
DireMerc's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 9,620 posts (9,973 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 28 aliases.

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So you pay cash then

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I'm around if you guys wanna continue. Feeling better now. Symptoms have mostly gone.

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Hmm, The vampire armor is actually an Item I converted from DND 5E as I couldn't find a comparable item in pathfinder. When I did so I was under the impression vampires were immune to cold but looking into it now it seems they are not.

The original armor in 5E deals necrotic damage which vampires are immune to (but not healed) and the most direct conversion would be negative energy damage which I felt would be overpowered since it would heal him so I decided on cold damage instead.

That being said let's say that the armor grants any undead wearing it resistance to cold 20.

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"Killer of nine men" doesn't mean he never killed anything else ;P

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Examining the schematics and looking over the golem Casta makes a list of what needs to be done to repair it.


1. The Eye – Artephius even if activated would be blind. Its single glass lens has been shattered. The lens is entirely present however and so
could be repaired using the make whole spell. Failing that, a new lens matching the exacting specifications of the schematics could be bought. It would cost 500 gp.

2. The Brain – Artephius needs a new human, dwarven, elven, half-orc or half-elven brain. No other race will do – they are not the right size and
attunement. It need not be from a living person. Someone who died in the last twenty four hours from natural causes will do. Of course, murder is always an option. The difficulty is installing it. A successful Craft (Alchemy) skill check (DC 20) is required to install the brain. You get two chances to a make this roll. If both of them fail, the brain has died and a new one must be sought.

3. The Heart Cog – Artephius’ mithral heart cog is missing. Missing this critical component, Artephius will not activate. A new cog will
have to be made. Fortunately, the exact shape is described in the schematics. 500 gp worth of mithral will suffice to make the heart cog. A
smith would do the delicate work for 10% of the mithral’s value (50 gp). Regardless, a Craft (smith) skill check (DC 20) is required.

4. The Reservoir – Artephius needs a new glass reservoir where the four primal reagents can mingle and power the golem. The glass reservoir was smashed during the battle and now the pieces are missing so make whole is of no help. However, there is a spare reservoir amongst the smashed remains of the alchemist’s gear. A craft (alchemy) skill check (DC 20) will identify the reservoir for what it is. Once that is done, installation is a simple matter requiring no skill check.

5. The Reagent of Fire – Artephius needs ten doses
of alchemist’s fire.

6. The Reagent of Ice – Artephius needs ten doses
of alchemist’s ice.

7. The Reagent of Acid – Artephius needs ten doses of a potent acid.

8. The Reagent of Electricity – Artephius needs a large supply of lightning elemental blood.

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Any loot acquired before this point in the campaign doesn't need to be shared with the new players but items can be given to them at your discretion.

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Well, I think I waited long enough.

I wanted to see character backgrounds and personalities to decide.

I really like Mightypion's concept and while I tend to favor new players the character Lapyd submitted the bard Arboretta is interested but not really what I'm looking for with the current party and we do need a trap person so I'm gonna have to go with Casta Riled.

I'll PM you guys to work out some details and look to bring you into the game fairly soon.

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Alright I actually decided to take a different route with it but here is my special version of the class just for you. If you want to stick to antipaladin that's fine the choice is yours I just did this for fun.

Angel Of Death
Death angels are heartless soldiers who have turned to worship devilish powers to fight for what they believe in. These devils reward the company’s elite with infernal powers.

Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a death angel, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: any evil
Armor Proficiency: Proficient with heavy armor.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Quickdraw, Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade), Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Gender: Female.
Class Skills
The death angel’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table: death Angel
Level BAB FS RS WS Special
1st +1 +1 +0 +1 Hardened heart, maiden’s arms
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Tyrant’s discipline
3rd +3 +2 +1 +2 Armored angel
4th +4 +2 +1 +2 Tyrant’s discipline, Rope Control
5th +5 +3 +2 +3 Eye of Alertness
6th +6 +3 +2 +3 Tyrant’s discipline
7th +7 +4 +2 +4 Mystique
8th +8 +4 +3 +4 Tyrant’s discipline
9th +9 +5 +3 +5 Hollowness
10th +10 +5 +3 +5 Angel of Death, tyrant’s discipline

Class Features
The following are class features of the death angel prestige class.

Hardened Heart (Ex)
A death angel adds twice her class level to the DC of any attempt to Intimidate her.

