Strange Aeons Too?

Game Master Just a Mort

Strange Aeons map

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We are currently in Strange Aeons Book 3.

Posting expectations: Once/day

Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.

The maps will be provided on Google Drive. Please make sure you can access to Google Maps whatever device you’re posting on. I don’t discriminate against phone users, I am one myself.

Now for the lengthy part of the document – I apologize that it is that long – but I need to get the terms and conditions hammered out, so everyone knows what they’re getting into.

Character creation:

Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). Trap the Soul and Animate dead type spells are not allowed. Sacred Geometry Feat is not allowed. Boots of the Earth are not allowed. No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 7
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 23500(as per level 7 wbl)
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.

additional notes on character creation:

As can be seen by what I said about myself, I am a LN GM. Futhermore, as one of the new GMs, I have limited ability to homebrew or change encounters. Therefore with those considerations in mind, I ask all of you to show some restraint in building characters(including characters that may derail the mod/AP in question). That being said, Strange Aeons is not an easy AP.


Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Block Init for enemies. If I have to roll them individually, I’ll go nuts.
Time stops when you're RPing, I will not put any limits on how long you can be speaking among yourselves or NPCs in combat.
Eidolons, Animal Companions and Familiars move on their masters init.
Keep watch spell cannot be used for crafting. Get a ring of sustenance, please. And a portable artificer's lab while you're at it.
In my games, breath of life works against Phantasmal Killer and CDGs. Surprisingly someone has told me it isn’t RAW. But I don’t mind giving this one.
For the purposes of Polymorph spells – you may polymorph only into creatures that are not one of their own kind. I.e you may change yourself into a Gargolyle, but you may not change into Yig, Bokrug (Interpertation: Unless otherwise noted, polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals.)
The blight (any), deathsnatcher, Euryale, fen mauler, green man, mezlan, rawhead, and vespergaunt—are not legal for polymorph effects.
You may only purchase an animal, mount, or similar creature if its Challenge Rating is lower than that character's level; creatures with a Challenge Rating of 1 or lower are exempt from this restriction, as are horses. Each player may only have one of such a mount/animal/similar creature in combat at any time. Animal companions, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, summoned and called creatures do not count towards that limit.
Trapfinder trait from Mummy’s Mask does not need to be tied to any location. Just insert your favourite tomb, and use it.
I use block init, I will roll saving throws,knowledge checks (for Monster Identification) and AOOs for you to save time.

why trap the soul and animate dead is not allowed:

Players when given too much freedom, take opportunity to start squabbling about it. Now I firmly believe in doing onto others what you want done onto you, and since I don’t like my GM dictating how I should play my character, I don’t like to enforce it on others either. I don’t come here to debate ethics and morality and telling people how to play their characters. So in the name of reducing character conflict, since it’s a sore point with some characters, its banned.


Now alignment is subjective – I’ll give you that. You may put whatever you like (non evil), on your character sheet as your alignment, but I will be the one who decides by your actions what alignment you are. (Aka – Alignment shifts will come from me)
Reasons for this is my Strange Aeons campaign blew up, because players were arguing with me on alignment, and we all know by the paladin fall threads in forums that a discussion of alignment gets nowhere. You’ll be warned that a particular course of actions will be given an alignment shift and given a chance to change your mind before you commit a certain action. And honestly I am generally quite relaxed about alignments.
Casting a spell with the evil descriptor 100 times will cause you to have an alignment swop so please don’t be relying on that infernal healing wand too much.

Treatment of NPCs:

All NPCs come wearing this shirt. You may only attack them on the orders of another NPC(it causes the shirt to disappear), or if they start attacking you (the shirt disappears when they start attacking you(Init is rolled). Attacking NPCs other then in those above stated circumstances will cause an alignment shift.
Of course – if you want to intimidate NPC guards to let you by the gate etc, that’s fine, so as long as no violence was carried out.

Rule discussion:

I am a LN GM. So pretty much it’s by the rulebook. And if you point it out politely and nicely, I would most likely go as what’s written in the book. However there will be times when my interpretation and yours differs or I do not follow RAW – I will usually explain my point and you may discuss with me on it in a civilized manner. If I do not, you have the right to ask me for an explanation, and are allowed to discuss in a civilized manner on it. I may change my decision/retcon things based on what you said, but at the end of the day you need to live with my final decision. Because as GM – I need to keep the game moving, and several days of heated discussion on rules does NOTHING, except piss off both the player and the GM.

