GM Mort |

Venture-Captain Drandle Drenge, a stout and hardy Taldan with thin, graying hair and a thick, bushy mustache, seats at his mahogany desk, surrounded by stacks of parchment. Even though it is early in the day, his eyes are weary and his shoulders slouched. ”Things haven’t been looking good around here, Valda. After the Aspis’s brazen attack on our lodge, we’ve suffered losses. I haven’t had word from the team I’ve sent to the Mwangi jungle, and the bodies they pulled out of Blakros museum this morning weren’t pretty. “ He pauses a while, to judge Valda’s reaction, then continues,”I’ve work for you today.” He takes out a map and points his meaty finger at it.
"The abandoned district of Beldrin’s Bluff was once the gem of Absalom’s Precipice District—now it is but a weathered crag of broken rock at the edge of the roiling sea. When the great quake hit ten years ago, entire blocks of the Bluff sheared from the mainland. Cliffside tearooms and exclusive estates fell into the waves and carried hundreds of nobles to a watery grave. An elite academy, called the Tri-Towers Yard, remained on the mainland, but sank wholesale into the earth. Children unfortunate enough to survive the quake lay pinned under debris as sewer water slowly rose from the ground and drowned them. Nearly every student perished."
"Today, crumbled stone walls and weed-filled lots sprawl where gentlemen’s clubs once filled with pipe smoke and hobnobbing lords. The Drownyard—er, that’s what the illmannered call the school these days—lies behind a fence of black iron pikes, constructed by the families of the dead to discourage morbid trespassers."
"Even respected archaeological groups have been denied official access. Our own Society has itched to explore the site ever since the quake—that is, ever since we discovered that the school fell through the roof of a lost necropolis. Unfortunately, the emotional trauma attached to the school has remained fresh. But finally, after ten years of mourning, the politically-connected families of dead students have sanctioned our delve request."
"I want you to find a way into the necropolis, document your findings with professional detail, and recover artifacts of historical significance. The Society is interested in one artifact in particular—a two-finger ring topped with a ruby salamander. Do you have any questions?"
Drandle Drenge pulls an iron key from his waistcoat. “I leave you with the key to the Drownyard gate. Remember, the Drownyard is a deeply personal site for many powerful Inner Sea families. You will tread upon the graves of their children. Be sure to give the site the respect it deserves.”
A well dressed lad in the household livery of a noble approaches you, handing you an envelope. You open the letter and it reads,“Hero of the Society, It has come to my attention that you and your cohorts were chosen by the noble Pathfinders to enter and explore what became of the Tri-Towers Yard. As my daughter, Junia, was lost there during the great quake, it seems only proper that you attend the banquet I am holding tomorrow in memory of her. You and your friends should wear your finest and arrive at the Dacilane Estate in the Ivy District at sundown. As you are probably not accustomed to the traditions of nobles, not attending this dinner would be a serious slight upon the memory of my daughter. Sincerely, Lady Miranda Dacilane”

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Valda enters the office of Venture Captain Drenge, she is an imposing figure, taller than most men 6’ 3” and medium build. Her long blond hair, single braided on her right side laying on her shoulder, her blue eyes, high cheekbones, thick lips and square jaw, make her a handsome woman. However the bear-claw scar, running from the right side of her face, tucking under her chin then crossing her neck and disappearing onto her left shoulder beneath her armor, keeps her from being beautiful.
She wears her traditional norther garb, covered by fine chainmail armor sporadically laced with gold rings and a blue cloak trimmed with a great northern bears hide. Her Spanglehelm tucked under one arm, her other hand gently resting on the pommel of her thick bladed sword. Standing quietly in front of the desk she carefully listens as her superior begins the briefing.
’I heard about that mess at the museum but not the attack or the group in the Jungle’ Her eyes widen hearing about the first part of the report and nods, being familiar with the museum fiasco. As the captain pulls out the map she steps closer paying attention to the details.
’A pity about the property and buildings but the real shame and loss are the children…I don’t blame them for putting up the fence… I always imagined that the fences around burial places were to keep those who dwell there inside, not to keep idiots out.’ When the captain pauses for a breath, Valda rests her hands on the map, turning it slightly.
While she reaches to take the key ”discretion will be my compass sir, Two questions, is the gate on the map here and do we know what part of the academy the ring was in when the disaster happened? “
I will respond to “After you leave” once she leaves, found a snafu already. I got in a hurry not to waste any money and only kept enough to rent horses or purchase food, ergo she has no nice clothes. Do you mind if I trade two of the bottles of universal solvent for spending cash? If not she will wear her armor to the event, it is the nicest and most expensive thing she owns ;)

GM Mort |

Drendle Dreng nods and a small smile crosses his lips on Valda's mention of discretion guiding her. Too many pathfinders blundered into a delicate situation, leaving the society to suffer political repercussions later. Hopefully this one would be different.
"The Tri-Towers Yard can be accessed by the mainland of Absalom, but due to the ground sinking, and it being next to the sea, I've heard it's a general briny mess. You can ask the locals, they have tons of stories to tell."Drandle Dreng shakes his head. "Foolish unlettered peasants. I wouldn't believe too much of it."
Go ahead for universal solution barter. its Absalom, its morning and the shops are open.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
That much death, I would be surprised if there were not stories...some of the wisest people I know were unlettered, I will choose who to believe myself.' Valda nods, not letting her thoughts betray her, as she pockets the key. "I come from a people who eke out a living from the sea, the bog and the peat. I will be cautious and hopefully bring the ruby salamander back to the pathfinders along with any other artifacts I find." looking at the map and then the captain, smiling slightly "And hopefully some closure to some of these people." she then turns and leaves the office.
after she leaves
As Valda is walking to the inn she is staying at she sees the young man approaching. seeing him reach into a pouch she discreetly rests her hand on her saex, smiling as the man-child draws a letter she releases her blade-handle and accepts the letter opening it and reading.
'hero of the Society' flattery, an interesting place to start... a grieving mother throwing a party...what strange folk...I guess ten years is a long time for a keening...she is right I am not familiar with nobles habits…I must find something to wear.' As Valda is reading the letter, she reaches into her pouch and draws out a silver coin, handing it to the lad as she addresses him. ”Tell your mistress that it is never the desire of the pathfinders or their representatives to offend and though I may not be able to stay late due to my task that I shall attend.”
As she prepairs
I do not have the wardrobe for a nobleman’s patry nor the immediate funds to purchase one, I will sell some of the universal solvent that I carry and inquire about the tri-Tower yards in the process.’ Returning to the inn she is staying at she enquires about the largest market in the city. Once she arrives she begins to barter to find the most appropriate outfit for a northern shield maiden to wear to a nobles banquet. As she does so, using her divine nature, she enquires about the abandoned district of Beldrin’s bluff, the tri-towers yard and the Dacilane noble house.
do we need one roll or three? I will roll three just in case;casting enhanced diplomacy as she gathers information about the market area.
gather information: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 = 29
for: 1d4 ⇒ 3 hours
gather information: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 = 33
for: 1d4 ⇒ 1 hours
gather information: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 2 = 31
for: 1d4 ⇒ 4 hours
Does she get full value for the 'solvent'

