GM R0B0's No Room for a Wallflower: A Lancer Narrative (Inactive)

Game Master R0B0GEISHA

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The deck of the light carrier is warm and humid, a welcome change after the dry cold of stasis. Dim, recessed lighting glows a gentle amber to let your eyes adapt to seeing once more. The stasis headache is a miserable bastard—you’ll have to reassess your hydration cocktail, shout at the autodoc for that one—but tea and a seat will help

For now, you are the only one awake on this deck. The artificial dawn is yours to enjoy. You pad barefoot from your roomette to an observation blister, find a couch, and sit. The dome above you populates, void blooming across an opaque hexagonal feld like ink dropped on a blank page.

Space. You sit alone on a soft, semi-gimballed couch, the vacuum of space projected around you. Your gut twists and the old fear sends a bolt of adrenaline to the back of your throat, but it passes; you know you’re still inside the observation blister. A jade and white disk hangs on the velvet feld above you. Hercynia. Big as a dinner table.

What do you know about the place? Not much, and the packet was slim: early testing ground for the mechanized chassis, hostile local fauna, isolated for centuries before being forgotten, rediscovered and snapped up by a high-risk firm with a few other colonies under its belt. Apparently there was a local indigenous population that the hi-ri colonists didn't know about, which led to some legal tangle between SSC and Union. A mess, in other words. An emerald mess.

You order the ship to play the sound of rain. You lay back upon the couch, tea on your chest – it’s still a little too hot – and float, surrounded by stars. You’ll be there in a few days. Around you, the others are waking up. Systems organic and synthetic cycling to life. Some of you might not return to this little ship. Maybe you’ll die down on that world.

But right now you have the sound of rain. The hush of broad fronds rasping against their neighbors. The background hiss of air. The comfortable gravity. Peace.

Your slate pings in your pocket. The amber light floods the periphery of the blister. Your aurals hum a notification tone.

Ah well. Time to go to work.

Welcome to my recruitment for No Room for a Wallflower, the first official campaign for the Lancer RPG by Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson Morgan. For those unfamiliar, it is a game about mechs and those that pilot them, set in a distant future where humanity lies upon the precipice of a golden age. It combines tactical combat with deep customization options when piloting the mechs and rules-light narrative play when outside of the cockpit.

If you're interested, but don't have the rules, there's good news! The player rules are completely free and found HERE. Unfortunately, the setting details are locked behind the paid version, but I've "condensed" them into a document that can be found HERE. Fair warning, it is nearly 30 pages (not including ToC and key terms), but the original is almost 100, so I think I did an alright job.

Lancer also features an excellent character builder, which is completely free and found HERE.

No Room for a Wallflower assumes that the PCs are members of a team of mech pilots bound for Hercynia, an isolated colony world in the fourth ring of Union space. They have been assigned a task by a local Union administrator: they are to respond to a distress call from the world, after which they will be relieved and commended once a nearby Union patrol-group arrives in-system.

The reason the PCs are chosen for this task is that they happen to be the closest asset to Hercynia at this time, but what the PCs actually represent is up to the players. The book offers three possible hooks. They are as follows:

Union Auxiliaries: First Response Team:
The player characters are Union auxiliaries deployed as a first response team, part of a light company sent out on long patrols. Often seen as boring, low-action assignments, these patrols see small units of experienced auxiliary pilots embarking on tours through frontier territories in order to be present in cases of need. These units are meant to be flexible, with a wide portfolio of diplomatic and tactical freedoms afforded to them. Auxiliaries are members of the Union Navy; as such, they exist within and are subject to a military chain of command. Their commanding officers report to Union officials, and any fallout arising from their conduct is subject to full review by Union.

As part of a Union auxiliary peacekeeping force, the PCs are beholden to strict rules of engagement. Union forces may not fire first and must prioritize the protection of people above corporate interests. Further, the PCs have received implied and explicit orders to prioritize de-escalation, preserve life to the best of their abilities, and seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts. If the PCs break these rules of engagement, they will face disciplinary action when the greater Union force eventually arrives in the system. While on Hercynia, they are considered Union’s representatives with the expectation that they comport themselves accordingly. The rewards received by Union auxiliary groups are likely to be less material than those received by mercenary or corporate groups. These characters probably have moral or ethical imperatives to assist those they encounter.

Corporate Operatives: Landmark Colonial Crisis Response Team:
Landmark Colonial fields a number of small, standing CRTs tasked with running rapid, surgical, and asset-oriented ID and retrieval missions on Landmark-administered colony worlds. These are distinct from the company’s much larger and much rarer crisis response missions, which are raised only in response to acute threats, composed of thousands of soldiers and mechs, and intended for long-term occupation and world-building.

CRT operatives are multi-role fighters from a myriad of professional backgrounds, typically retired or discharged professional soldiers, private security, or ex-mercenaries. Their teams are outfitted by Landmark’s armory, which has fleet contracts with SSC, IPS-Northstar (IPS-N), and General Massive Systems (GMS). The higher-ups usually frown upon the use of HORUS or Harrison Armory (HA) gear on Landmark missions, although CRTs are largely autonomous and rarely interact directly with executives.

As Landmark personnel, CRT members are subject to Landmark’s internal discipline first, local law second, and Union justice third. Landmark fiercely defends its CRT personnel and covers for them unless doing so is likely to severely harm the company. CRT mission debriefings are rarely shown to anyone outside Landmark management. The command structure of CRT teams typically involves two people: an offsite commanding officer patched in through the CRT’s comp/con unit and a legal consultant who acts as that commander’s executive officer.

As members of a Landmark CRT, the PCs have a number of corporate-approved objectives: secure the colony’s NHP casket and any backups, secure essential personnel and equipment, and ensure accurate data collection. All other costs and casualties can be recouped. Unless they somehow implicate management in egregious violations of local and Union law or disobey their orders, Landmark will likely consider the actions of a CRT to be justified.

Mercenaries: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company:
The Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company (MSMC) is one of the largest active mercenary corporations in the galaxy, offering a wide portfolio of services available at the lowest sustainable bid. Some companies go lower, but after a certain point you’re buying corpses. MSMC might be a cheap option, and it might come with a few deadbeats, but it’s gonna get the job done and done final.

As MSMC contractors, the PCs come from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of training. MSMC detachments are made up of everyone from disgraced operators through to purchased inmates looking for redemption, refugees looking for citizenship to individuals down on their luck and in need of a new start. Whatever their origins, all MSMC personnel have their old identities wiped from the record and replaced with callsigns, after which they are placed under the command of MSMC officers—career mercenaries who have signed on for additional tours with the company.

Each MSMC detachment is overseen by a commanding officer, advised by a legal officer, and
outfitted with a transport carrier and supplies enough to last a moderate deployment. Individual contractors might have their own suites of licenses or they might need to lean on MSMC’s contracts with GMS and IPS-N to get by.

