Imeckus Stroon

Damien Ionesco's page

87 posts. Alias of Just a Mort.

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We are currently in Strange Aeons Book 3.

Posting expectations: Once/day

Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on. I don’t discriminate against phone users, I am one myself.

Now for the lengthy part of the document – I apologize that it is that long – but I need to get the terms and conditions hammered out, so everyone knows what they’re getting into.

Character creation:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). Trap the Soul and Animate dead type spells are not allowed. Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. Boots of the Earth are not allowed. No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 7
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 23500(as per level 7 wbl)
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.

additional notes on character creation:

As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have limited ability to homebrew or change encounters. Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). That being said, Strange Aeons is not an easy AP.


Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Block Init for enemies. If I have to roll them individually, I’ll go nuts.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.
Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please. And a portable artificer's lab while you're at it.
In my games, breath of life works against Phantasmal Killer and CDGs. Surprisingly someone has told me it isn’t RAW. But I don’t mind giving this one.
For the purposes of Polymorph spells – you may polymorph only into creatures that are not one of their own kind. I.e you may change yourself into a Gargolyle, but you may not change into Yig, Bokrug (Interpertation: Unless otherwise noted, polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals.)
The blight (any), deathsnatcher, Euryale, fen mauler, green man, mezlan, rawhead, and vespergaunt—are not legal for polymorph effects.
You may only purchase an animal, mount, or similar creature if its Challenge Rating is lower than that character's level; creatures with a Challenge Rating of 1 or lower are exempt from this restriction, as are horses. Each player may only have one of such a mount/animal/similar creature in combat at any time. Animal companions, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, summoned and called creatures do not count towards that limit.
Trapfinder trait from Mummy’s Mask does not need to be tied to any location. Just insert your favourite tomb, and use it.
I use block init, I will roll saving throws,knowledge checks (for Monster Identification) and AOOs for you to save time.

why trap the soul and animate dead is not allowed:

Players when given too much freedom, take opportunity to start squabbling about it. Now I firmly believe in doing onto others what you want done onto you, and since I don’t like my GM dictating how I should play my character, I don’t like to enforce it on others either. I don’t come here to debate ethics and morality and telling people how to play their characters. So in the name of reducing character conflict, since it’s a sore point with some characters, its banned.


Now alignment is subjective – I’ll give you that. You may put whatever you like (non evil), on your character sheet as your alignment, but I will be the one who decides by your actions what alignment you are. (Aka – Alignment shifts will come from me)
Reasons for this is my Strange Aeons campaign blew up, because players were arguing with me on alignment, and we all know by the paladin fall threads in forums that a discussion of alignment gets nowhere. You’ll be warned that a particular course of actions will be given an alignment shift and given a chance to change your mind before you commit a certain action. And honestly I am generally quite relaxed about alignments.
Casting a spell with the evil descriptor 100 times will cause you to have an alignment swop so please don’t be relying on that infernal healing wand too much.

Treatment of NPCs:

All NPCs come wearing this shirt. You may only attack them on the orders of another NPC(it causes the shirt to disappear), or if they start attacking you (the shirt disappears when they start attacking you(Init is rolled). Attacking NPCs other then in those above stated circumstances will cause an alignment shift.
Of course – if you want to intimidate NPC guards to let you by the gate etc, that’s fine, so as long as no violence was carried out.

Rule discussion:

I am a LN GM. So pretty much it’s by the rulebook. And if you point it out politely and nicely, I would most likely go as what’s written in the book. However there will be times when my interpretation and yours differs or I do not follow RAW – I will usually explain my point and you may discuss with me on it in a civilized manner. If I do not, you have the right to ask me for an explanation, and are allowed to discuss in a civilized manner on it. I may change my decision/retcon things based on what you said, but at the end of the day you need to live with my final decision. Because as GM – I need to keep the game moving, and several days of heated discussion on rules does NOTHING, except piss off both the player and the GM.

I will vet applicants on their post history (more plot pushiness and general positive interaction with party is good), activity and timezones. I do not expect a novella length backstory, nor do I care too much about it.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


A letter is delivered by a young boy to the inn you are currently staying.

The letter reads as follows:

As per our compact – that you would be ready to serve when called, in exchange for my service to you in helping your sister, I call upon you now. Be at Ustalav, Thrushmoor, Iris Hill at Noonday, Pharast, first thing in the morning. Wear the black blot.


A black blot pin is attached to the letter.


A letter is delivered by a young boy to the inn you are currently staying after you turned your previous camp into a bloodbath. Iomedae has turned her back on you and where her grace used to be, is only an empty space.

The letter reads as follows:

You are requested to present yourself to my Master, Hasteron Lowls Be at Ustalav, Thrushmoor, Iris Hill at Noonday, Pharast, first thing in the morning as part of your bargain. He will have set of tasks that need doing. Wear the black blot.


A black blot pin is attached to the letter.


A letter is delivered to the hovel you’re currently staying in while you have your nose buried, as usual, in a whole pile of books on human anatomy. The books are rather interesting, at least far more then mundane interruptions of people knocking on your door. You open the door, irritated, just to get the knocking sound to stop, so you can get back to your books. The young boy passes you a letter, takes one look at your black face, then decides to make himself scarce post-haste.

I have an interesting research project I would like you to lead. As you know – good help is hard to find, and you have an intelligent and agile mind. At least I can count on you to keep the others from bumbling around. Come to Ustalav, Thrushmoor, Iris hill at Noonday, Pharast, first thing in the morning. There will be a tiefling, a half orc, a changeling and another human, all wearing the black blot, who will be assigned with you to help me in that project. Wear the black blot.


