DireMerc's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 9,620 posts (9,973 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 28 aliases.
So this is an Idea that's been kicking around my noggin for a while now. I did something like this a long time ago when I was still on Salroth.com and it was pretty fun.
The idea is basically this I run an Arena. You fight things, you win prizes and level up and fight more things until you die. Then you make a new character and keep going.
My original arena had about a dozen maps setup with different terrain features and allowed both PVP and PVE fights and I kept it running for about a year before I got bored and it kinda took on a life on it's own with players doing the fights themselves with other gm's helping out.
The way campaign treads are handled on here would make it a bit harder to do but I think it would still be possible. I think I can make several Gameplay treads and link them all to the same recruitment tread and ooc tread.
Anyways I'm just curious to see who would be interested in such a thing and then I can look into if I can make it work.
I read a book a long time ago and I would very much like to re-read but I cannot remember the title.
The protagonist was male elf or half-elf druid who's adventure begins when he spots a skeleton with a glowing red gem in it's ribcage he attacks it and it uses the power of the gem to summon a Tendriculos who almost kills him. He is saved by a female mage and together they chase after the skeleton who escaped.
In a nearby town the primary villain a vampire like undead with a long whip like tongue that he can use to pierced a man skulls and crush his brain from like 20 feet away while he is casting fireballs has awoken from an underground crypt and is wreacking havoc. The gem is his and the skeleton (one of several) was one of many heading towards him.
That's about all I can remember.
It was a forgotten realms or pathfinder novel I read it about 10 years ago at my college library.
If you know what novel this is please let me know.
You are a group of experienced adventurers with several successful adventures under your belt when you receive a message from some acquaintances of yours. The Sarwals are some of the most powerful wizards in the entire world and their daughter Arezi sarwal a wizarding prodigy in her own right who can cast 5th level spells at the tender age of 16 has vanished. All their attempts to located her have failed and so they turn to you for help.
You are on your way now to go to their mountain castle near the village of Sarwal to find out more. A tad inconvenient is the fact that strange magical interfere in the area makes magical travel directly to the castle impossible. As such you had to travel to the outskirts if the area and travel the rest of the distance on foot (or by mount)
Your not aware of the exact source of the interference but it was here before the Sarwals built their castle and had something to do with why they chose to give up adventuring and retire to this place. The village itself is relatively new it sprung up shortly after the castle did. This place was far too dangerous before because of the local orcs and giant population that reside in the mountains but once the two most powerful wizards in the nation decided to set up a residence here those quickly vacated the area and it became safe to build a village here and so it was name after it's protectors.
You start as a group who have had a few adventures together already, animators character had a last minute errand to run and will catch up later. Make a quick intro post will continue once you each made a post to dot the tread.
Out of character discussion/announcements
So you might have noticed my posting times are a little odd.
I am located in Eastern time (Atlantic Canada) but I work nights so I tend to sleep during the day and do most of my posting during Australian time. I mostly keep to that schedule tough when I have time off I sometimes revert back to sleeping at night and being awake during the day but I try to avoid that as it makes thing harder on me when it's time to start working again lol.
Out of character discussion/announcements
So you might have noticed my posting times are a little odd.
I am located in Eastern time (Atlantic Canada) but I work nights so I tend to sleep during the day and do most of my posting during Australian time. I mostly keep to that schedule tough when I have time off I sometimes revert back to sleeping at night and being awake during the day but I try to avoid that as it makes thing harder on me when it's time to start working again lol.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Having been convicted of various crimes against the nation of Last Wall.
You were all arrested and brought here to Branderscar prison near the town on Vigil. Build on a large rock in the middle of a lake this was once a castle that was re-purposed into a prison.
This prison is famous for three reason.
1. Every prisoner who is bough here is expected to serve a life sentence or is executed.
2. All prisoners are branded when they arrive.
3. No prisoner has ever escape.
You sit in your cell for the moment with nothing better to do but await your fate.
Here is the scenario.
I am a gm and I am making a custom creature.
This creature a demon has an ability that whenever it touches a person or object it places a "cursed mark" on it.
He can then use an action to detonate every mark in a certain range dealing fire damage.
Lets say he attacks with his claws on someone in full plate with a tower shield with 30 ac and 12 touch ac and hits ac 25.
Would that then place a mark on their armor or shield?
Would you say this is valid or no? You opinions?