The rules of engagement governing MSMC detachments are complex, spanning public relations, legal liabilities, and operational considerations. PR guidelines are clear: don’t harm or assault civilians, don’t destroy property, do get a favorable review from the client—in this case, Landmark Colonial. The operational rules are less concrete. In some cases, they might align with best PR practices, although there are often off-the-book understandings between clients and commanding officers: Sometimes civvies get hurt, and sometimes the property a detachment was supposed to protect winds up damaged or destroyed. But hey, the primary objectives were all completed, right? And not too many got smoked? Mark it a success. All’s well that ends well.

If you're interested in playing, please put the three in the order you'd like to play. At 5 pm on Friday, if it's clear which option has the most support, character submissions can begin. More details on that will be posted on Friday. Thanks for any consideration!

I'd like Union, Mirrorsmoke, and the CRT in that order!

Mirrorsmoke and Union are tied for me.

Dark Archive


My first vote is for the Corporate Operatives. This is the best option because it has a short, responsive chain of command (so we wont be stuck somewhere while the higher-ups dither in a committee) and the most well-defined goals. Did you save our stuff? Great!
It even states explicitly that we are mostly autonomous.
Also the equipment and rewards sound top-notch.

My second vote is for Mirrorsmoke. This sounds like quite the band of goofs. For as much as it seems like we'd have clear goals and good support, the overall quality of the unit sounds suspect, and we might be left out to dry by people just not qualified to be in their position

The last and worst choise is the Union Aux. They already are kicking off with conflicting goals. There are "flexible tactical freedoms" but "the PCs are beholden to strict rules of engagement". This speaks to a myriad of political objectives that are -above- saving our lives. The implied long and slow chain of command mixed with disappointing rewards promises future IRL feelings of frustration.

Corporate Ops--For The Better Future You Can Afford!

So will this be more about learning the combat? Or would we be going straight into the AP?

I'd go:

Corporate Operatives

They have more freedom.

Besides I have the perfect character.

Trigger Warning:

Name: Boo Cocky
Quote: "I spit in the face of Socialist Authoritarians"

Since I am very new to this game I will let others make that choice.

I will likely run a brief tutorial for the players selected, a training simulation to keep piloting skills sharp while in transit.

TK423 wrote:
Since I am very new to this game I will let others make that choice.

We're all new. I encourage you to share your opinion. :)

I think I'd go Union first, then Mirrorsmoke, and finally Landmark.

Mirrorsmoke sounds best to me, it could accommodate most character concepts. Union for being on the theoretical side of right the next best, being corporate minions last. Also, hi!

Dark Archive

avr wrote:
Mirrorsmoke sounds best to me, it could accommodate most character concepts. Union for being on the theoretical side of right the next best, being corporate minions last. Also, hi!

Oooo! Avr, you bring up a good point! One of the big concerns I have with the Union is that a lot of character concepts just won't be valid. I mean, it seems implied that if you're a soldier of a Union, you just have a basic agreement with everything that entails. Like, there's a -reason- you're not a private military contractor. However, if my best concept is for some kind of renegade maverick that doesn't want to just be a boot-on-the-ground for a small paycheck, that just isn't going to work. =?

Maybe Mirrorsmoke IS the best option, so that everyone can put in their best characters! I may have to think about changing my vote.

I think, based on the descriptions, Mirrorsmoke sounds like the best idea since it appears to allow the widest variety of character concepts. Next I'd go...honestly, I think the other two are tied for me. If you make me put them in order, I'd go Union second, Landmark third, but I could easily switch those two.

I think I like Mirrorsmoke best, followed by either of the other two, I have a soft spot for playing a soulless corporate husk, but I think that union probably is probably better as a secondary for diversity amongst playerbase!


MSMC, Landmark, Union

Landmark CRT, Mirrorsmoke, Union.

Having just spent a couple of hours skimming over the Lancer RPG rulebook, it looks very cool. I'd be in to give it a try. The few setting details that bleed into the rules make the whole concept seem real rad.

MSMC seems like the oops-all-murder easy mode (though it doesn't have to be), while Union definitely advertises itself as the trickiest tightrope to walk. Landmark feels in between - could be lots of "legal consultant" meddling, or could be relative freedom.

Mirrorsmoke > Union > Landmark

For my preference!

MSMC Sounds good to me.

Alright, so I've tallied the votes and Mirrorsmoke have it.

So let's talk characters:

A Background and relevant four triggers.
One +2 mech skill and two +1 mech skills.
Three rank 1 talents.
Your starting pilot gear.
Your starting mech frame—GMS Everest or Sagarmatha—and starting mech gear.

Character name, callsign, and mech name.
Character backstory, no more than a paragraph is required. Why did your character join the MSMC?
Character appearance.
Mech appearance. (Remember that the GMS chassis can look however you want.)

Characters will be due by 4/2 at 5 pm EST. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Dark Archive

Hey GM, I did some research on the internet (including 4chan, so it must be true) and it looks like the stats for the Sagarmatha are in the module? Would you wanna post for us? Cheers!

Aurelian-11 Kai-Fei reporting. He's the product of a nonzero amount of Smith-Shimano Corpro genetech and military-grade augments, along with some illegal subjectivity-overriding. He's a close-range duelist who specializes in closing distance and hitting things with swords. My intention was to use the SSC Atlas from The Long Rim as his main frame once we start gaining License Levels, but if that's not going to fly, I've got a backup that doesn't use anything from The Long Rim.


A man in his mid-twenties with dark hair, blue eyes, and a somewhat dusky complexion. He has a handsome face and a lean and muscular build. His hardsuit is sleeker and slightly smaller and less bulky than is typical of its type, and he wears an MSMC military jacket over it under most circumstances.


Kai is an SSC-brand gene-engineered supersoldier, intended to be part of the first production line used to seed a Constellar World with similar "combat spec" humans. His entire production lot was stolen by corporate raiders during transport and put into cryogenic storage for over a century. He returned to life four years ago after his production lot (of which he was presumed the sole survivor) was seized from its captors by MSMC. By this time, all evidence that he was produced from an SSC proprietary genome sequence was scrubbed, and the sequence itself seems to have gotten lost in SSC's paperwork. Unsure of what to do with him, MSMC presented Kai with a recruitment offer, which he accepted barring any better options. The skills and knowledge that were part of his numerous genetic donors and cobbled-together to form his subjectivity-override proved useful, if at times unconventional ("Why did they program me to know how to use a sword?"), and an additional mech pilot in the field can often prove invaluable. He's asked MSMC's legal department to arrange citizenship for him on a Union Core World (or, failing that, as part of the Albatross) once he's worked enough to afford the service.

