GM Mort |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS Module – No Response from Deepmar for a two players. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.
I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.
My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.
The maps will be provided on Google Drive.
Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 8
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 33000 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.
One of you please get trapfinding - I don't care how you do it.(This is a GM warning.)
Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Each character may reroll a single d20 once in the scenario - this is to make up for swinginess of encounters with only 2 players.You may not transfer rerolls, nor use them on anything other then your PC.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
A hundred miles off the Chelish coast lies the remote island of Deepmar, where the House of Thrune sends prisoners to work in crystal mines, wresting valuable spell components from the depths of the earth. A month ago, all contact with the penal colony ceased, and now someone must discover what mysterious fate has befallen the prisoners and guards of this isolated mining operation. The abandoned colony shows no signs of struggle yet something is clearly not right: Herds of animals lie mutilated in the surrounding fields. The savage beasts of the island have run amok inside the compound. And the silent, gaping mines—each named for a different layer of Hell—lead to new threats beyond anyone's imagining. As the PCs explore the island in search of the missing miners and their jailers, what they discover may unhinge their very minds. If left unchecked, the new masters of Deepmar could bring about a new era of madness for all of Cheliax—and beyond.
Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.

Robert Henry |

well, this is a surprise! Hhhhmmm wonder what we should play, any ideas Luke_Parry? do you want to use one of the two teams we have already tried or do you want to do something else? I'm good either way.
Edit:If a new era of madness is a possibility is this something Howard and Hastur would be interested in?

Robert Henry |

ok that just weirds me out a little, do you want to handle the trap duties or do you want me to?
Happy to do a shooter of some sort with divine spells and trap finding.
Or a meatshield with a two handed weapon and divine spells. I still am not willing to voyage into arcane spells yet)
Edit: If you go with Hastur/Howard I will bring Angus along, in not I will change it up also ;)

GM Mort |

Warning that some parts of the mod may not be large friendly. Bring your belt of the weasel or be prepared to squeeze.
To me there's nothing weird in Hastur subsuming Howard. Would have happened eventually...

Robert Henry |

ok, I'm going to bump Angus up to 8th level in case Hastur/Howard is playing, If we need a meat shield I will use Valda, if I need to make a skill monkey I am going to start working on Tachio Blackfeather, he was a claw using tengu warpriest that I will add a ranged attack too. But like I said, I will upgrade Angus and Valda first just in case.

GM Mort |

Ill be biking tomorrow(assuming weather permits), so I won't be able to do anything in the morning.

Robert Henry |

so I was working on the tengu warpriest/slayer, I want him to throw chakrams, if I put returning on one + 1 chakram can he use it for all the attacks in that round?

![]() |

@Robert: Unfortunately, no - the description for the 'Returning' property specifies that the thrown weapon "returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn"...
I think I will probably do a Synthesist/Fighter build for Hastur; I *can* work Disable Device into the build, if it will help :-)

GM Mort |

As per PM, blink back belts are your friend. You'll probably want quickdraw as well so you can keep drawing the same chakram off your belt.

Angus Elphinstone |
@Robert: Unfortunately, no - the description for the 'Returning' property specifies that the thrown weapon "returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn"...
I think I will probably do a Synthesist/Fighter build for Hastur; I *can* work Disable Device into the build, if it will help :-)
If Hastur is still hanging around it would be fun to have Angus hook up with him again, Angus has disable device, so don't feel obligated to take it.

GM Mort |

From the looks of it, Hastur ate Howard up and is now walking around town happily...^^

GM Mort |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Luke, you ready yet? Or at least do I know how many legs are going to be walking down the street and how many arms and heads you'll have?

GM Mort |

Rag Doll mutagen does not say you do not need to squeeze when passing through a space where a medium sized humanoid may pass without squeezing - so you will still need to squeeze to get through a space that a medium creature can without squeezing.
Also, how tall is Hastur, in height? Creature size tables denotes as 8' to 16 ft.

Hastur the Ineffable |

@GM Mort: Agreed. I do, however, think the visual of a hill-giant-sized creature bonelessly extruding itself out of a space meant for a human is suitably disturbing (not to mention appropriate, considering 'The Boneless One' is another of his avatars) ;-)
@Angus: Hastur still looks the same (since he is covered in bandages, and a silver mask), albeit taller.