Recruitment for the thunder below campaign.
Been away for a while got some time on my hands at the moment and think starting up a game or two would be fun.
I haven't run an evil campaign in a while so that's something that might be interesting.
I find combat heavy games tend to slow things down a little too much so I'm looking for something a little more on the roleplay side.
Perhaps a more short term game that starts at a higher level.
I remember I had an old character that was based on the character Nastu Dragneel from fairytail.
He had a number of abilties including the ability to freeze a spell in midair as it was cast as somsone near him and then to consume the spell.
He also had the ability to drain the magic from magic items to fuel his own spells.
Things I do not remember what class archtype he was pretty sure it was wizard but could have been a sorcerer.
Maybe someone knows?
So here my scenario, a huge black dragon is flying. He has snatch.
He attacks a character and hits and grapples him.
They are flying over a lake can the dragon then stop flying and drop into the water dragging the character down with him?
In the same round I mean.
Fort Inevitable stands on the rolling plains near the West Sellen River, close to the forest. This is a rich and gentle land; the town is surrounded by green pastures and wide, golden fields of grain. A strong stone wall with battlements and gatehouses protects Fort Inevitable, and within this formidable defense, the town is an orderly collection of two- and three-story stone houses and workshops with roofs of red tile or blue slate. If the streets seem a little cheerless and drab, at least they’re paved with good cobblestones and cleared regularly.
Nothing epitomizes the essential nature of Fort Inevitable as aptly as the stone citadel of the Hellknights, which looms over the town. There is no difference between martial law and civil authority in Fort Inevitable. The senior officer of the garrison rules as the lord or lady commander, directly overseeing civic administration as well as exercising military command. The current commander is a stern, middle-aged Chelish woman named Paralictor Audara Drovust. She is the commanding officer of the Order of the Pike’s chapter in the Crusader Road region, ruler of the Citadel, high magistrate, tax assessor, director of public works, keeper of the treasury, and chief regulator of business and commerce. No important aspect of the town’s life and activity is left outside the lady commander’s direct authority.
Fort Inevitable may be an oppressive place to live, but the Hellknights are not mindlessly brutal or vindictive. They crack down viciously on public disorder, enforce curfews, and tightly regulate commerce and transactions, but they don’t harass honest travelers. But it’s a good idea to guard your tongue and watch your step while inside its hard stone walls.
However for you this place is only a temporary stop to another destination.
Six miles northeast of Fort Inevitable lies one of the deepest and strangest dungeons to be found anywhere in the lands of the Inner Sea—the Emerald Spire. Like an iceberg, this weird structure shows only a small portion of itself above the surface; level upon level of hidden vaults and mysterious crypts lie buried deep below the ground. Few of the people living in Fort Inevitable or the surrounding lands have even the slightest inkling of the dungeon’s true extent, let alone its astounding age. Standing in a wide clearing within the Echo Wood, the Emerald Spire is the ruin of a large Azlanti tower that appears to be made of green glass harder than stone. The upper portions of the tower were destroyed long ago, leaving broken, half melted glass blocks lying jumbled around the tower’s perimeter and the ground nearby. The site is well known to locals from both Fort Inevitable and Thornkeep, and many travelers passing through the Crusader Road area make the trek into the forest to look on the ruins—from a safe distance. The Spire’s ruins are known to be infested with dangerous monsters, and the surroundings attract an unhealthy number of bandits, raiders, and hungry predators.
Even so many still make the short hike from Thornkeep or Fort Inevitable to at least poke around the surface ruins and admire the old Azlanti structure. A good number venture into the first level or so, and beat a hasty retreat when they discover that dungeoneering is not to be taken lightly. In fact, more than a few bandits have taken to watching the Spire Glen, so they can rob easy targets who escape the dungeon: bands of neophytes, sightseers, or exhausted parties of veterans in no condition for another fight.
Still stories of the hidden treasures and magical relics hidden in the ruins continue to spread and more adventurers hoping to find their fame and fortune arrive everyday to challenge the emerald spire and it's many dangers.
The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence. These eruptions are presaged by about an hour of soft rumbling, giving nearby smiths a chance to retreat before the fires can consume them. At all other times, the violet energies allow for the smelting of all manner of skymetal. Torch is one of the only locations where skymetal can be worked with relative ease outside of Starfall, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames, with traveling smiths coming from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for while the town’s distance from Starfall makes it inconvenient for the Technic League to maintain a permanent presence here, the taxes and tariffs it charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are significant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income does not belong to it. Which is why, when the fires atop the hill suddenly go out, the town is in trouble.
