Erudite Owl

Harneloot's page

Goblin Squad Member. 103 posts (108 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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James B. Cline wrote:

Google Docs link,

Desolation Player Map Hexes

Rappan Athuk Player Map Hexes

Not to get to linky, but here's a great 3rd party system for exploring and movement, if needed. sandbox

James, thanks for the hex maps! Do you have a scale for the hexes on each?


ps (about to start my own Stoneheart Valley-Slumbering Tsar campaign!)

Goblin Squad Member

Real shame you are leaving - this is a huge loss to the community.

Fare thee well...

Goblin Squad Member

That is because he is icky, and that is what icky people do.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very glad to see you adapting and biding your time instead of bailing. Wish more people had your flexibility and patience on the long term vision. Cheers!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Then I am glad there are those other games for those types of players to go play and NOT join PFO.

Goblin Squad Member

Someone who is happy people are leaving the game isn't with any of us trying to make the game better/succeed, they are against all of us, which makes them icky, like a warty troll or something.

Good call Tink. Spot on I say.

Goblin Squad Member

This is you, yes? You sound pretty icky to me.

Role: Hired killers
Alignment: Undetermined
Requirements to Join: Must be trained in either stealth or disguise

Venethorn's Vipers is a company looking for those who want to specialize purely in the dispensing of death. We do this through feuds and the fulfillment of contracts.

Our leadership style is simple. I or my wife Izabelle find contracts that seem profitable or appealing. You either help us fulfill that contract or find a new company. This is not a democracy or a group that has time to be burdened with bureaucracy. This is a group about getting profitable contracts and being extremely efficient at fulfilling them. Less members mean less people to split the money between so we don't want you if you get in the way of us doing our jobs efficiently."

Goblin Squad Member

Well, I happen to be enjoying the game quite a bit thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Would it possible if one day a week there was a time when EVERY POI PvP window was open? Might provide some interesting content?

Goblin Squad Member

Still having fun!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, I'm having tons of much so, I bought a second account!

IMHO PFO is a great game and getting better all the time....can't wait for outposts and holdings to be fully implemented!

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tink wrote:

I think you will find that that is Pocohontas that he is describing.

I trust this is not a purposeful racial slur. Either way, I am offended.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I only play PFO because I am a TT player and enjoy Pathfinder TT. If/when PFO becomes what some have suggested - simply one large group of wolves fighting another large group of wolves - I will stop playing, which means I won't be playing any MMOs. I think this is the case for others currently playing the game as well. I am enjoying myself, the game mechanics and the people I have met while playing the game but the main attraction is that it is set in Golorion, NOT that it is an MMO sandbox thing or whatever you call it. Yes, I get that the *vision* is for PvP anytime/anywhere and that many people believe it is healthy/better to have it so (including Ryan), but I feel that GW needs to be aware of who is actually playing the game and crowdforge appropriately. I think people like me have a place in this game just as much as the highly competitive people who want the PvP challenge/rush do. I just think GW needs to walk a delicate line in balancing the enjoyment of all the various play-styles, and, besides the tragedy at BWG, I think they have done a pretty good job of it so far. I hope they continue to do so as the game advances and that we can keep lots of diverse players rather than loose them.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

GW should also be open to the possibility that their player base may want to crowdforge the game toward making PvP more difficult and making it easier for people to get in, create something through their own play-style and then have the buy-in needed to want to defend it.

Goblin Squad Member

This makes me sad, and I think the game is the lesser for it.

Goblin Squad Member

Goodbye Mr. Spock...and thank-you.

Goblin Squad Member

Little used is prefered, but not essential. Price is no object - PM me for details!

Goblin Squad Member

Incredibly useful - many thanks good sir!

Goblin Squad Member

A force for good and committed to promoting positive gameplay - come join us!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, I appologize - you're right it wasn't a very nice thing to say and furthermore it seems you would be missed indeed. I will say that I wouldn't miss the complaining though. I happen to be enjoying the game quite a bit the way it is and am looking forward to the changes and improvements that GW will continue to make. For the most part my interactions with just about everyone in game have been pleasant and positive; the only exception to this being Gol trying (and mostly succeeding) in killing me for no apparent reason.

Goblin Squad Member

You could leave the game Gol; you wouldn't be missed.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Thanks but not thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Great idea Hoffman! I have a limited play window today but will try to make it up to Thorn Keep to say hi and help out if I can.

Goblin Squad Member

Everyone knows gnomes are easily stimulated.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What was the phrase someone used? Cry me a dry river?