I will vet applicants on their post history (more plot pushiness and general positive interaction with party is good), activity and timezones. I do not expect a novella length backstory, nor do I care too much about it.

Campaign is here

Party consists of a spiritualist/fighter, an inquisitor, a vigilante (magical girl) and an NPC cleric.

I apologize in advance that I do not have as much time as I used to for RPGs, hence the vetting process will be much slower.

Please submit your characters in a format viewable and understandable by me by 27 march, 2359 GMT +8.

I’m the player of Violet Femme and Rose Fatale, a vigilante with a fairy partner in crime-fighting. Rose plays like an Oozemorph, but she’s a human who’s been altered.

@Mort, I posted on Discord to seek an interested player or two.

Dotting for interest. FYI I am running this AP and we are in book 6. If that's an issue let me know. I will do my best not to bad meta game of couse and book three was 3 years ago so I have forgotten a lot in any case.

Radiant Oath

Dotting for interest. I have a Bloodrager/dragon shaman I'd like to play.

I've always wanted to play in a Strange Aeons game! I'll get something up soon.

Are alternate racial traits fine? Looking at dual talent for humans.

Also how do you want me to handle enchanting a wizard's bonded object? Are any time limitations you want me to put on it for example?

Radiant Oath

Did you want anything for backstory or personality traits?


Neutral Good Medium Aasimar(angel-Blooded) Bloodrager 7;
Init 3; Senses Darkvision; Perception: +9
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+1 natural armor while raging, no AC penalty)
hp 60 (acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5)
Fort 9, Ref 7, Will 5 (+1 trait bonus on saving throws against any spells or spell-like abilities cast by evil creatures.)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Falchion +13/+8 (2d4+8 15-20),
Melee Rage Claws, +14/+14/+9 (1d6+5, 20)
Melee Rage Falchion +15/+10 (2d4+11, 15-20)
Melee Power Attack Falchion +11/+6, (2d4+14, 15-20)
Melee silver Dagger +13/+8, (1d4+4, 19-20)
Melee Cold Iron Dagger +12/+7 (1d4+5, 19-20)
Ranged Composite longbow +11/+6 (1d8+4 /x3),

Bloodrager spells known (CL 4; concentration +7)
2nd (2/day)- False Life (DC 15); Mirror Image (DC 15); Tongues (DC 15);
1st (2/day)- Burning Hands (DC 14); Enlarge Person (DC 14); Expeditious Retreat (DC 14); Feather Fall (DC 14); Shield (DC 14);
Str 20(Base 18, +2 from belt), Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 26
Feats Battle Cry; Cornugon Smash; Cunning; Eschew Materials; Iron Will; Power Attack;
SQ Adopted Magic; Blood Casting; Bloodrage; Claws; Controlled Bloodrage; Draconic Resistance; Eschew Materials; Fast Movement; Improved Uncanny Dodge; Restrained Magic; Uncanny Dodge; Bloodlines: Draconic; 1/day-alter self
Traits: Driven By Guilt (In addition, once per day as a swift action, you can add your Charisma bonus to your attack rolls and deal 1 additional point of damage for each class level you have against evil creatures for 1 round), Fast-talker

While Raging: +4 morale bonus to her Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength. (split in groups of 2, if desired) When using a controlled bloodrage, an urban bloodrager gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Charisma-, Dexterity-, and Intelligence-based skills. You grow claws. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack, using your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of damage each, plus your Strength modifier. At 4th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 4th level, you gain resistance 5 against fire and a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.

