Gestalt Carrion Hill (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Carrion Hill backdrop

Slipper Market

Sunless grove Pt 1

Sunless grove Pt 2

Rupman's Vat

Elm's Way Church

The Great Filth

Asylum map

Crove Asylum Lv 1

Crove Asylum Basement

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


? ?

Dotting for fun and profit.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Module prologue


You've been having strange dreams lately. Of an ancient altar stone beneath the earth. Of a grove of fossilised trees, growing upon purple-blue earth. A book inlaid with an amethyst, closed by insect-like clasps. All throughout the dreams you can hear the sound of chanting, but are unable to make out the words. The chanting grows louder, weaving a chain of words around you. You feel entire self being compressed, tighter and tighter. You can't breathe. Then you wake up.

You have received a note from a delivery boy. It reads, "I have found a way to transcend the limitations of the human mind. Seek me out in the asylum, alone, to hear of my revelation." -Crove

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

GM Mort:
Howard shudders, his nightly reverie once again disturbed by lucid dreams... or are they hallucinations? Signs that his mind is truly fracturing, from all of the hidden truths about the remorseless, uncaring cosmos that he has discovered?

Crove's message comes as something of a relief.

Perhaps these matters are linked? It is most curious that a missive should come from him, just as these visions occur... I wonder what he has discovered... or awoken.

He then turns to the figure standing silently in the corner of the room - an enormous humanoid-ish form, clad in a voluminous, tattered yellow robe, its arms clad in dirty yellow linen bandages, and its face obscured by a delicate silver mask, which seems to glisten in the faint candle-light, ever-so-slightly warping the reflections in its surface.

"Come. We must return to Carrion Hill."

So saying, he hires a mount, and begins the long journey.

For future reference, thanks to the spell Keep Watch, Howard doesn't sleep (normally)... he is all to aware of what can happen to dreamers (even those who don't stray into the Demiplane of Dreams), and knows that he has undoubtedly attracted more than his fair share of attention from otherworldly denizens...

More practically, it also means that he never has to dismiss his eidolon.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Ustalav has never been the best of places to be in at the best of times, but this time it seems worse. Your respective journeys are plagued with constant and heavy downpour, and there's barely a moment in the day where you can see the sun. The cobblestones on the ground are slick with rivulets of rainwater running down, and the steeets are deserted, despite it being late in the morning. A single figure clad in an oil sicked black garment desperately strives to make himself heard over the downpour.

10 am

“Carrion Hill needs heroes! Men of stout heart and bravery are asked to come to Crown Manor with all haste, there to receive a task worthy of their skill and talents and a reward of suitable magnificence. Make haste to Crown Manor! Make haste!”

Leaving the river boat Angus pulls his flop hat down over his eyes attempting to keep the drizzle out of his face. ’I should be more worried about my powder than my face, good thing the cloak is more water proof than this felt hat. The riverboat man said the square was this way, I will find my bearings and start asking around about a local Alchemist.

As he nears the square he stops and listens to the crier. ’men of stout heart, task worthy of skills and talents, and a reward. Pharasma doesn’t mind if I earn a little gold, I need to keep in cartridges, they are unbelievably expensive to make here in the north.’

Looking around the square for someone to ask about the location of Crown Manor, he finally walks up to the crier and asks ”Where is this Manor that you speak of friend?”

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Fresh off the carriage, his back aching from the poor suspension of the carriage, not to mention the poor maintenance of the road, Howard frowns and shakes his head in frustration as he hears the crier's words.

Unbelievable. What pitiful problems do they have now? Still, it might be useful to 'check-in', as it were... at best, I can gather some coin, and at worst, if they see me and my companion as 'adventurers', they are less likely to look too closely, or ask too many questions.

With a resigned sigh, he heads for Crown Manor, Hastur trailing sinuously in his wake.

Upon arriving at the Manor, he formally introduces himself.

"I am Howard. It's been a while, but I used to live here for a time, so I still remember a thing or two about how this place operates; what seems to be the problem, that you require outside assistance?"

Yes, Howard is blunt.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The man, happy to get out of the cold rain, eagerly leads both of you to the manor. On the way to the manor, both of you see despite the hour of the day, the shops are closed, and the streets deserted.

As both of you approach the Crown Manor, you see two Crows, guardsmen dressed in black leather armor and chains wielding bows and longswords, standing guard.

