Algon the Ever-Seeking

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Organized Play Member. 543 posts (1,054 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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or would it be a thin what you can only use when hit by an aoo?

spell storing is available for armor so I am guesing that the armor can only go off if you saved your swift action that turn.

i think for now im convinced i'll get a belt of phisical perfection instead of heavy armor a better initiative and reflex save is something I better work towards

by now i got the ring of protection +2 found it on some kreeps.
so after crafting my cloak of resistance +3 ill be getting a belt of phisical perfection. its also +3AC and that woudl be what heavy plate give me.

im a STr based magus with 12dex
have ring of protection +1 amulet of natural armor+1 (wich ill be upgrading as i got 'craft wonderous item'

i use mirror immage pritty often but it is not perfect
also got a wand of shield and got shield always prepared

i got 4 pearl of power lvl1 and one lvl2 and one lvl3

the problem is my party is a bit gun ho and i hardly get the time to buff upp.

I even got heroism to get my saves up. (this is longer duration so is up most of the time.)

curently i am using a mithril +1 breastplate but want to maxemise my AC

i also use the spell monserous humenoid transformation so i get a load of AC and STR from that.

i would be able to get over 30AC in heavy armor.
as in money im not 13 yet so i would be saving up ofcourse.

if i got frigid tough on a spell storing armor

and it goes off at the first strike of an enemy full attacking me i would then hit him with it he becomes staggered.

would his full attack stop because he is now staggered and can only do 1 attack or a move action??

no thoughts? at all?

im a lvl 12 magus right now wearing a +1 mithrill breastplate so i dont lose my movement and the dex penelty is low.

but the monk is getting whacked to often so wants to play more defensiveley as in running away in combat.

so im thinking on getting a full plate.

what i am still no certain about is what kind of magic i want on it.

right now im thinking
spell storing

is 1500 base price
+3 bonus

but I hear heavy fortification is worth it I just dont have the money to put it on there yet I migth want to upgrade later but right now I certainly dont have the money.

are there anny other magical enchantments that are good for a magus?
spell storing is kinda a must as i can load it up with shocking grasp or frigid touch all day long.

just buy some wrist mounted release systems so you can get a wand as a swift action like shield or true strike :-)

the reason Dervish Dance is so important is that it alows for your DEX bonus to be added as damage

and if you use weapon finess it can only use dex for ATK

this is where you can boost dex to 22-26 and recive the 1.5 times DEX bonus as bonus damage when dual wielding it!

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar.

Benefit: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand.

its awsome for situational spels im stil trying to get a list of scols i should have!

vur for lvl1 spels i got pearls of power!

i got craft wonderous item and make my own pearls 500g for +1 lvl1 spell/day is awsome

As long as this spider doesn't run away we are fine lets just slay it while we can! But if I say that out loud this spider migth understand me!

or anny other feat for that mather!

scimitar is still the best weapon to go :-)

yeah is awsime got a lvl10 bladbount human magus now its just amazing!

can anyone give me a better look on this?

i would like to use this spell i just dont know how it works properly and what choices i got
he stil needs to be lvled up to lvl 10 but you get the picture
here is my magus:

Male Human Blade bound magus 9
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +15

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex +1 natural armor +1 deflection)
hp 76 (8d8+16+4)
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
Attacks: scimitar +15 1d6+9 (18-20 x2)/+10 1d6+9 (18-20 x2)
spell combat with spellstrike: Int. Shocking grasp +12/+12/+7 Damage 8d6+1d6+9 (18-20/x2) / 1d6+9(18-20/x2) / 1d6+9(18-20/x2)
Arcane pool enhancement= add +1 attack +1 damage and (15-20x2) crit.
Arcane pool: 10
Statistics (+2 to two ability scores Alt racial dual talented 20 point buy)
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 22
Weapon Focus Scimitar, extra arcane pool, combat casting, intensified spell, craft wondrous item
Traits Family Ties(campaign), Magical Lineage ”Shocking grasp”
Languages: Common Giant Orc Infernal Sylvan varissian abyddal undercommon

• +1 mithril Breastplate (5200g)
• +2 scimitar Black blade
• Belt of giant Str +2 (4000g)
• 3 pearls of power lvl1(3000g)
• 1 pearl of power lvl2 (2000g)
• Wand of shield (750g)
• Ring of deflection + 1
• Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (4000g)
• Cloak of Resisance +2 (4000g)
• Amulet of natural armor +1 (1000g)
• Eyes of the eagle (1250g)

spells known:
LVL1: Color Spray, Enlarge person, frostbite, grease, obscuring mist, reduce person, shield, chilled touch, Shocking grasp, true strike, Vanish, ray of enfeeblement, floating disk, Burning hands
LVL2: Acid arrow, Bear’s endurance, Bladed dash, Flaming sphere, frigid touch, Invisibility , Mirror image, Pyrotechnics, web
LVL3 Blink, Daylight, Displacement, Fly, Force Hook Charge, Haste, Lightning bolt, Stinking cloud, Vampiric Touch
Spells prepared:
lvl0: Detect magic, Light, Arcane mark , Read magic, Dancing Lights
lvl1: intensified Shocking grasp x3, Vanish, Enlarge Person, shield x2
lvl2: Bear's endurance, Frigid touch, Mirror image, Invisibility, Bladed dash
Lvl3: Fly, Int. Emp shocking grasp x2, vampiric touch

