NPC Colewin Binderbook |

The large bellied halfling sat at a desk in his office taking a sip of coffee.
"I receieved a letter yesterday from an old friend in the Capitol (Kerse) who runs an inn called The Low Seas Tavern. It seems he has three rather strange guests. Now Ole One-Eye Halloran isnt the most trustworthy of fellows to most, but he is a good friend to me. Go to Kearse, go to The Low Seas Tavern find out what he needs and provide aid.... as long as its legal."
He said taking one more sip.
"If you have questions ask them now."

Zardu Zuul |

Zardu considers for a moment "Just in case it's something really odd going on is there some way we can discretely confirm his identity and let him know we are sent by you before. There's always the concern of illusion magic and since I don't think any of us know him it wouldn't be hard to trick us potentially."

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

Ryenalt leans on his staff as the halfling addresses them. Once the instructions are given he nods.
"So for our first mission we go to a tavern. It seems I was right to get back into some field work if we are going to taverns. Little blue friends could be a few things and some of those could even be good."
After Zardu speaks he ponders his idea.
"Yes, maybe something that Kerse would know that others would not would help in keeping us on the path. I am not so worried about magic confusing me senses but there are other ways to be false."

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig stop chewing for a second. The little goblin scratches his head.
Is wees goings on a venteures?
Dirtbag (having dodged the scratching) licks the distracted goblin's big ear.

Zardu Zuul |

Zardu looks at Colewin and then back at at Tindertwig "Do you normally go on adventures... we probably wont be burning things- I hope. I've never met a goblin who was so uh calm before."

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Spitting out partially chewed bits of biscuits, Tindertwig places both hands on his hips.
Looking up at longshanks, the little goblin states,
Wees be bestest of Shields! Wees professanal!
Rippit!Rippit!, agrees Dirtbag.

Zardu Zuul |

Zardu holds up his hands "Oh very good just never met one of your people who was as professional as yourself. You do the Silver Shields credit." The goblin must have a most unusual life to have gotten to this place in his life. "I am Zardu Zuul it is a pleasure to meet you.

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

"Well now in the past I have had some goblin companions. Even had a kobolt at one point who always took the point in a fight, sadly he took someone else point and that finished him."
"The goblin, what was his name, Something-shank if I remember right. I am sure you don't now him. Well he was a sneaky little bugger, could get in and our of an area quietly and quick as a dickens. One time, I was hiding in the trees you see, I watched him take a leg of beef out of an orc camp. The dang orcs were looking right at it and it was just gone. Astounding really."
He pauses and looks around.
"Hmm, what was I talking about anyway? Well never mind were going to a tavern."

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig begins jumping up and down. Peels of loud laughter erupt from the little goblin, as blood gushes from a mere knick of a sharp knife.
Mees be Tindertwig! Dis bees Dirtbag. Hees bestest luck toad!
The toad seems to nod at Zardu.
Rippit., introduces the toad.

Zardu Zuul |

"So -Dirtbag? Is the best luck toad. What are you good at Tindertwig? I have healing magic granted by Saranrae and can handle my scimitar well." He gave a look towards Ryenalt as well, curious about the older gentleman.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig looks at Zardu with a quizzical expression on his green face.
Wats his talksing 'bout?
Rippit?, comes a confused reply from Dirtbag (was he/it shrugging his/its shoulders?).
The little goblin smiles.
Wees be goblins, you knows?

Liam Kali |

Liam had been practicing his sword-play during the brief. He had some questions but the others were quicker to the punch.
Every time Tindertwig starts to speak, Duke gives a warning growl.
stop that Duke. lets give the little bugger a chance first. Liam gives Duke a little warning.
So we are going to find a blue man at a tavern. lets get going! Liam is about to head out with a bit too much enthusiasm. but stops suddenly, ahhh, which way are we going?