Mech Appearance:

This mech has been specced as a duelist frame; a high-performance bipedal model covered in sleeker curved armor than the typical Everest design, emphasizing coaxing out greater speed and power over additional features. Each of its two arms ends in a five-fingered hand, and its legs and back contain an array of jet boosters to aid in rapid movement and as part of its Rapid Burst Jump Jet System. The heavier armor on the legs hides storage compartments for additional ammunition and power packs for charged energy weapons. The assault rifle is built into its left arm. A long, one-handed single-edged sword is sheathed at its left hip, and a two-handed sword affixed to its back with electromagnets. The mech's signatures are the curved horn on its head, and its dark red paintjob. As part of its personalizations, the mech's control systems more closely resemble a motorbike's seat than the standard cockpit chair, and provide a greater degree of fine motor control to the mech's extremities through a deeper interface connection with the pilot's hardsuit and neural augments.

Give a holler if there's any trouble viewing the sheet.

Neurophage wrote:
My intention was to use the SSC Atlas from The Long Rim as his main frame once we start gaining License Levels, but if that's not going to fly, I've got a backup that doesn't use anything from The Long Rim.

Frames from Long Rim are allowed!

Atlas2112 wrote:
Hey GM, I did some research on the internet (including 4chan, so it must be true) and it looks like the stats for the Sagarmatha are in the module? Would you wanna post for us? Cheers!

If you use COMP/CON, you can add the Wallflower frames via the Manage Content options.

If not, I've uploaded the frame here.

Tama Khan, Callsign "Cold Crush"
Background: Outlaw
Triggers: Hack +2, Take Someone Out +2, Spot+ 2, Act Unseen or Unheard +2
Talents: Hacker 1, Infiltrator 1, Drone Commander 1
Starting Gear:
Stealth Hardsuit
"Never Knows Best" Lever-Action Repeater Rifle [Medium Signature, Kinetic]
"Red Ribbon Maker" Bagh Nakh Tiger's Claw [Light A/C]
Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite
Personal Drone

GMS Everest: Topical Solution
Skills: Systems +2, Engineering +1, Agility +1
Main Mount: Nexus (Hunter-Killer)
Heavy Mount: Cyclone Pulse Rifle (Superheavy)

Systems: Servant-Class NHP "Duster", Turret Drones, Pattern-B Hex Charges, Personalizations, EVA Module, Custom Paintjob.

Brain juice machine is broken so here are some bullet points for his backstory:
- Diasporan

- Raised by the Bagh Nakh, an outlaw outfit that raids metro- and cosmo- politans equally to supply diasporan worlds lost to the bureaucracy of the Union.

- A clone made using a mix of DNA from the original members of the Bagh Nakh (as is typical for the Bagh Nakh these days).

- Trained in hacking, espionage, and silently disposing of targets.

- Tama's cell was sold out by a bitter exile. Some were able to scatter and regroup with other cells but Tama took the opportunity to "disappear". While the Bagh Nakh's cause may be noble, Cold Crush is seeking to get out from under his clan's tutelage and learn through his own experiences. He's joined up with Mirrorsmoke to branch out and learn all he can before returning to regroup his cell.

Appearance: Tama Khan is 5' 10", swarthy, and generally fit. His muscle structure leans more towards dextrous feats of athleticism as opposed to powerful. He has black hair the swoops back with a considerable streak of greys and a handlebar mustache that also has greyed. Despite his premature greying, Tama is (relatively) in his early 30's. Khan sports an eyepatch that covers the left half of his face. While utilizing his Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite, his eye beneath the patch glows with various colors.

Mech Appearance: Cold Crush's GMS-SP1 Everest codename Topical Solution is geared towards cyber and drone warfare. As such, TS sports light armor, instead depending on its agility and evasion to avoid attacks. Throughout the mech, small compartments house the Hunter-Killer grade Hive Swarms that rip and tear at targets designated by Cold Crush. Not one to be caught off guard, Topical Solution is outfitted with the superheavy class Cyclone Pulse Rifle to shred targets from a distance while Cold Crush hacks away with tech attacks.

Question: Is there any way of adjusting the quantity of Mech Skills on Comp/Con? I've only got my +2 Systems factored in. Also, are those two +1's explicitly for separate Mech Skills, or can I throw them both in one skill (other than whatever the +2 is in)?

Dark Archive

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Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel
Background: Journeyman Soldier
Triggers: Charm: +2
Act Unseen or Unheard: +2
Spot: +2
Hack or Fix: +2

Starting Gear:
"Goliath" Heavy Hardsuit

WHM-6R "Warhammer" Battle Rifle [Medium Signature, Energy]
JVN-10N "Javelin" Cut-Down Submachinegun [Light Signature, Kinetic]

Extra Rations

GMS Everest: NightWalker
Skills: Hull +2, Systems +1, Agility +1
Main Mount: Charged Blade {Main Melee}
Heavy Mount: Heavy Charged Blade {Heavy Melee}
Flex Mount: Mortar {Main Cannon}

Systems: Manipulators, Type-3 Projected Shield, Pattern-A Jericho Deployable Cover, Personalizations.

Background: Even after perusing your helpful summation, I don't know enough details to put exact names to the picture I have in my head-space, but I'm thinking that the Origin story is one of anguish:

Alanna was off-world when the Union went to war with her planet. With return impossible and eradication probable, she lost meaning in life and bounced around an ensemble of disaffected organizations. A woman without roots, she thought she found her place with the Ungratefuls, but in time their eternal ennui and self-victimization grated on her inner spark of unquenchable optimism. At last she fell into Mirrorsmoke and, bedraggled and unorganized as it is, this at last feels like home.

Appearance:Lanky yet curvy, not beautiful but cute, Wraith floats in and out of conversation according to whims that she alone understands. She's not interesting because she laughs, but for what she laughs at.

Mech Appearance: The NightWalker slinks along the battlefield as a shade of the great reaper of mechs, approaching without sign, killing without sound.

Echos Myron wrote:
Question: Is there any way of adjusting the quantity of Mech Skills on Comp/Con? I've only got my +2 Systems factored in. Also, are those two +1's explicitly for separate Mech Skills, or can I throw them both in one skill (other than whatever the +2 is in)?

This is actually a mistake on my part. Gonna make it a bigger font size to make sure people don't miss it.

Your starting character gets +2 to one mech skill OR +1 to two different mech skills.

Okay, here we go. Introducing Cardis Rin, Callsign "Falcon", and his mech, Talon Strike.