Maiden’s Arms(Ex)
A death angel combines the use of a sword and bow in combat. When using a sword in one hand and keeping the other hand free she can switch between her sword and a bow or from bow to sword as a single swift action.

At 5th level, she can call upon the flames of hell to enhance her weapons. Her weapons gains a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming weapon property. These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack.

Tyrant’s Discipline (Ex)
At 2nd level, a death angel draws upon her indoctrination, tactical training, and devotion to tyranny to develop potent talents. A death angel selects a discipline from the following list at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Castling: When the sanguine angel takes a 5-foot step, she can step into the space of a willing, adjacent ally. If she does, that ally immediately takes a 5-foot step into the sanguine angel’s former space without spending an action to do so. This doesn't provoke any attacks of opportunity.

Driving Assault: When making a full attack, the sanguine angel can take a -2 penalty on melee attack rolls for 1 round. If she does, the first time in that round that she hits a creature of her size or smaller with a melee attack, she can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check to push the creature back 5 feet. She gains a +2 bonus on this combat maneuver check and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when performing the bull rush, but regardless of the result, she cannot push the target further than 5 feet. If the sanguine angel pushes a creature in this way, she can immediately make a single attack with her longbow.

Erinyes Fury: The death angel can enter a dispassionate, murderous state. This functions as the dreadnought barbarian’s dead calm ability and is usable for a number of rounds each day equal to twice her class level. If the death angel has levels in barbarian and has the dreadnought archetype, her sanguine angel levels instead stack with her barbarian levels to determine the duration of her rage.

Furious Huntress: The death angel adds her Strength bonus, rather than her Dexterity bonus, to attack rolls made with bows.

Kinslayer: The death angel gains favored enemy (humanoids [humans] +2), as per the ranger ability. If the sanguine angel already has the same favored enemy bonus from another class, her existing bonus instead increases by 2.

Merciless Massacre: When the death angel hits a cowering or panicked creature with a melee attack or reduces a creature to negative hit points with a melee attack, as a swift action she can deal additional damage to that creature equal to 1d8 + her class level.

Queen’s Sword: The death angel’s weapon training bonus with heavy blades increases by 1. The sanguine angel must have at least 4 levels in this prestige class and have the weapon training (heavy blades) class feature to select this discipline. The sanguine angel can select this discipline a second time when her class level is 8th level or higher.

Unyielding: While wearing Heavy Armor, the death angel gains DR 1/-. The character must have at least 6 levels in this prestige class to select this discipline. The damage reduction increases to DR/2 at 8th level and to DR/3 at 10th level. This damage reduction does not stack with damage reduction granted by other sources.

Armored Angel (Ex)
At 3rd level, a sanguine angel gains the armor training class feature, treating her class level as her fighter level while wearing heavy armor. If the sanguine angel has levels in another class that grants the armor training class feature, the levels stack to determine its benefits, but only when she is wearing heavy armor.

Rope control (Su)
at 4th level, a death angel can bind herself to a 50 foot lenght of rope with a ceremony that takes 1 hour. She can only have a bond with one rope at a time. Once bonded she can control the rope to entangle opponents of any size as an animate rope spell. A death angel can hurl her rope 30 feet with no range penalty. At 8th level she can command the rope to become wrapped in fire as a free action, an entangle creature take 1d6 fire damage per round while entangled.

Eye of Alertness (Su)
death angel’s keen eyes pierce all deception. At 5th level, a death angel gains Alertness as a bonus feat and gains a +4 profane bonus on Will saves against illusions. In addition, once per day as a swift action, the death angel can take 1d4 points of Charisma damage to gain the benefits of the true seeing spell for a number of rounds equal to her class level.

Mystique (Ex and Sp)
At 7th level, a death angel gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against targets of the same creature type as the death angel. Once per day, the death angel can use dominate person as a spell-like ability (CL = her character level).

Hollowness (Ex)
At 9th level, a death angel gains Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, she gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against emotion and pain effects, and she is immune to fear effects.

Angel of Death (Su)
At 10th level, a death angel’s type changes to outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful), and Hell becomes her native plane. She gains fire resistance 30, telepathy with a range of 50 feet, and the see in darkness universal monster ability. Ebon-feathered wings emerge from the death angel’s back, granting her a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability.

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Ahh cause I didn't put it in the folder for the game.
this should work

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Yes it does become a class skill going forward.