GM Mort |

"Thank you, milady. You are most generous. We will be expecting you at sundown." He smiles, gives her a respectful bow, then leaves.
The market place is crowded with people, bustling with activity and your nose is assaulted by a multitude of smells(some good, some not). The stores range from anything mundane to magical, from mundane edibles like roasted sausages to magical artefacts from far off lands, truly giving rise to the legend that Abasalom is the centre of the world.
After jostling your way through the crowd, you find a dress shop with the owner selling fine silk dresses of elegant design. After some haggling, the owner is happy to take your solvent as payment, and calls in his sister who's selling jewelry down the street. Between them, they are willing to take your solvent as payment in exchange for providing you with a dress and suitable ornaments to go with it.
What colour dress would you like to have? To match your pale skin, the owner is suggesting you could go for darker colours, like the forest green, sapphire blue, violet, or even black. There's a silver choker, silver diadem with moonstone inlaid upon it, and a pearl ring for accessories. Full value for solvent
Your attempts to find out about the Tri-towers draw the attention of some poorly dressed, raggety-looking kids. "Tommy went to the Drownyard under a dare by Jack. Jack said he'd give Tommy 5 coppers if he slept there for the night. Tommy came running out soon after he went in screaming that there was this nasty thing in there driving him bonkers. He said it was babbling all kinds of nonsensical things as it chased him out of the grounds." A little kid pipes up. The rest of his gang chorus,"Tommy is a coward!"
A finely dressed old man watches the kids with an indulgent glance, "Kids...always getting into mischief they shouldn't..but hey, why are you asking about the Tri-towers?" He looks at you speculatively,"Pardon me, milady, but one does not see someone as outstanding as you very often. And a lonely old man like me often only has his books for company. Why don't we say...have an exchange of services?"
"No, no, I don't mean that sort." He rushes to assure you, before you misunderstand. "You buy me a drink at the Lion's inn over there, and I'll tell you what I know about the Tri-Towers. And I get to spend some time with a beautiful lady."He says with a twinkle in his eye.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Taking her time at the market, browsing all of the stores, shopping more than buying, spending time talking to shop keepers and customers alike. Finding a dress shop selling fine dresses of elegant design she admires several of the colors and styles. ’I really like the blues dress, it reminds me of the clear mountain skies of home’ Valda finally selects a sapphire blue dress .
She waits patiently as the shop keeper’s sister comes there to show Valda her wares. ’I like the silver with the blue, but a gold chain like the carl’s pass out would be more appropriate for a warrior like myself. Unfortunately these southerners don’t understand proper etiquette, but I do like the silver.’ Selecting the choker, diadem and pearl ring, she asks that everything be packaged up and she turns over her solvent.
Stopping to talk to a group of street urchins Valda listens to their stories. I need to listen carefully, I remember how children’s stories get based in fact but turn into tall tales quickly, I will take this with a grain of salt. Smiling, and then nodding her head in disagreement, as she rubs the head of the last speaker. ”Hhhmmm, do not mistake the wisdom to run when necessary or an overactive imagination as cowardice." Watching the children walk away her smile leaves as she is approached by a finely dresses old man.
Being put at ease by his friendly banter and quick wit she responds, ”My interest in the Tri-towers is strictly an academic one. I have been brought in by the ‘Pathfinders.’ They have been given permission from the parents of the dead children to explore the lost necropolis below the school. But in answer to your offer I would be happy to buy you a drink to hear your story. Lead the way I will follow you to the 'Lions Inn' and purchase your preferred drink?” Valda prepares to follow the old man, more concerned about keeping an eye on the time to get ready, than the danger of the local establishment. Following the gentleman she asks, "While we are talking will you tell me the easiest route to the Dacilane Estate in the Ivy District I have an appointment there later this evening?"
what time of day is it?