1. Extra arcane pool
2. .
3. Combat casting
4. .
5. Weapon focus Scimitar and intensified spell
6. arcane accuracy
7. craft “wondrous item”
8. .
9. .empower spell, accurate strike or spell blending heroism
10. .
11. quicken spell, extra arcana ghost blade
12. .critical strike
13. .critical focus
14. .
15. .spell perfection: ”shocking grasp”, maximize magic
16. .
17. .Bleeding critical, Maximize (metamagic)
18. .arcana
19. .feat
20. .

I do see the benefit of a +4 size bonus to str and natural reach

But i am a bladebound magus and i cant use a normal sized weapon when im large sized by monsterous phisique should i then carry a large sized weapon?

What forms are good for me to use in genaral?

weyroot weapons can give you back arcane pool points

make sure you have enough INT and youll be fine rolling concentraton checks

you can also make sure you cast when not threatened but the higher you get the eazyer it gets to make those concentration checks

i did get combat casting and need to roll a 2 to to get my con check (lvl9)

also +2 to saves wich is not only good to add to hit but also to confirm those needed criticals

heroism is good i know this but i dont know if its better aposed to an arcana wich cost me points to use while i also got arcane acuracy to give me +5 in 1 turn.

i think i answered my own question acurate strike is just not worth it.

if you know a better arcana than spell blending heroism please tell me!!

nobody wanne help?

im not a hexcrafter so i need to chose between the arcana's

im lvling up to 9 now.

Male Human Blade bound magus 9
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +15

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex +1 natural armor +1 deflection)
hp 76 (8d8+16+4)
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
Attacks: scimitar +15 1d6+9 (18-20 x2)/+10 1d6+9 (18-20 x2)
spell combat with spellstrike: Int. Shocking grasp +12/+12/+7 Damage 8d6+1d6+9 (18-20/x2) / 1d6+9(18-20/x2) / 1d6+9(18-20/x2)
Arcane pool enhancement= add +2 attack +2 damage and (15-20x2) crit.
Arcane pool: 10
Statistics (+2 to two ability scores Alt racial dual talented 20 point buy)
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 22
Weapon Focus Scimitar, extra arcane pool, combat casting, intensified spell, craft wondrous item
Traits Family Ties(campaign), Magical Lineage ”Shocking grasp”
Languages: Common Giant Orc Infernal Sylvan varissian abyddal undercommon

• +1 mithril Breastplate (5200g)
• +2 scimitar Black blade
• Belt of giant Str +2 (4000g)
• 3 pearls of power lvl1(3000g)
• 1 pearl of power lvl2 (2000g)
• Wand of shield (750g)
• Ring of deflection + 1
• Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (4000g)
• Cloak of Resisance +2 (4000g)
• Amulet of natural armor +1 (1000g)
• Eyes of the eagle (1250g)

spells known:
LVL1: Color Spray, Enlarge person, frostbite, grease, obscuring mist, reduce person, shield, chilled touch, Shocking grasp, true strike, Vanish, ray of enfeeblement, floating disk, Burning hands
LVL2: Acid arrow, Bear’s endurance, Bladed dash, Flaming sphere, frigid touch, Invisibility , Mirror image, Pyrotechnics, web
LVL3 Blink, Daylight, Displacement, Fly, Force Hook Charge, Haste, Lightning bolt, Stinking cloud, Vampiric Touch
Spells prepared:
lvl0: Detect magic, Light, Arcane mark , Read magic, Dancing Lights
lvl1: intensified Shocking grasp x3, Vanish, Enlarge Person, shield x2
lvl2: Bear's endurance, Frigid touch, Mirror image, Invisibility, Bladed dash
Lvl3: Fly, Int. Emp shocking grasp x2, vampiric touch

1. Extra arcane pool
2. .
3. Combat casting
4. .
5. Weapon focus Scimitar and intensified spell
6. arcane accuracy
7. craft “wondrous item”
8. .
9. .empower spell, accurate strike or spell blending heroism
10. .
11. quicken spell, extra arcana ghost blade
12. .critical strike
13. .critical focus
14. .
15. .spell perfection: ”shocking grasp”, maximize magic
16. .
17. .Bleeding critical, Maximize (metamagic)
18. .arcana
19. .feat
20. .