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Gonna update it soon. Had my first session with my real life group in just about 4-5 months was fun even if it was a little awkward and first everyone looking at their character sheets beings like "I don't remember what this guy can do" lol

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Having been convicted of various crimes against the nation of Last Wall.

You were all arrested and brought here to Branderscar prison near the town on Vigil. Build on a large rock in the middle of a lake this was once a castle that was re-purposed into a prison.

This prison is famous for three reason.

1. Every prisoner who is bough here is expected to serve a life sentence or is executed.

2. All prisoners are branded when they arrive.

3. No prisoner has ever escape.

You sit in your cell for the moment with nothing better to do but await your fate.

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So reviewing the submissions I have seen so far I am leaning towards this as the party.

I like the character from Joy (Arielle Windsong the bard)

I also like the character from Cuchulainn (Coriandrinne Vespida Anti-Paladin of Calistria)

Dark one the drow is bringing a kobolt druid bent on destroying civilizations.

Stanislav Greymist (submitted by Skorn) A fighter turning vampire.

Anthorn has a Dhampir Unchained Rogue

And rorek 55 is making a necromancer themed arcanist

Yes, I think this is who I will be going with. Anyone else can submit a concept for a character that I will keep as a backup in case someone drops out or if I decide to open another game (hell's enforcers perhaps I bought all the books and never even finished part 1) but I wont be starting up another until I get the ball rolling on these two.

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Hmm alright lets do a first edition evil game loosely based on way of the wicked (and incorporating some elements from the tyrant's grasp adventure which I just learned about last night and purchased lol). It will begin at level 1 with the characters in prison and take place in Lastwall. Your characters should have a strong grudge against the government of lastwall.

The campaign will begin level 1
20 point buy (minimum 6 for a stat max 18 before racial)
1000 starting gold.
pick your gear but you start with no equipment and can retrieve it later.

For those looking for a challenge.

Based on an adventure called the thunder below.

You are a group of experienced adventurers with several successful adventures under your belt when you receive a message from some acquaintances of yours. The Sarwals are some of the most powerful wizards in the entire world and their daughter Arezi sarwal a wizarding prodigy in her own right who can cast 5th level spells and she is only 16 years old has vanished. All their attempts to located her have failed and so they turn to you for help.

Your on your way now to go to their mountain castle near the village of sarwal to find out more.

campaign start at level 15
25 point buy
250 000 starting gold (cannot spend more than 75 000 gold on a single item)

Feel free to submit a character for either or both.

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Will resume posting more soon I'm working a double shift this week so doing six 12 hours shifts in a row with 1 day off which is gonna be on halloween.

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I'm sure you will have plenty of chances for that lol Illusion can be very useful in the right situations just not so much in others.

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lol good stuff. Heck I had one group decide to make Oleg and Sletvanna king and queen lol.

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You all spend the next few hours having drinks eating food and mingling with the other visitors at the tavern.

Aubrin is in the middle of yet another tale "So there I am, thinking, when will I ever be able to talk to a bear again? So before the grizzly can stand back up, I turn to it and say- in bear mind you "All I need is the honey. You can keep the bees!" The
room erupts into laughter as Aubrin finishes her winding story and takes another draught from her tankard. "But it’s fine now. All's good. She named a cub after me. Someday I’m going to have to check in on little "Ow Oh Gods That’s Too Many Bees”. Crowd members share their own boasts and jokes, but eventually someone tops off Aubrin’s tankard and pushes her back into the center of the room.

“All right, all right! Don’t shove,” she slurs a bit. “Okay, Cayden strike me down if this isn’t true—“ The front door explodes into splinters. A cry of agony pierces the chaos. Aubrin lies on the floor, gasping and clutching at the blood gushing from a wound at her shoulder were her right arm used to be attached.

A ballista bolt still quivers in the wall behind her and it's pinning Oleg to the wall having hit him right in the chest.

Two hobgoblins in military dress stand beyond the shattered door, blades drawn. Behind them, lit by the glow of burning homes, dozens—perhaps hundreds—of hobgoblin soldiers march the street. Phaendar burns, shouts of celebration now replaced by the panicked screams of the frightened and dying. Behind them, right in the middle of the green market rises a tower of black stone seemingly rising up out out of the ground.

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Hmm what I may do is replace Krazok with a human-half dragon sorcerer make him an npc and have him be in charge for now at least.

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My girlfriend's mother passed away yesterday morning from a heart attack after a battle with cancer that lasted seven months I will be too busy to post for a few days I think.