GM Mort |

About noon - Tons of time till evening - also, you're in the Coins district atm.
The shopkeeper smiles at your choice. "You have a good eye. The blue of the dress would bring out the colour of your eyes." He has his assistant package the dress and the jewelry in wax paper, and hands it to you.
"My name is Alamo Richardson. And yours, my fair lady?" The finely dressed old man offers his hand as he brings you to the Lion's Inn. "You've come to the right person, I've done some research on the Tri-towers in the past."
The Lion's Inn is a wooden building with a Lion-head sign post painted on a signpost near its entrance. On entering, it is a boisterous, noisy inn, of which the floor and walls are of oak panels, with the funiture of a study mahogany. Serving girls move quickly around the inn carrying various beverages while a bald dwarf with a thick black beard mans the counter.
Alamo finds a place for both of you and orders himself a Korvosan Wine. What would you like, milady?" He asks Valda and passes the order on to the serving girl.
2 sp for the wine
After the serving girl leaves, he comments,"Sure, the ambiance isn't the best, but I know the owner down here. At least he gives you your money's worth and doesn't sell watered down stuff. Now the Tri Towers Yard. Back before the earthquake 10 years ago, Beldin's Bluff was considered as prime property. Sea breeze, sea view...well, many nobles considered it the height of fashion to have property there.The Tri-Towers Yard was an academy that was built on Beldin's Bluff."
He taps the table with his fingertip."The Tri-Towers Yard was a school for the rich. Many nobles sent their children there for their education. It was supposed to be extremely prestigious. They had their own fencing hall, dance studios...well it was for the rich, afterall. The serving girl brings the drinks, and he takes a sip of his wine."Good stuff, really. Balin sure knows how to get the best."
He looks at you absentmindedly."Oh where was I again? Ah, the Tri-Towers, right? You see, those nobles may have a lot of money, but sometimes they just don't think. Or maybe they don't think about commmonsensical things and have their heads in the clouds. Like living next to the sea could mean that a big wave could sweep your house away." He gives an aggrieved sigh. "So when that earthquake struck 10 years back, many of those estates were swallowed up by the waves. The Tri-Towers Yard was further inland, and was not swallowed up by waves. Yet the magnitude of the quake was such that the Tri-Towers Yard collapsed, and sank into the softened ground."
His face takes on a somber cast."It was one of the worst disasters that had ever happened. The townguard attempted to get to the collapsed Tri-Towers Yard, but could not get to many of the victims as the tide was coming in. There were very few they managed to save that day."
Then his expression becomes contemplative,"I have friends in the occult circles that say that those who die violent deaths often do not cross over to the other side, but linger at their graves, unable to move on. Some are harmless, but others are malicious, sapping life from the living to fuel their undeath. I do not think the ruins of Tri-Tower Yard would be a good place to be." He rests his face on his left hand, as he looks at you, worried if he's just given you nightmares for life, then he continues."The Tri-Towers Yard was also, unfortunately built over an ancient necropolis. There's no telling if the earthquake has uncovered any things that were better left buried."
"That's such a gloomy subject, really. Why don't we change the topic, like what a pretty lady like you is doing in Absalom?"
"Lady Dacilane's Estate can be reached by going north from here to the Ascendant Court then crossing over to the Ivy district from the back the Temple of Iomedae."He informs you.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
since she ask the location as she was approaching the inn, I will answer the ”Before you leave” in the beginning.
Valda offers her hand to the gentleman, introducing herself ”Thank you for the information about the location. I have been all around the north but this is my first trip to Absalom. I am Valda Aslougsdottir called “Bearkiller.” Gesturing toward the claw-mark scar on her face and neck. "I am pleased you are an expert, it will help the pathfinders in their search.
Walking into the drinking establishment Valda looks around the room. ’Plenty of people, that means they do a fair business. No fights, no one laying under tables, no obvious doxies; I can see why he likes the place.’ Sitting at the provided table she nods in agreement ”I will have what Master Richardson is having.” She rests on arm on the table, keeping the other hand near her shortsword, actively listening to the old man, trying to remember the important details.
When the waitress brings the drinks she shifts her arm off the table excepting the glass then sipping the wine and nods her head in agreement with Almo’s observation about the quality of the wine. Raising her eyebrow at his question ’We were discussing the…ah, the question was rhetorical.’ Keeping eye contact with the gentleman she continues listening. Nodding her head when he makes an important point.
When the gentleman stops his story and inquiries about her she breaths a short prayer, hoping for guidance and the grace to get this man to help her more, then smiles keeping eye contact and answers his question directly. ”I was brought here by the pathfinders to explore the necropolis below. So “This “gloomy subject” is my only interest at this time. Possibly when I am finished we can have dinner with our wine and I can verify or deny what some of your friends in occult circles believe and then you can show me the sights of this beautiful city. But until then I need as much information as I can gather to guarantee my safety.”
She smile again, sipping her wine and ask. ”Is there anything else that might help keep me safe? Are any of the areas of the Tri-towers Yard or the academy entirely underwater, or entirely above water or are they exposed by the tide? Also, and can you tell me what time the tide comes in? Anything more you can tell me would be very helpful.”
I assume the information about the tides are commonplace, but if it will help to get more uncommon or secret information she will roll diplomacy having cast guidance and enhanced diplomacy
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 30

GM Mort |

"Bearkiller? In the north they make ladies like you kill bears? What kind of society is that?" Alamo demands, his mouth falling open in shock. "AND THE PATHFINDER SOCIETY SENT YOU TO EXPLORE THE NECROPOLIS?"He blanches. "I will march right to their doorstep and demand they send someone else. A civilised nation like ours should act better then that." He thunders. "What is the world coming to that they have to send pretty ladies to explore haunted ruins?" He mutters under his breath.
He looks at her intensely. "The tides are high at noon and midnight. Otherwise the ruins of the classrooms and grounds are exposed, if full of puddles of seawater. I can't say anything about any underground cellars they may have, since I've never stepped foot on the cursed place itself. There's a ground keeper, or whatever, one Deris Marlinchen."He sighs sadly. "Poor sod. His daughter was one of those who perished in the disaster, but he wanders the grounds aimlessly, waiting for her safe return. The town guard evicted him out twice, but he kept going back."
"I'm no adventurer. The temple of Pharasma in the Ascendent Court spend their lives fighting undead horrors. They may be able to help you on that one."