It has now been over two weeks since the town's namesake torch has gone out. Since then the town council has hired several groups of adventurers and mercenaries and sent them into the cavern complex under the town to try and reach the source of the flame and find out why the torch has gone out. Without that flame the town is doomed. So far 4 expeditions have been sent and only one returned. the Council is now preparing a 5th expedition with the dual purpose of finding out what happened to the other 4, and completing the original task if possible.
You are among the people that have gathered to take part in the 5th expedition.
recruitment is currently closed.
So we will begin with introductions. Can each player make a post describing your character a bit and your role in the fledgling kingdom.
Submit a character here if you would be interested in doing the Iron gods campaign.
I will be making a few changes to the story turning it more into a robot uprising scenario but it will be around 80-90% as written in the AP
It's really big and it's full of stuff that can kill and probably will you.
You want to try it?
* Stats Generation? -20 point buy
* HP after first level? -roll it and re-roll 1's
* Races allowed? -I'm ok with 90% of races I will let you know I have a problem with that you picked
* Classes and archetypes allowed? -no restrictions there
* Traits and Drawbacks? -2 traits no drawbacks
* Starting Gold? -normal starting gold
* Background Skills? nope
* Young Characters? nope
* Ability scores adjustments by age categories? -yes but I do not stack them so bonuses and penalties would be.
-1 physical abilities, +1 mental abilities at middle age
-3 physical abilities, +2 mental abilities at old age
-6 phys +3 mental at venerable
* Templates? -maybe ask me about the template and I will let you know
* any 3rd party stuff allowed? -ask me and I will decided depending on what it is
* any house rules?
-Casting: When casting a spell defensibly if you fail your concentration check you do not automatically lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell if you succeed the check the spell completes normally.
any other questions?
We will begin once I have chosen 4-6 characters for this adventure.
ooc discussion for this game
The tiny town of Phaendar in Nirmathas has persisted in some form or another for three centuries, ever since the construction of its eponymous bridge over the Marideth River made it a minor stopping point on Cheliax’s trade road to what were once the nation’s northern colonies. Over the years, the town’s population has rarely risen above a few hundred souls, and very little has changed even now, despite a war for independence raging just three days’ march to the south. Beyond its location as a crossroads between the Nesmian Plains and the Hollow Hills, Phaendar offers little military value. The lack of walls makes it impossible to hold; the flat land allows citizens to see armies approaching a day in advance and flee into the woods; and the river it overlooks is choked with rapids and barely navigable. Only someone wildly overambitious or a tactical genius would find any value in this exposed underbelly of a farm town. This is were you find yourself this particular day as the town is having a small festival. The 2-day affair, the Market festival as is it called in more or less a gathering of a bunch of traveling merchants, traders and craftsmen that all meet up at this spot once a year and put their wagons in a circle in the middle of town and they try to sell the wares they couldn't sell during the year of at a discount. The townspeople usually join in and there is food, music and drink as well as several stalls from the locals as well.
You're currently staying at the Inn called the Taproot Inn having traveled here with a merchant called Aubrin who was worried because hobgoblins had been sighted along the road in the area. The trip was uneventful however and you were not needed. In any case Aubrin has given you leave to do as you please for the next two days and paid you rooms at the Inn. He has also offered to hire you as security on the return trip as well if you interested.
While this might be your intro you can select a different one as well. You can be a local if you so chose to be, or maybe your just passing trough
Hello we will get started once I've selected six characters to be part of this adventure.
It is another morning aboard the peregrine a three masted sailing ship. It has been six weeks since the ship set sail from Almas in Andoren with a hold full of provisions and tools and equipment and a group of eager colonist and scholars. Today the Peregrin should arrive at the newly established colony of Talmandor's Bounty to drop of it's cargo before returning to Almas to pick up the next group.
The colony of Talmandor’s Bounty is first and foremost a financial venture. The desire to spread freedom and democracy across Golarion is definitely part of the settlement’s mandate; nevertheless, the resources necessary to settle an island far from the mainland are not inconsiderable. Talmandor’s Bounty has two primary sponsors: the Andoren government, and a newly formed finance company named the Bountiful Venture Company. Each person going has his or her own reason for going, the Bountiful Venture Company has made many promises of land and profits to anyone willing to take a chance.