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Also your final member is Aurora Yuuki Leona Aiba a VMC cleric/Titan? I'm gonna get the details sorted out but I trust the player Azure_Zero.

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Back now. Just arrived a few hours ago. I will resume posting tomorrow.

Met Stan lee, Mark hamill, william shatner, john barrowman, Christoper lloyd, Morena Baccarin, Alex kingston, Kate Mulgrew, George Takei, Brent Spiner, Scott wilson, Alan Tudyk (he was great took a photo with him) and Jewel Staite. Got a lot of autographs and some photos. I also had a rather long conversation with Ron Rubin, great guy.

Saw The cn tower in toronto ate at the 360 restaurant, visited the aquarium and a few other attractions and made a trip to niagara falls as well.

Overall was a pretty great trip.

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Whew well I am officially a homeowner. My Gf and I just moved into our first house this weekend. I'm gonna miss the city but I do love the view and the nearby beach.

The House

The view

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Whew well I am officially a homeowner. My Gf and I just moved into our first house this weekend. I'm gonna miss the city but I do love the view and the nearby beach.

The House

The view

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So tomorrow it will have been three years since I started running games on Paizo.

I want to take a moment to thank all you for being a part of my game and for sticking around even when my busy schedule prevents me from posting as often as I would like.

Since I started on Paizo I have run 13 games. One made it to a successful conclusion, one ended in a TPK, 4 disbanded and 7 are still ongoing.

Again thank you for sticking around and while I may need to take some time off here and there I will always be back to keep it moving along so long as people are willing to play. I enjoy creating these stories with you and seeing how players react to the challenges I give them gives me great joy.

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Alright so for now just post applications like so:

Faction: Rebel or Enforcer
Character name:
Class: (variant or future prestige class if applicable)
Background (can be as long or as short as you want)

Feel free to post a full character sheet in a spoiler tag if you went ahead and made one.

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Looks like we have plenty of interest. I'm still trying to figure how to set it up. Last time I did this was on a site called Salroth were I was able to have multiple treads in the same campaign which made it easy to have separate parties in the same game.

my last pvp game if your interested:

The last campaign I ran had both groups competing for fragments on a powerful artefact (kinda like the shattered star campaign). The evil side got the first kill around the time both groups were level 7 by purchasing three scrolls of lesser planar ally and summoning three bearded devils and leaving them to ambush the good party after claiming an artefact first (they had become aware another group was after the same thing previously).

There were no more deaths after that for a while even after one direct confrontation that had to be cut short as the building was coming down around them and eventually the evil party came across a staff of power which the wizard wanted to claim but everyone else wanted to sell so the wizard took the staff and teleported away leaving the evil party.

Honestly I was shocked it took that long before evil party

The evil wizard then tipped off the good party of the plans of the rest of the evil party which led to them being ambushed by the good party at the site of the final fragment and being nearly wiped out and then the evil mage tried to ambush the good party with some minions of his own) succeeding in killing two of them but ultimately being forced to retreat. In the end only those three members were still alive but good got all the fragments and won the game and we ended it there.

Even so nobody really complained and all had a good time.

The whole thing lasted like two years of real life time and a few months in game going from level 1 to 14-15.

Feel free to throw me some character concepts.

On the side of evil I definitely want an inquisitor and I'd like someone who is interested in becoming a diabolist or an assassin.

For good a divine caster or paladin of Cayden Cailean would be neat or a follower of Sarenrae. All in all make what you want but I will be choosing characters to try and make an interesting an diverse cast of characters on both sides.

Background story is a big plus.

Also starting wealth is 3000 gold.

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Hey so lately my posting has been a bit off game. I currently work two full time jobs one overnight and the other during the day sleeping 4 hours before and after my daytime job and working all night. I am somewhat burned out lol.

This is temporary and I should return to a sane schedule at the end of this month.

Just letting you know what is going on.

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One of my friends always says when in doubt crowbar

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26 years old since 4 hours ago! Yay. Post will be made whenever I wake up tomorrow.

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Try to include their backstories into the adventure. Do they have old enemies? Have them show up. Families? Involve them somehow. Have npc characters interact with them directly to force them to respond. If their character plays a pivotal role in the adventure they will be more interested and more likely to want to hop in maybe even lead.

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It is leaking out powerful necromancy magic.

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You wake up early in the morning knowing that today was an important day.