When they see you two approach, their somber expressions flicker with hope, but that changes when they see Hastur. One of the guards looks at Hastur dubiously, but lets you two into the Central Hall, dripping and wet. Howard notices the guard making a sign of protection against evil at Hastur, the moment Hastur passes him.

Sorry, Ustalav is kinda provincial when it comes to weird things.

In the great hall, several members of the Crows stand guard while the mayor, a distracted and worried man named Vanton Heggry, sits in a tall-backed chair. When Heggry sees all of you enter, he straightens up and says, “At least we’ve got a few backbones still upright in this place,” then gestures for all of you to be seated, clears his throat, and continues. As you introduce yourself, he acknowledges your greeting, "Ah Howard, I heard from Doctor Crowe you left to pursue your own research elsewhere?"

"Nevertheless, I thank you for attending in our hour of need—Carrion Hill has a long history of battle, yet always before its enemies have attacked from outside our walls. We are fortified to defend against such attacks, but now we face an entirely different threat. Our enemy is already here, dwelling in the tunnels and catacombs below and surfacing to strike without warning.“

"As you may have heard, the first of these attacks occurred early this very morning, when something huge came up from below in a part of the Tangles called Slipper Market. It partially destroyed a building and killed a half dozen locals before retreating into the ruined structure. The Crows were swift to reply, led by our own Commander Garus, but when they arrived, they were slaughtered to the last.“

"Since then, the thing has moved on, surfacing no less than three times in different parts of the city, crushing buildings from below and slaying anyone it finds inside. I’ve got the entire force of the city watch in reserve, and with each new event they respond quickly, but the damage is always done by the time they arrive. "

"Already there is talk of war and invasion, but I still believe that what we face is a single horror. If we can only figure out what it is, we might be able to defeat it. And this is where your group comes in—the horror has moved on from its initial point of entrance, but if you can explore the ruins in Slipper Market, perhaps you can find some sort of clue to tell us what it is we face. I cannot spare any of my Crows to aid you, for they are needed in keeping order in the streets, but if indeed you can find something… anything… about this monster from below, I will pay you handsomely: 1,500 gold for solid information, and twice again that amount for aiding in defeating the horror.”

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard's face remains unreadable as he listens to the mayor's words, but he acknowledges the man's greeting with quick smile and a nod.

"It certainly sounds like a... most unusual... problem. Those tend to be the sorts of things that attract my attention. I and my companion," he says, gesturing in Hastur's direction, "would certainly be willing to discover what we can."

He then frowns as he regards the gunslinger.

"I can't speak for this one; I do not know him."

following the crier, Angus enters the Central hall, seeing the "crows" make warding signs, Angus looks a little more carefully at he two entering the hall with him. 'How very interesting, a masked humanoid wrapped in yellow and a half elf who from appearances is probably a mage of some sort, or possibly an craftsman.'

When introduced to the Mayor, Angus gives a slight bow, more akin to a nod of the head, to both the mayor and the half elf and his partner, resting a hand on each pistol. "I am Angus Elphinstone, I have traveled far in my wonderings, I am willing and able to assist."

'My fellow mercenary is familiar with the town, if nothing else he can act as guide to all these separate locations. I'll wager his big friend would not be with him if he couldn't hold his own in a fight though.' Having heard the half-elf's explanation that he had lived in Carrion Hill, he carefully listening as the Mayor describes the situation, as he evaluated the other two volunteers out of the corner of his eye. Eventually,looking from the mayor to the half elf, he asks."Are there any credible witnesses that could describe this horror in greater detail?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Good good. I worry for you, Howard. Crove is a good man, dedicating his life to treating the illnesses of the mind, but I don't think he would know anything about monster hunting, would he?" He gives Howard a concerned look."Furthermore, Commander Garus was well-versed in dealing with ghouls, skeletons and the uncanny like, yet him and his squad were completely wiped out."

"There is safety in numbers, and since Angus is willing to assist, it would be good for you and your companion to team up with Angus to find out more about this horror, and split the reward."

He turns to face Angus and answers his question."As for the horror, whatever emerged to destroy the buildings was certainly the size of a giant, judging by the extent of the damage it inflicted. But those who saw the events have difficulty describing it - it was as if the buildings were pulled apart from within. Some few who saw more say that the horror itself was strangely hard to see, as if it kept to the shadows or was invisible."