Name: Cardis Rin
Callsign: “Falcon”
Background: Spaceborn
LL: 0

Get Somewhere Quickly +2
Hack or Fix +2
Stay Cool +2
Survive +2

Size: ½
HP: 9
Evasion: 10
E-Defense: 10
Speed: 4

Armor: Light Hardsuit
Weapons: MSMC Standard-Issue Rifle (5 range, 2 kinetic), MSMC Standard-Issue TacKnife (1 threat, 1 kinetic)
Gear: Mag-Clamps, Patch, Wilderness Survival Kit


LL0 - Engineer (Prototype) - When you perform a FULL REPAIR, you can, with some trial and error, install a prototype weapon system on your mech. You may choose characteristics for your prototype weapon based on the following profile each time you perform a FULL REPAIR, rerolling 1d6+2 to determine LIMITED each time. This weapon counts as an integrated mount and does not require a mount.
LL0 - Heavy Gunner (Covering Fire) - Gain the Covering Fire Quick Action.
Covering Fire Quick Qction: Choose a character within line of sight and Range of one of your Heavy ranged weapons, and within 10 spaces: they are Impaired until the start of your next turn. For the duration, if your target moves more than 1 space, they clear Impaired, but you may attack them as a reaction with a Heavy ranged weapon for half damage, Heat, or Burn, and then this effect ends. You can make this attack at any point during their movement (e.g., waiting until they exit cover).
Covering Fire can only affect one character at a time - subsequent uses replace previous ones - and it immediately ends if your target damages you.
LL0 - Walking Armory (Armament) - You carry a supply of custom ammunition that can be used with all your main ranged weapons. Gain the Ammo Case system.
Once per turn, when you attack with a MAIN ranged weapon, you may expend one charge to apply one of the following effects to your attack:
THUMPER: The attack gains KNOCKBACK 1 and deals Explosive damage.
SHOCK: The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 AP Energy Damage, whether the result is a hit or miss.
MAG: The attack gains ARCING and deals Kinetic damage.

Talon Strike:

Mech Name: Talon Strike
Frame: GMS-SP1 Everest
LL: 0
Grit: 0
Size: 1
Sensors: 10
Save Target: 10
Armor: 0
Hull: 2
--HP: 16
--Repair Cap: 6
Agility: 0
--Evasion: 8
--Speed: 4
Systems: 0
--E-Defense: 8
--Tech Attack: +0
--SP: 6
Engineering: 0
--Heat Cap: 6

Initiative - 1/scene the Everest may take any quick action as a free action.
Replaceable Parts - While resting, the Everest can be repaired at a rate of 1 REPAIR per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 REPAIRS.

CP: 1
Core Bonus: Hypersonic Fuel Injector
Power Up (Activate 1 CP, Protocol) - For the rest of this scene, you gain +1 advantage on all attacks, checks, and saves; additionally, 1/turn, you can BOOST as a free action.

Main Mount: Assault Rifle (10 range, 1d6 kinetic, Reliable 2)
Flex Mount: Missile Rack (10 range, 1 burst, 1d3+1 explosive, Loading)/Pistol (5 range, 3 threat, 1d3 kinetic, Reliable 1)
Heavy Mount: Heavy machine Gun (8 range, 2d6+4 kinetic, Inaccurate)
Integrated Mount: Prototype Weapon (Beam Cannon, 10 range, 1d6+2 energy, Limited 1d6+2, Overkill)

Systems (6 SP)
Ammo Case I (Talent) - 1/turn, when you attack with a Main ranged weapon, you may expend charges to apply one of the following effects to your attack at the listed cost.
Thumper : The attack gains Knockback 1 and deals Explosive damage.
Shock : The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 Energy AP, whether the result is a hit or miss.
Mag : The attack gains Arcing and deals Kinetic damage.
Custom Paint Job (1 SP, Unique) - When you take structure damage, roll 1d6. On a 6, you return to 1 HP and ignore the damage – the hit simply ‘scratched your paint’. This system can only be used once before each FULL REPAIR, and is not a valid target for system destruction.
Personalizations (1 SP, Unique) - Your mech gains +2 HP and, in consultation with
the GM, you may establish a minor modification you have made to your mech.
This mod has no numerical benefit beyond the additional HP it grants, but could provide other
useful effects. If the GM agrees that this mod would help with either a pilot or mech skill check, you gain +1 ACCURACY for that check.
Pattern-B Hex Charges (2 SP, Limited 3, Unique) - Expend a charge from this system for one of the following effects:
• Frag Grenade (Grenade, range 5, Radius 1): All characters within the affected area must pass an AGILITY save or take 1d6 explosion. On a success, they take half damage.
• Explosive Mine (Mine, Burst 1): All characters within the affected area must pass an AGILITY
save or take 2d6 explosion. On a success, they take half damage.
Stable Structure (2 SP) - You gain +1 Accuracy on saves to avoid Prone or Knockback.


Cardis Rin was born on a space station in orbit around a world in a system seven jumps from the Union Core. The station itself served as a refueling depot for interstellar commerce ships, as well as being the system’s primary trading post, so Cardis was exposed to a wide variety of people from all over Union. He sought to, one day, see some of the worlds these far-off travelers spoke of.

Cardis was initially trained as a starship repair engineer, including operating some basic EVA repair mechs. He also had a rather unfortunate habit of tinkering. Most of the time, his tinkering wasn’t a problem, but sometimes it had rather disastrous consequences. Such was the case when he tinkered with a Mirrorsmoke transport ship to improve it’s fuel efficiency, only instead he wrecked the fuel pump and nearly caused Mirrorsmoke to have to renege on a contract. While the company was able to re-task another ship to the issue and save the contract, the cost of fixing the damaged ship was another problem. Cardis found himself given a choice: he could either work for Mirrorsmoke until such time as he paid off the cost of fixing the ship, or he could find himself on a one-way trip to a penal colony. Deciding that working for Mirrorsmoke was preferable to prison, he joined the company.

In the 10 years since then, he has worked off his debt to Mirrorsmoke, but found that he enjoyed working for the company itself. Choosing instead to stay on after his term was done, Cardis has continued working for Mirrosmoke, both in his engineering capacity and in a new capacity as a Lancer pilot. He’s also allowed to tinker again - provided the only tinkering he does is with his own mech.


Character: Cardis is in his early 30’s, with slightly graying brown hair that always seems a little messy and brown eyes. He’s in good shape, but no one would call him athletic, and he always seems to have a distracted look on his face, like his mind isn’t quite on what’s in front of him. The exception is when he’s working on his mech. His squadmates hope that his mind is always on mech combat when they’re fighting, and his continued survival seems to indicate it is, but one can never quite be sure without actually being in the cockpit.