NPC Colewin Binderbook |

The halfling paladin chuckled at Tindertwigs ... well being himself.
"Hes a sneaky little archer, good hand with traps, He's a mite on the curious side, so try to keep him from getting himself into too much trouble.... You heard that right Tindertwig stay out of trouble."
He said with a grin slightly shaking his head. He had faith in the greenskined goblin. He was certainly not typical for his race in general.
"As for your concerns Zardu, those armbands there will tell him who you are, he will recognize it and know you are representives of me. If you are worried the man wont be whom he says he is, ask him about the battle over Brujah. If he doesnt correct you and bring up it was the battle of Bruza...well its not him. "
He paused openeing a drawer in his desk and pulling out a tiny peice of slate and a peice of chalk.
"This here writing board is magical, something Allura came up with years back. I had hoped that well your first official mission would be more straight forward, but since it may not be you can write a message on this board and it will appear on the larger baord in the war room. We will get back to you as soon as we can to help with any questions you have, just be aware that while the magic is recharging it is limited. So at most you will probably be able to ask 3 things before it has to recharge and it may take a few minutes for any responses to appear."
He turned his attention to Liam and grinned.
I sent word to 'Quick' to charter a riverboat heading to Kearse about twenty minutes ago, when you have no more questions gather your things, take some horses and ride into Macridi, you can leave them at the stable there, we will have someone pick them up. Find the boat hired by Quick and head north along the river into Kearse."

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

"Well now a most fascinating slate. Perhaps I could be its custodian for a bit, I do have a thing for magic and, well I am not run to get in front of a swinging mace so it should be safe. Why this staff I carry here it has been with me for over a decade and barely a scratch on it. Got it from... well not a tale for now."
"Thank you for the horses, not so good on the long walks before the adventure event starts."

Zardu Zuul |

"Well I think that was everyone's questions that you can answer for now and that slate will certainly be handy, thank you. Let's get going, the sooner we leave the sooner we get there." Zardu double checks his gear and bags for the journey ahead.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Standing straight at attention, giving a smart salute (both goblin and toad), Tindertwig says,
Yesses sirs, boss!
Rippit!, comes a likewise response from Dirtbag.
Immediately, they both make funny faces at the dwarf....

Grimlak |

Once the questions were done the dwarf hoisted his pack to his shoulders, "Let's be off then and find out what old One-Eye has to say." He looked at the goblin and his uncanny toad and reminds them as he ingnored the faces they made in his direction, "You two remember no burning or you be answering to Duke."
He made his way to the horses and left with his companions to find this Quick person and the riverboat that would take them to Macridi.

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

Mumbling to himself as they exit. "I guess it is good I did not prepare fire spells. The dwarf seems to not want things to burn." As he walks he chuckles to himself.

Nizvit the Kobold |

An out of breath kobolds arrives. Heaving a bit
"Pardon my lateness. I seem to have gotten my assignment mixed up. Nizvit reporting for duty"

NPC Colewin Binderbook |

"AH There you are Nizvit, I was beginning to worry."
The halfling paladin began with a big smile... and a mouth full of biscuit. Taking a moment to chew and swallow he began again.
"The long and short of your mission is to help an old friend of the SilverShields problem at his tavern about small blue creatures. A riverboat should be waiting for you Macridi "quick" Thomas will have the boating details."

Liam Kali |

Liam quickly turns to head out as soon as he has the directions. come on guys, I'll tell ya all about Quick on our way. he's the one that got me this sword. oh and this fancy whistle also.
Liam heads out looking forward to catching up with his friend.
come on Duke, he calls
duke follows along by Liam's side.

DM The nines |

In the stables of the Silver Shields compound you could see one of your fellow groups set of horses being readied while yours were already set to go. The trip into town was easy enough, the day just hinting at the warmth of the summer to come in a few months and the road through the Palakar forest was quiet. Macridi itself was a certainly growing township of over 3000 souls. As such the majority of the shops were lined along the two main roads that crossed through the town. A large stone fountain resided in the centet of the town and beside it a small wooden cart stand with a wooden placard in front of it that read "Quick's Mesagin Service."
In town 3 cp
Out of town 9 cp
A young man, a few years older than Liam... perhaps a few years younger it was hard to tell stood behind the mobile cart widdling away on a peice of wood. Seeing you all approach he let out a shrill whistle and tossed the stick torwards Duke.. the smart dog leaping into the air and catching hold of it expertly.
"Ah... Hiya Liam I didnt know you were being sent on missions already. That's good news I reckon."
He began clearly friendly with Liam.
"Master Binderbook had me get passage for you nice folk on a riverboat.... The ah "Waterserpent" Is waiting there on the riverdocks to the north of the town. "
He began...

