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So depending whether others are leaning high or low tier I can bring one of the following:
I don't really have a preference either way; I'll just play whatever one is closer in level to everyone else.

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Weiman, having survived the third female attempt on his life (one resulting in the pun Wraithman and finally buying a +5 Cloak), is sadly 10th. If memory serves, I have a Zen Archer, Corb, my horrible white-haired witch, and a bones oracle. Most, if not all, are 6th.
There's also a conjurerer, but he's busy avoiding the law right now.
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No! His poor axsebeak has already died twice! I actually invested some money in his armor (at the expense of Fizz's AC, which was a bad idea for Legacy of the Stonelords; Fizz had some close calls).

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And obviously Fizz will need an update. He is level 9 now IIRC.

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If we get two more we could potentially play up. But if we're playing down I'd rather bring my oread monk. I've only played him a couple of times (Dragon's Demand credit) and I think Fizz might slaughter things playing down.

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Corb is the definition of overkill (and has a lot of overlap in the melee damage direction.)
I do have to ask, though; why Vital Strike, EF? It can't be paired into a charge/Ride-By attack (since a standard action =\= an attack, which is what charge allows). Just for the off chances of a singular attack?
Edit: Or did they never clarify that "Who is charging?" issue, since half the cavalier stuff says "when you are charging and mounted" and some other thing says "you are not charging, your mount is."
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Basically Fizz has two options:
CHARGE! (Ride-by-Attack, it's not really clear if my mount can use Spring Attack at the same time or if it is considered charging too)
VITAL STRIKE! (Here the mount can use Spring Attack and Fizz can use Vital Strike and kinda avoids the whole issue (except that Fizz probably provokes by using this method so it should only be used when the enemy is FF)
Also, even with the chance of a full attack Fizz tends to Vital Strike because with Furious Focus he power attacks all the time and that second attack is so unlikely to hit I figure it's better to make that one attack do a bit more damage and not even mess with the second attack. Arguments could be made that's not the best strategy but it's what I do with Fizz. Also, he can then stay mobile moving his mount around and Vital Striking.
The original plan was: Round 1 Vital Strike/Spring Attack while the enemy is FF
Round 2 Either continue Vital Striking if they are in my face or switch over to Ride-by-Attack if they are not
It hasn't really worked out that way so far, mostly because the two times I've played him since getting an axebeak the axebeak has died early on in the scenario/module. :(
And one of my big hopes is that Pathfinder Unchained has new mounted combat rules because they are a mess as they are written right now. I've got two mounted characters and I still don't feel comfortable that I know what I'm doing with how all those things interact. And lots not even start on Trample.

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Cool. If we're playing up I'll stick with Fizz.

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Quinn has arcane spells, just not as many as a dedicated caster would be. Mine are more distractions and remedies. Confusion, Ghostbane, See Invisibility, the like. Classic bard stuff.

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Ernest has Evoking as a prohibited school anyways, so there wouldn't be AoE; just terrain control.
Corb will be getting a Swarmbane Clasp regardless; the thought of slaying hundreds in the name of Gorum in a single stroke is great.
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Yep! Fizz is ready if we're still doing high tier.

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Fun Corb Factz: Corb, when played at conventions, leads to me speaking at what seems to be far closer to Ambient Convention Sound Level (since I've been told I'm kinda quiet.) That, and a sore throat, unless in Stealth Mode.
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Bottled Gelatinous Cube
Bottled Gelatinous Cube
Bottled Gelatinous Cube
*Burglaring intensifies* Is this an extract or a Preservationist thing?
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Tektite |

He is a vivesectionist and has the bottled ooze discovery.
Bottled Ooze (Su) (Ultimate Magic): The alchemist has learned how to preserve a sample of oozes in a sealed bottle, which he can prepare for use as an extract. When the alchemist activates the extract, he actually throws the bottle at a square within 30 feet, releasing the ooze, which reconstitutes and attacks the closest creature. The ooze is not under the alchemist’s control, but is otherwise treated as a summoned creature. The ooze remains for 1 round per caster level, and decays into powder when the duration expires. If the alchemist has the infusion discovery, another character can use the infused specimen. Creating a bottled ooze requires an extract with a level equal to the ooze’s CR (so a CR 4 gray ooze requires a 4th-level extract). An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