I am returning after taking a break for a few months.
I have two ideas I'm interested in. One is a a good vs evil campaign with two group one good the other evil the two groups will fight on opposing sides of the same war but not fight each other directly (at least not till the very end!) This adventure uses a lot of content from the hell's rebels and the hell vengeance campaigns with a lot of my own content added in. (starting level 3) I tried this one before I started it at level 1 last time and I found that it was taking too long to get everyone ready and people started disappearing and losing interest so I will try to speed it up a bit and get to the good part faster.
The second one I don't want to spoil to much as I think the adventure is best played going in blind but I will say the the players will be captured and enslaved and must find a way to escape from a very difficult location. (starting level 5) this one is fairly short but should be a good bit of fun.
I think I will leave it at those two for now and see how many players turn up but I am also looking at different AP's to see which ones I can run. I am currently running the wrath of righteous and iron gods and I've done, crimson thrones, council of thieves, rise of the runelords, second darkness, legacy of fire, Kingmaker, serpents skull, jade regent, skulls and shackles, hell rebels and hell's vengeance.
I am thinking of running ironfang invasion or giantslayers next.
The party in my game has recently acquired a Mirror of life trapping
However they do not know the command words. The wizards would like to try and learn the command words to activate/deactivate the mirror to speak to the occupants and to free them if he needs to.
Would he be able to do this with research? I think not personally maybe with divination magic but he doesn't really have any spells that would do the job.
I am running a game were I am having the characters go up against people that wield the powers of Allomancy and one boss who will also have Feruchemy.
Now how these powers will work in pathfinder is what I am a bit struggling with.
Anyone know if there is a system in place for mistborn rolepaying, is it compatible with pathfinder?
I had the group encounter a steel inquistor but not fight it directly (bit of foreshadowing) once before when they were low-level. Someone stronger fought it off for them and helped them escape.
Soon however they will engage one directly and I need to figure proper stats for it. I need it to be a good challenge for a group of 5 level 10 players.
I need to borrow a dungeon that is challenging enough for group of 5 10th level adventurers.
The game has been running for about 4 years now and I planning on sending them into a dungeon to retrieve a treasure. I have a lot of stuff worked out such as a rival npc gang and a trap I want to add somewhere I just need a fleshed out dungeon with maps I can use for any module of adventure path I will just buy the pdf.
I'm looking for something like a large maze full of traps and wards like a mummy's tomb or something. I have been looking into modules and paths but if someone can point me to a good one that would be appreciated.
So far I thinking of using the dungeon from seven swords of sin and increasing the difficulty for them.
Previously they complete mask of the living god and then the city of golden death and they are now getting ready for a showdown with Rasmir himself I need something to keep them busy for a while and level them up a bit more while I prepare the final chapter.
I am trying to remember a creature from an adventure I ran once.
It is undead and it has an aura of petrification. The creature is small and looks like a white slug.
In the adventure I ran this undead slug was inside a stone golem which had petrified an entire town. Destroying the golem would then free the undead trapped inside.
A shadow demon is possessing someone and they want to use dispel magic to try and force it out does the shadow demon Spell resistance apply?
What abut spells like magic missile?
You have arrived at the camp a small gathering of camps and small structures that is home to about 350 inhabitants. Mostly the knights of Ozrem and their allies and families. It is the last safe bastion before going into Virlych.
Over the last few days each of you has receive an urgent missive. The whispering Tyrant is waking up. The seals are breaking your help is required to stop his return.
The missive request your presence at an urgent meeting in Caliphas it also gives instructions to were you can meet someone to teleport you there and some gold (500 gp) to cover travel expenses and for your time in hearing them out.
You decide this matter is worthy of you attention and you go to attend the meeting.
The meeting takes place at the Vodavani lodge.
Attending the meeting is Keyron Saiville Precentor Martial for Scouting of Lastwall (The military general in charge of intelligence), Captain Menass Neverion (Senior officer of the Lastwall forces patrolling
Virlych), Pathfinder Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch (The host), Bartileus Ren (Senior Officer of the Knights of Ozem) and finally Gorm Greathammer representing Kraggodan (he is the third prince of the dwarf nation and a member of the pathfinder society).