Angus Elphinstone |
that's why I separated my two paragraphs I didn't want Hastur to think his comment to the Mayor was unimportant,
I'm sure our masked friend has all sorts of opinions about the lawful evil devil worshiping cheliaxian Mayor and his city.
Is there any reason we can't thumb our noses at the mayor and take over the island for ourselves, we could call it "Hasturland"

GM Mort |

I don't see Hastur's comment. Did he delete it?
Yeah the Mayors a royal b@stard. He also could wipe the floor off both of you - at least I think. Pkease don't make me stat up a lv 15 lawful evil inquisitor of Asmodeus in a hurry...

GM Mort |

The timing also, was given by the mod. So...well, I can't do much about that, either. They didn't give the Mayor's stats so I suppose its up to me to fix THAT up.

Angus Elphinstone |
LOL, don't worry about his stats, unless you just want to do it for fun,
I assume it was a pathfinder module, I'm pretty sure no group was supposed to be such a bunch of murder-hobos that they would attack the mayor of a city...
the other problem would be his body guards, heavens knows what they would be.

GM Mort |

I have totally no idea on the bodyguards. Unless I start picking up Hells Rebels AP...
And I'm sure he doesn't do coffee and donuts. Larks tongue and roasted doves maybe...
But well, sometimes I can get metaphorical.
*The dottari rewards those who kill doves, mice, and ravens with one copper piece.*

GM Mort |

I thought coffee was a qadirian thing. And donuts. Does the dark side do sweet stuff?
I don't have any AP on me atm. Hells rebels is also heavy on political intrigue.
As a player, I don't like politicking. Ye know, I don't have the gift of da gab...

Angus Elphinstone |
way of the wicked, that's the one where you side with cheliax, wow, I don't know if I could do that I really hate lawful evil,
I'm sure if Hastur held the mayor real still and Angus put a bullet in his brain pan that it could possibly work.
I just realized I may need to get Angus a rapier. Apparently he has two flint lock pistols, a flop hat and a cloak, almost got the "Solomon Kane" look down, may as well finish with the rapier and main-gauche.

GM Mort |

Way of the wicked you play as evil characters. I am NOT running that stuff. I do not want to know how many NPCs you're going to torture and mutilate to establish an empire under Asmodeus's iron fist.
Here's the Dark Side T-shirt

GM Mort |

On a side note, lawful evil is probably the most "friendly" of evil alignments. Again...its just one step off my true alignment...so.
Though its debatable if I have mild shades of good in my lawful alignment.
But yeah anyone has any (relatively simple) APs you might like run(I.e can send me a copy?).
I prefer the older ones like Legacy of Fire, ROTR, jade reagent, Serpents skull, more on exploration and dungeon crawls. Would rather not do politicking. I will not run Kingmaker(its an accounting training class packaged as a AP to fool gullible people), nor Wrath of the righteous, or skull and shackles. Could be persuaded to run Carrion Crown.
Hells rebels you get to play as the Rebellion and overthrow the Ebul Empire, in Kintargo, where both of you currently are now.

GM Mort |

Also, my morality is usually grey, but I really do try my best to do the right thing. Won't go out of the way to do it, though.

Angus Elphinstone |
But yeah anyone has any (relatively simple) APs you might like run(I.e can send me a copy?).
Wow, that is extremely generous! I now feel bad for being notoriously cheap, I don't have any of the books, let alone any AP's. I started reading games on line because I wanted to read the stories, I enjoyed them so much I started to play.
I think our culture skews our viewpoint of the alignments.
It would be interesting to name cultures from history and ask what alignment they were. ie. The Spartans, The Romans, The Huns, Empirical Japan, The Vikings, The Moors, The Zulu. Since they were all driven by war and conquest could we call any of them "Good." But what about the British Empire (or god forbid American Imperialism) wasn't it the same? I'm not expecting an answer, and certainly not wanting to start an argument or to be offensive. but what do we use as a standard of judgement?
Sorry, it's just late enough that I have gotten on my philosophical soap box.

GM Mort |

My definition of good:Leave the world a better place then when you came in.
Also, "Do onto others what you want done onto you."
Yeah, kinda vague, but again, this kind of stuff usually is.

Angus Elphinstone |
My definition of good:Leave the world a better place then when you came in.
Also, "Do onto others what you want done onto you."
Yeah, kinda vague, but again, this kind of stuff usually is.
Those work ;)
That list is awful short for someone standing on the "Legal" side, you sure your not a closet hippie notorious Chaotic Good types ;)

GM Mort |

Quite some of the literature I like have motes of hippiness in it. Since my parents aren't going to be harping about moral codes, I pick mine up from there.
I've never really gotten drunk. Sure, I do occasionally go drinking, I've even PMed people/posted after having a few drinks.
There are spelling errors, but basically for me, at least, I just need to focus mentally and I can correct all the errors. My PMs after drinking still had perfect grammar and no typos. I'm actually more likely to typo if I post in a hurry(I. e busy at work), then under the influence of alcohol or what.