A black blot pin is attached to the letter.


A letter is delivered by a young boy to the inn you are currently staying.

The letter reads as follows:

As per our compact – that you would be ready to serve when called, in exchange for freedom against your mother’s call, I call upon you now. Be at Ustalav, Thrushmoor, Iris Hill at Noonday, Pharast, first thing in the morning. Wear the black blot.


A black blot pin is attached to the letter.


My dear Garrosh,

I have been called away for other pressing matters, and will be unable to be with you for a while. Our master needs assistance in his work – please aid him as much as you are able. Be at Ustalav, Thrushmoor, Iris Hill, at Noonday, Pharast, first thing in the morning. Wear the black blot.


A black blot pin is attached to the letter.

Each of you climb up Iris hill, to see breaking the thick hedge that surrounds the estate, the squat building sports a pair of heavy wooden doors bearing a small sliding hatch. The servant at the gatehouse beckons to his counterpart below and the door is pulled open and you are ushered in to a large estate with one large building and 4 other smaller buildings. The odor of heather and ivy is strong in the air. The servant at the ground level leads you to the guesthouse, and beckons you to sit.

The party is seated in a well appointed lounge including a brick fireplace, a mahogany table with six matching chairs and an antique sideboard near the foot of the stairs. A liquor cabinet stands against the wall at the foot of the stairs leading upwards.

Not providing a map for this, happy yakking

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Strange Aeons game here.

I intend for this game to progress at a moderate(ahem) for me pace. Please try for 1/day posting.

Usually I'd ask for 2x/day, but I'm already running another AP, Ironfang Invasion. I cannot keep up with both games on a rapid pace, furthermore I am not on European Timezone, so at most I would only be awake for Europe mornings and afternoon. I understand my limitations.

My GM updates in the Ironfang Invasion AP will take precedence since I started it first, and told the players to push for speed.

Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on. I don’t discriminate against phone users, I am one myself.

Now for the lengthy part of the document – I apologize that it is that long – but I need to get the terms and conditions hammered out, so everyone knows what they’re getting into.

Character creation Part 1:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). Trap the Soul and Animate dead type spells are not allowed. Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. Boots of the Earth are not allowed. No Third party allowed.

Starting Level : 1

Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.

Alignment: Any non evil

Class: Any Paizo. No Third Party allowed.

Point Buy - 20

Starting Gold: 150 gp

Deities: All Golarion

Background skills are in play.

HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after

You start with 2 traits as per normal.


Additional notes on character creation:

As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have limited ability to homebrew or change encounters. Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). Or are waaay more powerful then members of the party leading leading to situations like this

Pathfinder is a social contract between the players and the GM. It's no fun if the GM has to roll a natural 20 all the time to hit you, or if combat is over because you murderhobo everything the moment it comes to your init roll. I also ask that as a party your cooperate with each other, feel free to build your characters around each other etc.

Yes, a certain amount of cheese is required(since I am somewhat of a combat tactician), but not TOO much, please. I rather that the party works together to overcome challenges then one person stealing the show.


Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.

Block Init for enemies. If I have to roll them individually, I’ll go nuts.

Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.

Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.

Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please. And a portable artificer's lab while you're at it.

In my games, breath of life works against Phantasmal Killer and CDGs. Surprisingly someone has told me it isn’t RAW. But I don’t mind giving this one.

For the purposes of Polymorph spells – you may polymorph only into creatures that are not one of their own kind. I.e you may change yourself into a Gargolyle, but you may not change into Yig, Bokrug (Interpertation: Unless otherwise noted, polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals.)

The blight (any), deathsnatcher, Euryale, fen mauler, green man, mezlan, rawhead, and vespergaunt—are not legal for polymorph effects.

You may only purchase an animal, mount, or similar creature if its Challenge Rating is lower than that character's level; creatures with a Challenge Rating of 1 or lower are exempt from this restriction, as are horses. Each player may only have one of such a mount/animal/similar creature in combat at any time. Animal companions, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, summoned and called creatures do not count towards that limit.

Trapfinder trait from Mummy’s Mask does not need to be tied to any location. Just insert your favourite tomb, and use it.

I use block init, I will roll saving throws,knowledge checks (for Monster Identification) and AOOs for you to save time.

Why Trap the soul and animate dead type spells is not allowed:

Players when given too much freedom, take opportunity to start squabbling about it. Now I firmly believe in doing onto others what you want done onto you, and since I don’t like my GM dictating how I should play my character, I don’t like to enforce it on others either. I don’t come here to debate ethics and morality and telling people how to play their characters. So in the name of reducing character conflict, since it’s a sore point with some characters, its banned.


Now alignment is subjective – I’ll give you that. You may put whatever you like (non evil), on your character sheet as your alignment, but I will be the one who decides by your actions what alignment you are. (Aka – Alignment shifts will come from me)

Reasons for this is my Strange Aeons campaign blew up, because players were arguing with me on alignment, and we all know by the paladin fall threads in forums that a discussion of alignment gets nowhere. You’ll be warned that a particular course of actions will be given an alignment shift and given a chance to change your mind before you commit a certain action. And honestly I am generally quite relaxed about alignments.

Casting a spell with the evil descriptor 100 times will cause you to have an alignment swop so please don’t be relying on that infernal healing wand too much.