Keyron Saiville takes the floor "You've been called here because we have state of emergency. The seals to Tar-Baphon's prison are weakened. The great seal is in danger. We must act or the whispering tyrant may yet be freed from his prison. We are gathering all available forces should the worst happen but we cannot march an army to Gallowspire whitout taking thousands of casualties. Before we take such a drastic step it has been recommended we sent a strike force to secure the great seal and to hunt down the members of the whispering way trying to break it. That is why you were called. We need volunteers for that strike force and you are among those who are the most capable of the task"
Here is the pitch so to speak.
The whispering way has been growing in power lately. Several raids have happened and the three lesser seals to the Whispering Tyrants prison are broken. The great seal still remains however but the leaders of Lastwall, Taldor and the dwarves of Kraggodan believe (rightly so) that the whispering way is going to try and destroy it to release Tar-Baphon upon the world once more.
A team is being assemble to go to Gallowspire and to ensure that the Great Seal is not broken.
The task will not be easy. To get to Gallowspire one must traverse the Desolation lands. The location were the Tyrant killed Arazni and the site of a massive battle between the undead armies of the whispering tyrant and the shining crusade.
The desolation lands is a vast area seethe in necromantic energies were undead roam.
Not only that but wounds do not heal naturally here, and healing spells are only half as effective. Food doesn't perish, and bodies do not decompose, Dimensional travel is impossible, summons spells cannot be used. If you consecrate an area natural healing works in that area and healing spell work normally. Negative energy spells are twice as effective and necromancy spells are cast at +2 caster level.
One you have crossed the Desolation lands you will reach the city of Adorak which you must cross to reach Gallowspire.
The city's undead nobility were hunted down and destroyed, and the Great Seal was put in place to ensure Tar-Baphon's imprisonment within Gallowspire. Despite these efforts, the city was unlivable by this point and was swiftly abandoned by all living creatures. Even so, the ruins remain home to horrific undead creatures, although they tend to avoid the haunted presence of Gallowspire, almost as though they fear to go there.
What resides in Gallowspire now nobody knows as none living has reached that place in nearly 600 years.
Not gonna lie I made this campaign to be a merciless meat grinder (Think Tomb of Horrors or Temple of Elemental evil) if you want to test you mettle it starts at level 10. 28 point buy and 62 000 starting gold (cannot spend more that 50% on one item)
A few spots are already taken given to players in another of my games need a few more to fill it up.
Would protection from evil stop a intelligent item from exercising control on it's wielder when there is a conflict?
I am a bit unsure how I should proceed here.
The group has been investigating a murder for some time and they have finally discovered the true culprit the high priest of pharasma in the city they are in.
They have gone to confront him to find that he has fabricated evidence that the one who hired them is the real culprit.
When they go to confront him he has a number of town guards waiting for them as well as a paladin of the dawnflower (Sarenrea) who has come as a neutral party to help in the arrest.
Thanks to him casting misdirection on himself the high priest doesn't detect as evil or lying but the person who hired the party (who went with them to confront the priest) does.
The paladin has decided that the person who hired them is guilty and has decided to arrest her however the party is innocent of any crime and do not register as evil so he is willing to let them go.
The party however includes an inquisitor of pharasma who has declared the high priest a heretic and want to question him.
It is true the high priest has lost his favour with pharasma and can no longer cast divine spells but he is also an arcane caster and he has been pretending he still has cleric powers by using magic items.
What should the high priest do now? The party is tenth level and has five members so they are quite strong and respected but they are strangers here and the high priest has been a respected member of the community for over 30 years. I don't think he would risk submitting himself to questioning but if he orders the guards and the other clerics to attack he would look guilty. If he simply refuses this also makes him look guilty but the party has no proof he has done anything wrong.
out of character discussion
The town of Longacre sits just outside the fringes of the Whisperwood. A few lights shine in the streets and windows, and the occasional snippet of conversation or laughter issues from open doors, but here on the outskirts of town, the night is quiet and dark. Sparse clouds scud across the sky, momentarily obscuring the dim light from the moon overhead. Across a scrubby field, barely distinguishable under the starry sky, a darkened, fort like compound hunches in the distance.
Your guide a young human woman named Cimri points toward the dim structure.