'Well, that certainly narrows it down, I wonder if these two are like the group I've heard about from Kaer Maga, what were they called...the Iridian Fold' Angus listens carefully and chooses to keep his opinion to himself, instead he asks, "Howard is it?" then looking to the large humanoid in the yellow bandages he asks, "And what do I call your companion," Smiling, "Or does he only speak to you?"

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

"Oh, I would not dream of personally engaging anything especially nasty - I would describe myself as more of an investigator and advisor, who has a knack for handling situations of an arcane bent. Believe me, I took Crove's training to heart - there is no use collecting knowledge, if you simply end-up lunch for some unspeakable horror."

Howard then shrugs.

"If a more physical display is required, however, my colleague here," he says, gesturing to his masked companion, "can certainly punch things until they stop moving."

? ?

The humanoid shape gives a throaty chuckle, before speaking in a near-whisper, which nevertheless still manages to sound not unlike multiple voices speaking as one.


Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard throws Angus an apologetic smile.

"You will have to forgive my colleague - he is a being of few words, most of the time. He is, however, extremely good at his job - which is keeping me alive. He does, after all, have something of a vested interest in my continued existence."

He then turns back to the mayor.

"I take it that you would prefer us to get started straight away?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Yes, that would please me greatly, before we all end up down the gullet of some unspeakable horror." He seems to be growing impatient and gestures at two of his Crows to escort all of you to Slipper market.

Everyone ready to move? You can always RP on your way there, or I can move you to next scene.

'That is very interesting, a vested interest in my continued existence, how peculiar, once I know them better I may inquire more.' Angus nods toward the large 'being' "A pleasure Hastur, I am Angus," Turning to the mayor and Howard, "My interests lay more in Alchemy," Lifting his right hand off of his magical pistol so all could see it's handle, "But I am trained in the unusual weapons developed in the Mana waste, I became a servant of Pharasma and I now travel attempting to expand my understanding of Alchemy and to do her will."

Remaining vague about how he serves Pharasma he inquires about proceeding. "If there is noting else we require gentlemen, shall we proceed to this 'Slipper Market'?"

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard nods.

"Very well. We shall explore the location without delay."

He then heads off to do precisely that, Hastur in tow.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

When all of you arrive at Slipper Market, they find the place in a state of disorder. Normally a bustling market, it is abandoned save for two dozen milling Crows. The Crow escort leads all of you through this throng of guards to a side street that has been roped off; one guard lifts a soaking, dripping rope barrier to let all of you through and indicates that both Tarrig’s home and the partially ruined building where the first attack occurred lie just beyond.

Wide-eyed faces watch the market from upper floor windows, but no one speaks—the only sound is the constant onrush of the driving rain.The guards have set up benches under a barely functioning open tent in the market near the roped-off street entrance. Under the tent lie the remains of three bodies—all the guards have been able to recover from the site so far. Garus is not among the dead. The first two bodies are a pair of homeless thugs who lived in the alley (area A2). The first has been flattened by a single crushing attack to the chest, while the second has had his back broken. The third body is one of the Crows, a man whose body has been twisted twice around at the waist like a knotted rag and whose arms are broken in so many places that they flop like tentacles. His chain shirt and sword are twisted like the rest of his body—whatever did this to the man was huge and incredibly strong.


The door to this modest cobbler’s shop hangs open and a pool of rainwater has collected in the front room. Shelves of shoes line the walls, and a small counter covered with shoemaking tools sits near a narrow flight of stairs to the south that leads up to a second floor. In the nightstand, both of you discover a stash of flayleaf.


The side of a single-story wooden house has collapsed outward into this ten-foot-wide alley, adding to the clutter and refuse. The roofs provide some shelter from the rain, leaving swaths of blood and gore on walls here and there. The hideous smell wafting out of the ruined building is as unplacable as it is stomach turning. Perhaps the strangest is the huge spiral-shaped smear of blood on the wall opposite the partially collapsed building— sheltered by the rain, this ominous rune rises high on the side of the building, as if something enormous had used a broken and bleeding body as a brush to paint its mark.