NPC protection clause:

All NPCs come wearing this shirt. You may only attack them on the orders of another NPC(it causes the shirt to disappear), or if they start attacking you (the shirt disappears when they start attacking you(Init is rolled). Attacking NPCs other then in those above stated circumstances will cause an alignment shift.

Of course – if you want to intimidate NPC guards to let you by the gate etc, that’s fine, so as long as no violence was carried out.

Pointing things out/discussions of rules:

I am a LN GM. So pretty much it’s by the rulebook. And if you point it out politely and nicely, I would most likely go as what’s written in the book. However there will be times when my interpretation and yours differs or I do not follow RAW – I will usually explain my point and you may discuss with me on it in a civilized manner. If I do not, you have the right to ask me for an explanation, and are allowed to discuss in a civilized manner on it. I may change my decision/retcon things based on what you said, but at the end of the day you need to live with my final decision. Because as GM – I need to keep the game moving, and several days of heated discussion on rules does NOTHING, except piss off both the player and the GM.

I do in all honesty want to learn the game rules better because there’s always room for improvement.

Now in the past – I used to think that players and GMs could talk stuff out nicely but I pretty much lost patience at the point where players start demanding things.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re given a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed. But please note on the deviations on RAW in the clause above. And in my games – I try to have the party’s actions have effect on the gameworld.

All of you are requested to be in by Edeldhur, so I'm trusting his judgement on all of you.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Prequel, that's what it says.

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The day dawns bright and sunny in the small trade town of Phaendar. The town seemingly sprouts out of nowhere, a respite from the forest around. Most of the houses of wood and thatch seem to have been built in a circular pattern around a dirt trail around the town. The town resembles more like a large clearing then any kind of proper settlement. The sound of gushing water from the fast-flowing Marideth river can be heard in the vicinity as the various townsfolk, clad in leathers and thick rough woven canvas as they go about their business of the daily life. The sound of hammering in a forge as well as sawing of wood can be heard from the Phaendar trading company.

At the town centre, the clearing that makes up Market Green, there is a billboard, with various notices, such as "Buying fine leathers and furs - Contact Daniel at Daniel's Leatherworks", "Got a broken pan? Come to the Phaendar Trading Company to get it fixed, as good as new!" , "Missing Ginger Tabby Cat - Answers to Garfield - Please bring him back to Catherine the weaver for a free sack.", "Oreld's Fine Goods for all your Herbalism needs!"

One notice that draws your interest. ”Adventurers wanted – Please see Father Noelan at the River Wood Shrine for more details”

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


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My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a ironfang invasion game here.

I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace.

I WILL do multiple posts per day. I expect that all of you will try for 2x/day posting.

Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on. I don’t discriminate against phone users, I am one myself.

Now for the lengthy part of the document – I apologize that it is that long – but I need to get the terms and conditions hammered out, so everyone knows what they’re getting into.

Character creation Part 1:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). Trap the Soul and Animate dead type spells are not allowed. Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. Boots of the Earth are not allowed. No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 1
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings, Hobgoblins and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 150 gp
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.

Additional notes on character creation:

As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have limited ability to homebrew or change encounters. Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). Or are waaay more powerful then members of the party leading leading to situations like this
Pathfinder is a social contract between the players and the GM. It's no fun if the GM has to roll a natural 20 all the time to hit you, or if combat is over because you murderhobo everything the moment it comes to your init roll. I also ask that as a party your cooperate with each other, feel free to build your characters around each other etc.
Yes, a certain amount of cheese is required(since I am somewhat of a combat tactician), but not TOO much, please. I rather that the party works together to overcome challenges then one person stealing the show.


Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Block Init for enemies. If I have to roll them individually, I’ll go nuts.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.
Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please. And a portable artificer's lab while you're at it.
In my games, breath of life works against Phantasmal Killer and CDGs. Surprisingly someone has told me it isn’t RAW. But I don’t mind giving this one.
For the purposes of Polymorph spells – you may polymorph only into creatures that are not one of their own kind. I.e you may change yourself into a Gargolyle, but you may not change into Yig, Bokrug (Interpertation: Unless otherwise noted, polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals.)
The blight (any), deathsnatcher, Euryale, fen mauler, green man, mezlan, rawhead, and vespergaunt—are not legal for polymorph effects.
Trapfinder trait from Mummy’s Mask does not need to be tied to any location. Just insert your favourite tomb, and use it.
I use block init, I will roll saving throws,knowledge checks (for Monster Identification) and AOOs for you to save time.

Why Trap the soul and animate dead type spells is not allowed:

Players when given too much freedom, take opportunity to start squabbling about it. Now I firmly believe in doing onto others what you want done onto you, and since I don’t like my GM dictating how I should play my character, I don’t like to enforce it on others either. I don’t come here to debate ethics and morality and telling people how to play their characters. So in the name of reducing character conflict, since it’s a sore point with some characters, its banned.


Now alignment is subjective – I’ll give you that. You may put whatever you like (non evil), on your character sheet as your alignment, but I will be the one who decides by your actions what alignment you are. (Aka – Alignment shifts will come from me)
Reasons for this is my Strange Aeons campaign blew up, because players were arguing with me on alignment, and we all know by the paladin fall threads in forums that a discussion of alignment gets nowhere. You’ll be warned that a particular course of actions will be given an alignment shift and given a chance to change your mind before you commit a certain action. And honestly I am generally quite relaxed about alignments.