Mech: Talon Strike is bulkier than the typical Everest to better serve as a mobile weapons platform. Well armored, it has a large, backpack-shaped compartment on its back housing different kinds of ammo. Over each shoulder are two different guns - over the right is a heavy machine gun with a rotating barrel, and over the left is a sleek, smooth barrel Cardis calls a “beam cannon”, which fires beams of pure energy that can do quite a bit of damage. He constantly seems to be tinkering with it, and insists that one day it will be an option for all Mirrosmoke units as soon as he gets it to spec.

The mech has two arms which it uses to hold an assault rifle connected to the ammo backpack, and its left arm has a smaller gun built into it just in case. The chest opens to reveal a missile launcher and the launcher/deployment system for the Pattern-B Hex Charges.

Talon Strike’s feet and lower legs are especially bulky and shaped like the talons of a bird of prey, and can actually deploy supports to provide extra stability for either firing weapons or in case of being rammed. The mech’s head is shaped like that of a falcon’s, and the entire mech is painted in a grayish feather pattern. Perhaps one day Cardis will add actual wings to complete the look.

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Atlas2112 wrote:

WHM-6R "Warhammer" Battle Rifle [Medium Signature, Energy]

JVN-10N "Javelin" Cut-Down Submachinegun [Light Signature, Kinetic]


GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:
Echos Myron wrote:
Question: Is there any way of adjusting the quantity of Mech Skills on Comp/Con? I've only got my +2 Systems factored in. Also, are those two +1's explicitly for separate Mech Skills, or can I throw them both in one skill (other than whatever the +2 is in)?

This is actually a mistake on my part. Gonna make it a bigger font size to make sure people don't miss it.

Your starting character gets +2 to one mech skill OR +1 to two different mech skills.

With respect to this, I've revised Lodestar to fit the rules and done away with the cumbersome 80+ MB form-fillable character sheet (though, I will be keeping and updating it on my end because I consider it useful).

Revised Lodestar:

Aurelian-11 Kye-Fei (Kai)
Background: Super Soldier
Triggers: Apply Fists to Faces +2, Assault +2, Get Somewhere Quickly +2, Take Control +2
Talents: Combined Arms I, Duelist I, Skirmisher I
Starting Gear:
"Cocoon" Assault Hardsuit
Terashima Katana "Ryūsei" [Medium A/C Melee Weapon]
GMS T-1 High-Caliber Pistol [Light Signature Weapon, Kinetic]


GMS Standard Pattern 1 Everest: Crimson Lotus
Skills: Hull +0/Agility +2/Systems +0/Engineering +0
Main Mount: Tactical Melee Weapon
Flex Mount: Assault Rifle
Heavy Mount: Heavy Charged Blade

Systems: Custom Paintjob, Personalizatitons, Rapid Burst Jump Jet System, Pattern-A Smoke Charges

A man in his mid-twenties with dark hair, blue eyes, and a somewhat dusky complexion. He has a handsome face and a lean and muscular build. His hardsuit is sleeker and slightly smaller and less bulky than is typical of its type, and he wears a standard gunmetal MSMC bomber jacket over it under most circumstances.

Kai is an SSC-brand gene-engineered supersoldier, intended to be part of the first production line used to seed a Constellar World with similar "combat spec" humans. His entire production lot was stolen by corporate raiders during transport and put into cryogenic storage for over a century. He returned to life after his production lot (of which he was the sole survivor) was seized from its captors by MSMC. By this time, all evidence that he was produced from an SSC proprietary genome sequence was scrubbed, and the sequence itself seems to have gotten lost in SSC's paperwork. Unsure of what to do with him, MSMC presented Kai with a recruitment offer, which he accepted barring any better options. The skills and knowledge that were part of his numerous genetic donors and cobbled-together to form his subjectivity-override proved useful, if at times unconventional ("Why did they program me to know how to use a sword?"), and an additional mech pilot in the field often proved invaluable. He's asked MSMC's legal department to arrange citizenship for him on a Union Core World (or, failing that, as part of the Albatross) once he's worked enough to afford the service.

Mech Appearance
Crimson Lotus has been specced as a duelist frame; a high-performance bipedal model covered in sleeker curved armor than the typical Everest design, emphasizing coaxing out greater speed and power over additional features. Each of its two arms ends in a five-fingered hand, and its legs and back contain an array of jet boosters to aid in rapid movement and as part of its Rapid Burst Jump Jet System. The heavier armor on the legs hides storage compartments for additional ammunition and power packs for charged energy weapons. Its curved shoulder armor hides its smoke charges. The assault rifle is built into its left arm. A long, one-handed single-edged sword is sheathed at its left hip, and a two-handed sword affixed to its back with electromagnets. The mech's signatures are the curved horn on its head, and its dark red paintjob. As part of its personalizations, the mech's control systems more closely resemble a motorbike's seat than the standard cockpit chair, and provide a greater degree of fine motor control to the mech's extremities through a deeper interface connection with the pilot's hardsuit and neural augments.

Presenting Baywulf “Thunder Walker” Fjell-Skalva and his mech God-Bearer!

Personal Stats:

Baywulf Fjell-Skalva
GRIT:0 // H:1 A:0 S:1 E:0
[ GEAR ]
MSMC Assault Hardsuit (modified with Sparri war paint)
Heirloom Sparri Tomahawk (Medium A/C)
MSMC Standard Issue Battle Rifle (Medium Signature, Kinetic)

Mech Stats:



Baywulf was born on Sparr, the ancestral homeland of the Sparri people, named for a hero who's deeds are now forgotten but who's name still echoes in the soul. He grew up in one of the many nomad clans of the planet, and, in accordance with his clan, the Fjell, as the third child he was to be a techno-shaman, to commune with the gods in the machine and know their sublime tongue. He took to this with gusto, bonding with a small, nascent shard of his clan’s god when he came of age, and he gave it the name Leita the Seeker for one of the Sparri’s ancient totems. It was too weak, too powerless to survive in its own containment, and he installed it in his older sister’s hand-me-down Everest pattern mech, and gave his mech the name God-Bearer for the grand destiny he knew it would have.

As time passed, he felt ill at ease with the life he lead. It was an honored position to be taught by the shamans, but warrior’s blood ran hot in his veins and he sought martial glory, wherever that meant. And so, on a cold day in winter he set out for Ynn, his mech tromping across the snows to the greatest city on Sparr. It was there he learned of the possibility of offworld work as a mercenary, and he knew he had found his calling, at least for a time. Despite his skills in battle and techno-shamanism, he lacked the eye for off-world exploitation that many of the more worldly Sparri possess. It took only a presentation by (and then several rounds of drinks with) a smooth-talking Mirrorsmoke recruiter to get him to sign on with them. He took the callsign “Thunder-Walker,” a deed-name he earned while fighting a mock battle with a rival clan. While life as a Mirrorsmoke operative is not all it was promised, he likes it well enough. He can fight almost as much as he pleases and has the resources to dive further in his connection to the mysteries of the spirits of the machine.

