are very much invited to apply!

This game will still be ongoing when things get really crazy in late December, but we'll pause for a few days a few times for various holidays. It's not a problem if you'll be unable to post for a few days once or twice due to holiday travel or anything like that.

Hi, everyone!

I'll be running this Starfinder Bounty here on the forums, starting as soon as everyone is ready.

This adventure is run with your level 1 Starfinder Society characters.

I'll close recruitment as soon as I get 8 applicants, or after 48 hours, whichever comes first. There are two characters I'm holding a spot for. New players are very much invited to apply!

Hopefully this game will be over before things get really crazy in late December, but if not, we'll pause for a few days a few times for various holidays. It's not a problem if you'll be unable to post for a few days once or twice due to holiday travel or anything like that.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Welcome, players. Please dot and delete.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone.

Please provide the information I need to fill out your chronicle sheets.

Also, is there anything about your character that can be a little tricky in PbP, or anything where we need to discuss rules before we start?

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

You are in the Pathfinder lodge in Korvosa, waiting for the venture captain to give you your assignments. Please introduce yourselves while we wait for the convention to start.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone, and welcome.

Please discuss what pregenerated character you would like to play. The options are:

Duthuj, in ijitkri operative
Khavarku, a vesk mystic (no specific deity, a bit of a pacifist)
Syrelle, a pahtra soldier
Veevee, a skittermander envoy

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, team.

Before we really get started, please provide me with the information for your chronicle sheets.

Also, let me know if there's anything about your character I should know, or anything really interesting about them.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

You are on Absalom Station. You received a summons to meet with First Seeker Ehu Hadif, and are currently waiting in an atrium right outside his office.

please introduce yourselves

To allow PbP players to participate in the excitement of choosing the next First Seeker, I'll be running this scenario, starting in a few days.

If you are interested in participating, please tell me what character you will be playing with. Also, have you already played this scenario? Or are you likely to play it in person? (note that even for repeatables, you cannot play a scenario in person while playing that same scenario in PbP, even with different characters)

I'll close recruitment in 48 hours, or after there are 12 applicants, whichever comes first. If there seems to be a lot of demand, I'll encourage another GM to also run the same scenario.

I do think we will be able to complete this scenario before the end to the voting for the next first seeker.

As part of Gameday, I'll be running this OneShot for society credit. Players will need to play with the pregenerated characters that come with the adventure; info on these characters will be provided later. For now, if you are interested, please just post here that you are interested.

Recruitment starts on August 10, so applications before then will not be accepted. I'll make my decision about a week after that, as long as there are enough applicants.

(If someone wants to use their courtesy GM early signup for this game during the window of August 7-9, please post here and let me know that is what you are doing. I'll get back to you quickly so that if you're not included you can find another game during that time)

Please read over my GM profile before applying to make sure you like what you see.

Hi, everyone!
As part of the PbP convention Gameday XII, I will be running this PF1 module. This will need to be played with Pathfinder Society legal characters. It is for levels 12-14.

Recruitment starts on August 10, so applications before then will not be accepted. I'll make my decision about a week after that, as long as there are enough applicants.

(If someone wants to use their courtesy GM early signup for this game during the window of August 7-9, please post here and let me know that is what you are doing. I'll get back to you quickly so that if you're not included you can find another game during that time)

Please read over my GM profile before applying to make sure you like what you see.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone.

We will start at the beginning of the convention, but for now, please dot and delete so you are officially part of the campaign.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please post the information needed for your chronicle sheet here.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please provide your chronicle information here. Also, please double check my GM profile to make sure you're OK with everything there before we start.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please dot and delete while we wait for the convention to start.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With the announcement in the Society Blog that orcs will not be allowed in PFS1, I'm creating this thread as a place to talk about the orc friends we had designed or even built that we will not get to play. This is NOT a place to debate the decision, it is a place to talk about the orcs we wanted to play. Please take your policy debates somewhere else so we can grieve in peace.

My orc friend was going to be named Grrza of Torag. She was orphaned as a toddler during a battle between dwarves and orcs. A cleric of Torag found the tot and brought her home and raised her as her own. The home was loving but stern. Grrza came to consider the dwarves her own people, although it was never hidden from her who she was. As she grew older and stronger, her dedication to Torag grew, and now she is a paladin of Torag, devoted to defending her adopted people.


I will be selecting a party of six characters to participate in this scenario.

Recruitment begins Feb 10, so any applications before then will be ignored. (If you are using your one seat of early GM seating to apply, send me a PM and I'll try to answer you right away)

I will make my decision after 4 days or 12 applicants, whichever comes first.

To make expectations clear, I will be expecting one post a day for all participants. I will bot you if you do not post in that time to keep things moving. If you are interested, I invite you to look at my GM profile before applying.

I will be selecting a party of six characters to participate in this module.

Recruitment begins Feb 10, so any applications before then will be ignored. (If you are using your one seat of early GM seating to apply, send me a PM and I'll try to answer you right away)

I will make my decision after 4 days or 12 applicants, whichever comes first.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Please provide me with the information I need to fill out your chronicle sheet here.

Full Name

Talagand Freestep




Fighter 2










Common, Elven