Casting a spell with the evil descriptor 100 times will cause you to have an alignment swop so please don’t be relying on that infernal healing wand too much.

NPC protection clause:

All NPCs come wearing this shirt. You may only attack them on the orders of another NPC(it causes the shirt to disappear), or if they start attacking you (the shirt disappears when they start attacking you(Init is rolled). Attacking NPCs other then in those above stated circumstances will cause an alignment shift.
Of course – if you want to intimidate NPC guards to let you by the gate etc, that’s fine, so as long as no violence was carried out.

Pointing things out/discussions of rules:

I am a LN GM. So pretty much it’s by the rulebook. And if you point it out politely and nicely, I would most likely go as what’s written in the book. However there will be times when my interpretation and yours differs or I do not follow RAW – I will usually explain my point and you may discuss with me on it in a civilized manner. If I do not, you have the right to ask me for an explanation, and are allowed to discuss in a civilized manner on it. I may change my decision/retcon things based on what you said, but at the end of the day you need to live with my final decision. Because as GM – I need to keep the game moving, and several days of heated discussion on rules does NOTHING, except piss off both the player and the GM.
I do in all honesty want to learn the game rules better because there’s always room for improvement.

Now in the past – I used to think that players and GMs could talk stuff out nicely but I pretty much lost patience at the point where players start demanding things.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re given a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed. But please note on the deviations on RAW in the clause above. And in my games – I try to have the party’s actions have effect on the gameworld.

As I am trying to push the game for speed – I want all of you to submit your ideal posting times. I will say that those based Asia Pacific and America(night shift) will be at an advantage. I understand it may be discrimination, but on non compatible timezones, there will be delays, which I wish to avoid.

I will vet applicants on their post history (more plot pushiness and general positive interaction with party is good), activity and timezones. I do not expect a novella length backstory, nor do I care too much about it.

I will require all selected players to play a mod, partly to bring the characters together(especially since I don't want to restrict all to Phaendar natives since that'd shoehorn everyone to being human), partly so I can feel how the group works, before we start the AP proper.

I am looking for two more players, please submit your characters as well as your ideal posting times in GMT.

The Exchange

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Android users like myself are having the page not expand properly and so we can't see the page tabs on some pages(3917,3920) and can't read what's on the right most part of the page.

The Exchange

Collect Soul (Su)

When a death coach deals damage to a creature with its touch attack, it can immediately attempt to collect the creature’s soul, forcing the creature to attempt a DC 24 Fortitude save. Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take a –4 penalty on this save. A creature that succeeds at its save takes 3d6+16 points of damage. On a failed save, the creature takes 160 points of damage (as if affected by a CL 16 finger of death).

The soul of a creature slain by this attack becomes trapped in the death coach’s interior. A trapped soul can be restored to life only by a miracle or wish. This is a death effect, and a creature that succeeds at its save is immune to that death coach’s collect soul ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Should SR be allowed on the target(for the as if affected by a CL 16 finger of death portion) that gets damaged by the touch attack?

I ruled no, because it's an Su ability which is not subject to SR, but can also see that if it mimics the spell finger of death there should be SR check given.

Again, if dispel magic worked on a druid's wildshape which is stated to function like beast shape, there would be a lot of angry druids.

So out of curiosity, did I make the right ruling?

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

All right. The private messages are in a mess (they don't notify users) so we should start working out on how you're going to solo Strange Aeons here. If you're interested, that is.

Firstly, you are given Gestalt – the rest of your boat trip is used to unlock your gestalt powers. I would assume you're going to synthesist summoner it. Doesn't really bother me at this point of time.

Yes I know you'll be getting no loot for book 3 – but I don't see it as much of a problem since later you're going to exceed WBL since you'll get all the loot in the AP for yourself.

The story will restart when you're at Cassomir, having dropped Leonard off for treatment and rented a little room to yourself, so you can continue the dreamquests.

If you do synthesist summoner/summmoner of any variety – whenever you come in from real world to dream world, your eidolon won't be present, since your dreamlands for is a reflection of your real world self, and in order to get into dreamlands, you essentially fell asleep. Which dismisses your eidolon.

A few clarifications: Lupine robes will not work for dreamlands rituals – since a clarification with Mark Seifer indicates that any buffs to ritual checks must be able to last the duration of the ritual – and even inspiration use on the ritual would require you to maintain the use of inspiration throughout the entire duration of the ritual(basically it has to be free use).

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


The Exchange

I know this has been discussed before but 2 posts does not a very good discussion make.

At 4th level, a bonded investigator’s familiar becomes a cunning assistant to the investigator. The familiar can access the investigator’s inspiration pool to augment its own actions; the use of inspiration is deducted from the investigator’s number of daily uses as normal. The familiar can use the inspiration ability (and gains the increased benefits of investigator talents that affect the bonus dice used in this ability) but cannot expend uses of inspiration for other purposes.

What exactly does the familiar get out of the inspiration pool?

1)Expanded inspiration talent?

Expanded inspiration - Use inspiration on trained Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive without expending inspiration

2) Device talent?

Device Talent - Use Use Magic Device untrained; if trained, use the inspiration ability with it without expending uses

3) Combat Inspiration?

Combat Inspiration - Inspiration on attack rolls and saving throws expends one use instead of two

4)Half Elf Favoured Class bonus?
Gain a +¼ bonus on all inspiration rolls.

I know amazing inspiration works - since it says it gains benefits of investigator talents that affect bonus dice, and it does affect bonus dice.

