The Silver Shields return - Group Black
Game Master
Need something investigated, explored, or delivered with minimal fuss and maximum protection? Hire the Silver Shields today!
Group Black
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
About the loot.
I probably should have posted this in recruitment but i forgot. Like most module style adventures be it living cities, living greyhawk or even pathfinder society, to keep the accounting simple anything you find (minus very special circumstances) will be tallied up at the end of the adventure, turned into gold, and distributed. Since the plan is to probably have you and the other tables sometimes intermingle it will make the accounting so much easier on everyone.
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Will this include things such as herbs, animals skins and so on we might gather?
excelent question... NO! what you gather with your profession checks is yours! the shared wealth only pertains to mission acquired items! :) Good question!
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Quote: excelent question... NO! what you gather with your profession checks is yours! the shared wealth only pertains to mission acquired items! :) Good question! excellent, just wanted to be sure, I assume the same goes for anything we personally make?
indeed personal crafting proffessions performances etc are off the books
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Hunter 2 HP 18/18 Init +7, Perception +8, AC 18, Longbow +6, Longsword +3
I shall now invest some skills into crafts. Boneworkings here I come!
sorry about the delays folks, rough few days at work, will have a post continuing things in the evening
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
male Hobgoblin wizard 1 HP 11/11 | Init 7 | AC 12 | T 11 | FF 11 | Fort +4 | Ref +1 | Will +5 |
I would need either first or last watch due to arcane magic rules.
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
I can't find anything on how to regain my spells ironically, but I can probably do second shift if unless I find something that tells me I need a full rest or something like that.
WS 40 BS 42 S 41 T 40 Ag 43 Int 50 Per 30 WP 38 Fel 32 Infl 30 AP ?? Wnds 15/15 FP 4/4
I have been on holiday with my wife in Ireland for the past few days and will be through the 22nd. My apologies, internet has been far more spotty than expected. Please feel free to DMPC for the stretch if necessary.
Nobworries hope you are having fun. Wont lie a little jealous irelands onvmy bucketblist
I didnt bring it up in recruitment because well it sort of hit during it and i didnt want to get people excited then down.
At the moment and for the foreseeable future, I may have things occur that will keep me from posting as much as I would like, As my Ladyfriend (her term she isnt a girl anymore her words) Has been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in her lady parts. She's fighting and to be honest she is one of the toughest people i know so i have high hopes.... but sometimes like this weekened things are rough and posting is the last thing on my mind at times...that being said I am determined to see these through, cause well it helps sometimes to take my mind off things. SOme of the people in this game know about this already, but thought i would give the rest of you some heads up too!
Hunter 2 HP 18/18 Init +7, Perception +8, AC 18, Longbow +6, Longsword +3
I have a gaming friend who we would routinely game with have something similar happen. it took her/is taking her a while to get over it. It's fightable, and treatable, but the meantime sucks. Prays be with you
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Our hopes and prayers go with her.
WS 40 BS 42 S 41 T 40 Ag 43 Int 50 Per 30 WP 38 Fel 32 Infl 30 AP ?? Wnds 15/15 FP 4/4
So sorry to hear. Give her all the support you can, our hopes and prayers are with you both.
male Hobgoblin wizard 1 HP 11/11 | Init 7 | AC 12 | T 11 | FF 11 | Fort +4 | Ref +1 | Will +5 |
sorry for the delays everyone back in teh states, drained, but posts incoming.
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
all good, good to hear you back :D
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Anyone else notice that the workers of the other caravan never answered how long ago the attack was?
Or did I just miss that?
Sorry rough weekend. Will get things moving along shortly.
I am terrible sorry I have not been as active as I would like to be, The treatments and their effects are sometime rough, and I cant focus. I am not done with this folks, but I am going to go ahead and put it on pause till say January 2nd. Too much is going on, especially emotionally for me to focus and for that I am very sorry.
male Hobgoblin wizard 1 HP 11/11 | Init 7 | AC 12 | T 11 | FF 11 | Fort +4 | Ref +1 | Will +5 |
I am sorry for the worry your family is feeling.
Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4
Picking things back up on the 2nd - Happy New year everyone
male Hobgoblin wizard 1 HP 11/11 | Init 7 | AC 12 | T 11 | FF 11 | Fort +4 | Ref +1 | Will +5 |
Sorry for the sudden decision but I am withdrawing from the game. Have an angry crowd kill me.
A shame, good travels and good games my friend.

IM going to start this off with saying I am terrible sorry, ive been gone for over a week with nary a peep. As some of you know, or I believe all of you know, my long time girlfriend is in a serious bout with cancer. Things were getting better, things were going good last friday however Her kidneys shut down due to a mixture of the pain meds and the chemo drugs she was on. It was unexpected to say the least.
She is no longer in critical condition in the hospital and her kidneys seem to be doing fine, but certainly the drugs she was on which were working have to be changed now. Thats neither here nor there.
To the point, I am going to step aside from the games I am running. I cant keep up. There are a few games Im a player in I will stepping out on as well. I hate having to to do this, because gaming, even on line has certainly helped keep my mind off our troubles, but I've been such a mess this last week I cant possible begin to focus on running anything.
That being said this isnt a dead idea, and when things to get to a stable emotional place where i can begin any sorts of concentration you all will be the first to know.
Again I am so terribly sorry.
Hunter 2 HP 18/18 Init +7, Perception +8, AC 18, Longbow +6, Longsword +3
Take care of your loved ones first. Can't hold that against you
Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4
Sorry to hear mate, was fun being here while it was tho.
Who is still about and interested?
Hunter 2 HP 18/18 Init +7, Perception +8, AC 18, Longbow +6, Longsword +3
Well ive got more time, Ive already restarted up the grey group. I have two ready in the group white, with a third in that party sort of ready to go, if we can manage one more I'll kick this off again.
If no one else shows interest in starting back up miss Kelisa I'll magically get you over to one of the other teams... if you are still interested. Good thing there were magic chalkboards given and powerful mages known eh?
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Hay good to see you back mate, and I am still interested!
Hunter 2 HP 18/18 Init +7, Perception +8, AC 18, Longbow +6, Longsword +3
I know right? but yes I am still interested. Even if we must condense down, I shall still wish to finish our questing
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
Male Ifrit Summoner lv1 (HP) 11/11- (AC) 15, (touch) 12, (flat-footed) 13 (Resist fire) 5 - (Fort) +2, (Ref) +2, (Will) +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear - (Init) +2; (Senses) darkvision 60 ft.; (Perception) +0
So we joining a new group or restarting this one?
I'll be moving you both into group white for now. I'll have a post up explaining the transfer.
Long story short. Hobgoblins attack the town in the night, In the Chaos of the battle Allura shows up and only finding you Inil and Kelisa alive she teleports you back to the Silver Shields home enclave near Macridi. There you are told in the morning you would bill joining some of the others in Kerse, the capitol both to help them with their mission and to achieve another goal once they are finished. Two other young/new members of the Silver Shields are going with you.
The entrant post in the other group has been made feel free to hop over and reintroduce yourselves.
Pop into the discussion section too, I'll have your mission briefing / refresher so you know whats going on with the other team there too.
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