
Kavell Speranta's page

616 posts. Alias of TheNine.

Scarab Sages

The night is a typical cool spring evening, cool enough that the small fire in the large stone fireplace at the end of the common room provided more warmth than light. It was quiet enough though the common room had just enough guests that the barkeep, A no nonsense yet friendly enough half elf named Alinnawas busy enough stopping by a trio of tables... two with local farmers sharing tales and ales and one large one with some of the local lumberjacks drinking heavier stouts gambling coppers.

Seeing you enter at a moment she was behind the bar wiping off a freshly cleaned copper mug the Half even maiden smiles.

"Welcome to the Silver Chalice, I see you got your armbands finally Your first drinks are on me tonight shieldmates!"

She half called half spoke out giving a slight incline of her head before motioning out to the common rooms booths and seats.

"Have a seat I'll be right with you."

She added before ducking her head in the back and hollaring something inconcernable to the kitchen.

Scarab Sages

Start of the gameplay thread

Scarab Sages

Hello All, going to give running a game another go, this time better prepared. I am looking for an additional 3-5 interested parties for a series of old reskinned modules set loosely around the Kalistocracy of Druma. You are a mercenary junior member of the Silver Shields led by the Valiant halfling paladin Colewin Binderbook. (nearing middle age dirty blond haired paladin of Abadar)

He gets contracts, he doles them out to teams chosen to take care of the contract. Each member has their own reasons for working for the halfling, most of them have a personal link to the little man, as those seeking just pure wealth find themselves pushed into more annoying or rougher missions until they leave and seek greener pastures. He doesnt accept every contract either. So far no rhyme or reason seems to appear to which ones make the cut to be posted on the job board, and no alterior motives seem to be in play. . .

Charector creation -

Level 2 charectors -

hp is max at level 1, 1/2+1+con or your roll whichever is higher. 1 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.
Starting Wealth will be 800+your rolled starting wealth.
I would also like to see a backstory in how you have become a Silver Shield.

A discussion Thread for my 'uncivilized' friends

A table for my less 'civilized' friends.

Scarab Sages



Requius - The final resting place of virtuous souls who did not follow a particular deity in life had become something more now. A great table dark stone polished so brightly it seemed to reflect everything about it stood filled with papers, notes, maps. a dozen maiden's beautiful despite the armor they wore were gathered around it discussing. A large hourglass sat in a large wooden stand, the sands with in having been almost still for ages now stirred much faster than ever before. The beast... stirred from its slumber.

You had felt the calling Eir, from your mentor Sigrun as you awoke from the timeless slumber that occasionally took your kind. You recognized your sister Valkyrie at the table. Heldrath of the silverstring. An archer of unheralded skill. Eganin Viperstrike, her innocent eyes and always cheery smile hid the lightning fast sword-woman's skill with her rapier.

As you approached the table the light grew till it was almost blinding ...when it cleared you saw her. A being of fiery hair and angelic wings, the goddess of redemption, healing, honesty and the sun...Sarenrae.

Beautiful and haunting words echoed in your ears, though her lips never moved.

"Valkyrie, I am sorry that you have been finally called to use, after so long. It was hoped that you would never be needed, but time for this world grows short. The great beast stirs and with it... the end of"

She paused and the rooms silence loomed to prove the severity of the situation. The Goddess turned her head meeting Sigrun's eyes You know somehow that words were being exchanged even though your heard nothing, something about the tightening of Sigrins eyes, the way the goddess seemed to bore into her with a glance...She saluted, hand over her heart and nodded, spinning in place to go within two steps brilliant white wings burst from her back and she leapt into the air fading and disappearing from view.

Time crawled and yet passed in a flash.

"Eir of the black spear, youngest valkyrie of those serving us here. You have a mission."

The goddesses voice rang out in your mind, clear, proud, confident. As you glanced about you noticed that your sisters were gone, the papers and maps on the table were mostly gone, only a handful remained.

"It is time for you to return to your homeworld Eir, to find those worthy souls to bring here. War... war with the forces of entropy is coming, and we will need the help."

She motioned to a parchment on the top of a pile... it was a list of names, The top name on the list simply read. Eliah the Fallen

Scarab Sages

The hall before look like a strange chaos demons idea of what a divine feast hall should be, Large tables With chairs either awkwardly tall or short were scattered around tables equally haphazardly placed in the half moon shaped pavillion. Elegantly long and pale marble feasting tables draped with alabaster colored silk next to long wooden tables piled with meats and ale.

Here is where you discuss things amongst each other. . .