The Exchange

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Forumites - I recently got to reading Doomed Heroes PBP guide.

Doomed Hero wrote:

PBP recruiting on the Paizo boards is a bit of a clusterf$!# free-for-all that leaves many people with a bitter taste in their mouth. Even after the party is picked, most do not look back on the process fondly. For those that don’t get picked, it’s easy to get frusterated.

Many forum-goers have a handful of different versions of the same character concept in their Alias list, because they didn’t get picked, or because they did and the game died, and they have this one character that they just want to play.

Don’t do that.

GMs will look at your aliases when choosing. If they see 10 different versions of Lord Sothbane the Stoic-est, they will assume you are unoriginal and pick someone else.

They will also look at your posting numbers. If you have been in a dozen games, but have never gotten beyond 50 posts in any of them, they will pick someone else.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not your fault that the game died. All they see is the pattern.

Now it's probably a little too late for me since I've been applying first, thinking later - since most of my PBPs that I applied for have died out.

But what kind of checklist would you put on how to spot GMs who will go for the long run for PBPs?

I mean for the first one - with wisdom of experience I'd say not to apply for any GM who hasn't PBPed on the boards before, or has not run/played any campaigns before. Yeah it's quite biased against newcomers, but it seems like new PBP GMs don't have the discipline it takes to run PBP for long.

The Exchange

Can an eidolon put on a swarm suit?

These heavy and overlapping layers of clothing, coupled with a wide hat outfitted with a dense, veil-like netting around its brim makes it all but impossible for Diminutive and Fine creatures to make physical contact with your body. Wearing a swarmsuit cuts your speed in half, but gives you DR 10/— against swarms of Fine creatures and DR 5/— against swarms of Diminutive creatures.

How long would it take to put on a swarm suit?

The Exchange

From the bestiary:

Some monsters are vulnerable to magic weapons. Any weapon with at least a +1 magical enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls overcomes the damage reduction of these monsters. Such creatures’ natural weapons (but not their attacks with weapons) are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

So a creature with DR/magic natural weapons could bypass DR/magic. Is there similar text for DR/silver, DR/cold iron or DR/adamantine?


Let's say, you have a 5th level cleric in say the scenario Mists of Mwangi.

How many combats should you give for the min/level spell, Bless - which lasts 5 min, assuming the party decides not to search any rooms they come across?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Sorry for reposting here when I posted in customer service, but I realized that wasn't the right place.


This campaign dropped off my tabs. And so sneakily I didn't notice until much later. I am still an active player in the game and would like to have it on my campaign tabs so I keep track of it.

PS. I have already tried dotting and deleting the thread with another character.


This campaign dropped off my tabs. And so sneakily I didn't notice until much later. I am still an active player in the game and would like to have it on my campaign tabs so I keep track of it.

PS. I have already tried dotting and deleting the thread with another character.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Strange Aeons game with Arcane casters only FOR SCIENCE!

I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace.

I WILL do multiple posts per day. Just look at Reign of Winter for pace. I expect that all of you will try for 2x/day posting.

Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on. I don’t discriminate against phone users, I am one myself.

Character creation rules:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). Trap the Soul and Animate dead spells are not allowed. Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 1
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Only Arcane Casters with 6th – 9th level arcane casting (includes alchemists... Investigators I'm still deciding since RAW they can't use spell trigger items) No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 150 gp
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal AND one campaign trait(cos they’re so flavourful!)

Character creation part 2:

I have chosen the four of you for your posting activity and reliability. I also know that all 4 of you have varying levels of cheesiness system mastery, though none of you are completely new to the Pathfinder system. As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have limited ability to homebrew or change encounters(I learnt a few things in Reign of Winter!)

Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). I also ask that as a party your cooperate with each other, feel free to build your characters around each other etc.

House Rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.
Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please.
In my games, breath of life works against Phantasmal Killer and CDGs. Surprisingly Luke has told me it isn’t RAW. But I don’t mind giving this one.
Trapfinder trait from Mummy’s Mask does not need to be tied to any location. Just insert your favourite tomb, and use it.
I use block init, I will roll saving throws,knowledge checks (for Monster Identification) and AOOs for you to save time.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re given a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


The Exchange

Does the spell ice storm break line of sight?

"Great magical hailstones pound down upon casting this spell, dealing 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of cold damage to every creature in the area. This damage only occurs once, when the spell is cast. For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt)."

I was reading at the weather effects:

Heavy Snow: Heavy snow has the same effects as normal snowfall but also restricts visibility as fog does (see Fog). A day of heavy snow leaves 1d4 feet of snow on the ground, and it costs 4 squares of movement to enter a square covered with heavy snow. Heavy snow accompanied by strong or severe winds might result in snowdrifts 1d4 × 5 feet deep, especially in and around objects big enough to deflect the wind—a cabin or a large tent, for instance. There is a 10% chance that a heavy snowfall is accompanied by lightning (see Thunderstorm). Snow has the same effect on flames as moderate wind.

So I ruled that it did...

The Exchange

Item in question is here:

"When a divine spellcaster lights a block of incense of meditation and then spends 8 hours praying and meditating nearby, the incense enables him to prepare all his spells as though affected by the Maximize Spell feat. However, all the spells prepared in this way are at their normal level, not at three levels higher (as with the regular metamagic feat).

Each block of incense burns for 8 hours, and the effects persist for 24 hours."