Skills Bluff (7) +14; Diplomacy (7) +13; Handle Animal (1) +4; Intimidate (7) +13; Knowledge (arcana) (5) +8; Knowledge (engineering)(3) +3; Knowledge (geography)(3) +3; Knowledge (history)(3) +3; Knowledge (local) (1) +4; Knowledge (nobility) (3) +3; Knowledge (planes) (1) +3; Linguistics (1) +4; Perception (7) +9;

Equipment: +1 Keen Falchion, MW Comp +4 Longbow, MW Silver Dagger, Cold Iron dagger, Amulet of natural armor +1; Belt of giant strength +2; Cloak of resistance +2; Ring of Protection +1; 40 arrows, 2 Potions of cure light wounds, Potion of touch of the sea, backpack, a blanket, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and five waterskins.
GP: 583

dotting for interest. Let's see if my muse finds something.

What would the party like?

Frontliner? Ranger support? From what it looks probably some arcane casting?

I think nobody in the party is innately immune to morale effects yes?

Are we using any of the feat tax patches like Elephant in the room?

Urban Skald:

--Hand out rage powers like no tomorow. Probably going for world serpent totem (AP should be outsider and aberration heavy yes?), with superstition and witch hunter on top. Moment of greatness to amplify things further. Savage intuition to start performing immidiatly. I think everyone in the party enjoys more Dex? Urban Skald does not stop you from casting spells or other such things, unlike normal skald.
Superstition reduces friendly buffing during combat, but the save is pretty great, I can rage without superstition, or I can rage with superstition and a select char may just chose to not accept the rage.
Plenty of options there.

--Is on a mission from her Patron to wipe out Hasturites.
Her Patrons of course didnt tell her anything. And is of course hugely suspicious.

--Highly pragmatic morally flexible mercenary with a penchant for trashtalking eldricht abominations in front of their cultists, due to Urban Skald, even gains mechanical benefits from trashtalking.
--A Flirt
--Pretty cocky

The Demonspawn Bodyguard:

Bloodrager/Furious Guardian
Steelblood Bloodrager (probably Abyssal) with levels in the Furious Guardian Prestige class. Hired as a Bodyguard, meets the party while attempting to rescue his charge.
More defensive then DPR oriented, with combat reflexes, bodyguard and in harms way to protect his allies. Still has pretty good DPR.

--A genuinely neutral good person, tries to use his insane strength to protect rather then to crush and main.
--Is a bit paranoid because some of his previous to be protected charges werent exactly nice and friendly.
--Relatively devout Saerenraean.
--Highly protective

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Dual talent is fine and no time limitation on enchanting a wizards bonded object.

Feat tax patches are not in play. I am a RAW GM. I do not give freebies like all finesseable weapons are all dex to hit. If you want that, please take weapon finesse.

"feat tax" - the shortened version of "I don't think I should have to work to gain stuff" #MESS

almost as brilliant as "dipping" into other classes LOL thank goodness there's no "dip"tax LOL

(j/k ... i TOTALLY have dip taxes in my campaigns)

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Delmoth here. This will be my profile. Crunch is 99% done and in profile, I need to spend some pocket money, probably ink for writing spells. Next is the fluffy stuff.

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My dear, I fear that any sister of mine will be rightly able to pretend not to be the one who smells like poop in this AP...

The White Rabbit is seen wearing an oxygen mask and carrying a shovel. He is pointing at the Mad Hatter.

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Oh wow… I didn’t even think of the Theo connection.

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I love top hats, and wizards (aaand witches and sklads, and well... everything, sorry, no help). Just posting to show you piotr... and his sister in case that helps let you know who you will be playing with. AND to endorse Mort as a GM. Truly. Awesomely. Amazing. Plus very detailed dinner menus. Which is Extra plus in my book.


Happy applying. If there are any questions at a potential fellow player, let me know and I'll do my best to help out.

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Tiff pinches her nose at the sudden and unexpected appearance of her long lost twin brother and with far too nasal of a delivery she scolds Theo, "Off with you, you stool smelling sycophantic seamster. And your lousy laughing lagomorph lech. Break your own fourth walls."

Mightypion submission, spells, skill and equipment not final yet here:

--Bardiche, power attack and combat reflexes. STR is 14-16 depending on which rage is chosen, Furious weapon for a cheapish +3.
--Everyone who accepts gets a Slam hitting at +10 for 1d4+5 negative energy damage, does not target undead.
--An otherwise nice aura combo, including +3 morale boni to save vs. Magiks (Spells, supernatural, Spell likes), 20% concealment from more then 5 feet away attacks and a +2 damage vs those who have spell likes
--Not a tank but should not fall instantly.
--Haste and heroism
--Can Range attack as a backup plan, but its not a good one
--Some crowd control
--Can scout OK.
--Great face, backup lore monkey.