"That’s it—Louslik Tannery. Remember search the place, look for hidden coins and anything else that might be suspicious. If you get caught your burglars and nothing more, we have assurance that if you get sent to prison you stay will be a very short one so don't worry about that."
You still remember your meeting with the representative from Thrune. A man literally wrapped in shadows. He sounded human but it was hard to be sure it was muffled and you couldn't see any of his features.
He simply made you an offer you couldn't refuse (you can fill in the blank here) and offered you a position working for house Thrune as their agents for a special mission.
The first part of which is investigating this Tannery. The owner has been suspected of skimming on his taxes for years and now they also suspect he may be involved in a rebel movement that has been spreading of late. They want you to search the place for evident under the pretence of a break-in so as to not alert the rebels that he may be compromised.
After-all the town of Longacre is a place were people go to forget and to be forgotten and is the home of many thieves and murderers.
Out of character discussion and announcements.
Welcome to my new adventure. Good luck and have fun.
You are all redidents of the city of Kintaro
A large city close to the northern border of Cheliax. The city of Kintargo straddles the northeastern shore of the Yolubilis River and a large island named Argo that sits in the river’s mouth. While the Yolubilis provides for Kintargo’s economy by floating ships and turning waterwheels, the city sits downriver from various clay deposits, farms, mines, salt springs, and smelters. Sediments in the water give it a characteristic silvery shine when the sun strikes it at dawn and dusk. This, combined with the prodigious run of silver salmon that use the river every year to spawn and the use of silverflecked stone in many of the public buildings’ facades, has given the settlement its most common nickname— the Silver City. Kintargo’s independent spirit is founded in its selfsustaining economy. The Yolubilis River provides ample eels and freshwater trout in addition to the silver salmon run, while the cold, deep waters of Nisroch Bay teem with cod, shellfish, and tuna. In the foothills of the Menador Mountains, quarries yield granite and the city’s iconic silver-flecked stone, while actual silver mines produce the bulk of the precious metal exported from the city.
Until recently, Kintargo was ruled by Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, an outspoken voice against House Thrune who was a master of walking the edge between Chelish loyalty and blatant rebellion. But two weeks ago the Lord-Mayor mysteriously vanished and just today a new Lord-Mayor has arrived to take her place. Barzillai Thrune is the lord-mayor now and folks are not happy about it. The fact that his appointment is official, handed down from Queen Abrogail II herself, does little to silence the mutters of discontent over his sudden claim over the city.
"I am Kintargo’s lord-mayor, yet Kintargo is not my city. Nor is it Cheliax’s city. Kintargo belongs to no one person, but to all who live here and make it the greatest city in Cheliax. We call it the Silver City not only for the gleaming waters of the Yolubilis, but for its purity. Kintargo is unique in the nation of Cheliax in this way. We are not the nation’s largest city, nor its strongest. We may not have Westcrown’s history, Ostenso’s naval superiority, Corentyn’s trade dominance, or Egorian’s power, but nor do we have Westcrown’s decay, Ostenso’s violence, Corentyn’s slaves, or Egorian’s damnations. Kintargo is our own, and as Cayden Cailean is my witness, I intend to do all that I can to ensure our silver shall never tarnish under Thrune’s rotten touch!"
—Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, giving a speech two days before she vanished
Yesterday soldiers went around town posting flyers and announcing a gathering in the courtyard today at high sun (around 2 pm). The announcement goes on to say the new high lord will be giving a speech and announcing some new laws will will take effect immediately and it is highly recommended that all attend.
The announcement is due to begin within the hour and already a large crowd has begun to gather and most of the people here are not happy add some torches and pitchforks and you would have an angry mob.
So I was reading the adventure paths and I purchase every book for hells Rebels and ordered part 1 of hell's vengeance and pre-ordered all the other parts.
That got me thinking of something I tried a few years ago in 3.5. A play by post campaign in two separate treads one party good the other evil and competing for similar goals until finally both groups meet in an epic confrontation.
Now what I'm thinking if the following scenario: A rebellion sparks in Cheliax and quickly spreads. At the same time a new knightly order called the Glorious Reclamation seeks to purge Cheliax of its diabolical taint by overthrowing the House of Thrune and reclaiming the country for its people in the name of Iomedae.
A group of good-aligned pc's get involved at first as rebels and then as crusaders.
A group of evil aligned pc's work as agents for the House of Thrune and work in the shadows to put and end to the rebels and impede the Glorious Reclamation as much as possible as the Cheliaxian army works in the open to crush all opposition.