Is it possible to do the following steps:

a) Smoke weed for 8 hours, and prepare your spells maximised.
b) Use up your spells in 2 hours of adventuring
c) Get keep watch cast on you and rest.
d) Prepare a new set of spells maximised, without burning another block of incense.

The Exchange

Can you have multiple instances of Bebilith rot on you at one go?


A bebilith’s bite causes a horrible withering and weakening of the flesh, resulting in a hideous melting and foul rotting effect. This catastrophic withering begins on the round the creature is bitten and continues for another 4 rounds thereafter, for 5 rounds of withering in all. Each round the rot persists, the target must succeed on a DC XX Fortitude save or take 2 points of Constitution damage. If the target makes two consecutive saving throws in a row, the effect is cured. Heal can also halt the rot effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.

I.e, Round 1:

You are bitten by a Bebilith and failed the fort save and got the rot.

Round 2:

You got full attacked by a Bebilith and failed the fort save for the round one rot, and failed the fort save for round 2 rot.

If you get more rot in round 2, you take the extra 2 con dmg, right?

Round 3:
Before the Bebilith attacks you again, do you...
A)Make two fort saves for round 1 and round 2 rot?
B)Just make 1 fort save for rot?

The Exchange

Continuation of thread here.

I am running Reign of Winter and seriously considering if I should ban obscuring mist, or nerf it. At the very start of the campaign, I had banned all vision blocking effects with conjunction of ways to see through(I.e. no goz mask + obscuring mist, no deeper darkness + fiendsight).

Reason being:I'm running a published AP, almost as written, as I am running mostly from phone(yay!), and know jack about the CR system. But just musing about my failings as a GM, nothing to see...

TLDR: I wish to run the mod as closely as written as possible.

Outdoors, not so much of a problem. Blame monsters for not jumping into the obscuring mist the party created. Their loss, it happens.

The problem is later there will be dungeons where there will be no way to escape into obscuring mist. The party can hide in there, shoot out of the mist, and it will shut down the caster BBEGs, which for some reason have a really weird slew of spells prepared. Suffice to say they don't have much(if any) spells to deal with obscuring mist. The next problem is that I won't even know where the party is exactly if I'm not next to them, and standing next to melee beatsticks is not good for longevity.

Am I overreacting by wanting to ban/nerf the spell? And if I do not touch how the spell works, how am I supposed to deal with it?

Primarily I only have the witch spell list to work with. No, I do not get dispel magic. Besides trading a level 3 spell for a level 1 spell is a >.< bargain.

The Exchange

Spell here

And the questions below.

In a 5 ft wide a 5 ft high hallway :


Where X and Y are the bad guys, P the player and - is the of the obscuring mist (P is standing in the obscuring mist, just at the border), O are empty 5 ft squares.

1)What is the concealment P faces attacking X?
2)What is the concealment P faces attacking Y?
3)What is the concealment X faces attacking P?
4)What is the concealment Y faces attacking P?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

This will also serve to test whether I need a full cleric channel considering that wands of CLW do not fall off trees.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: “Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.” The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table.

“Welcome! Welcome, my student! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. "Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born. “But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, "Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.”

Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, "Why would gillmen be going to these caves? That’s exactly what you are being asked to find out. The only known permanent surface settlement of the gillmen is in Escadar. Why they’re venturing into the foothills of the Kortos Mounts is a mystery. How will we know whether we’re successful? Greetings, aspiring Pathfinder! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.”

Master Shaine hops to his feet. “Initiate, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.” With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The party has been on the road for what seems like months. Today is just another day of life on the road. The sun has set and the day’s travels done, a warm campfire is set up as everyone sits around the campfire and shares a communal dinner of stewed pork and beans by the caravan cook Molthar. Something however, is missing. Usually a bard from the Pathfinder Society, who has joined your caravan trip would be entertaining all of you during dinner with song and dance. Today, his presence is easily noticeable. ”Hey, where’s our songbird?” A caravan guard name Ted asks. ”Dunno, he said he was going off to the cliff to witness the sunset, said it might give him inspiration for his latest song.” A trader replies. ”N’va known him to miss a meal, those spoony bards being what they are.” Another caravan guard jeers. Just then, the guard on duty, a human named Aasif, comes running back. ”I heard someone cry for help in the distance, I think it might have been Balanar. But it was dark and I didn’t dare to go into the darkness alone.”

”That is not good. We need to send out a search party immediately. He might have run into trouble. Any of you are willing to search for him in the dark?”Shiela Whitefeather asks the entire caravan.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


The Exchange

My posts are not showing!

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a AP/Mod(haven't decided which one yet?). I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.

I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.

My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive.

Character Creation:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 1
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 150 gp
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.

Character Creation Part 2:

I have chosen the four of you for your posting activity and reliability. I also know that all 4 of you have varying levels of cheesiness system mastery, though none of you are completely new to the Pathfinder system. As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have no ability to homebrew or change encounters. Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). Previously, under the gestalt ruleset, I can understand why you want to cheese optimize more, as the odds are stacked against you, 2 players instead of the usual 4. Now you have 4 players. You can lessen on the cheese, some, can't you? Pathfinder is a social contract between the players and the GM. It's no fun if the GM has to roll a natural 20 all the time to hit you, or if combat is over because you murderhobo everything the moment it comes to your init roll. I also ask that as a party your cooperate with each other, feel free to build your characters around each other etc.

House Rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.
Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please. And a portable artificer's lab while you're at it.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re given a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS Module – No Response from Deepmar for a two players. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.