Personality wise:
--Sarcastic, cocky
--pragmatic, quite flexible morals
--Does pay her debts, and is a team player
--Modelled after a combination of Pushkin and Edgar Allen Poe

Questions for current players:
Spontaneous caster, spell list very buff centric.
I have 4 Heroisms per day, I also have moment of greatness, in most cases, heroism with moment of greatness will greatly outdo any other level 2 buff (although you do get a morale bonus to saves from my rage anyway).
I would like to keep a level 2 spell slot in reserve, either for spell kenning shenanigans or for gallant inspiration.
Level 1 spells will probably be moment of greatness spam, since it also works on the superstition save steroid, thats a partywide +3 to a save vs spells/SLA/Supernatural for 7 minutes (expended upon use).
Other thing of note is that tears to wine is 70 minute duration +2 buff to perception to everyone partaking in the booze, for a level 1 spell.
My 2 level 3 spells are probably going to be haste in most cases.
I do have spell kenning and can thus cast level 3 spells from Wizard and cleric list, but thats once per day. I have thundering drums (Cone, 5D8 Sonic, DC 18 Fort Save or prone) as a panic button.
If you have any suggestion spell wise, Very willing to listen :)

GM Mort, 1st option:

I have a magical build that I rarely get to try to play, and I wanted to see if you would be okay with it.

The build is intended to be someone who is absolutely brimming with barely controlled magic. I originally built her back in 3.5, and have updated her with PF rules, but the build utilizes a 3.5 Prestige Class...which I know some DMs have problems with. Some don't however, so I figured I'd ask.

At 7th-level, she would be a 1st-level Cross-blooded/Wild-blooded (Arcane/Sage) Sorcerer/Universalist Wizard 4/Ultimate Mage 2.

The Ultimate Magus Prestige class allows the spellcaster to play the classes off of each other, fueling one with the other as you grow more powerful.

At her 1st-level of Ultimate Mage, she would get "+1 level of lower-level existing arcane casting class", and Arcane Spell Power: "At 1st level, your caster level for all arcane spells increases by 1".

At her 2nd-level of Ultimate Mage, she would get "+1 level of existing prepared arcane casting class and +1 level of existing spontaneous arcane casting class", and Expanded Spell Knowledge: "At 2nd level, you can select one 0th- or 1st-level arcane spell from your spellbook and add it to the list of arcane spells known for a spontaneous casting class, even if you can't yet spontaneously cast spells of that level. (In this case, you would know the spell but wouldn't be able to cast it until you had spell slots of the appropriate level.)"

Its a more nuanced version of the Arcanist, which I, unfortunately, have found to be pretty bland.

Here is a description of the character (I will change locations to fit this campaign if chosen):

Ceilidh is a hard woman to love. She's brilliant and believes she is on a mission to civilize the world, one person at a time. She believes that society is doomed because of the way people treat each other, and the way the species treat each other. She believes that there is a problem with the rich crushing the poor, even though she doesn't believe that there is something inherently wrong with being rich.

She distrusts magic, feels it is only abused, and dislikes religion, feeling it is a big con. The conundrum of her life lies in the fact that she seems to seep magic from every pore. She would prefer to just read a book, cook an extravagant meal, enjoy an expensive scotch and cigar, and live out her life in a warm place overlooking the sea.

Calculating and thoughtful in her planning, she often doesn't think about what she is going to say before she says it in conversation. She believes in the best of mankind, but also believes that most people are idiots; sheep, with no willpower, to make an informed choice for themselves, bent on treating each other poorly simply for a lack of understanding, or because they want a cookie.

She was born to the south in Cyre, in the small village of Little Mingin, a dirty fishing village on the Kraken Bay just outside of Mardain. Her family sent her away to school in Metrol because "weird things always happened around her", the final straw is when she gave the mayor's daughter's a purple beard.