If this is something you would be interested in let me know and we can start looking at getting it set up.
Now the adventure would start level 3. 28 point buy for character stats. No 3rd party stuff allowed.
I'm a little too busy right now and I need to prep some stuff so I'm looking on getting it started on April 4th.
Having fought your way to through a horde of demon soldiers you have made it atop the tower were the flame general awaits. He speaks no words only waits as you climb up the stairs and a portcullis comes down the block the stairs behind you.
Make a quick post and roll init.
I create a boss for an upcoming session with my real life group
I need a group of valiant players willing to take this beast down.
this guy
My real life party is a wizard, a bloodrager, a paladin, a fighter (crossbow specialist) and a cleric. They are all veterans and very skilled players so this creature is much stronger than your typical monster and he is a boss so even stronger. I'm worried he may be a little too strong even. You don't have to make the same characters that's just a guide.
Characters that will fight him are 12th level and mythic tier 3.
You will have 200 000 gp to get gear and you can use 32 point buy for your characters. (my real life players don't have this much but I want to stress test this thing)
What you know. He is a demon. He is known as the lord of flames. He is a powerful general in the legions of the abyss. He always fights alone and is very proud he will likely go for the strongest foes first.
If your interested make a character when I have 5 I will try it out and we may try multiple battles if you want and if you like I could even make more monsters for additional matches.
So my players in the worldwound campaign are all experienced veterans and unless I make things harder for them the default adventure is just too easy. So I have been buffing the encounters somewhat to make it harder for them. Adding extra monster and giving them all max hp for their HD and even so there have only been two occasions were thing got dangerous for them and only one person has died.
So I decided to make a monster to serve as a boss of sorts.
He should be a strong challenge for 5 level 12 tier 3 mythic characters
Let me know what you think.
Explosion Demon CR 12 MR 3
XP 12,800
NE Large outsider (demon, evil, extraplanar, Mythic)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic; Perception +20
AC 31, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+6 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)
hp 224 (14d10+84)
Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +14
DR 10/good; Immune Fire, Immune Electricity, critical hits, death effects, disease, poison, sneak attack; vulnerability to cold, resist acid 10; SR 22
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +20 (2d8+6/19–20 plus explosion), 2 claws +19 (2d6+6 plus explosion)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +15)
Constant—detect magic, see invisibility
At will—Burning hands (DC 15), Burning Gaze, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)
3/day—Quickened Fireball (DC 19), Explosive Runes (dc 19),
1/day—Fiery body, Detonate (dc 22),
Str 22, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 21, Wis 17, Cha 18
Base Atk +14; CMB +21; CMD 37
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Grapple, Iron Will, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Fireball), Weapon Focus (bite), Mythic spell like ability (Burning Gaze)(can spend 1 mythic point to cast mythic burning gaze)
Skills Bluff +21, Fly +17, Heal +11, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (planes) +22, Knowledge (religion) +22, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +19, Survival +20, Use Magic Device +14
Languages Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
Flaming Body (Su)
A Explosion demon's body is covered in dancing flames. Anyone striking it with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 1d6 points of fire damage. A creature that grapples it or is grappled by one takes 6d6 points of fire damage each round the grapple persists.
Explosion (Su)
Any object or creature that comes in physical contact with an explosion demon gains a glowing mark. This mark is a charge of explosion. Up to five charges can be stacked on a single item or creature. At will the explosion demon can detonate any number of marks. Each marks that explodes deals 2d6 fire damage to each creature whitin 5 feet of the mark. Anyone hit can make a dc 22 reflex save to take half damage from a held item that explodes but get no save if the mark is on their person on a worn armor.
Death explosion (Su)
When killed, an explosion demon charges up for 3 rounds then in a blinding flash explodes in a ball of fire that deals 100 points of damage to anything within 300 feet (Reflex DC 22 halves). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Blinding Blaze (Su)
Can expend one use of mythic power as a swift action to burn brightly, granting it a blinding gaze attack. This gaze causes blindness for 1d4 rounds and has a range of 60 feet. A creature that succeeds at a DC 22 Fortitude save is instead dazzled for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Inferno (Ex)
Can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to lose its vulnerability to cold for 1 round. During this time, any fire damage it deals ignores fire resistance and fire immunity.