Valda Aslougsdottir |
’It was me or the bear’ Valda smiles at Alamo’s outrage ’you’ll march to their door cause they will send me…is he trying to be this funny?’ Valda, almost dropping her wine chokes back a laugh, releasing her shortsword's handle she wipes her mouth to attempt to cover her near-laughter. When she regains control of herself she continues watching and listening to Alamo. Low tide a whole week that’s odd but beneficial, hopefully I can find the ring by then…Groundskeeper…Marlinchen I will make an effort to find him …and the temple of Pharasma at the court, I will need to stop there.
Setting down her near-full glass of wine, Valda reaches up to her collar ever so slightly exposing the scar on her neck. ”In the north we don’t make “ladies” fight bears. But we do make farmgirls watch over sheep. The ones I was watching got attacked by a white winter bear come down off of the frozen coast. I killed it with my spear and with a little help from the gods I lived to tell. After that I went on permanent, how do you say Taldane, ummm gone a-viking. The pathfinders sent for me because I am a shield maiden.“ assuming that was enough explanation of her merit.
She stopped speaking for a minute then spreading her hands she gesturing around her. ”I thought an educated man as yourself, from a cosmopolitan city like Absalom, would have a more advanced opinion of woman’s opportunities.” She then winks at the older man and takes another sip from her wine.
As she begins to stand, placing five silver coins on the table, she continues. ”Thank you Alamo Richardson, for introducing me to this pleasant “Inn” and for the information. I will search for Marlinchen when I get to the Tri-Towers. But now I will take your recommendation and go to temple of Pharasma and speak to them about the undead in Tri-Towers. Once I have completed my task I would like to visit your fine city a little. If you would enjoy introducing me to it how can I reach you?”
Valda will listen to any instructions or accept any written instructions he gives, then she will leave heading toward the Ascendant court and the temple of Pharasma, I will post her intro there, if she is interrupted we can forget it or go back and use it after the interruption.
Walking through the Ascendant court, ignoring most of the amazing sights she focuses on looking for the temple of Pharasma. Once at the temple she introduces herself to the first acolyte or priest she meets. ”Good day, I am Valda Aslougsdottir and I have been retained by the pathfinder society, with permission from the proper channels, to explore the necropolis under the Tri-towers and its school. I have been instructed to treat the location with great respect due its the nature as a communal grave of sorts. Is there anyone here who might be able to help me with information about the place and the undead there? Also is there anything I can do while I am there to assist the priests and temple of the Lady of Graves?”

GM Mort |

He looks at you offended, as you nearly choke back on your wine holding back laughter. "But...but..this is an outrage!"He sputters. "Defending yourself from a winterbear is understandable. But...oh nevermind."He says, deflated after he witnesses your matter-of-fact manner of handling the matter. "Adventuring is not like the tales. People get hurt, maimed or even killed. Promise me you'll be careful." He reaches out to hold your hands. "You're always welcome at the Richardson estate in the Wise District. I'm woking on a book "The History of Absalom". Feel free to drop by anytime."
At temple of Pharasma
The temple of Pharasma is quite busy. The priest at the door is speaking to his brethen inside."I told Lady Dorila to have all those Mwangi tradegoods checked out for curses before having them shipped over, but clearly someone fked up."He yells, irritated. "And now we have a poltergist at the Docks. The crate those idols are in are hitting dockworkers!"
"Get Brother Theodore on it."A deeper voice comes from within. "Its his lunch break, he's not going to like it!"The junior priest protests.
"I don't care. We can't afford to lose Lady Dorila's patronage."The deep voice replies.
The junior priest, engrossed with his conversation with his superior, does not notice Valda until she hails him. "Sorry, sorry. We're a little busy here."He mumbles an apology, distracted. "Undead problem? Corporeal or incorporeal. That is...can you stick your hand through it, or not?

GM Mort |

Junior priest is talking with senior priest on sending another priest to deal with the problem at the docks.I was typing on phone, pressed send too early.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
'Maybe I should have asked to speak to someone who was out of diapers' Valda, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, nods and points out. "You are busy, I am inquiring about the potential undead problem of the Tri-Towers area. Is there any information that the temple can provide me with or anything I can do while I am there to be of service to the Lady of Graves."
Taking a moment to say a quick prayer for guidance and help with diplomacy she smiles slightly as she continues. "May I speak to one of your superiors, that way you can go speak to the other brother, the one having lunch."
cast guidance and enhanced diplomacy: trying to make a friend here who will help her speak to the superior
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 17
yuck, talk about a poor time for a bad roll

GM Mort |

"No,no...we usually handle matters like this ourselves."He peers at you short-sightedly, as if seeing you for the first time. "Brother Ricyn said I can't just you know, let anyone in to the temple."
He takes a deep breath then rattles on. "Tell you what, if you want to deal with undead yourself, we have supplies. For solid undeads if they look bony, whack them with a stick. If they shamble, cut them with a sharp object. For spirits, you'll need a magic weapon, or you can get our best quality temple oils to temporarily make your weapon magic. Even so it won't have its full effect, and you'll want to apply a ghost salt blanch. Ah and oh yes! The thing most people forget. Spirits go through your armor.They go through you. He giggles nevously at his bad pun."We have our patented peppermint potions of mage armor. Lasts for an hour, gives an armor those ghosty-osty things can't get through. Interested in any?" He stubbornly remains blocking your way to the temple entrance.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
'Is he really this dense. I really just wish he would let me speak to his superior.' Valda rolls her eyes again, speaking slowly. "Let me repeat myself. The pathfinders have been give permission to enter Beldrin's bluff, the location of the Tri-Towers yard, you know, elite academy, ten years ago an earth quake hit, turning the school into a charnel house and giant tomb. No one has been allowed to go there in it for ten years. And oh by the way there is a necropolis under it. did I mention no one has been there for ten years. Really, I thought this was the kind of stuff that you guy are interested in. I know the Lady of Graves is." She stops speaking hoping that the priest begins to understand what is going on.
She reaches out and rests her hand on his shoulder. "I am the pathfinders representative. the only person going there. You won't have the opportunity to how did you put it "Handle matters like this ourselves"? I understand there is more at stake here than just the pathfinders interest. So I wanted to speak to a representative of Her Lady myself. So is that you?" Valda raises an eyebrow drawing closer to the priest.
"Are you the person here who will speak for HER? The only chance to go into this open mass tomb and the ancient metropolis below it and the representative of the Lady of Graves the one person representing HER hear on earth; All they have to say about the situation is "Whack skeletons with a stick and oh, by the way spirits go through armor."
Releasing the mans shoulder she finishes. "I came to ask for counsel and to respectfully offer the Lady of Graves her due. to possibly serve a greater calling while I serve the pathfinders. But if you truly feel that HER interest in these matters extend only to me purchasing peppermint potions then I will leave and come back if I choose to go shopping."
Valda waits a moment to see if the priest or anyone else has any thing else to say.