This living room is in a complete state of disarray. Doors are smashed open and the northern wall has exploded outward. The furniture is in shambles, and rain leaking in from multiple fresh holes in the roof has done little to wash away the thick layer of sticky black slime that seems to coat every surface— slime that exudes a horrific stench something like an open grave, burnt decay, the air before a thunderstorm, wet and diseased fur, and worse. Scattered amid the slime and rubble are body parts—too many to be from one victim and all strangely bloodless. The smell in the room is hideous – you become sickened as long as you remain in the vicinity of the half-dried slime.DC 12 Fort save negates


This room was once a cluttered but cozy parlor, but now the couches, bookshelves, tables, and other comforts are in complete disarray. The eastern wall is partially collapsed, including what once may have been a fireplace to the northwest and two doors leading into other rooms of the building to the southwest. A hideous smell wafts through these holes. An examination of the books here reveals that the vast majority are about the history of Carrion Hill and the immediate surroundings. A large number of books about astronomy are present as well. None are outstanding in their rarity, and most are rather damaged by rain leaking in through the new holes in the roof.


What appears to have once been a library and bedroom is now in a shambles. Furniture is splintered, shelves and books smashed and torn, and everything is coated with a thick, stinking layer of tar-like sludge. A door frame lies burst open to the southwest, beyond which a flight of slime-smeared stone steps leads downward into the dark. The books are of the same type of those found in A4, but these books seem to have been more valuable and more focused on strange monstrous forms and sinister cults. The smell in the room is hideous – you become sickened as long as you remain in the vicinity of the half-dried slime.DC 12 Fort save negates

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

At A3. the mark

Knowledge religion 20:

The strange spiral as a symbol associated with both magical portals and the Dark Tapestry, the dark region between the stars where ancient gods are said to dwell

Knowledge religion 30:

The spiral is one of many symbols tied to a specific one of these alien gods known as Yog-Sothoth, an entity associated with gates, portals, time, and space.

At A5, trail:

Survival DC 12:

The source of the black slime came up from below—judging by the amount smeared on the walls and ceiling, whatever it was had to squeeze itself into the space in order to clamber up the stairs.

may as well inspect the bodies for myself Seeing the bodies Angus asks Howard and Hastur, "Gentlemen, wait a moment and let me inspect the bodies also." He quickly inspects the three bodies, seeing if there was any information that the 'crows' may have missed.

heal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 booo

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Noting the horribly mutilated bodies, Howard casts some buffs.

Mage Armor on Hastur, and Guidance on himself and Hastur.

"It looks like whatever killed them was capable of applying a great deal of force to the solution of its problems..."

He then cautiously moves to explore the rest of the building.


Howard notes the stash of flayleaf, and quietly pockets it.

I doubt the former owner will have much use for it.


Knowledge(Religion) - 'Take 10' = 20.

Intriguing. Maybe Crove really was onto something? Who knows what dark things his rituals may have awakened - this town has been built on the ruins of its predecessors for thousands of years, after all, so there could be all manner of things hibernating below...


Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11.

Barely able to retain control of his stomach, Howard quickly moves on.


Howard is quite interested by the choice in literature of the former owner.

Quite well-read for a cobbler. Then again, rare it is for anyone in this town to be exactly what they seem...


Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19.

Having by now gotten used to the smell, Howard dispassionately (but nevertheless still rapidly) does his best to inventory the room.

His attention, however, is inexorably drawn towards the dark staircase heading down...

He starts to head that way (using Prestidigitation to clear a path through the slime), before turning back to face Angus.

"Do you need a light source, or are you comfortable operating in the dark, as we are?"

assuming there is nothing about the bodies or we can fill it in later
fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

After inspecting the bodies, Angus catches up with his new found partners, 'What an awful stench.'Just as they are about to head down a staircase. "I am comfortable operating in the dark, shall we proceed?" Shaking off his cloak, Angus draws his narrow barreled pistol, loaded with ball, 'now that we are out of the rain, I don't have to worry about fouling my powder.' in preparation for the investigation.

? ?

"I will lead."

With a nod to Howard, Hastur heads down the stairs.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

You get the impression the earlier bodies are what the creature did when it had to kill in a hurry...

The party moves down the stone stairs into the depths. The smell becomes less strong as all of you proceed.Traces of dust and debris indicate that the stairs may have once been clogged with rubble but were recently cleared; by the second turn in their descent, the architectural style changes to an older one involving stone arches and brick-lined walls. Then the party comes to a large chamber.

The chamber’s brick-lined walls are supported by fifteen-foot-high stone arches. Between each arch, circular alcoves have been cut into the wall, each containing a stone sarcophagus. One sarcophagus on the southern wall has toppled over, spilling its long-dead occupant partially out on the brick floor. A dry swath of black sludge nearly ten feet wide runs down the center of the room, connecting the west and northeast stairs. The far end of the hall seems to have collapsed long ago.