Scarab Sages

It was dark times in the lands, wars raged between nations, demons and devils ripped open portals to the lands. The lands trembled, the winds howled, the oceans raged. but the real threat... the real threat stirred deep in the grounds.

The gods, more silent in the lands below than ever convened and the decision the came too was indeed a desperate gambit... but the die is cast.

Hello all welcome to my recruitment. This recruitment will be a bit different than most, but heres what im looking for.
What kind of weapon,(or armor if you choose that option,or if you are a caster your favored item be it wand, staff, orb, book what have you) were you known for, treasured etc... Did this item have a name it was known by?

Lastly perhaps more importantly...How did you die?

Charector creation:

charectors -

HP:: is max at level 1, as you level its 1/2+1+con bonus or your roll whichever is higher. 2 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
CLasses:: Core,Base,Hybrid
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.

Im not so worried about the crunch of the charectors at the moment, because all sorts of crazy things are going to happen for the start of the game. Any questions feel free to ask, I am shooting for a week prior to thanksgiving of having made my choices, and starting sometime after the thanksgiving holidays.

Scarab Sages

Gameplay thread opened

Discussions open

Darkness....darkness is what you awake too. Darkness and a throbbing headache. You can hear breathing around, some heavy, others light almost musical. Where are you? You remember... you remember the moneylender arriving. You were at home with your family before dinner. Or maybe you were at the local pub drowning your sorrows over a pint. Were you in your failing fields?

Why did you take the money? You were desperate sure, but that moneylender smelt of brimstone and his eyes didnt seem trustworthy. Desperate times lead to desperate measures.

That matters little now, where you were and why you made the deal dont seem to matter much as you sit up in the darkness confused about the aches your body is protesting as you sit up from the hard stone floor. In the distance across from where you are now a set of green gold eyes suddenly opened pratically aglow in the dark. Heavy sniffing barely heard over the snoring mass echoed ominous in your ears.

"New blood yes yes? No worries new friend in the morning I will get you set up here bad luck to be here though yes yes. Rest up the morning will come soon enough."

The dark voice rumbled over the cacophony of snores.

Welcome to the Blood dome, an arena of violence and intrigue. Whether you are here for criminal trespass, are an indentured slave via bad debt, or willingly came to the dome for a chance at fame and fortune doesnt matter...what matters is getting through the day.

This will not be a straight combat adventure, though it will have plenty of gladitorial style fighting ...until you get your freedom, by hook or crook.

Charector creation -

Level 1 charectors -

HP:: is max at level 1, as you level its 1/2+1+con bonus or your roll whichever is higher. 2 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
CLasses:: Core,Base,Hybrid
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Wealth - You start with nothing but the clothes on your back.
Everyone roll a 1d100 at creation, depending on your roll depends if the guards at that brought you in missed something.

Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.


Charector creation -

Level 1 charectors -

HP:: is max at level 1, as you level its 1/2+1+con bonus or your roll whichever is higher. 2 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
CLasses:: Core,Base,Hybrid
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Wealth Starting Wealth will be max.

When you are finished with your charector Feel free to post in the recruitment an intro post at the Silver Chalice tavern. A background story on how you met Colewin (or one of the other listed NPC's) is nice, as well as why you want to be a Silver Shield.

Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.


Your orders came sealed in a simple scroll, but the mark of the grand admiral Igneous Thrune clearly marked the contents within the scroll as important. The orders inside were simple, Meet Admiral Teip in the office of the admirality right after 6 bells in the morning Ready for a breifing of import...

That was last night, Now the 5th bell has just rung over the city and the dawn's first light is cresting the horizon.

Fresh from your ship's maiden voyage and run down the Chellish Admirality sends orders for you to meet in the admirality's halls for a special mission captain. Young and eager you hurry to answer the call but are you prepared for what lies underneath the hurried and strange new orders?

Seeking 4 or more players (there will be 4 ship captains, others will be considered for first mates or important officers)

This is a naval campaign, there will be ship combat involved.

level 5 charectors

Races allowed - Human (chelish decent) or maybe tiefling very very possibly sli...err halfling. All others possibly considered but man your story better be good.

prefered ship type (lets make it simple scout, screen or heavy)

A link to the other charectors will be smiled upon, It could be you went to the naval academy together, served together under an older captain, once served under the other etc...

Starting Wealth - 8,500 gp - yes its less than what a 5th level adventurer would start out with... being military doesnt make your rich,

Recruiting until hmm... lets say October 31st, although if i get enough good applicants I will cut it short.

25 point buys, hp max at level 1, 3/4 the rest of the way.