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Best discovery ever. I've always wanted to make an alchemist with that discovery. Maybe with Maruf....
I've also always wanted a character with an ooze companion but sadly I don't think such a thing is or will ever be PFS legal.
Apparently in one of the older DnD editions there was an item that prevented you from being swallowed and/or digested and using further magic you could essentially command an ooze, meaning you could ride an ooze into battle!
That's my ultimate RPG goal. Once I have done this I think I will have to quit RPGs, as everything would be downhill from there.

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Ah, right. Preservationist gets Summon Monster as extracts and plays Pokémon. I am massively less excited about this book (but quite pleased to fight ANOTHER alch foe.)
Did I ever post the microstory about my Gelatinous Cube encounter I wrote for my S&S game?
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By the way, since I asked after the alch in my party was asking about it:
You unfortunately can't copy Baleful Polymorph into your formula book since it's a vivisectionist-specific extract. Which is really a shame because his (Bold Strider's poisoner, George) plan was to take the infusion discovery to make baleful polymorph infusions and put them in some Poisoner's Gloves, which he would then give to his monkey familiar. The monkey familiar would then go around turning people into more monkeys and by the end of the scenario George would have a whole tribe of monkeys following him around.
I was really disappointed that he couldn't do this within the limits of PFS.

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Corbalias Celecia wrote: Did I ever post the microstory about my Gelatinous Cube encounter I wrote for my S&S game? Don't think so.
Alright, dug up my old S&S enemy winword file.
So, Skull and Shackles (being the pirate AP) old gives about 3-6 fleshed out, single-boat "random encounters." That said, players (including my party when we played it), latch onto the "Let's look for boats to raid and plunder!" The combination of a 15-minute adventuring day and a ~8k gold item (the boat) was pretty lucrative and it makes sense for the more sandboxy parts of the AP. Even worse, our LGS' group was a variable number between 6 and 12 (only once were there 12 people around.) So, having played it, the guy who ran it for me needed a Co-DM, so I did just that (thanks, campaign mode!)
So, within a session or two, the parties inevitably run out of boats to raid. Now, after about 5-6 boats to a party, it makes sense as folks avoid those lanes from so many boats getting roasted. However, there's no need to waste an opportunity for me to dunk whatever my idea de jour is onto a boat and throw it at them. One week was gelatinous cubes. So, I theorycrafted the following:
A gnome in the Mwangi by the name of Graveth is a professional cleaner. Not the hitman kind; the actual janitorial kind. Probably some kind of Preservationist Alchemist; it never really mattered. He stumbles into a Cyclopean ruin and finds both the recipe for making gelatinous cubes and magical headband that effectively lets him use communicate with oozes as if they had 3 Intelligence and shared a language. "Great!" he thinks, "I'll make a bunch of these and clean all the dungeons! No Bleaching for me!"
So he does. He makes cubes and by using the feeding to regulate their size, cleans all the buildings in his region. Skip a year or two, and he finds himself thinking "This a bit boring," and panics. At that moment, he realizes there's "millions of dirty folks with lots of money sailing the ocean! I'll go rent my Cleaners out to them; easier than making kidnapped villagers do it!"
So, he buys a boat with some mild defenses (a few ballistae and catapults), bone cages for all his cubes, hires a crew and some guards, and is actually mildly successful. What would pirates want to loot a bunch of gelatinous cubes for, anyways? Now, he's no sailor, so he has the headband enchanted for pirate-y things; Profession (Sailor) and Profession (Siege Engineer.) Works out great.
Well, after about a year of successful business, Graveth decides to go bigger and bolder. "Boats have barnacles! I'll make a cube so big, he can clean those off of boats wholesale!" This task is the easy portion: feed the cube enough so it's literally a Large-sized cube. Well, jump ahead a few months, and due a combination of poor circumstance and a good bit of rum, the lock on the cage isn't locked quite properly. The Advanced, Giant cube bursts his way out and engulfs the gnome (whom dies shortly thereafter.) The crew, who already think the captain is a big weirdo, don't look into why he hasn't left his "office" in a while; he locks himself away quite often.
This headband, however, resonates with the cube and gives it just enough (3) Intelligence to develop a mild personality. He talks with the other cubes and determines that since he's the biggest, he's the best. As a side effect of the profession skill ranks, he also believes himself to be a pirate captain and these little ones are his crew. So, he bashes the cages open (which does alert the crew), but 30 gelatinous cubes overruns the actual crew, losing over half their own number (not that they care; they're still mindless cubes.)
So, having taken over the "Graveth's Cleaners" ship, he sets sail... directly forward... into a rock jutting out from the ground. (Having a net sum of 5 in your mental stats isn't very good for navigation.) The boat now stuck, King Cube (as I dubbed him behind the 4th wall, since I determined the headband is kind of crown-looking) utilizes his great skill in Siege Weaponry to instruct his cubes to line up to the catapults and the next cube is told to launch themselves at incoming boats. Well, the PCs boat is the first one to come along!
PCs will spot a seemingly deserted boat (thanks, transparency), shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean. Once they get within catapult range, the remaining 12 regular cubes launch a DC 2 touch attack at a to-hit of -1. If they wait it out, they get pelted with cubes that rarely actually connect (though one did actually engulf the driver with a well-placed shot.) If they board, they fight all the cubes at once, with King Cube being an Advanced Giant Gelatinous Cube Barbarian 2 who simply "Jiggled more angrily than the smaller cubes. He has a small-sized skeleton, still dressed inside him." CR 10 for the boss + 12 cubes.
Probably my favourite nonspoiler, G-rated encounter I made for that campaign.
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That is fantastic. I love oozes and the like so a ship full of them? Yes!