GM Mort |

The junior priest gulps audibly as you put your hand on his puny shoulders. "Ok, ok, I get your point, I'm getting out of here and I'm going to find Brother Theodore." The moment you release his shoulders, he scurries off. Once he (thinks) he has gotten out of earshot, he mutters to himself."I'm not paid enough for this!" and adds vindictively,"Hope Brother Ricyn chews her up good."
Temple entrance is now clear

Valda Aslougsdottir |
well, that worked at least… Brother Ricyn, I need to remember that name. Valda smiles to herself saying a quick prayer for guidance and help with diplomacy as she enters the temple. Presenting herself to the first priest she sees.
Good day, are your Brother Ricyn?” not waiting for an answer she continued. ” I apologize for the disturbance but this is information that involves the Lady of Graves. I am Valda Aslougsdottir and I have been retained by the pathfinder society, with permission from the proper channels, to enter the abandoned district of Beldrin’s Bluff to explore the necropolis under the Tri-towers Yard. Is there anyone here who might be able to help me with information about the place and the undead there? Also is there anything I can do while I am there to assist the Lady of Mysteries, her temple or her priesthood?” making eye contact with the man she finishes. ”This is the first opportunity in ten years and possibly the only one and it would be negligent to not include the Grey Lady.”
just trying to make a new friend: prayer was to cast guidance and enhanced diplomacy
diplomancy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 27

GM Mort |

The temple itself is austere, made of stone, with statues of Pharasma lining the walls. A grey haired priest in elaborate robes is at the far end, tinkering with a curious looking spike. The moment you open the door, he yells,"Amiran, didn't you tell them I was not to be disturbed?" Then hearing your greeting, he turns to face you. "Well, since you've barged your way in without a by and by leave.."He starts, angrily, then interrupts himself as you explain yourself. "How did you know my name?"He bursts out, then continues "Interesting. We applied to cleanse the site 10 years back, but were stopped by the noblility. They said the remains were not to be disturbed. Even if it was purification. It seems that the Pathfinders play the political game better then we do."He states, his eyes contemplative. "Of the necropolis below, we had no idea it even existed."
"But the place must be cleansed, sure enough. Any site that has that much death on it will attract the attention of cadavers such as ghouls, and the emotional residue there will give rise to unquiet spirits. Yet we are bound to this game, and the Pharasman church must not be seen to be giving you any overt assistance, for we have not been granted permission to do so."He looks at you speculatively. "How willing are you to serve the Lady of Graves in cleansing this accursed site?" He asks.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
’Well finally were getting somewhere.’ Valda stood as meekly as her six foot plus frame would let her, as the priest asks ‘how willing’ Valda turned her head, lifting the braid, showing the mutilated ear, the scar on her face; then drawing her cloak away from the neck to emphasize the extent of the scar. ”Several years ago the Lady of Graves played her part in saving my life. In the process changing my very nature, causing me to not only become a skjöldur mær a shield maiden but an stríð sést véfrétt a War Sighted Oracle as well. I know priests do not always approve of my gifts but I am committed to serving the gods. My calling to battle means that Pharasma is the goddess I am closest to. So it would be my honor and privilege to serve her in Cleansing the Site.”

GM Mort |

Brother Ricyn appraises Valda from head to toe, taking in her muscular stature, the easy way she handles her blade. His dark eyes bore into her soul."You'll do." He answers simply. "I don't think I need to tell you how to deal with simple undead creatures. You can handle it yourself. But the spirits...your blade will serve, abeit imperfectly. And a warrior cannot be going to battle with an imperfect weapon."He hands you the alchemical spike he was working on."Should you encounter evil spirits, slash this against your arm and let your blood spill upon the spike. It will transform into a weapon that will put you on even footing with the spirits. Now go. Carry out Pharasma's will. And may she watch over you."
"Remember, this conversation never happened. The rest of the world must now see that I have sent you as a messenger to Lady Dorlia in the Ivy district to tell her Brother Theodore is on the way to the docks,"He reminds her as she leaves the temple.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
I read the Archives of Nethys page, the spike is a one time use weapon correct?
Valda simply nods her head, reaching out and accepting the spike. ’A messenger to the Lady Dorlia in the Ivy district, well I am headed that way, brother Theodore that’s the priest the timid one was sent to.’ as she tucks the spike into her belt she repeats ”Brother Theodore to docks, information to Lady Dorlia in Ivy District. “ Smiling ”It is none of the worlds business what I do, but the living will hear nothing other than that from me, the undead will hear me whisper her name.” She quickly turns and leaves the temple.
obviously if there is an interruption on her way please ignore this part
’That went better than I expected, now to find the temple of Iomedae’ Quickly finding the temple of Iomedae, going to the back she crosses over to the Ivy District, after stopping a few people she learns where Lady Dorlia resides. Approaching the front of the mansion she knocks on the entrance until someone appears.
not sure if it’s a gate or a door, so I was vague intentionally. I assume a servant will answer the door, if it is the Lady herself please ignore the tell the lady part ;)
After waiting for the person who opens the door to greet her she give an intentionally brief message. ”I have spoken to the priests at the temple of Pharasma, they asked me to inform the Lady of the house that Brother Theodore was sent to the docks. Please relay the message to her?”

GM Mort |

Yes, but it lasts for 10 mins, so if the next encounter is closeby -I'll indicate if that's the case. PFS scenarios come on two sorts - either you spend the entire day travelling, or everything is done superquick :P
The door is opened by a well dressed butler. He looks at you impatiently."Bout time,"He grumbles, as you pass the message. "The delays at the docks are simply unacceptable! You have delivered the message most admirably, and you may return to your business now," as he issues a clear dismissal.
It's about 4 pm in the day, dinner starts at around 6 - what would you wish to do?

Valda Aslougsdottir |
the short answer is return to the Inn she is staying at and change for the party. The long answer is 'did she have a room at an inn?' If not is the "lion's Inn" actually an inn or just a drinking establishment?' Either way she would change into her new dress, strap on her expensive sword and cloak, give the innkeeper a gold piece to make sure nothing got lost and then go bang in the door of the Dacilane Estate. Let me know if she needs to rent a room before she changes and I can type out the events. Or just let me know if she has a room or not and we can pick up knocking at the door of the estate, her wearing the new outfit with sword and cloak.