I only can't decide between accurate strike or spell blending heroism
i dont think using my arcane pool is that good as im already hitting on 3's and 6's
i got 36 hours left to craft my +4 belt of giant str so i don't think hitting is the problem. this is why i think heroism is the best buff i can get but its a spell i dont realy feel room for!!
i need to get more pearls for certain!!

natural attacks is only 20 crit

magus is awsome in 15-20 vrit

i would go for half orc barbarrian and get raging vitallity ASAP make sure you get as much con and STR as is possible even dropping stats down to 7 for it!


switch around but somthing like this should do.

Go for greater beast totem so you can pounce like a mad beast! and make sure to get raging vitality

dont worry for AC but make sure you get all the HP you can get!

get a stick

Beat him with it repeatidly and ask if he likes it
if he doese then your problem is solved as you get satisfaction in beating him ooc and he gets it in charachter.

nah i just abandoned it as using anything larger as a large bastard sword is pritty lame! did you see the iconic barbarrian with her meat cleaver its f&*$ing huge and she cant even only wield it decently when raging

yeah whiping tripping magus is realy cool as lvl up you can deliver touch spels at range so it becomes an awsome way of spell combatting

what makes a shocking grasp magus so awsome is that intensefied shocking grasp is a lvl 1 spell slot and you can get pearl's of power all day long this way EVERY attack you make is a intensefied shocking grasp,

hell you could take wand wielder and just get a wand of it anyway!

as a magus its awsome you get all the cantrips :-)

i thought it was the same for wizards and clerics?

i have added to it in a later lvl its great when you get multiple attacks at lvl 8 when you sont want to move and attack anny more but want to use spellcombat each time you can!

i think it is just fine

if you got a belt who gives you a static strength other types of builds just become more powerfull

like a magus could start off with 12 strength and would be gunning for that belt ASAP and from then he would be an awsome caster with 18 int and posibly other verry good stats aswell and stil kick ass martialy

same with sorcerrers

now to get a verry high STR score you need to dump a stat to get to get to hiogh STR scores as you cant wait for a belt to give you a good score.

my magus has 20STR with a belt +2 and is making his +4 now wich brings hiom to 22 but he still has that naagin 7 on CHA :-)

200 damage in a round is pritty easy!

200 damage on avrage makes some thinking and optemized build but certainly not dificult at lv 20

lvl 10 magus with intensefied empowered shocking grasp is 15d6+ 1d6 +str critting on a 15-20 this gets doubled

so that would be 30d6 +2d6 +(2xSTR)

30-180 + 2-18 +12 so 44-210 damage on a single hit he stil gets two attacks that round besides his intensefied empowered shocking grasp.

and some arcanas can maxemize that too!

realisticly if something is priced by weight it has to be the end result's weight not what it would be when it was constructed in a difrent aloy

just imagine gooing to a blacksmith

buyer: "hey what would it cost me to make me a mithril dagger"
BS: "oh lets say 500g/pound in adition to the cost of a normal one"
buyer" oh sweet make one for me then"
bs here you go a 1 pound mithril dagger now thats 502g
buyer: how come this dagger weighs the same as a normal one?
bs "oh no it doesnt is weighs only 1/2 a pound
buyer: so you let me pay for a 1 pound dagger as you agreed on 500g/pound and this dagger only weighs 1/2 a pound?
bs: yes because a normal dagger weighs 1 pound that is why 502g
buyer: but I am not buying a normal dagger I am buying a 1/2 pound dagger!
bs: euhm well you see i forgot about mithrill weighing half a normal dagger and, and, and,.....
buyer: so you agree on the 500g/pound price but want to charge me for a whole pound instead of the 1/2 pound im buying?

Mr.Nightray wrote:
Soo... What does this build do if its not dying?


nice necro :-) first time ever i see one of my posts necroed :-)

yeah I mis read his intentions

I thought he was saying it didn't match the critical range on the weapon not the critical multiplier.

im lvl 7

got a ring of deflection amilet of natural armor and a wand of shield

also got a mithrill +1 breasdtplate

so i am walking around with 24AC mirror image and possible bear's endurance...

i dont know if thats enough for ya on lvl 7 but it is for me

13's are a waste unless you put points in them to make them even! so thats hardly 20pt buy worth!

My magus can reach (1.5*lvl) +4 higher if need be

so a straight bab should be higher if possible (rangers/paladins/fighters)

+1 on adamantine dragon!

if you got a player who realy would like to be marketing it isnt a problem either you just make sure he get less loot lolz!

if its a player trying to abuse his skils for abnormal amounts of gold just dont let em :-)

just crafti items for you and your party with craft wonderous item and your WBL wil greatly increas fast!