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Yes, that is an inspirational story.
Tek: watch out! Expect my campaign-mode APs now to feature 250% more oozes. Oh, and Rise of the Runelords will now be IN SPAAAAAAAACE!

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Yes, that is an inspirational story. Tek: watch out! Expect my campaign-mode APs now to feature 250% more oozes. Oh, and Rise of the Runelords will now be IN SPAAAAAAAACE!
Relevant note: An NPC I added around book 4 was a Dohwar (of Spelljammer) and was supposed to be the guide to a Space Pirates book 5-early 6, but they never truly bit the hook until I told them that intent after we ended.
I had to do stuff like this to entertain myself since I essentially had to rewrite 75% of every AP to accommodate the large party (and I hate being unoriginal.) Other encounters included the Wizard/Assassin who clubs folks to death with her Silent metamagic rod and a fun soap opera-tier encounter in a Calistrian temple. (There were twins named Fernando and Raul, and the druid bought her horse saddle "just in case". The phrase "fill in the blanks" occurred at least a dozen times, if not twice that to double entendres.)
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Ugh, now I have to weasel into one of EFs games and either play a Cube, someone with Ooze Companion, or a wizard with a mini-cube familiar, converted from 4e...

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That guy got took a 2h fighter crit to the face and kept standing. If he's not outright dead after the pally likely crit, I am buying a "Porter" after this.
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I downloaded and glanced through the kineticist before I left the lab. Looks less like an all-new system and more like six new classes based around 'psychic magic' (which is really not all that different from existing magic).
I'm not familiar with 3.5 psionics but from the horror stories I've heard I think it's actually a good thing that it's basically just six new classes without an entirely new system. Then again, we just got 10 new classes this year and now they're giving us another 6 next year? They probably should have let the dust from the ACG settle for another year or two in my opinion. It's a little soon to be throwing more classes into the mix.

GM Tektite |

Yeah, I agree about the psionics. Essentially magic wrapped in different flavor (similar to the Arcanist with the way to alter effects), but it probably is a good thing they didin't reinvent the whheel.
I scanned through them. I liked the Kineticist and Occultist so far.
I thought the same thing about the number of classes avaialable now! Or soon to be.

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Looked at PDF, has many words; too many words for me right now. Decided to each some chicken instead. I will comment that I do like the fluff of Psionics in general, but can understand those who do not want it around. Most pleased that it's Vancian magic with less components (but more concentration.)