At fifteen her tattoo appeared, growing steadily down her back. She was afraid it was a disease or infection of some sort. Her fears, it seems to her, were confirmed. She is infected with magical energy. It took the form of a slowly growing upside-down tree, made of thousands of tiny arcane symbols, one by one appearing on her skin, bleeding down her back, slowly over the years. Every time something strange happened around her, the tattoo grew a little more.

At the age of 21, she awoke in an inn she was staying at in the city of Metrol in Cyre while working as a freelance researcher for Santaegus Obo...or what remained of the inn. Her bed alone stood unharmed, on an untouched rise in a crater where the 'Three Barmaids' once stood. She believes she destroyed it with her magic. That was when her Mark changed from a tiny shoot to a tiny sapling on her back.

She wants nothing more than to control this magic, so it can't hurt anyone else. She can't let this thing inside her destroy everything around her.

Fleeing, she jumped a ship heading up the Uta river, up over the pass, and down into the Sodden Lands. Over the next year, driven by fear of hurting anyone, she made her way to The Shackles, where the amount of alcohol they served seemed to match her thirst well. Fleeing a misunderstanding and a debt, she boarded a ship bound for Absalom.

She is a human, and rumor had it her grandmother was a tiefling, being from Stormreach, but she honestly considers herself human (no matter what those kids said). She cannot stand racism, and will quickly lose her cool if she sees it in practice. However, she is blind to her own racism, which she considers "just" racism, whereas the racism she faced was unjust.

She is not a hero and has done nothing she considers special.

Ceilidh wants to figure out why her tree tattoo began to develop... and what it means.

Aside from that, she is really wanting to learn how to cook rice the way they did in Manaket. It was like little pillows of air. That, and the perfect scotch. She hears rumors that there is a scotch from the Worldwound that has stopped the battle there, simply so demons and Paladins could share it.

Ceilidh's honey eyes are soft and warm and stark against her bronze skin. Her dark brown dreadlocks grace her shoulders. She has a noble posture, almost challenging. A tattoo of an upside-down tree runs down her neck, spreading across her shoulders. It's actually not one tattoo, but hundreds of tiny magical sigil tattoos, forming the image of a tree.

Ceilidh is very against inequality. She has been an outcast, and homeless, for good portions of her life, so she feels for the underdog, the marginalized. But she feels she's been "accused" of attacks against people and places, with her magic. She worries she's a bit of an unintended terrorist. So she has latched onto a few incidences she's read about that involved real terrorists...the elves of Valenar. Because of her frustration over her own situation, she tends to read the worst in elves and comes across as mildly racist, as she blames them for the loss of her childhood home, despite the fact she never wanted to return there.

She's brilliant, but a bit of an alcoholic. She can't sleep without a drink. She loves a good cigar but will complain about someone tracking in dirt, or not washing their face. Calculating and thoughtful in her planning, she often doesn't think about what she is going to say before she says it in conversation.

Embodiment - House scion

Behavior - Ceilidh is used to a life of comfort, and takes pains to keep up to that standard while adventuring. She doesn't like to associate with other "adventurers" outside of work. She spends evenings reading about the histories of Cyre and House Cannith.

Language - Ceilidh was brought up well, and her manner of speaking reflects it. She has an educated vocabulary and a solid grasp of correct grammar.

Anyway, thank you for the consideration, even if you decide to not allow the Prestige class.

GM Mort, 2nd option:

My second option would be Blythe. At 7th-level she would be a 4th level Unchained Monk (flowing monk, master of many styles, wildcat) and a 3rd level Magus (Bladebound, Kensai).

She is unarmored, focusing on martial arts that defend herself, provides retaliatory strikes against enemies, and uses Combat Maneuvers to control the battlefield, attacking with her unarmed strikes, improvised weapons, and her katana, which is a Blackblade. Think Jason Bourne with a katana.

The daughter of Merrim Atranta and Lord Asher Merovingian, she grew up a bastard - a well-to-do one, but a bastard nonetheless. Her family's sigil was a valknut, two triangles in a knot, meant to signify freedom, family, and glory. Her father's family was an ancient tree, signifying the roots and the pedigree of the house. She took these and combined them with a snake eating itself, hand-painted over the top of the upside-down tree, growing out of the stone valknut. The tree is upside down to represent the fact the family is old and "dead" in this new world, and that she is a bastard of it.