GM Mort |

You can use the Pathfinder lodge in Abasalom to do your changing and stash your stuff
Valda returns to the Pathfinder lodge in the Foreign Quarter. After she explains matters to the quartermaster, she is allotted a room, which she may use until her business with the Pathfinder Society is complete. The room is spartan, having only a bed, a footlocker and a writing desk. It is, however connected to a bathroom. Valda takes a shower, changes into her dress, straps on her sword and cloak, before stashing the rest of her gear in the footlocker and heading off to Lady Dacilane's invitation.
Lady Dacilane's estate is surrounded by a tall, wrought-iron fence and overly decorated in statuary, fountains, and a carefully landscaped garden. The footman at the door sighs at Valda, and asks her politely for permission to peacebond her sword before allowing her to enter.
Peacebond means he ties your sword up so it takes a full round action to draw it(which provokes an attack of opportunity)
The interior, with its gilded furniture and gold spun wallpaper, with the floor interspaced with Chelish rugs, is even more oppulent. You figure that you could feed a poor family for a week for the price of one of these rugs. There is a potrait of a rigid, sharp-featured young girl with long black hair—that looms over the entire banquet hall.You are ushered to your table with a few other nobles, and the dinner begins. The dinner itself is an extravagant affair consisting of preserved duck eggs, the raw white meat of some fish you have never seen before, a whole roasted leg of boar, a salad garnished with cavair, crab meat and grated truffles and many other expensive and exotic foods.
Throughout the dinner, Lady Dacilane fully clad in the black of mourning, moves throughout the tables, thanking the guests for their attendance. Her face, despite the concealling make-up, shows the ravages of grief and her eyes are filled with sorrow. Finally, she stops at your table. "I've heard that the Pathfinders Society has just received permission to entervthe Tri-Towers. "She bites her lip, as if the mention of the Tri-Towers has brought her some pain. "My daughter Junia was one of so many children lost. Hundreds of them pinned under the rubble in that sinkhole. The black water rising—the kids screaming." She struggles to maintain her composure, her eyes filling with unshed tears. "None of us could get to them."

Valda Aslougsdottir |
new what peace bonding was, didn’t know pathfinder had rules for it ;)
After the footman ‘peace-bonded’ her sword with a black silk ribbon Valda entered the house. ’fancy decorations, interesting painting, I’m willing to wager there will be a familial resemblance. Taking a seat at the far end of the table Valda, keeping to herself for the moment, politely eats something from every dish, though some helpings were smaller than others. ’The boar and fish were good, I’m surprised they put fish roe on salad and the eggs would have been better served fresh…I wonder what will be for desert.’ Valda watches her host throughout the evening, yes, a definite family resemblance.’
As Lady Dacilane approaches Valda she stands up, making sure she doesn’t hit table or chair with her scabbard. Bowing deeply to her host, making eye contact she watches the woman carefully, seeing her pause as she bites her lip. ”Yes mi’ Lady they were given permission to go into the area, their goal to explore the necropolis below.” As Lady Dacilane begins to speak about her loss, her unshed tears rising, her words coming hard, Valda, not sure what to say she breaths a prayer for guidance and grace enhanced diplomacy then reaches out and rest her hand on the woman’s shoulder. ”You have my deepest condolences. I have younger sisters that I couldn’t grasp loosing. Let alone fathoming the loss of a child. It is unthinkable. If there is anything I can do to ease your suffering I am at your disposal.”
not sure where we are at on the “Influence Attitude” scale but It won’t hurt to try and make it better
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 29

GM Mort |

"I wish you could find my daughter Junia, and bring her safely back to me."At this point of time, her self control, already strained, breaks under your kind words as she sobs uncontrollably ontto your shoulder. "I know...I know...its not possible. It's been 10 years already and everyone keeps telling me I should move on."She says through sobs. "But she's my only child..."At this time, she realizes that the rest of banquet hall is staring at her unseemly display of emotion. She releases your shoulder and takes a lacy handkerchief and dabs away her tears.
"There's no closure. No bodies...nothing. I dream of her at night, doomed to wander her watery grave for eternity. " She looks at you with her tearstained face. "That's Junia over there." She points at the potrait overlooking the banquet hall, while biting her lip, then wrenching her gaze away from the potrait as if it brought back painful memories for her to look further. "If you can find anything of her, bring it back to me, so that you can grant a grieving mother peace."

Valda Aslougsdottir |
’we were not created to outlive our children.’ Valda gently holds the woman. ’What do I say? What can I say? ‘ Removing her arm as the grieving woman pulls away, Valda turns to where she is pointing, looking at the painting again. Valda nods her head as the noblewoman makes her request, softly answering. ”I will do what I can mi’Lady, but I cannot promise hope where there is no hope, please understand, my heart grieves for your loss, If I find anything of your daughter that I can bring you I will.”

GM Mort |

"Thank you. That is all I can ask for. " She answers, then stumbles back and her steward supports her back to her room to recover.
The steward returns to the banquet hall and announces in his cool, clear baritone."The Lady Dacilane is feeling unwell, and wishes to convey her sincere apologies for being unable to grace the occasion. Please continue with the banquet, and we shall arrange carriage services back to your respective estates after."
The dinner continues without further incident. Conversation switches to mundane topics and common gossip. The desert is a Devil's fruit cake,made with fine Chelaxian cocoa and a rare highly caffeinated espresso bean.
As you wait for your horse carriage, you catch a group of nobles sniggering on Lady Dacilane's shameful public bout of weeping, acting more like a common peasant then a noble and worse still, on a foreigner.
Want to do anything about that, or fast foward to the lodge?

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Hearing the steward’s announcement Valda wonders to herself. ”Why throw the party at all? She is obviously still struggling with her grief, what is the point of all of it if she is so miserable that she cannot stay and enjoy it?’ Valda quietly finishes her meal, ’I am rather full, but I do have room for desert,’ especially enjoying the chocolate inside desert.
Feeling the effect of the espresso bean, Valda stays latter than she expected, going outside, waiting for a carriage she hears a number of nobles laughing at Lady Dacilane’s expence. ’I know what they need’ Walking over to the nobles she tells them. ”You should be ashamed, mocking a poor mothers grief, you ate her food drank her wine, await her carriages to take you home, have you no decency?” She then turns to walk back to her previous location.
If anyone follows her to confront her she will cast enlarge person on herself.