I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.

My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive.

Character build rules:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 8
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 33000 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.
One of you please get trapfinding - I don't care how you do it.(This is a GM warning.)

House Rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Each character may reroll a single d20 once in the scenario - this is to make up for swinginess of encounters with only 2 players.You may not transfer rerolls, nor use them on anything other then your PC.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.

Background info:

A hundred miles off the Chelish coast lies the remote island of Deepmar, where the House of Thrune sends prisoners to work in crystal mines, wresting valuable spell components from the depths of the earth. A month ago, all contact with the penal colony ceased, and now someone must discover what mysterious fate has befallen the prisoners and guards of this isolated mining operation. The abandoned colony shows no signs of struggle yet something is clearly not right: Herds of animals lie mutilated in the surrounding fields. The savage beasts of the island have run amok inside the compound. And the silent, gaping mines—each named for a different layer of Hell—lead to new threats beyond anyone's imagining. As the PCs explore the island in search of the missing miners and their jailers, what they discover may unhinge their very minds. If left unchecked, the new masters of Deepmar could bring about a new era of madness for all of Cheliax—and beyond.

Character background:

Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS scenario – Silver Mount Collection for a two players. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.

I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.Like HERE. I will go at a slower pace this time round to preserve my sanity^^

My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive.

Character build rules:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 5
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 10500 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.

House Rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Each character may reroll a single d20 once in the scenario - this is to make up for swinginess of encounters with only 2 players.You may not transfer rerolls, nor use them on anything other then your PC.

Background info:

The strange city of Carrion Hill has long loomed over the surrounding swamps in eastern Ustalav, yet its rulers have shifted many times through the centuries. Often enough that only a few sinister scholars and curious minds know the true nature of the hill’s original inhabitants—vile and depraved cultists of the Old Gods. Yet this morning, a dreadful recrudescence rises from the depths of buried nightmare in the vaults below Carrion Hill. A monster stalks the twisted alleys of the city, spreading panic before it and leaving destruction in its wake. Can the Carrion Hill Horror be stopped?

Character background:

Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS scenario – Silver Mount Collection for a two players. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.

I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.Like HERE. I will go at a slower pace this time round to preserve my sanity^^

My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive.

Character build rules:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 7
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 23500 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.
Note that this is a PFS scenario, but its pretty brutal. The following disclaimer applies:
Welcome to the Silver Mount Collection. This is a scenario designed to test your character to its limits and beyond. The threat of character death is very real.

House rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Each character may reroll a single d20 once in the scenario - this is to make up for swinginess of encounters with only 2 players.You may not transfer rerolls, nor use them on anything other then your PC.

Background info:

The esteemed Blakros family—famous for their museum in Absalom—receives a large shipment of artifacts from Numeria but fears that the ever-vigilant Technic League will attack to reclaim its "stolen" property. When they request the help of Pathfinders to help guard the collection, the PCs discover that the Technic League is the least of their worries.

This scenario is quite steampunkish.

character background requirements:

Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re giving a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed. I’m running this in part to see what it’s like on the GM screen of a PBP, to see what people will come up with togther as a duo as characters for a scenario meant for a party of 4, and how well they will do. In the name of science. I’m curious. It’s of my traits.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Venture-Captain Drandle Drenge, a stout and hardy Taldan with thin, graying hair and a thick, bushy mustache, seats at his mahogany desk, surrounded by stacks of parchment. Even though it is early in the day, his eyes are weary and his shoulders slouched. ”Things haven’t been looking good around here, Valda. After the Aspis’s brazen attack on our lodge, we’ve suffered losses. I haven’t had word from the team I’ve sent to the Mwangi jungle, and the bodies they pulled out of Blakros museum this morning weren’t pretty. “ He pauses a while, to judge Valda’s reaction, then continues,”I’ve work for you today.” He takes out a map and points his meaty finger at it.

"The abandoned district of Beldrin’s Bluff was once the gem of Absalom’s Precipice District—now it is but a weathered crag of broken rock at the edge of the roiling sea. When the great quake hit ten years ago, entire blocks of the Bluff sheared from the mainland. Cliffside tearooms and exclusive estates fell into the waves and carried hundreds of nobles to a watery grave. An elite academy, called the Tri-Towers Yard, remained on the mainland, but sank wholesale into the earth. Children unfortunate enough to survive the quake lay pinned under debris as sewer water slowly rose from the ground and drowned them. Nearly every student perished."

"Today, crumbled stone walls and weed-filled lots sprawl where gentlemen’s clubs once filled with pipe smoke and hobnobbing lords. The Drownyard—er, that’s what the illmannered call the school these days—lies behind a fence of black iron pikes, constructed by the families of the dead to discourage morbid trespassers."

"Even respected archaeological groups have been denied official access. Our own Society has itched to explore the site ever since the quake—that is, ever since we discovered that the school fell through the roof of a lost necropolis. Unfortunately, the emotional trauma attached to the school has remained fresh. But finally, after ten years of mourning, the politically-connected families of dead students have sanctioned our delve request."

"I want you to find a way into the necropolis, document your findings with professional detail, and recover artifacts of historical significance. The Society is interested in one artifact in particular—a two-finger ring topped with a ruby salamander. Do you have any questions?"

Before you leave:

Drandle Drenge pulls an iron key from his waistcoat. “I leave you with the key to the Drownyard gate. Remember, the Drownyard is a deeply personal site for many powerful Inner Sea families. You will tread upon the graves of their children. Be sure to give the site the respect it deserves.”

