Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night
Game Master
Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985
Shadow's Status
Folks, apologies for the longer than intended absence.
It has become pretty clear that working full time and running a side business and raising a child, something has to give. Unfortunately, Paizo is it.
My sincerest apologies for that long delay I was hoping to catch up for weeks but it's clear that's not going to happen and even when it does, any week I can fall behind once more.
IIRC it's dex+brawl to punch someone. successes to hit add to the damage pool, but i'm currently drawing a blank on the base damage pool. and since it's bashing you're not likely to accidentally kill the poor guy.
Damage is str + potence for a fist of fury
word. couldn't remember if relevant combat ability was also in there or if that was just in the form of the accuracy bonus.
Brass knuckles add damage for fists.
You can also spend blood into physical attributes in combat based off init
People, just to let you all know I am traveling from tonight until Saturday for a small vacation. Should have access to wifi and whatnot, but probably not much time to post. So if you need to press on, feel free to bot me.
There has been a suggestion to go after the tape and talk to the guard. What is the group doing?
Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5
Ben is lying on the floor and wondering what is going on.
Kaydee is still going for the elevator and will go up to investigate alone if no one else joins her.
anybody still smurfin' around?
Deer hunting is taking a chunk out of crime but it seems we are moving again. Thanks to one and all for sticking with it.
Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5
Paizo didn't feel I needed to know there were posts in this thread again.
I think we have three playing right now with Benjamin downstairs keeping the guards tied up and busy
So only Triel and Craig then at the door... Ok.
Let me check w our fourth player and if you really like we can recruit
Benjamin posts only very sparsely, so I don't think the game can move forward with just me and Craig. Or if it is that kind of game.
Maybe it would be good to get at least one or two more, to make things more dynamic. Because I think we need it.
The other player is no longer interested so I can try to recruit
I am still interested in the game. Craig, Ben?
Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5
Pace got slowed down pretty badly on this thread. Doesn't help a lot of the time, due entirely to my own choices, my character tends to be stuck in positions that don't give me much to respond to. Only so many ways I can fancy up pretending to be a dying man, and Ben sitting back with the help making sure they don't run makes sense but leaves very little room for interaction.
Still willing to keep going, but I don't want the other players to feel like they are dragging around a dead weight.
Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)
I'm terribly slow, I know. RL keeps popping in some new challenges. But I'm willing to try if others are
Ok going to go on pause to recruit some new blood and see how that goes

Hey guys, wanted to offer all my apologies, but I will be bowing out of the game at this point, and allow you to recruit accordingly. I have been casting a very scrutinizing eye over all the games I am in, and this one unfortunately did not make the cut...
I think we had a good cast of characters and GM ring of Gold is a good DM in my book. However... The pace does not work for me - I think we have unfortunately been stumbling along with a posting pace which I find is extremely low to keep the story flow moving, in a way that will motivate me.
The sparse posting also creates (in me) a bit of a disjointed feel. The posts feel like mostly unconnected, separate snapshots instead of a narrative, and I feel a lot of story elements and interactions are lost. Mainly in a game of shadows, layers and connections (hidden and otherwise) like Vampire is.
So thank you again for the invitation - I wish you all good luck with the continuation of the adventure, and hope we get other chances to play.
Ok so, we need a small adjustment for this to work or perhaps one more player. In addition we lost players to the point where some major plot points got lost as well
How would you all like to handle this with the new player coming in?
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
Hello, if it helps I planned on kind of a mercenary type character that might have been hired separately to show up and help.
Male Human Cleric 1 (HP 9/9; AC 15(t12,ff13); F+3,R+2,+6;Init +1, Perc +4)
Marcel DuBouis wrote: Hello, if it helps I planned on kind of a mercenary type character that might have been hired separately to show up and help. That might be a good way to do it.
Christmas holidays coming up, I won't be posting faster , sorry to say
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
Out of curiosity, did you have a small adjustment in mind?
Well we are at a place of major plot interest. We are going to naturally be slow as all posting is during the holidays. I can get you introduced to the Princess and get you here with a quick drop in as the whole rest of the kindred are having the quarterly meeting.
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
So I do not have any gear. How much should I have to equip myself before I go in and might need something.
Resources one gives you a monthly income so go ahead and make a d10 resource roll to see if you had some savings to spend with a DC 7
Of course you could have asked your sire to arrange equipment be waiting for you in a drop spot...
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Woohoo... I did just get off a plane, so I doubt I could bring a bunch of weapons. But if I could get one in, or provided with something when I arrived. That would be nifty.
Your sire set up a herd here in St Paul along with a spot for you to pick up a weapon. More to follow!
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
Sounds good. Should I start posting in the game play?
CG|Sorcerer (Shadow) [Cosmos Oracle Dedicaiton] 7 | AC 23 | HP 72/72 | Fort +12 | Reflex +12| Will +11| Hero Points: 0| Perception +11 |Spell DC 25 | Acrobatics +12, Arcana +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, [Genealogy] Lore +9, [ALL OTHERS] Lore: +7, Medicine +7, Nature +9, Occult +9, Perform +11, Religion +9, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +10
I will be going on vacation from Saturday through Wednesday. I will try and check the boards in the evenings but I may be slow to post over the next few days. Feel free to bot me as needed.
The Princess called ghouls part of a kindreds property and that none were tobe harmed when she spoke to the characters earlier
Sorry folks. Household got hit by COVID pretty hard. Thankfully everyone who could be was vaccinated already, but apparently this strain doesn't seem to care much about that. I will catch up as soon as possible.
I am glad all is getting better!
I have to put this on hold this upcoming week due to a death in my family. I do apologize.