Today you are are going to travel to Promise the only settlement of any significance on the island and you are going to take the test of citizenship. If you fail you will be exiled from the island, which to some might seem enviable. Life in hope is rather dull afterall.

Each day is spent either doing chores of training with your mentors. Old warriors who push you to be the best you can be insisting that it's important that you be ready. When you ask them for what they avoid the question often saying for the test of citizenship but you have a feeling there is more too it.

You look at your birthmark on your wrist and for a moment it seems to shimmer. You pause. It never did that before. You spend some time examining it but it stays inert...Was it just your imagination?

You hear your master calling for you to get ready and there is no time to ponder you and the other youths of the village need to get ready for the trip to the city.

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Reposting the trait upgrades for reference:

Chance Encounter (Trickster): The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Ref lex saves. By expending one use of mythic power, the PC can take 20 on an Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check without an increase in the time required to make the check.

Child of the Crusades (Marshal): The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Will saves. Whenever he successfully saves against a mind-affecting effect from a demon, as an immediate action the PC can expend one use of mythic power to cause the demon to become staggered for a number of rounds equal to the PC’s mythic tier. The demon can reduce this effect to 1 round by making a successful Will save (DC = 10 + the PCs’ mythic tier + the PC’s Charisma modifier).

Exposed to Awfulness (Guardian): The PC gains +3 hit points per level. When she is reduced to negative hit points by an attack or effect from a demon, as an immediate action the PC can expend one use of mythic power to heal damage equal to 2d6 + twice her mythic tier. This healing occurs after the damage is done—if the damage is enough to kill the PC, she cannot activate this ability.

Riftwarden Orphan (Archmage): The PC gains a +4 trait bonus on caster level checks to penetrate a demon’s spell resistance. Once per day, he can recharge a charged magic item by expending one use of mythic power. Doing so adds a number of charges equal to 1d10 + his mythic tier to the item, up to its normal maximum number of charges.

Stolen Fury (Champion): The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. By expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, she can ignore a single demon’s damage reduction for 1 minute, and increases the critical
multiplier of any weapon she wields against that demon by 1.

Touched by Divinity (Hierophant): The PC can select a second domain granted by his affiliated deity. He can use the 1st-level spells of both domains as spell-like abilities a number of times per day each equal to his mythic tier. By expending one use of mythic power, he may use any of these two domains’ spells as a spell-like ability, but may only use spells of a level equal to or less than his mythic tier.

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"Before we go there a few more things I need to mention. Drezen is the name of a fortress crusaders of the first crusade on the edge of the world-wound. It was meant to serve as a staging area to wipe the worldound clean but it fell a century ago as the crusaders were pushed back the demon horde. Also if the note is true and the Tower of Estrod is under cultist control then something must be done. It cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the cultists. It is a library that contains all the knowledge and research on fighting demons the crusaders have accumulated since the first crusade including information on the making and maintenance of the wardstones, the other locations are the home of Kando Nyserian and the other is unknown to me it sounds like a jewelry store but if we have a chance we should investigate these locations once we reach the surface."

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Horgus is surprised and raises his hands in a defensive posture "I don't know her...But I might have encountered a woman at a ball that shared a likeness to this woman once before...I believe she said she was a cousin of Kando Nyserian, a local noble."

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I did the creature has thus far taken 26 damage by my calculation.

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Seems obvious to me. He can only use the thunder call ability once per round regardless of what level he is.

Starting a bardic performance is not what makes the Thundercall effect happen. Maintaining it for 1 round is what makes it happen. So even if the bard has lets says 2 standard actions in his round, he still cannot use this ability twice. He can only produce one performance per round no matter how many actions he has.

Yes at level 7 he can start his bardic performance as a move action and at 13th he can do it as a swift but even if he stops and he starts it again it doesn't let him duplicate the effect a second time that round. He can however at level 13 use thundercall or call lightning and then follow that up by moving and casting a spell.

As a note when a bard is 7th level he can stop a performance and a start a new one as a move action and at 13 he can stop and start a new one as a swift. He also cannot hit them with thundercall then switch to call lightning and hit them with lightning in the same round he can go from using one to the other as a swift action but he can only produce one of the effects during that round.

He could however use Virtuoso performance to use both thundercall and call lightning at the same time at the cost of 3 rounds of performance per/round. He could however also add Exquisite Accompaniment to that and use both effects at a cost of 1 per round thereafter until Virtuoso performance expires or you run out of uses.

I hope that clears it up for you.