After you leave:

A well dressed lad in the household livery of a noble approaches you, handing you an envelope. You open the letter and it reads,“Hero of the Society, It has come to my attention that you and your cohorts were chosen by the noble Pathfinders to enter and explore what became of the Tri-Towers Yard. As my daughter, Junia, was lost there during the great quake, it seems only proper that you attend the banquet I am holding tomorrow in memory of her. You and your friends should wear your finest and arrive at the Dacilane Estate in the Ivy District at sundown. As you are probably not accustomed to the traditions of nobles, not attending this dinner would be a serious slight upon the memory of my daughter. Sincerely, Lady Miranda Dacilane”

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Things I wish to playtest:

1)Can a PFS adventure of earlier seasons be accomplished solo?
2)What are the differences between solo play and a full party?
3)What do you miss out as a solo player? Do you get the full story experience?
4)Is the story telling aspect enhanced because the GM can give the player more attention, whereas in a group, some may not be willing to participate in an individual player's story arc, plot hook?
5)The PBP medium has always been a slow one. Is it because the players are waiting for each other, or the GM?
6lWould a PBP be enhanced with fewer people so there is more communication between GM and players?
7)Can a PBP be both engaging and fast at the same time?
8)How fast can a PBP go if both GM and player are willing to work on it?
9)How stressful is it on the GM to run a PBP at a fast pace?

Hello Forumites. My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS scenario – Black Waters for a single player. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. This is my first time running a PBP online so I may be a little new on PBP aspects. I have ran games in person and on Roll20 many times.

I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.

My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive.

Character build rules:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 5
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 10500 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.
Note that this is a PFS scenario, there WILL be combat – and since you’re doing this solo, you’re expected to handle the fight on your own, without any help from any other party members. Do not think you can talk your way out of everything.

House Rules:

Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.

Background info:

Your character has been hired by the Pathfinder Society. Just a One-Off Thing.
The Pathfinder Society seeks the ancient ruby ring of the salamander and it falls to a team of Pathfinders to find it. Last seen in the Tri-Towers Yard, a once elite academy for the youth of Absalom, the ruby ring is now lost in the Drownyard, all that remains of Tri-Towers after it was destroyed a decade ago in the great quake. The Pathfinders must risk the strange black ichors and salty brine to find their prize—will they risk their very souls as well?

Character background requirements:

Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.

About me:

I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re giving a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed. I’m running this in part to see what it’s like on the GM screen of a PBP, to see what people will come up with as solo characters for a scenario meant for a party of 4, and how well they will do. In the name of science. I’m curious. It’s of my traits. If it works out well I might run more stuff in the future.

Besides submitting your character sheet and background, I want to know your posting frequency. I will pick players based on posting frequency and reliability, timezone, and also your character’s chances of successfully completing the mission. I will prefer if you have not played the scenario before, but if you did, not really too much of a matter. I will close the recruitment on 30/09/2016 midnight at GMT +8.

The Exchange

I'm looking at a PBP Gestalt recruitment game, and I wanted some forumites to check out my maths/logic behind it, after looking at this poster: h-the-forbidden-kingdom-36231-400x250.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160302215258

Lv 7, 20 point buy. Elf race.

I was thinking of trying to gestalt a white haired witch("WHW") with an unchained monk.

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18(after +1 from lv 4 ability modifier), Wis 13, Cha 10

Lv 1: Weapon Finesse
Lv 3: Weapon Focus(hair)
Lv 5: Feral Combat Training
Lv 7: Piranha strike/rime spell

Monk bonus feats:
Lv 1: Combat Reflexes
Lv 2: Improved Grapple
Lv 6: Improved Trip.

Traits: Magical lineage (frostbite), Warrior of the Old

Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists, assorted things that I don't really want to think about at this point of time.

The idea was to use the WHW long hair to fish for AOOs, then trip. Attack them and attempt to grapple when they try to stand up. Maybe stack rimed frostbite in for some lulz. I would have tried to do bludgeoneer/enforcer route but ran out of feats. Probably devotion patron.

White haired witch hair text:

At 1st level, a white-haired witch gains the ability to use her hair as a weapon. This functions as a primary natural attack with a reach of 5 feet. The hair deals 1d4 points of damage (1d3 for a Small witch) plus the witch’s Intelligence modifier. In addition, whenever the hair strikes a foe, the witch can attempt to grapple that foe with her hair as a free action* without provoking an attack of opportunity, using her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength modifier when making the combat maneuver check. When a white-haired witch grapples a foe in this way, she does not gain the grappled condition.

Idea workable? Also, what other things to improve on?
Should I use an enlarge person potion, I will get 15 ft reach, no?

The Exchange

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You're a 8th level psychic bloodline sorcerer. You've taken Shadow Projection as your 4th level spell known.

Psychic sorcerers cast using thought and emotion components, so there is no verbal and somantic components required, which has previously hindered casting in shadow projection. Your charisma which you use for casting has now translated to your shadow projection's AC.

You stash your body in a safe place and continue adventuring, as a shadow. You have taken the feats endurance and diehard, so even if something kills your shadow, you can always pop back to your body and use infernal healing on yourself.

You gain all the defences and movement of a shadow while maintaining your full spellcasting, with added perk of your casting stat going to your ac. Too good to be true? Please poke holes in the proposed plan.

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