She is willing to do bad things for the sake of the greater good. Her alignment is CN.

My uncle believed very...different things...from my father. He believed my father was mistaken for recognizing his illegitimate children. His whore-bairn, he called me. The fact I am a girl didn't seem to matter.

At the end of his...I guess you have to call it a rebellion...I was the only one who stood between him and my mother. She was wounded - gravely, though I did not realize at the time - and I confronted him in the courtyard. The red autumn leaves danced around us as they fell from their branches in the wind, as the buildings behind us burned. It was so beautiful. There was no way I could beat him. He was a master swordsman. His grace, his speed, his raw power...I've never seen the like in my life since. It was everything I could do to defend myself. To turn his blade from my skin. To retaliate, and counter, and parry, and...

I don't remember striking the final blow.

When it was over, I found her where I'd left her. Her blood was the color of the leaves that surrounded her.

GM Mort:

I also have some other options, if they are more interesting.

• Khatín Kurón Xinivane a Mwangi Hunter (Primal hunter) with a kentrosaurus companion/Vigilante (warlock/wildsoul). She augments her dinosaur while blasting with mystic bolts and utilizes her arachnid soul to eventually shoot webbing.
This character also could be very fun as a "good" goblin, a bit of a wild shamanic character...
• Konghruul, a bugbear Brawler (mutagenic mauler, venomfist)/blood rager (blood conduit, primalist). I usually played him about a level below the party for the Bugbear. He is a former elf assassin that was killed and his most hated enemy, the Bugbear. (Could also be played as a hobgoblin, if a leveled-down Bugbear is not acceptable).
• Aliyah Tel'u'ath'ryn, an elf Spiritualist/Slayer.

Alexandra Edgaria Poeschkina wrote:

--Everyone who accepts gets a Slam hitting at +10 for 1d4+5 negative energy damage, does not target undead.

--Haste and heroism

Regarding ‘question to current players…’

I am definitely Pro-Getting Buffed. The extra slam sounds cool. (Possibly for everyone but me since it would make my own natural attacks secondary, I think.) Haste, on the other hand, would benefit me same as everyone else. (I may have intended to learn Haste at 8, but I mostly cast stuff on myself or my fairy* like Mage Armor, Greater Magic Fang, and other spells that last minutes/hours.)

Mort has my favorite duration house rule ever.

1-4 minutes = 1 encounter
5-9 minutes = 2 encounters
10+ minutes = 3 encounters

…and once we get to spells that last over an hour, like See Invisibility and Spider Climb, she lets us keep it for a full building/area.

*Rose would never call Violet her familiar. That’s so condescending.

…also, I am checking out all of the submissions! Loving the variety, in choices, I’ll leave that to Mort, but will gladly field questions to players.

On what’s covered:
• melee - Rose/Piotr/Ann*
• ranged - Garrosh
• tankiness - Piotr
• weird stealth - Rose/Violet*/Ann*
• healing - we all suck

What’s not:
• magic!

*familiars a fairy and a sister

And there was a question on what you want us to play. Speaking for myself, play the character you’re passionate about. Literally no one would ask me to play a woman with weird plantlike morphing, a French accent, and a size-dilating fairy as her BFF. It fills no gap. I dare say I play this pair better than I would play a gap-filler.

The extra slam comes from my spirits, it would 99% not make your attacks secondary.

My plan for this is to be not-Pushkin, cockily trashtalk Eldritch abominations while deriving mechanical benefits from it, work for the femme fatale of femme fatales and maybe save reality by the power of sarcastic poetry.
Occassionally pull a rabit out of hat via creative use of spell kenning.

What exactly my spell list is has relatively little relevance to that :).

This btw:
1-4 minutes = 1 encounter
5-9 minutes = 2 encounters
10+ minutes = 3 encounters

Is a most excellent houserule.

I love me some lesser spirit totem on a skald. Just have to invest in religion so you don't heal the zombie ghoul vampires.

