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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 9,620 posts (9,973 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 28 aliases.
DaJelly's Dragon's Demand (Group 1) The Bonds of Hope (inactive) The Burning Arena (inactive) Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) Diremerc's Emerald Spire (inactive) Diremerc's Iron Gods Campaign (inactive) Diremerc's Ironfang Invasion campaing (inactive) Diremerc's Kingmaker campaing (inactive) Diremerc's Ruins of the Azlant (inactive) Elder Evils (inactive) Hell's Enforcers (inactive) Hell's Rebels (inactive) The Hidden Vault (inactive) Mystery of the Keepers (inactive) The Nexus of Shadow (inactive) Nightflier's Shadows of Numeria (inactive) Rise of the Runelords (inactive) Rise of the Wicked (inactive) Shadows of Numeria (inactive) The Slumbering Tyrant (Crossing the Wasteland) (inactive) The Slumbering Tyrant (inactive) The Thunder Below (inactive) Vampire the Masquerade (inactive) Wheel of Time: Prophecies of the Dragon (inactive) The Worldwound Incursion (inactive)