Any questions ask away




Group Black





Hello All, going to give running this game another go, this time better prepared. I am looking for 4-6 interested people for a series of old reskinned modules set loosely around the Kalistocracy of Druma. You are a mercenary and pledge member of the Silver Shields led by the Valiant halfling paladin Colewin Binderbook. (nearing middle age dirty blond haired paladin of Abadar)

He gets contracts, he doles them out to teams chosen to take care of the contract. Each member has their own reasons for working for the halfling, most of them have a personal link to the little man, as those seeking just pure wealth find themselves pushed into more annoying or rougher missions until they leave and seek greener pastures. He doesnt accept every contract either. So far no rhyme or reason seems to appear to which ones make the cut to be posted on the job board, and no alterior motives seem to be in play. . .

Charector creation -

Level 1 charectors -

HP:: is max at level 1, as you level its 1/2+1+con bonus or your roll whichever is higher. 2 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
CLasses:: Core,Base,Hybrid
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Wealth Starting Wealth will be max.

When you are finished with your charector Feel free to post in the recruitment an intro post at the Silver Chalice tavern. A background story on how you met Colewin (or one of the other listed NPC's) is nice, as well as why you want to be a Silver Shield.

Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.

will have choices for players by september 1st

Scarab Sages

Okay So a group of my very good friends here got together for a game, which i am now in charge of. It has been very slow going, but due to a couple of drop outs i am in charge. I am not very good at maps, so they will be minimal unless a sudden breakthrough in computer knowledge goes up.

I am looking for a couple of fresh charectors to add into the mix, using the build rules here.

25 point buy
Allowed Material: I'd Prefer you stick to paizo products, but i will take a look at a link and think about it. Same thing with race, I prefer you to be somewhat standard but if you really want to make a half catfolk, half strix half drow half dragon go for it, just realize it probably reduces your chances to be picked.
Starting Wealth: Max for class(1st level) +150 gp
Traits: 1 Campaign + 1 other (may take drawback for a 3rd if you wish)

You will be starting at level 2

We will do HP with a roll,Max at 1 and you can roll it and keep it or 1/2 hd +1 + con bonus.

The party consists of 2 gladiators turned pathdfinders, a pathfinder mage, and well A carnival worker who hits things really really hard.

My PC will pop in and out since originally he was part of the group. He was a songhealer bard and sorceror.

I will accept any application but the party aside from the mage is very melee heavy. could definitely use a healery sort and something ranged.

Please Note this has been a pretty slow moving game and while i intend to speed it up you are looking at 3- 5 posts a week probably from me.

Thanks for taking the time.

Recuitment will last till the 21st at least.

So over a decade ago a buddy and I while doing crazy things in the army were working on a game system over an old sci fi game on the computer from back in the day. While cleaning out the attic I found some of the notes and want to actually give it a shot.

Seeking souls (4 to 6 maybe) Who want to get involved in a Beta version of a scifiction game. There will be Pirates, and Space mecha, and Aliens, and Evil robots, and clones and space exploration.

While I have notes for a lot of different races and classes to keep this simply til all the bugs are worked out I would like to start off with everyone the 'same'. . . And by same I mean the game is going to start with the players all being clones of old famous mech pilot war heros.

Each of you will have diffent starting skills (or the same if you want.) with a different starting mech.

Battle Maps will be very rough, im still working on finding a way I like to display them.

More info will follow but opening things up to see if there is any interest.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So the other day in a game I had a chance to roll for intimidate on my little halfling paladin against a big ol' brute of a half-orc and my Dm asked me exactly what I wanted to say to the big fellow.

"We were asked to bring you in alive if possible, dead if necessary... By the by I don't think you should ask a warrior wielding a spiked mace who can look your Jubblies in the eye what hes going to do. Bringing you in able to father children ever again was never mentioned and frankly we would be doing the world a favor if you couldnt so . . .

Feel free to dot with your alias

Might have helped if I had oh turned on the discussion and game threads huh? >.<

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello All, going to give running a game another go, this time better prepared. I am looking for an additional 3-5 interested parties for a series of old reskinned modules set loosely around the Kalistocracy of Druma. You are a mercenary junior member of the Silver Shields led by the Valiant halfling paladin Colewin Binderbook. (nearing middle age dirty blond haired paladin of Abadar)

He gets contracts, he doles them out to teams chosen to take care of the contract. Each member has their own reasons for working for the halfling, most of them have a personal link to the little man, as those seeking just pure wealth find themselves pushed into more annoying or rougher missions until they leave and seek greener pastures. He doesnt accept every contract either. So far no rhyme or reason seems to appear to which ones make the cut to be posted on the job board, and no alterior motives seem to be in play. . .