Another player dotting in, and echoing everyone's words by saying Mort is an impressive DM ;)

Garrosh is an Inquisitor archer, which means a bad mood, some skills and great with a bow :D

As for what the group may or not need - we have two all out frontliners and one archer, so I don't think we need any more martial damage dealers/tanks/melees/etc. We do not have (and I think we need it for group support/enabling/providing solutions different than always breaking the door down) a strong arcane caster, and a strong divine caster/healer. We need more stuff, but these core two are definitely something we are missing.

Of course with so much melee and ranged in the group, a Bard would be an impressive multiplier (not sure how Skalds and archers work...) but hey, you can't have everything :P

How I see Tiff fitting into the party: She's a transmuter so she will have some buffs to pass out, enlarge person, reduce person, mage armor if you can benefit from it, bull's strength, cat's grace (these are easily switched out to the other stat increasing buffs), resist energy, haste. She will also serve as a stop gap for something unexpected we might be missing. Between beast shape II, monstrous physique I, and her summons there's a lot of versatility there. She also brings a decent bonus to all knowledge skills. Since healing is a concern I will pick up a wand of celestial healing.

Now with some fluff

This woman possesses dark brown hair, peppered with encroaching gray. Her long plain face possesses wide curious eyes that often look past or around anyone she may be talking to. A bemused smirk creeps across her face as she studies some magical doodad or thingamabob.

She wears a black Pingat day dress, carelessly torn and muddied at the hem. Around her neck she sports a gaudy golden amulet, set with a bright red ruby that sparks with an unearthly glow. Slung over her shoulder is a backpack that hangs off to her side, bits of loose paper soiled with blobs of ink carelessly poke their way from the top.

Theophania flunked out of Sincomakti’s school of sciences. During oral exams she and her twin brother Theophilus got into a tiff over who was better at summoning demonic entities. Dean Meirtmane’s watched in horror as his glory bust was flung across the examination hall, ricocheting several times before somehow bursting and expelling hot steam like an overfull hot air balloon.

Later while looking for work in Carrion Hill she fell down an open sewer grate, lesson learned, don’t read and walk. After wandering the stinking mess for a few hours she stumbled upon a nest of very lost deep ones. After offering them tea and a slice of gooseberry pie, oh and transforming into a deep one herself she was able to offer some geographic advice to the lost fish-frog monstrous men. Alas she miscalculated the duration of her spell and had to beat feet away from the creatures.

Random facts:
Favorite food: Gooseberry pie
Dislikes: Nobility obsessed with money
Bloodtype: B

My profile is complete. I forgot celestial healing isn't symmetrical so I got a cure light wounds wand to share.

Greetings GM Mort (as well as Ann, Garrosh, Piotr, & Rose/Violet),

I have an idea for an evangelist cleric and I think they would fill in some of the gaps that have been mentioned. However, I see that one of the things that is considered for selection is posting history. Unfortunately, I am relatively new to pbp and I don’t have much history. So before I jump into a build let me know if my limited experience is a deal breaker.


Garrosh Saurfang wrote:

Of course with so much melee and ranged in the group, a Bard would be an impressive multiplier (not sure how Skalds and archers work...) but hey, you can't have everything :P

Skalds and Archers are eh, Urban Skalds and archers are about as good as Bards and archers (if more defensively, Bard provides more AB and Damage, Urban Skald provides more defenisvely, in my case Saves and concealment), provided everyone in else in the party wants extra dex (typically thats a yes).

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Knight of Yesterday wrote:

Greetings GM Mort (as well as Ann, Garrosh, Piotr, & Rose/Violet),

I have an idea for an evangelist cleric and I think they would fill in some of the gaps that have been mentioned. However, I see that one of the things that is considered for selection is posting history. Unfortunately, I am relatively new to pbp and I don’t have much history. So before I jump into a build let me know if my limited experience is a deal breaker.


I don’t think being new is a deal breaker. You’re already in a few games, so there’s enough there for Mort to work with.

I say, welcome, and go for it!

The way I see it is even if you're not selected you'll have a concept ready to go for the next recruitment. Sure you'll have to adjust to the requirements but that's usually easier than starting from scratch.

All, thanks for the encouragement, I will proceed. Just fyi, I’m also playing around with an Oracle build too.

@GM Mort is VMC allowed?

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VMC no, because I feel it's too much cherry picking of the features you want while trading useless class features for it.