The door is stuck, as if barricaded from the other side. Give me a DC 24 str check to proceed

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

"Curious.... what is this doing down here?"

Howard mutters a spell under his breath, and reaches up to touch Hastur's shoulder, imbuing him with Heroism.

"Come on, let's see what we can find."

He then moves to inspect the sarcophagi.

Perception - 'Take 10' = 27.

? ?

Hastur hovers protectively over Howard, just in case the occupants of the sarcophagi turn out to be especially feisty.

If there is nothing to be found, he will then move on to the door to the south.

Nothing seems to stand out, lets double check. Watching Howard work, Angus quickly casts detect magic to see if anything stands out. Only slightly concerned about undead Angus asks "Should we check the sarcophagi?"

did we come in the steps from the east or the west?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Str check DC24 for south door

The bodies in the sarcophagi are little more than bones dressed in fragments of armor and bearing ancient, rusty swords. Howard recognizes the style of armor as ancient Taldan followers of Aroden.

You came in from west

? ?

Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24.

With inhuman strength, Hastur forces the southern door open.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The door bursts into splinters sending stone debris flying all over the place. Now that Hastur has busted through, he realizes that someone or something has set up a crude barricade(its now rubble).

The walls of this long chamber are of brick, the ceiling supported by stone arches. Remnants of bedrolls and other camping equipment lie along the southern wall.

Both of you hear a panicked voice from the northern door."वह आ रहा है! हमारी आखिरी स्टैंड के लिए तैयार!"

Dark folk:

Its coming! Prepare to make our final stand!"

There's a faint aura of necromancy. Gets stronger on the west stairs down

? ?

With a hiss of anticipation, Hastur moves on to the next door, Howard cautiously following in his wake.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The door opens with a loud crash with gravel flying all over the place.

Mounds of rubble line the walls of this partially collapsed chamber, but here and there patches of brickwork are visible on the floor and walls. One rounded alcove remains in the northern wall, though it lacks a sarcophagus. The party sees 3 small humanoids clothed in rags and clutching daggers, trying to hide among the rubble.

Creatures Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Howard and Hastur: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Agnus: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Agnus, Howard and Hastur, Creatures

Knowledge local Howard: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22


With that knowledge roll - you know everything

Before we entered the door,

As they head to the south east, Angus points out, "Beware, I sensed Necromancy to the west, it got stronger near the stairs"

following behind Hastur
'As I suspected, Hastur has god like strength' Following along beside Howard, stepping over the rubble, Angus hears the odd language spoken in panicked voices. "Do either of you two recognize that language?"

As Hastur demolishes the second door, Angus, pistol in hand, sees the three small humanoids hiding behind the rubble. Casting detect evil, he observes; "I do not believe they caused this havoc, perchance they are minions, are we able to talk to them?"

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard shrugs.

EDIT: I just realised, Angus only speaks Common. That's going to make things... interesting...

He then starts speaking in a strange language, which causes Angus' ears to ache.

"Dydw i ddim yn gwybod yr iaith, mae arnaf ofn, ond I * ddim * yn cydnabod yr hyn y maent yn cael eu - mae'r rhain yn Dringwr bach tywyll, humanoids sy'n byw yn y tywyllwch tragwyddol o dan wyneb y byd, ond yn mentro allan ar wyneb y nos, i ddwyn ac achosi anhrefn Maent yn hoffi defnyddio gwenwyn, ac yn ffrwydro mewn fflach llachar o oleuni ar farwolaeth Maent hefyd yn siarad dim ond eu hiaith eu hunain - Dark Gwerin."

"I do not know the language, I am afraid, but I *do* recognise what they are - these are Dark Creepers; humanoids which live in the eternal dark beneath the surface of the world, only venturing forth onto the surface at night, to steal and cause mayhem. They like using poison, and explode in a bright flash of light upon death. They also only speak their native tongue - Dark Folk."

? ?

Hastur then steps forward.

"We will not get any information from them - they only speak Dark Folk... and I hunger."

He then proceeds to tear the closest one apart, before it has a chance to act.

Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, for 1d6 + 5 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (1, 3) = 11 damage.
1d6 ⇒ 2
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17, for 1d6 + 5 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (3, 2) = 14 damage.
1d6 ⇒ 6

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Agnus -they're evil

Hastur cleanly eviscerated one of them with his claws. As it dies, it explodes in a flash of bright light.