Charector creation -

Level 2 charectors -

hp is max at level 1, 1/2+1+con or your roll whichever is higher. 1 trait unless you choose to take a drawback, then you may take 1 more.
Races allowed - Core and Featured races preferred if you have something more exotic ask away I wont promise a yes answer but I will think about it. :)
Stats - Stats will done this way.
Chose two main stats, two normal stats, and two sub stats.
Main and normal stats start at 10, sub stats start at 14
For your main stats roll and add 2d4.
For your Normal stats +1d6.
for your Sub stats - Subtract 1d6.
So in example Our Heroine Dharkhantia chooses as her main stats DEX and STR Her Normal stats as CON and WIS, and her Sub stats as INT and CHR
Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (3, 1) = 14
Con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (6) = 16
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (3) = 13
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (2) = 12

Then add your racials. If for whatever reason you absolutely hate your rolls you may try a second time and keep the one you like.

Wealth Starting Wealth will be 800+your rolled starting wealth.
I would also like to see a sample post along with your preferred type of game and lastly A backstory in how you have become a Silver Shield. Please include a link in the story on how you know Colewin.
Posting Rate - I would like to shoot for at least once a day, but sometimes life happens.

I hope to have the game up and running by Mid feb.

Scarab Sages


Opening the discussion thread, any questions about anything please feel free to ask!

This years 3-day harvest festival brings much excitement, even if the weather has seemed unseasonably colder than normal. Most exciting has been the four traveling teams of the newest excitement to grace the inner sea...Dunjonbowl. A seemingly strange mix of gladatorial combat, wrestling and teamwork The entire town has been enthralled by the spectacle of the teams battling in a limited tourney.

The final game draws near in the morning, but word of trouble for one of the teams has reached your ear. It seems like one of the teams in tomorrows final "The White Bears" has been looking for locals for a problem. Are you that help?

Welcome to my table friend, please take a seat and listen to my offer. Six of my best have come up missing and I sense foul play from my competitors. Im looking to hire help and I pay in gold! A very well fed and well dressed older man sitting at the large table in the center of the common room greets you, running a hand through his grey disheveled hair a look of worry in his eyes.

Homebrew game with no determinate end looking to start up. This is my first attempt at running a game PbP here on the forums, and my first official attempt at running 'dunjonbowl'. Think of it as a mix of rugby, football and pathfinder. Looking for 4-6 to even 8 players depends on the amount of submissions i get that I like. This game will have two distinct parts, The actual dunjonbowl games and normal adventuring type deals.

charector creation rules:
This might seem strange, but all charectors will start at what Im calling Level 0
1. 15 point buy ( i prefer rounded charectors please no 18 one stat 7 everything else )
2. pick a race (we will be starting in the lovely Cheliax town of Macini )
3. Pick an NPC class (this is by no means a lock for your role. If you want to start as an adept turned barbarian all cool with me. The Aristocrat will not be deemed nobility, but can be council members child or prominent merchants child etc... )
3a. We will be leveling into real classes starting at first level. NO MONKS (breaks the dunjonbowl part of the game) NO UNCHAINED (I dont have the book yet and prefer to not those things til i do)
GUNSLINGERS will be allowed, just realize that part of the game you will not be using your firearms...
4. Starting gold - 1d10 gold peices, 2d8 silverpeices, 4d8 copper peices, a couple sets of standard clothing. (you are townsfolk not traveling adventurers... yet Dont worry you will be getting real gear soon enough)
5. A decent backstory please. Families are great, why are you in Macini. What do your parents do, What do you do? What do you look like. Before the proposition what did you see in your future?
6. Everyone gets 8 hp starting. No bonus from your CON score.
7. SKills - Everyone must take a proffession, craft or perform skill... and it is free. After that spend skill points as normal
8. Two traits
9. There will be a bonus set of things that you will be able to chose from that will be giving to you once my companions on this journey are chosen. :)

Recruitment/interest check will be run for a couple of weeks. maybe less depending on interest.

Scarab Sages

Does anyone have a resource that lists what nations in the inner sea allow slavery? I tried to read through the campaign setting guide but i think i missed some. Just researching up for a home game im planning.

Scarab Sages

Does the Crusader Queen Galfrey have a crusading King (or another queen even) Somewhere? I had an idea for a cavalier bard fellow whom has some chivalric love for the queen of the crusades and was more curious for background purposes. I looked about in the inner sea guide for info but didnt find any Anyone know?