Personal Appearance:

Baywulf is stocky and solidly-built as the Sparri tend to be, skin deeply tanned from a life spent outdoors and long dark hair done in intricate braids. Elaborate tattoos cover his arms, chest and neck, looking like a combination of Sparri runes and circuitry in the style of the techno-shamans. When acceptable, he dresses in the hide and fur clothes that the Sparri traditionally wear along with the intricately carved ivory earrings that many Sparri wear as well. In short, while he is far from home he carries their ways with him. He may have grown bored of his life on Sparr, but he still holds his people’s customs and traditions close to his heart.

Mech Appearance:

God-Bearer, in many ways, is Baywulf’s expression of himself in mech form. Survival gear is strapped, buckled, and clipped to most flat surfaces and warpaint much like Baywulf’s own covers most other parts of it. It’s frame is bipedal, as most mechs tend to be, and carries an array of weapons, the most notable of which is huge, wide-bladed spear capable of brutal attacks up close. It also carries an assault rifle for longer range engagements and a bayoneted pistol as a lighter sidearm.


John Blackstar
Background: Worker
Mechanic, LL0
GRIT:0 // H:1 A:0 S:0 E:1
[ GEAR ]
HEAVY HARDSUIT, HEAVY SIGNATURE :cc_range: 10 :cc_damage_variable: 4
MEDIUM SIGNATURE :cc_range: 5 :cc_damage_variable: 2, HANDHELD PRINTER
Main Mount: MORTAR :cc_range: 15 :cc_aoe_blast: 1 :cc_damage_explosive: 1d6+1
Flex Mount: PISTOL :cc_range: 5 :cc_threat: 3 :cc_damage_kinetic: 1d3 / PISTOL :cc_range: 5 :cc_threat: 3 :cc_damage_kinetic: 1d3
Heavy Mount: HEAVY MACHINE GUN :cc_range: 8 :cc_damage_kinetic: 2d6+4

I do not have the rule book that show personal weapons/equipment so I am not sure what a:
HEAVY SIGNATURE :cc_range: 10 :cc_damage_variable: 4 is? or a
MEDIUM SIGNATURE :cc_range: 5 :cc_damage_variable: 2 is?


John Blackstar was a Mech mechanic for the MSMC. They brought in an old Everest Mech that was badly damaged and he was told to just scrap it. But the more John worked on it the more he realized that it could be made operational with some old spare parts that were collecting rust. He began to repair it and made it into something that could be used to repair other mechs that were damaged, not really a combat mech more of an industrial mech. But it still had a few weapons that were on it.
One day the camp was attacked. There was only a small security force left and it was endanger of becoming overrun. So John jumped it to the mech hopping that he might be able give some relief to the security force. During the battle it was determined that John was a major factor in turning the tide and push back the attackers. With his piecemealed together not really a combat Mech they offered his a job from worker to Mech pilot. And they rearmed and dubbed his Mech “CONFLICT OF INTEREST”.

TK423 wrote:

I do not have the rule book that show personal weapons/equipment so I am not sure what a:

HEAVY SIGNATURE :cc_range: 10 :cc_damage_variable: 4 is? or a
MEDIUM SIGNATURE :cc_range: 5 :cc_damage_variable: 2 is?

The names and descriptions of pilot gear are intentionally simple, so it's up to you to decide what your weapons might look like.

Signature Weapons are their "iconic" weapon, the implement they're most likely to carry into a fight. When you pick a signature weapon, you choose its damage type: explosive, energy, or kinetic.

Light signature weapons might be oversized revolvers, braces of pistols, and submachine guns; Medium ones are assault rifles, shotguns, pack-fed lasers, disruption guns; Heavy ones are missile tubes, heavy lasers, light machine gun, or exotic rifles.

A medium signature weapon has a Range of 5 and Damage of 2. A heavy has a Range of 10 and a Damage of 4.

So, I just make up name's? Like:
MEDIUM SIGNATURE: Thunderstrike Pulse laser rifle.

HEAVY SIGNATURE: Heavy Reaction belt fed auto cannon.

Is that it?

TK423 wrote:

So, I just make up name's? Like:

MEDIUM SIGNATURE: Thunderstrike Pulse laser rifle.

HEAVY SIGNATURE: Heavy Reaction belt fed auto cannon.

Is that it?

Yep! It can have as much or as little detail as you like.

I think I am done, if anything is off let me know.

Ezra Dasmodi, AKA Blacksmith A mostly ex criminal from a crime ridden, war-torn colony world.


Ezra grew up on the colony world of Iidramera. It was a corrupt, crime ridden world of divided and often warring city states where only the wealthy avoided the gangs and the “Merchant” families that rules the cities. Really, most were little better than criminal families ruling though underhanded and often out right violent means. Ezra was not wealthy and never cared much for being a victim. He made himself useful for the gangs, and always had a eye on moving up. To better gangs, to minor Merch families and in time into the big league. He made a name for himself as an enforcer, a leg breaker, a soldier for the family. He was intimidating, cool under pressure and a nasty brawler, all things that made him useful and kept him well fed and well rewarded.

It was the High Merch of the City of Calgori which hired and trained him as a pilot for the cities ``Militia”. Really little better than pirates attacking other families and cities holdings, but this was Iidramera. All this ended when the corporations moved in, settling in cities, taking over in all but name and “incorating” other cities under their control, often by force. Once Erza’s family's tower was reduced to a burning pile and most of the militia joined them, he thought off world might be a nice place to visit.

Skills and Triggers:

Apply First to Faces: +2
Threatern: +2
Get a hold of something:+2
Stay cool:+2
Mech Skills
Hull: +2


Crack Shot
----TABLE, STEADY: As a protocol, you may steady your aim. If you do, you become IMMOBILIZED until the start of your next turn but gain +1 on all attacks you make with RIFLES
----INTEGRATED CHAFF LAUNCHERS: At the start of your turn, you gain soft cover. You lose this cover if you attack or force another character to make a save
Walking Armory
----ARMAMENT: You carry a supply of custom ammunition that can be used with all your main ranged weapons. Gain the following system: Ammo Case SP:0, Limited:6


K01-RA-11 Assault hardsuit.: Was new at some point,but now scratched and well worn. It functions as advertised, but its a knock off printed less than legal like.
Malcreen Arguer 81 Heavy Pistol; Thirty years out of date, but fire a large very effective round (sidearm)
Rooner JX-77 Combat Shotgun:Intimidating looking with the drum, its half the reason erza has it. (Medium)
Ralvans Easy-Sleep Sleeping bag Drab olive and seen many, many hours of sleep
Medi-Aid Patch: It's a patch, don’t ask where they came from
Alpha-Ware AF-404 Info skin: It cost a lot in a questionable back alley clinic, but works as advertised.