Hastur give me a DC 13 Fort save.

On failure:

You're blinded for rounds: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Dont look:

fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
rounds: 1d6 ⇒ 4
fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
rounds: 1d6 ⇒ 5

The rest of the dark creepers seem to be blinded by the flash of bright light and are red eyed and tearing, desperately trying to clear their vision.

Back to Agnus, then the Hs

'only speak dark fork, a shame, we could use some information, even if they were evil' Angus steps past Howard, moving closer to his target, drawing a bead on the creature in the north east corner He cocks the hammer, exhaling slowly he squeezes the trigger. There is a small flash from the pan and the pistol roars to life. Moving lightning fast, Angus loads another cartridge into the pistol.

Move: 15 ft. Attack: +1 pistol, point blank
attack: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 1 = 22 for damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8

sorry about the delay, worked five hours over and needed to sleep

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Angus's pistol shot opens a gaping wound in its abdomen, and it grimaces in pain, but still remains standing.

? ?

Hastur steps into the room, and starts swinging, taking full advantage of the creatures' blindness...

Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12, for 1d6 + 9 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 9 + (3, 2) = 15 damage.
1d6 ⇒ 3
Claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11, for 1d6 + 9 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 9 + (5, 2) = 20 damage.
1d6 ⇒ 4

..he then bends forward, and small tentacles delicately lever his mask out of the way, allowing him to bite down *hard* on the injured Dark Folk.

Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22, for 1d6 + 9 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 9 + (4, 2) = 21 damage.
1d6 ⇒ 5

Of course, since Angus isn't facing Hastur, he can't see his face, which is probably a good thing for Angus' sanity ;-)

Let me know if the claws hit; I am fairly certain the bite did :-P

Hastur the Ineffable wrote:
Of course, since Angus isn't facing Hastur, he can't see his face, which is probably a good thing for Angus' sanity ;-)

Hey, at least we don't have to keep Sanity points!

? ?

Heh. Don't speak to soon - I helpfully directed our lovely GM in the direction of the Pathfinder Sanity rules ;-)

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Hasturs fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Blinded, these creatures are easy prey for Hastur. He lashes out at the one Angus shot with his claw, cutting it into two. It explodes in a flash of brilliance.

Hasturs Fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

rounds blinded: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Hastur is blinded by the explosion, and his second claw goes wide. His attempts to bite of the dark creeper results in him biting only air.

concealment claw,low good: 1d2 ⇒ 2

concealment bite,low good: 1d2 ⇒ 2

The dark creeper tries to defend itself from the monstrous thing. It strikes true but fails to penetrate the invisible barrier around Hastur.

dagger: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

concealment dagger, low good: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Angus and double Hs

'Well Hastur is efficient, what would make a creature explode like that.' Seeing the first creature torn apart and then explode Angus steps into the room leveling his pistol at the last creature. His hands moving quickly; he cocks the hammer, squeezes the trigger, loads the gun and repeats the process so fast it was nearly invisible. the proof of the event being the thunderous roar of the weapon.

5 ft step; Full Attack: +1 pistol, point blank, rapid shot
attack: 1d20 + 11 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 1 - 2 = 13 for damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
attack: 1d20 + 11 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 1 - 2 = 28 for damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Angus shoots the remaining Dark Creeper in the chest, then in the head. It too explodes in a flash of light.

Yes DC 13 fort save for Angus. rounds blinded on failure: 1d6 ⇒ 4

fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
'I knew the flashes were bright, but that's harsh.
Squinting his eyes and turning his head. Ignoring the spots in his eyes Angus asks "Is everyone ok?" He quickly looks around both to make sure the area is secure and for anything of value, both informative and monetarily. 'These cartridges are expensive. Maybe I should use the shortsword so the small stuff. nah, Who am I kidding, it's fun to shot things.'

perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

There are no bodies, only burnt rags and 3 daggers where the Dark Creepers used to be. The daggers seem to be coated with an oily green substance.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Howard moves to investigate the daggers.

Craft(Alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26.

? ?

Meanwhile, Hastur readjusts his mask, his minor tentacles retreating behind his impassive silver visage, and turns to face the others.

"I still Hunger."

He then moves to guard the staircase going down, until the others have finished investigating the room.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


The daggers are coated with a foul-smelling green paste distilled from certain deep-underground fungi known as green smear—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

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