GM Mort |

"Bah. We're just here to you know, catch up with people in our CIRCLES." A pimply face young man whose manner more resembles a toad drawls as he tries to look down his nose on you. It doesn't work very well, you're much taller then he is. His friends simply snicker. "Whats wrong with losing one brat, she can just produce another!" One of his friends catcalls.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
I may as well go with it, If I am taking too many liberties with the timing of the spell or rounds or something like that let me know, my intent is to scare them, if they throw a punch or draw a weapon she will do the same.
’People in our circles?’ Valda saying a quick prayer for size, realizing that if there are a lot of them size will count. casts enlarge person on herself
Hearing the second sniveling voice she begins to fume. ’produce another?’ Once the potential first round is over Valda cannot contain her rage. Her countenance changes along with her size: Her blue dress and silver jewelry take on a peculiar gold hue as she literally begins to glow, Her shadow, where it could be seen in the shifting lights of Absalom’s gas street lamps, appeared to have wings. She quickly turned back toward the pimply faced toad and his sycophant, grasping the second speaker by his shirt collar she lifts him to his tippy toes and yells:"Og hva med din mor, hvordan ville hun føle hvis hun mister en drittunge ? Vil hun bare produsere en annen på som deg?"
oops had this all written out, with her asking the question in common, then I remembered when she rages she is speaking celestial, oh well, the bones are cast.]
the +4 on intimidate is for the large size, the init is just in case this goes south
intimidate: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 4 = 8
init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
darn, maybe I should have rolled the init first and scared the crap out of them with a 27 intimidate...

GM Mort |

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Arrrrrggghhh!!!"The rest of the group(including the pimply toad-faced man), terrified by your sudden transformation scream as they scurry into the night like frightened rats, leaving the second speaker squirming in your grasp.
"Please, great goddess, have mercy on me." He gasps, after failing to free himself from your iron grip. "I take back everything I said. Just let me go!" He pleads. You notice his pants turn a darker shade and smell the smell of urine coming from him.
No issue on time - since this was more of a social interaction scene

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Watching them run into the night; ’serves them right, spoiled little brats.’ Valda drops the one she is holding to the ground, smiling to herself as she walks away, releasing her rage and size. Now he is a soiled little brat.’ Taking the first carriage that arrives she tells the driver ” the Pathfinder lodge in the Foreign Quarter, please.” Once she arrives at the lodge she carefully folds the dress, placing it in the trunk. After preparing her armor and weapons for the morning she goes to bed.
anything going on tonight or are we ready for the morning?

GM Mort |

He whimpers as you drop him on the ground, too scared to cry out, then picks himself off the cobblestones and bolts off without a backward glance, as if hellhounds are chasing after him.
Ready for morning.
The morning dawns cold and grey. The cloud on the horizon are dark, and there is a smell of wet earth in the air, hinting of an approaching storm.
What do you want to do now?

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Waking with the dawn, Valda puts on her armor, arming herself and shouldering her pack; she leaves the fine dress and jewelry in the trunk. Going to the lodges dining area she eats a quick breakfast and heads to the Drownyard. Eventually reaching her destination she Finds herself behind a a fence of black iron pikes and begins to look for an entrance.
with you permission she will use your ‘house rule’ and take 10 (18) looking for a gate to enter.

GM Mort |

Beldrin’s Bluff is a rotting ghost town at the edge of a hungry sea. Throughout the derelict landscape, seagulls perched on splintered timbers reflect your passage in their glassy black eyes.
The fence of black iron pikes has a black iron gate in the centre. Dead tree branches reach out from the fence like the arms of emaciated prisoners desperate to escape. A man is on the inside, cutting the trees down. Some of the dismembered branches remain, stuck in place by knotty elbows swollen around the iron.
The man behind the fence has unkempt graying hair and is matted and sweaty. This pic. He glares at you suspiciously, hoping to deter you from entering the Drownyard.
The moment you unlock the gate, the man's demeanor changes completely. He moves towards you with a smile on his face. "Hello there."He greets you warmly. "Pleased to meet you this morning."He then takes out his glove to shake your hand.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Watching the man glare, Valda checks her weapons then opens the gate. Seeing his demeanor change she reaches out and shakes his hand breathing a quick prayer for guidance and to enhance diplomacy. ” I am Valda Aslougsdottir's I have been retained by the pathfinder society, with permission from the proper channels, to explore the necropolis under the Tri-towers Yard. I have been instructed to treat the location with great respect due to it’s nature as a communal grave of sorts.” Making eye contact with the man she continues. ”May I enquire as to your name and your purpose here? It would be helpful to have someone who is familiar with the area to show me what or where things are. “
she is attempting to “influence attitude”
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 28

GM Mort |

"I'm Deris Malinchen. What grave are you talking about?"He looks at you, offended and disbelieving, for a moment then recovers his good cheer. "This is a school. My daughter Cassiel attends this school. You should see how she's grown!" He says cheerfully.
"I'm tending the grounds, while waiting for Cassiel. Hmm, Mrs Heracks has been here the longest, I'm sure she's familiar with the area! I'll bring you to her, just follow me." He offers eagerly.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Ahh that’s right Mr. Malinchen the grounds keeper that Alamo told me about. Nodding in agreement with the ‘grounds keepers willingness to introduce her to Mrs. Heracks, she follows along reiterating ”As I said I am here to explore the necropolis under the yard, but it would be my pleasure to meet Mrs. Heracks and learn any information she has available.” ’ Who or worse what is Mrs. Heracks now, I wonder.’ As they progress along Valda keeps a keen eye out and breaths a prayer to look for anything with a magical quality.
love that house rule, in the meantime she is casting detect magic.