Or was it something about throwing the first stone?

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Phyllain wrote:

*shrugs* Maybe if people stopped changing their armor color to match ours it wouldn't be as much of a problem.

A favorite tactic of many...

Goblin Squad Member

To the victor go the spoils.

If you are only just now scouting that area then your *scouting* company needs a kick in the pants. No one to blame but yourself on that.

Goblin Squad Member

Hate people who *get bored* and so just go looking for players to attack (grief) on a whim? Well then, The Emperyean Order is the place for you! Come join us!!

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
I suspect a lot of us are still training our muscle memory for attack patterns. I'm clumsily pawing at a keyboard and a trackball, and I'm lucky to successfully launch my utilities, much less their upstairs neighbors.

Serious PvP types will have the attack patterns macro programmed to a single key on their gaming keyboard.

... just saying

I have no idea how you macro program your attack patterns. Sounds like people like me who do not know how (and really don't care to learn) are going to be mowed down by those that do? Is this *out-of-game techno advantage* at all preventable from GWs side? Ganking/griefing aside (which, as I have said elsewhere, is psychopathic/sociopathic behavior) is everyone who does not *macro program* the most potent attack combos on the most efficient min/maxed character at a hopeless disadvantage in this game when confronting banditry or settlement wars?

Goblin Squad Member

So which is it: Golgatha killed the group who stopped the people who were botting (which I believe is against the TOS?) or Golgatha killed a bunch of low-life Gankers?

Goblin Squad Member

Well, I guess we will see how the game develops. I have no problem with banditry and am interested in seeing how they implement SAD. I also have no problem with one nation annexing territory via conquest or defending their own. However, killing PCs just for the sake of killing them is psychopathic behavior (and anti-fun) and has no more place in the game then it does in society.

Goblin Squad Member

Why is it causing you grief?

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kyutaru wrote:

A preview of PVP in the post-patch future:

You are out farming mobs or harvesting, obviously with several friends nearby. The puller takes the next mob group, then dies rather quickly. Perhaps you have overestimated this group's strength? No, you were certain only two purples existed and neither are mages.

Meanwhile, a Longbow-wielding Daredevil in Archer armor with MoO: Suffer and Stop enters Stealth once again and retreats to a safe distance, hopefully not having been noticed while the rest of your group was handling the camp mobs.

After a number of suspiciously unsuccessful pulls, you realize what's happening and advance the Logs agenda on the crowdforging site.

Anyone, anywhere, anytime; you can and will die to assassins, but will you even notice?

Unless they have been specifically hired to kill that person or are defending territory, why would anyone play the game like that? Just to make other players miserable? Why would anyone play a game just to make other people have less fun?

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think in the long run we will loose more people than we gain if the game becomes too heavily weighted toward non-consensual PvP. We certainly need some, but the Devs need to be very careful what side of the line they initially come down on, especially (as others have said) right up around the end of month 4.

Goblin Squad Member

....and this with the *benevolent* ruler bathing in the blood behind the tide? The very stones of the mountains and roots of the trees shall stand against the selfish evil that is Golgatha and support all the people and races that oppose it!

Goblin Squad Member

In which case it may be a shorter lived game than we all hope for.

Goblin Squad Member

We need active players actively governing their settlements; I wholeheartedly approve of your endeavors!

Goblin Squad Member

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:


Allow me to explain everything you need to know about PFO.

1) Travel to Golgotha.

2) Obey Benevolent Dictator.

There is nothing benevolent in evil; it is and always will be selfish by definition.

Goblin Squad Member

Well said Pino!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Pm sent

Indeed - thanks for the working font link!

Links seem broken...could anyone repair? Am beginning RotRL today!

What bigrig said! +1

Hey Gary - could you please send me a code so I can get book two from DriveThruRPG?
I am going to beg now - PLEASE send me the code so I can get what I paid you for over a year ago...please? I've tried contacting you in ever conceivable manner and have been met with complete radio silence. Are you really a crook and a thief, because it certainly seems that way from my perspective.

Goblin Squad Member

Come join us if you want to take part in actively working toward making the game world a FUN place to play! Join TEO itself or ally your own company with us!

Goblin Squad Member

+1 to the above sentiments.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the welcome gents!

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:

Conversely, what we definitely DON'T want are ACTUAL bad guys. People who are only in the game to cause problems for other people because they think it is fun.

It would not take very much of this to cause me to abandon the game, despite the amount of money I pledged during the KS. Never having played an MMO maybe this is naive, but nevertheless will likely be how I react to it.

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