NO otherwise Agile maneuvers would be a wasted feat and its not suposed to be


The earlier ruling implied that spell combat did not allow the extra attack from haste (because spell combat was not using the full attack action).

well the way they write this seems to me they are now saying Magi DO get the extra attack!

and the example is not considering Haste but that doese not mean it can't be included!

why can't they just say it outright!

i stil think the newer faq is dumb

a=b and b=c would mean without anny consideration that also c=a

and if you can make all of your attack as dooing a full attack action. at the moment you are hasted. all of those attacks include haste!

in the newest faq it doese not state anywhere that all of your attacks when making a full attack action doese not include haste.

it realy depends on the gods I have read some discussion that gods could start out to be like lvl 30 but they go up to lvl 100 so it depends to the gods

oh and its just an estimate in comparison to their power not a real lvl

i think iomedae would be one of those lower tiered gods afther she gained god status she might not realy have gained lvl's we dont know on the other hand all the followers might be getting the XP for her lets consider she was lvl 20 when she did the trial.

i was to lazy to read it all but dont forget a Maguc can use his arcane pool to make his +1 weapon keen verry early on so that would mean the difrence between

17-20 and 15-20 crit wich is 10% more chance of critting wich is a huge boost.

if you would like a sample build here is mine we are playing rise of the runelords now:

Male Human Blade bound magus 7
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +9

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex)
hp 56 (7d8+14+3)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Attacks: scimitar +13/ 1d6+9 (18-20 x2)
spell combat with spellstrike: Int. Shocking grasp +11/+1 7d6+1d6+9 (18-20/x2)/1d6+9(18-20/x2)
Arcane pool enhancement= add +1 attack +1 damage and (15-20x2) crit.
Arcane pool: 10
Statistics (+2 to two ability scores Alt racial dual talented 20 point buy)
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 21
Weapon Focus Scimitar, extra arcane pool, combat casting, intensified spell, craft wondrous item
Traits Family Ties(campaign), Magical Lineage ”Shocking grasp”
Languages: Common Giant Orc Infernal Sylvan

• +1 chain shirt (1250g)
• +2 scimitar Black blade
• Belt of giant Str +2 (4000g)
• 3 pearls of power (3000g)
• 1 potions of cure light wounds
• 1 potions of cure moderate wounds
• Explorer gear worth (75g)
• Wand of shield (750g)
• Ring of deflection +1
• Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (4000g)
• Cloak of Resisance +1

spells known:
LVL1: Color Spray, Enlarge person, frostbite, grease, obscuring mist, reduce person, shield, Shocking grasp, true strike, unerring weapon, Vanish
LVL2: Acid arrow, Flaming sphere, Invisibility, Bear’s endurance, frigid touch, Mirror image, web, Pyrotechnics
LVL3 Displacement, Fly, Force Hook Charge, Stinking cloud, Vampiric Touch
Spells prepared:
lvl0: Detect magic, Light, Arcane mark , Read magic, Dancing Lights
lvl1: Shocking grasp x2, True strike, Vanish, Enlarge Person
lvl2: Bear's endurance, Frigid touch, Mirror image, Invisibility
Lvl3: Fly, Force hook Charge

1. Extra arcane pool
2. .
3. Combat casting
4. .
5. Weapon focus Scimitar and intensified spell
6. arcane accuracy
7. craft “wondrous item”
8. .
9. .empower spell, accurate strike (spell blending heroism)
10. .
11. quicken spell, extra arcana ghost blade
12. .critical strike
13. .critical focus
14. .
15. .spell perfection: ”shocking grasp”, maximize magic
16. .
17. .Bleeding critical, Maximize (metamagic)
18. .arcana
19. .feat
20. .

lucerne hammer is bludgeoning and piercing aswell as a d12 for damage is nice if you get enlarged as it becomes 3d6

also the +2 on sunder is nice if you like that sort of thing (i made a sundering barb once)

and then again damage dice on the swords are hardly the largest contrebution to damage.

a lvl 10 magus can easily do 11d6 in a single round considering 15-20 crit range

a barbarrian can add 20 damage to anny attack with ease

2 handed 18str +4 rage +2 belt = 24= +7 modefier + powerattack = at lvl 6 = 16 bonus damage 17 if he has a +1 weapon

not taking in acount other bonuses so what is 2d6 compared to 17 bonus damage

yeah the only problem is a large greatsword weighs 64lb there is no way anny medium sized creature can wield that as a sword maybe as a hammer but not as a sword

thats only 1 size up consider it to be huge 512lb thats just absurd you probably wouldnt be able to drag it let alone wield it

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Newer FAQs supersede older FAQs
Where is this stated?

I think he means the general consensus is that when newer prints hit the shelves and stuff is reprinted in a new book those rulles supersede the older versions of the new book.

like with scorpion whip for example its printed twice as a difrent weapon and pfsrd uses the new rules as they are newer so asumed more acurate.

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