Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (Inactive)

Game Master Edelsmirge

Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985

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Yikes! Sorry to hear that.

We have had a lull in play but I am keen to continue and am willing to see if we need to recruit for any who wish to continue with me. I will send messages on Monday if I don't hear from you. Sean, you are good in this one.

Shadow's Status
GM Ring of Gold wrote:
We have had a lull in play but I am keen to continue and am willing to see if we need to recruit for any who wish to continue with me. I will send messages on Monday if I don't hear from you. Sean, you are good in this one.

Hey GM, I would just cut this night for everyone and start fresh with the next night with everyone waking up and heading to meet with the Princess.

I'm still here, I just went out of town for a week, my phone died, and I don't remember my password. :p

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Still here.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

I'm sorry dude, I'm just not feeling it.

One of the huge things I was looking forward to in this game was playing with Dennis Harry. But I've been in a game with Dennis Harry for three months and I still haven't played with Dennis Harry.

There's also been an over-arching theme of "Oh, you're not -allowed- to do that!" that seems to meet every way we turn, and I don't think it'll go away after our introductions.

Ok that is Mal and Vinny both gone

Leaves Sean, Old Ben, Kaydee, and Kent. Good enough. Thanks ready to move forward when you are all able

Shadow's Status
Mal Steelcutter wrote:
One of the huge things I was looking forward to in this game was playing with Dennis Harry. But I've been in a game with Dennis Harry for three months and I still haven't played with Dennis Harry.

Well that was partially my fault for not heading to the local watering hole. Stick around, at Elysium we'll all be together and can interact! Well, when everyone posts again anyway.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Not sure what the plan is. Just holding out waiting.

Moving on with posting and playing was waiting on any updates so we will see how it goes and move forward, ever forward!

I'm sorry. With that lull in gameplay, Vinny and Mal dropping out, and the other game I was in falling apart, I've kind of lost the drive to play Kaydee.

Sorry for disappearing folks. Youngest daughter brought home the flu and pretty well wiped out the household this past week.

Game is still here for you

Ok waited for some further posts going to recruit for three players

Hey guys, dropping a line in Discussion as suggested by GM Ring of Gold.

Apologies for the poor formatting on Triel - it is a work in progress, as I do not have any nice character generator for Vampire ;)

Nice to be on board! What is the current status of the game?

We are slowly moving toward the first meeting of the Prince since the players arrived and this last week has been hard on our players for work etc so I have been holding until we saw what sort of recruit we could get. I set it from this recruit thread and should have started a new one leading back here I think.

Got it. Let me know when Triel shows up?

Now is good do you have a friend or associate who has sent you to Minneapolis or are you arriving on your own?

I went to the start of the thread, but could not find the earlier motives for this coterie to get together :)

Any pointers, directions, suggestions?

There is a mystery plot that is going on not yet discovered concerning the disappearance of the primogen of the Brujah of the cities which you could be involved in.

Ok, if that justifies coming to Minneapolis, then it could be a good root cause for Triel to be there.

Triel, post is up for you in game play

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Hey ST, there is a post up at the bottom of the previous list you might have missed responding to.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Hey, friends. I'm back! Hope nothing too exciting has happened without me!

Welcome back, go ahead and place yourself near the Toreador

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

sorry. just having a little trouble figuring out how to work myself in. can i get a description of the toreador section?

Sure, take a look at the campaign page. Right before you stepped out, Lady Thorne was to take and introduce you to Gordon who is primogen and is at the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts. He is an older gentleman who is no poseur but was an accomplished artist of his time whom most have forgotten. Thorne suggested you introduce yourself as Toreador as most of your clan do since you are a rare bloodline which many consider to have come out of clan Toreador. You could have asked your sire to call on your behalf or offered a boon to be introduced and sponsored by Gordon.

Then there is Etienne Brule who is dressed in authentic native American garb and was former Prince of this area prior to it being a state. Etienne is responsible for the treaty the Ring of Gold. Meeting him would not be hard but he is a much respected elder and that scene would be something you would need to roleplày to see how it went.

Lastly and least expensive is Laurabee Barnes who is a scion of the Walker family and runs the Elysium at the Walker Art Museum. She is a long black haired African American lady of means who has earned an Elysium. You could have had your sire speak to her and set up sponsorship through her.

There is a ghoul who runs the American Red Cross and extanges blood for kindred blood and is an independent ghoul whose kindred met final death by lupine in Chicago named Gilbert Rossow. He is a balding man with glasses in his fourties who has managed to earn his way by favor into kindred society without a kindred at his side and while he cannot sponsor you, he could use his favors to gain you a sponsor in return for a favor of his own.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

I imagine if any of them have a particular interest in music, my sire would have suggested I look to them for sponsorship though not necessarily helped me obtain said sponsorship.

through a bit of research you find Laurabee to have been an excellent jazz singer in the 1920's

Check out Harriet Bishop at this site:

An artist rendering of Etienne Brule:

William McGillivray

Dunbar Douglas,_4th_Earl_of_Selkirk

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

my mouse died (not just its battery apparently), and navigating here was a pain in the a. i'll grab one after work and get a post up.

but the sponser you mentioned makes sense. Kaydee would have offered a boon if Vittoria didn't help. or would you rather do that IC?

I am fine with the boon offer being done previously by you

Thanks for the pics GM Ring of Gold!

Shadow's Status

Sorry for the delay, RL got a bit crazy there, will post up by Friday.

Also Triel, no one has had time to explain the treaty to you

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Please mark me as inactive.

Triel already causing a ruckus like an authentic Brujah! :D

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Brujah doing brujah things.

Kaydee or Kent up next

Gogo! :D

Shadow's Status

OK caught up, once Kaydee is done Kent will proceed, I'll be checking in on the daily once more. In fact, I've got plenty of time in the schedule these days with recent developments ;-)

Excellent ST glad to hear that. Also we have one more player joining us who I will introduce at the event

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

Hi. Never played a Tremere before, so I thought I'd give it a go :)

Shadow's Status
Craig Lawrence wrote:
Hi. Never played a Tremere before, so I thought I'd give it a go :)

Hey Ridge, welcome!

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Craig Lawrence wrote:
Hi. Never played a Tremere before, so I thought I'd give it a go :)
Hey Ridge, welcome!

Thanks! I see my character is the fragile toothpick compared to some of you folks :)

the Tremere of the cities are looking to expand and grow and your sire wants to know more of what goes on out in the frontier and what profit can be made for you both. He has gotten you in contact with LH Watson in St Paul who is the primogen and runs the chantry and set you up with an introduction there

Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)

GM Ring of Gold:
Noted. For the 2 freebies I have left, are there any other backgrounds you suggest ? (I figure the one dot in influence he has will be his horoscopes in the Newspapers etc) or should I just put one dot in intimidation so his Dominate * has a better chance? :)

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