Angus Elphinstone |
My family were all teetotaler's growing up. By the time I was old enough to drink I realized my overindulgent personality probably didn't need the stress of alcohol. My wife and daughters drink socially so I get to be the designated driver.
my typing is atrocious and slow, but spell check helps a lot, it's funny if I'm doing accents the spellcheck keeps wanting to put it back, so I have red lines all over my posts.

GM Mort |

My family doesn't drink either. I drink socially, or when someone recommends me something to try. I'm limited more of thinking what I want to say then my typing speed. Heck, a lot of my posts are using phone! And that includes entire character sheets!
I wish there was an accent translator, I haven't managed to do accents yet.

Hastur the Ineffable |

Note: I wasn't seriously suggesting 'Way of the Wicked' (which is actually *not* a Paizo AP - the 'evil Paizo' one is 'Hell's Vengeance') - it was more of a feeble joke ;-)
Re: Actual Paizo APs, I will look into it :-)
My family are not official teetotalers (well, my paternal grandparents are), but there was never alcohol in the house when I was growing up, and I have never had a glass in my life.

Angus Elphinstone |
I like accents, as long as I don't forget to do them.
I have a cleric Named Wulfgar that has a heavy Russian accent, he earned his first PFS XP with a certain GM that will remain nameless.
And I have a tengu that butchers the English language any possible way that he can, who since leaving the dragons demand for a sabbatical is back in a first year run.
And I was playing an Ulfen bloodrager that had a German accent, not exactly sure how that happened except I can't do Norwegian.
and a couple of Halflings that have Hobbit accents....
Not that any of them are perfect but I have fun.
Strange Aeons Aaaahhhh, I see now. Saw a couple of posts for recruitment when it first came out, certainly simplifies the back story ;)

GM Mort |

Deepmar penal island is open for gawks!Both of you start at the docks, I'll start putting stuff up when I get home.
Sorry about not posting during class break, but the post was really too long for me to throw out.
How do you type accents?

GM Mort |

And here's the funny part. You'd have thought the boisterous Caucasians (sorry if I'm being racist) would be drinking, but it turns out the reserved Asian here is the one who's actually doing the drinking...

GM Mort |

Strange Aeons - Lets get my thoughts out.
1)Its a very new AP. Thus I expect the mechanics to be more complicated then older APs. Newer APs also use the latest bestiary, and may have abilities I am unfamiliar with.
At the end of the day, I am still very new to this PBP business, with only 3 games under my belt, considering there are people who have done 10x my number(and more). I'm not sure if I will be able to cope.
2) Strange Aeons puts the control of player back stories in the hands of the GM. I dislike that because it interferes with player agency, and I don't want arguments later with players saying, "Oh, my character wouldn't do that"
3) The idea of strange aeons(from the player guide), is that you wake up in a fugue state because of something horrible you've done in the past. The whole module is basically how you atone for it. No, I don't think bottling up Great Old Ones for research counts as atonement. I think the premise of the whole AP is defending humankind from invading Great Old Ones.
4) I know the entire module of Carrion Hill very well. So yes, you did throw me a curve ball with Howards backstory, but I decided I'd roll with it =) On an unfamiliar AP, it may...derail it in such a way that I do not know how to make adjustments for it (this especially so since not all parts are out yet). I am of the new school of GMs, so I have no adventure writing skills at all, unlike old school GMs.

Angus Elphinstone |
And here's the funny part. You'd have thought the boisterous Caucasians (sorry if I'm being racist) would be drinking, but it turns out the reserved Asian here is the one who's actually doing the drinking...
This is tings last post, he's in GM Chyro [PFS] Season 1 run:This is a post from Wulfgar, he's in Escape from Azlant Ridge:
This is a post from Seljak: an Igor archetype that was in Carrion crown:
The oddest was Taicho, he was batcrap crazy and had a split personality: Yeah he was the one who I just rolled up to eighth level in case we needed him ;)
I am not offended at all, since a huge percentage of my background is Irish, Scotish and German the surprise is that my grandparents didn't drink!

GM Mort |

Sorry, maybe my question isn't right. How do you know how accents sound like so you can type them out?
Or is there a language translation site that lets you convert english into accented english, like the way you can translate english into other languages?