Game Info:

Hammer is a drab olive Everest, at least the type printed on Iidramera. She is boxy, a bit bulky and made to take a hit.

Lots of cool submissions so far. I really like what I'm seeing.

It won't have any bearing on the recruitment, but I'm also interested in seeing what frame you all plan on growing into at LL1.

I’m undecided between a Balor or a Hydra for the long run, but LL1 will probably be goblin for the sweet hax

Let me throw Lars Choi-Schweitzer (Callsign: Thistle) into the ring.

Personal Stats:
Lars Choi-Schweitzer
Corpro Scion, LL0
GRIT:0 // H:1 A:0 S:0 E:1
[ GEAR ]
  STEALTH HARDSUIT, (ZPYv3 "Zappy" Personal Sentinel Drone - MEDIUM SIGNATURE WEAPON), (Sword cane - LIGHT A/C)

Mech Stats:
  SPD:4 EVA:8 EDEF:8 SENS:10 SAVE:10

Lars is a lanky man in his late thirties with long blond hair tied up in a ponytail. His features are all strangely long and slightly crooked, from his face, to his nose, to his arms and legs. Even his teeth are crooked, an oddity in this day and age. Only his glittering green eyes and mono eyelids remain untouched from his previous appearance. Lars is a nervous, slightly paranoid individual. He's often pessimistic about the outcome of a mission, or of the group's chances. Nevertheless, he's in to fight tooth and nail to get everyone out alive.

Rosethorn is a bottom-heavy modified Everest frame mech, with most of its mounts integrated into its legs rather than arms or back. Bulky compartments and tubes appear to have been crudely welded on to house deployable turrets, its nexus system and storage for mobile cover. At its rear, a heavy mount holds a pair of enormous rifles. It is far from a beautiful mech - ungainly and utilitarian rather than elegant - but it seems capable enough. Its deep purple paint job and various sharp protrusions give off a prickly aura, as though its only purpose is to keep the outside world at bay.

Lars grew up as the second scion in line to succeed the extensive Choi-Schweitzer Centauri-based corpro empire, an electronics conglomerate with its hands in everything from consumer goods to high spec mech internals. As the second scion, he was expected to maintain a solid education and be ready to succeed if needed, but in practice he'd known his elder sister would handle everything without difficulty. Freed from the burden of caring about his future, he had pursued his interests in xenogeology and archaic flight technologies. When a rival company's assassins simultaneously struck down his parents, his elder sister, nine-tenths of the corporate board of directors, and all of their associated backups and stored clones, it seemed as though Choi-Schweitzer was entirely finished. Everyone assumed so, at least, until the legal systems uncovered a second scion living far outside the Core.

Since that moment, Lars' life changed to one of constant flight and unwanted attention. Though he has no aspirations of actually taking up leadership of his family's corporation, no rival conglomerate is willing to take the risk that he'll change his mind. As a result, a slow but steady stream of private investigators and corporate assassins have tried to track him down and finish him off. Only his relative distance from the Core and his increasingly infrequent access of his family's wealth has protected him. But that obscurity has come at a price - he's had to abandon his fiddling and passion projects and take up real work.

At first, that was by applying his scientific knowledge and general business management to mineral extraction projects, taking a personal, hands on approach by piloting a mech down into drilling sites to conduct scans and inspections by hand. But even that turned out to be too high profile. He needed to be nobody. Earning enough money for himself, not rooted down anywhere, not anyone significant. He needed to be a drifter... or a mercenary. He extracted enough money to pay for a more comprehensive pilot's training, reflex augmentations, and enough surgery to obscure his appearance, as well as a second-hand mech. After a few months of practice, he approached the MSMC as an "eager rookie", and since then he's stayed well enough under the radar.

Making a character + mech was a bit overwhelming. Lots of options, not a clear picture of whether they're a good match for one another. I ended up settling on something ranged with a focus on drones and rifles.

I think if that ends up feeling good in-game, I'll aim toward one of the drone or nexus focused frames at LL1.

Grand Lodge

Sorry I missed this recruitment. Darn.

I'm a pretty huge Lancer fan, and I'm almost always up for a game of it.

Scroggs, Gm's post says by Friday so you still have time to turn in a character. Just happened upon this myself and it looks interesting enough I should drop a character in by then.

Dark Archive

I'm seeing a lot of Heavy hardship and Medium weapon combinations, myself among them. It seems a good choice, but with the theme I'm going for, and for vareity, it seems best to change it up to a:
ASN-21 "Assassin" Stealth suit, and swapping out the Warhammer for a
TDR-5S Thunderbolt anti-material sniper rifle with DPU (depleted uranium) "totschlag" rounds. (Heavy signature, kinetic).

I can't find it, but then it might be best to take my third gear as some kind of futuristic climbing 'gecko gloves'.

Also, I've found that the power of invisibility can have several non-combat applications as well. That way I can flit around like, um, a ghost, or a spectre, or a...something. :@)

Okay, I’m biting. Character coming tomorrow.

Tossing my hat in for consideration as well! Meet Alphons Gibraltar, Callsign: Poise

Personal Dossier:
Alphons Gibraltar
Super Soldier, LL0
GRIT:0 // H:0 A:2 S:0 E:0
[ GEAR ]
Wayfinder One-Size-Fits-All - LIGHT HARDSUIT, a crude, but simple and serviceable knife - LIGHT A/C


Alphons is taller, a little over six feet, and is extremely pale. They also appear to be almost completely hairless, except for a white-blonde pixie-cut and similar eyebrows. Their eyes are a piercing pale green. They are remarkably lean, with toned musculature, and are endogenous.

When they are in a casual setting -though it can never be said that they've let their hair down in public, so to speak- they dress in a blue saree, with silver edging. They wear simple sandals, and have a single silver ring on their right-middle finger, and a tiny silver stud in their left ear.

Alphons maintains a perfect economy of movement, shifting position only when necessary. Even their eyes do not wander, often focusing on an object in the background during a briefing or a conversation. When they turn their head to look someone in the eye, it is to add gravity to their words. Their voice is a smooth tenor.

Even during combat, it is as if they move in bursts, sprinting to cover before maintaining a perfectly still position. In combat the inverse is true, however; when Alphons and their mech, Elegance, take to the field, they operate in almost constant motion, popping a hip and turning a shoulder to minimize their silhouette, or bobbing and weaving off the center line in melee. But despite their seemingly unending movement, every action is still precise and perfect as they can make it.