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

"The Waterserpent, now that is a charming name. I do not belive I have seen a fresh water Waterserpent though in the ocean they are quite impressive. I wonder if it will live up to its namesake."
Ryenalt may or may not keep talking as he starts walking towards the dock. Honestly if he is I am sure no one would listen for long.

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Tindertwig happily walks amongst his new friends. The little goblin seems to be fascinated with all the foliage during their travel to town.
Every few minutes, he yanks on someones shirt tail, asking,
Are wees dere yets?
Rippit., follows a sighing croak from Dirtbag.

Zardu Zuul |

"Not yet, we will be travelling for a lot longer than this Tindertwig... tell me Tindertwig do you know much about the Goddess Saranrae?" Zardu seems to be more fascinated by Tindertwig so far than annoyed.

Nizvit the Kobold |

"You can be asking me too. Me travel well. So Tindertwig can ask Nizvit. No bother long legs" he tries to keep up. Luckily he wasn't all that slow. No heavy equipment to ware him down. Every now and then he would touch his backpack then gives a nod. Mostly to himself
-Posted with Wayfinder

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

After Zardu's question (entirely a coincidence, I am certain), the smiling, happily skipping along little goblin stops. Standing still, as a warrior fool enough to bother a medusa (Wees don't be doing that!), Tindertwig suddenly begins coughing, sneezing, and, added a bit late, choking sounds (Dirtbag's tongue doing the job). Magnanimously waving Zardu on.
Wees be just...cough...sneeze...choke...wees be jus' a minutes...

Nizvit the Kobold |

"I will wait for him. We will be with you shortly" he waves at Zandu as he puts a hand on the goblin
"You be okay yes? Sick not good. May eat good grub. Yes yes?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

Hearing the conversation and the poor goblins reaction Ryenalt considers comment on how tiresome the religious can but notices the kobold paladin and thinks better of it.
Best not to antagonize two of them I guess. They look the more militant type of worshiper anyway.

Liam Kali |

Liam greet "Quick" with thier familiar handshake.
Duke rushes up to greet him as well jumping up to give him a slobbery kiss.
ok Duke, down boy. Hey Quick, I'm surprised as well. not too sure on the group, but I'll make do. I am one of the greatest swordsmen in these parts, so I guess I have to keep them alive.

Zardu Zuul |

Zardu shrugs but gives the little goblin some space rather than let his nose get assaulted. "Has anyone been to this area before that we will be headed to or know anything more about it?"

Ryenalt The Archaeologist |

Once again Ryenalt drifts into someone else's conversation, he is far past the age of being polite after all.
"Oh an expert swordsmen you say. I have always wanted to learn Bonetti’s Defense and Capa Ferro but not if you know Thibault.... unless you know Agrippa that is. Well I am sure you will show me how effective these things are."

Tindertwig&Dirtbag |

Come on, Dirtbag. Wees gonnas go fishes!, says the little goblin with a stick and some string.
Rippit!, comes an excited croak from the toad.

Liam Kali |

Liam spends time catching up with Quick. telling him about the training and how he really displayed some really awesome sword skills.
Meanwhile Duke sits there staring at Tindertwig and Dirtbag. While no longer growling he is keeping his eye on them.
occasionally Duke tries to sniff Dirtbag.

DM The nines |

You are able to catch up some with Quick as he leads towards the docks a and the cargo riverboat taking you upriver to Kearse Liam. The three day journey goes smoothly the first two days as your goblin companion manages to catch a nice fat lazy riverfish or two to supplement your evening meals.
However the third day it seems two large strange looking wooden wagons jut from the waters of the river in front of you causing the captain to be forced to toss the anchor oit and slow the ship down.