Bounty Hunter

Hawkwren Agricola's page

704 posts. Organized Play character for Hawkwen Agricola.

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I'm here dot

Welcome everyone, please check in here and in gameplay. Once everyone checks in, we'll get started.

Please list your player and character info.

Player Name
Character Name

Checking in dot

Welcome everyone, please check in here and in gameplay. Once everyone checks in, we'll get started.

Hey everyone, check in here and in gameplay! Once everyone is checks in, we'll get started.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

With the start of the PbP Gameday Special drawing nigh, I am recruiting to run a table. Level range is currently open to those interested.

Check in here if interested. LINK

Calling for recruits!

Calling for recruits!


Check in and discuss things.


Check in and discuss things.

veiled dot

Check in here.


Check in here.

expeditionary dot

Check in here.

Sky Key Dot

Check in and discuss things.

eye dot

Check in here! We can use this in the interim to get tabs on everyone's progress.

Gameplay is open to dot, at your leisure.


Check in and discuss things!

Reborn dot

Check in and discuss.

"pew pew" dot

Check in and discuss.

Assuming campaign mode, PC's start at level 12.

- 20pt buy
- Any race, archetype, ect...
- 120,000 starting cash
- Still thinking about the rest..

This module incorporates dead magic areas and the primal magic rules from Inner Sea Magic, so keep that in mind


Recruiting for PbP Gameday 3.

We have two players already, looking for at least two more!

If interested, check into the Discussion thread.


Check in and discuss.

Note: I plan on running both parts of Shadow's Last Stand back to back.


Check in here.

Note: I intend on running both parts of Before the Dawn, back to back.

Gameday dot

Check in here.

Black and watery dot.

Welcome and check in!

dot here

Discussing things here.

Trial dot

Check in!

Tech-y dot

Check in and discuss!


Check in here.

Iron Dot

Check in and discuss.

I've haven't completely decided on home rules. I am mulling over various aspects, including EF's fine homebrew document.

For now, all the ARG classes are legal, including Android. (nods to Red) As well, all the classes including ACG. (not intrinsically evil ones)

Today will be the first chance I get to crack open the Tech Guide, People of the Stars, and Book One, so we have a little time to make decisions.

So sad dot