GM Mort |

The whole place, to your magical senses, smells like something slimy and rotten. You'd have stomped it flat with your boot, if you could. Unfortunately, you don't have spellcraft or knowledge arcana, so you can't identify.
He leads you to an abandoned classroom. As you wander the grounds, you can see the funerary wreaths left behind sprouting into flower bushes, but the flowers are a sickly green, giving off a cloyingly sweet odour. The roof has partially caved in but strangely enough the desks and chairs remain preserved in perfect condition. Stranger still is that you see 10 students seated at their desks, wispering among themselves as the teacher speaks. You notice that both the students and the teacher appear to be somewhat transparent, wispy like shades.
Deris raps on the walls of the "classroom"."Mrs Herack, sorry to interrupt. Valda here is visiting and has some questions for you."
The teacher turns jerkily to look at you, and you realise her eyesockets are hollow.
"You may ask your questions, Valda."Deris interjects,seemly unaware of the true nature of the students and the teacher."She knows the grounds well and will help you."
The spirits are somehow tied to Deris. Maybe his need to live in the past are keeping them here.

Robert Henry |

sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 3
As Valda's prayer starts to reveal the true condition of the place; 'uck what a horrible sensation I can't tell if I've 'smelled' too much or not enough. I hope the Lodge has some form of hot water to soak myself in to remove this 'odor.'
Following the groundskeeper into the school 'Odd the building rots but the furniture stays whole...and children...no! Shades of children and Mrs. Herack...' peeling her eyes off of the 'classroom' looking from Deris as he introduces her, and then back to the teacher. 'He doesn't see it, is he bewitched or their ally.'
Dropping her hand to her blade she realizes she's left the peace bond on it. 'I will work this out, and free these souls, but I must pick my battles, If they were to attack they would have, I will ask my questions and come back to put them to rest when I know more.'
Valda, breaths a quick prayer as she nods to the teacher. "Mrs. Herack the pathfinder's have heard that an entryway to the necropolis below the yard has been found. I have been sent to investigate it. Do you know where it is?"
using diplomacy to make a request, the prayer was for guidance and enhanced diplomacy
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 22

GM Mort |

Mrs Herack stares at you with those empty eyes sockets, without saying a word. She then turns away jerkily, and leads you to a wide pool of black water with a few bubbles coming up from the centre. She then points to the centre of the pool.
You detect movement in the pool, and also make out the shape of something longish in the centre holding onto a doorway.
"See, I told you so." Deris says triumphantly, as all of you arrive at the pool. "She knows everything!"

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Mrs Herack stares at you with those empty eyes sockets, without saying a word. She then turns away jerkily, and leads you to a wide pool of black water with a few bubbles coming up from the centre. She then points to the centre of the pool.
You detect movement in the pool, and also make out the shape of something longish in the centre holding onto a doorway.
wow, need a little more information, Valda will take 20(28) on perception observing the creature and the pool, looking for size of the creature, size of the pool, is it one depth deep or shallow, does it have more than one depth, is it outside or in the building, was it created as pool, or is it a hole in the floor? What can you tell me that she could see. Need a little help so I know what tactic to use, or to try something else for now.
'Well she did bring me to the opening to something' Valda nods to Mrs. Herack, and slowly walks around the pool taking the peace-bond off of her sword. Keeping an eye on the teacher and students as she does so.
edit Turning to Mrs. Herack and Deris, pointing in the pool, and asks, "Do either of you two know what that is?"
also did Valda recognize any of the children in the class as the daughter of Lady Dacilane? Figure it can't hurt to ask.

GM Mort |

You look a lot more carefully and realise that the longish shape is actually a severed human arm, covered with white, bulbous eggs. The arm seems to be grasping a handle. Two giant waterbugs(large size) prowl submerged in the water.
Its a shallow pool, slopping downwards, at the deepest maybe to your chest or so. It originated as a hole in the floor, quite some distance away from the classroom, but still on the Drownyard. The water is a filthy black.
Deris waves his fingers in strange patterns around Mrs Herack. "She says thats the entrance to the necropolis. Just pull the arm."He remarks nonchalantly.
You don't recognise any students in the class as Junia.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
is the door in the floor? or does the water not cover it entirely? or is the area slopping down into the water?
What is Deris doing with his fingers? Is he casting a spell? While Deris is moving his fingers in strange patterns Valda says a quick prayer for discernment about magic. casting detect magic, will deal with the information later.
'an arm, that's an arm, and it's covered in eggs, that kind of gross, and those look like bugs.' Seeing the waterbugs, Valda positions herself so she can see the bugs and still keep an eye on Deris and the spirits. She takes off her pack; setting her spear beside her and placing her shield on it strap so she can put it on as quickly as possible. 'Lets see if we can draw these things out of the water' Stringing her longbow she draws and arrow and fires it into the water at the nearest bug.
ok, rolling init first and then the attack.
init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 for damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

GM Mort |

Deris's magic smells like a forest mist, somewhat insubstantial to your magical senses. The area is sloping into the water but even at its deepest - chest level - and yes, you could have guessed the door is at the bottom of the pool. I've moved you on the map so you can keep an eye on Deris and the bugs at the same time.
init: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
I'll be doing block init for monsters of same init
Your arrow bounces off its hard, chitinous exoskeleton. The one you hit shakes its head as if in confusion, trying to determine where the attack came from.
You get another round before they react. You're looking at a flatfooted ac of 17. If you hit, feel free to describe your attacks. They have yellow body fluids.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Ok, he is using magic in relationship to Mrs. Herack, good to know,
.Blast, bounced right off, I should have spent more time with this silly thing' Seeing the creature stir, Valda, Draws another arrow out of her quiver and takes a deep breath. She draws the bow at the same time she brings it to bear on the large water bug. Drawing the string back to her cheek she calmly releases her breath as she fires the bow again. Seeing the arrow shoot through the murky water appearing to strike the creature near a mandible; yellow ooze begins to turn the murky water a sickening puss-like color. 'Let see if that will get them moving.'Picking up the her spear in her right hand she waits to see if the bugs come out of the water.
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 for damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
confirm crit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 for damage: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

GM Mort |

Throughly enraged, the water bugs surge out of the water simultaneously, their mandibles poised to rend your flesh.
bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
You easily sidestep one of them and the other's mandibles clank harmessly off your chain mail. You can see the one that you shot in a rather bad way, with your arrow sticking out near its mandible, dripping yellow ichor all over the place.
Normal AC is still 17, edited- I see you've already marked the one you hit - many thanks.