Mech: Elegance:

Main Mount: Hell's Blanket™ - ASSAULT RIFLE
Flex Mount: Alice' Legacy - TACTICAL KNIFE / Predator V - PISTOL
Heavy Mount: Hackmaster™ Ex-Caliber - HEAVY CHARGED BLADE

Elegance' Appearance:

Elegance is a heavily articulated, bipedal mech, with a pair of extra joints at every limb. Not only does it have extra length through every joint, the mech has also been carefully painted along every hinge with light-catching or light-resistant paint, obfuscating its weak points. Elegance is painted in a swirling pattern of black and a deep dark blue, and watching it move at full speed is like watching a river running over rock


Life’s beginning sprang from space, and so shall its ending.
Those birthed unto the Jeonjaeng Poji have been scientifically designed to be perfect warriors. The genes that went into their makeup come from combinations of athletes, dancers, and warriors, and from that talented stock, only those with exceptional learning capabilities and mild temperaments are deemed suitable for the program. With such impressive genealogies backing their warriors, the Jeonjaeng Poji have developed an imposing reputation across many systems as mercenaries of quality.
Alphons Gibraltar was grown in the 571st batch of said youth, in a class of 34. Had they been in a class of ‘normal’ folk, the child would’ve been deemed a prodigy in regards to how quickly they learned and how well they excelled physically, but in this carefully cultivated crowd, Alphons was placed towards the bottom percentile. The weight of their future as mercenaries representing the Jeonjaeng Poji was ingrained in the children, as well as all the lessons on weaponry, relevant history, and tactics that would be needed for their future profession. Friendship was discouraged in that environment, with the lecturers instead fostering an atmosphere of pointed competition. In the end, by their 21st cycle when they were cast out into the wide universe to bring honor and money to the Project, Alphons left with no particularly strong bonds and a strangely coarse obligation to their origins.
It has been eight years since their inauspicious release into the mercenary scene and Alphons has done their best to bring money and reputation to the Jeonjaeng Poji. Their actions have brought only good tidings back ‘home’, but they are increasingly disillusioned with the life they’ve left behind. They’ve heard of the great deeds against impossible odds of others of their class, and know that they could never measure up, even if they continue to excel compared to the rest of the Lancer field.
They entered into the contract with Mirrorsmoke with no expectation, secretly hoping that something will happen, to change their dynamic in the field, as well as the dynamic of their life.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Atlas2112 wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of Heavy hardship and Medium weapon combinations, myself among them.

Not gonna lie, I totally built mine around that Tomahawk/warhammer image.


Name: Adam Shemtov
Calling: Golem
Background: Backwater colonist
Grit: 0 Hull: 2 Agility: 0 Systems: 0 Engineering: 0

Skill Triggers

Walking Armory

NIDF Magen Heavy Armor (Considered archaic by most, this armor design sacrifices comfort for durability)

Tavor Bullpup Shotgun (Signature Medium. Designed for urban combat and ship boarding actions, this shotgun has seen much use.)

Side Arm (Signature light. A non-descript pistol of indeterminate make. You could swear it is a different gun every time he pulls it.)

Extra Rations (What, it is good food. Trust me.)
Flex suit (Not going to starve.)
Sleeping bag (We have time for a quick nap.)

Golem is built much like his call sign. Large. Well muscled. A face that gives very little away... right up until he is in a kitchen and then he becomes the happiest chef in any galaxy.


Everest class
Hp: 16 Structure: 4 Stress: 4 Heat: 0
Repair cap: 6
Evasion: 8 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 10 Armor: 0 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1 Tech Attack: +0 Save Target: 10

1/scene the Everest may take any quick action as a free action.
Replaceable parts
While resting, the Everest can be repaired at a rate of 1 Repair per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 Repairs.

Heavy+flex: Cyclone pulse rifle
Main: Shotgun

Hyperspec Fuel Injector

ACTIVE - Power Up

For the rest of this scene, you gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves; additionally, 1/turn, you can Boost as a free action.

Custom paint
Deployable cover
Stable structure

The Magach is an older mech, squat and stable looking with very little frills. It carries a main Shotgun to fend off those who get too close while it lays down superheated spacial torsion on distant foes.

For some reason Golem has taken to painting a sad clown face upon the mech's head.

Story so far...:
Golem hails from a backwater colony system known as New Israel. Small and out of the way without much of value, the worlds claimed by the tribes care little for the grander situations faced by the wider universe.

Raised among a highly religious family, Golem always felt a little disconnected from the rest of his kin, a rift that only widened as the years carried on. Questions arose whenever he discussed scripture, wondering how they might fit with all that existed beyond their borders. A sense of stark foreboding reality that only grew until he finally chose to go seek his answers among the stars.

Golem himself keeps to his people's mistrust of outside culture, but has placed his fate in the hope that somewhere out there he might find some rekindling of the faith he has lost.

edit: forgot to add SP items at the end. Also, plan on easing into a Caliban from rim book.

Cellion wrote:
Making a character + mech was a bit overwhelming. Lots of options, not a clear picture of whether they're a good match for one another. I ended up settling on something ranged with a focus on drones and rifles.

Totally understandable. Luckily, the system is extremely forgiving on swapping out character options.

AdamWarnock wrote:
Okay, I’m biting. Character coming tomorrow.

Good to see ya, Salsa!

Same to you! I’ve got a concept just need to go through creating the character. Planning on going for a heavy weapon specialist if I can, but I’ve got a few other ideas if I need them.

Since you're on Geisha, you mind looking over my submission and letting me know if I missed anything?

Havocprince wrote:
Since you're on Geisha, you mind looking over my submission and letting me know if I missed anything?

Hey man, if you use Com[/con it will walk you though it and make sure you do not miss anything.

Demon Lord of Paladins! wrote:

Hey man, if you use Com[/con it will walk you though it and make sure you do not miss anything.

Thanks for the heads up, I always forget there are computer programs for these things now adays. Going to return to my rocking chair and shake my cane a bit before looking at that.

I'll be mostly unavailable Friday evening, so I'm extending the recruitment period from 5pm to midnight.

I also thought I'd take a moment to group up the submissions so far and place them into four roles: Vanguard, Assault, Fire Support, and Electronic Warfare. These aren't set in stone or anything and are largely based on my understanding of Lancer's weapons and Pilot Talents.

Lodestar and Crimson Lotus from Neurophage
Wraith and NightWalker from Atlas2112
Poise and Elegance from TheOneTrueWerevark

Thunder Walker and God-Bearer from Simeon
Blacksmith and Hammer from Demon Lord of Paladins!
Golem and Magach from Havocprince

Fire Support
Falcon and Talon Strike from Phntm888
John Blackstar and Conflict of Interest from TK423

Electronic Warfare
Cold Crush and Topical Solution from Echos Myron
Thistle and Rosethorn from Cellion

@Havocprince: A quick once-over didn't show me anything wrong with your submission but, as Demon Lord said, COMP/CON should let you know if you missed something.

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