Everyone has to start from somewhere so even if you don't have much PBP history I would say go for it anyway.

Alexandra - Drawbacks are not allowed, please redo your traits. I find drawbacks Chery picking too.

Mittean sorry to say but I do not allow 3.5 prestige classes.

Will warn prospective players using natural attacks that DR can be quite the thing in this AP.

Radiant and all other applicants please write some kind of backstory on how you will end up on a boat sailing from Thrushmoor to Katheer so I can insert you into campaign if you are selected.

Traits redone. I am no longer particularly stealthy.

Sounds good. Thanks!

Secondary backstory done, would also have 2 semi cryptic hints on who the current party is.

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Rose doesn’t have a chainsaw glaive. And now I’m asking myself, why the hell not?

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Gnome Cleric with a Chainsaw glaive, that was painting with foe blood, thus turning ugly bugbears into beauty was one hell of a thing.
Heck, if you put her in this AP she could out insane the average big bad.
I do like running PCs I have encountered as very distant background NPC for other PCs of mine.

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Same here, Alexandra. I’ll elaborate in a spoiler.

TL;DR-able Blathering:
A fictional superheroine known as the Vermilion Vixen has made cameos in other PCs’ backstories, and I attempted to play a woman who cosplayed the Vixen in my first go at Strange Aeons! Under the Vixen’s relatively modest attire, she wore a Wonder Woman outfit as underwear. The memory wipe made her think the Vixen comics were her past and she had no memory of Wonder Woman.

For a more recent Milani-worshipper PC (a redhead named Pumpkin Spice Finch), she was mistaken for the Vixen and rescued by other nuns. Two of the nuns were my PC from The Great Tiff’s game, and a female monk NPC whose life she spared.

I also am playing a harpy (using strix stats) in PF2. She is the adult version of a harpy child my first ever PbP character rescued in 2013, which is awesome because her backstory is authentically 4 years of role playing.

Also fun: I’m playing twisted versions of characters from books:
• Karana from Island of Blue Dolphins
• Alice Pleasance Liddell of Wonderland

(Both of these women are simultaneously real people from the 1800s and fictional characters.)

• and Pumpkin Spice’s father is “One Shot Finch,” which is the nickname of Scout’s dad Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird

At some point we found out that her prayers were actually answered by Ctixyron, Daemon harbinger of evil inventions. She was very pissed to turned a bunch of Daemons into confetti.

Changed Carrion Hill to Thrushmoor and added a bit about finding a tome that can only be found in Katheer, this should put Tiff on the same trajectory as the PCs long enough to join them permanently.

Radiant Oath

AceofMoxen wrote:
Ashley Dragonkin

The child that would be named Ashley Dragonkin was found on the streets of Thrushmoor. The only clue to her identity was a cloak of Qadiran make, depicting a Dragon. The Church of Pharasma in Thrushmoor took the child in, naming her Ashley, for her hair was the color of ash.

As a child, Ashley was known for her strength and ability to fast-talk her way out of trouble. She was a curious kid, exploring and getting into trouble, but usually lying her way out of it. When she came of age, Ashley gave herself the last name 'DragonKin,' and joined the pathfinder society.

On a quest for the society, Ashley learned that Razmiran was planning to attack her hometown of Thrushmoor. However, she was duty-bound to explore a ruin with a group of other pathfinders. Ashley abandoned the pathfinders, running away to help warn her city. With an impassioned speech, she rallied the defenders of Thrushmoor.

Seeing the defenses raised against them, Rasminan pretended to only be holding a 'military exercise within is own borders. They lied convinced both the pathfinders and many in Thrushmoor, that there had never been a threat of invasion. Ashley was a laughingstock of town. Even worse, the party of pathfinders died exploring that ruin. Ashley was banished from the pathfinder society.

With no respect in her hometown and no job, Ashley chose to set sail for the homeland she never knew. She's traveling to Qadira to find out about her family.

It took a while to find what I thought I could bring to the table. But I finally figured it out! It is my pleasure to present, Zengi'a, a Halcyon Druid for consideration. He is a strong spellcaster, with an emphasis on battlefield control. He also has quite a bit of healing available to the party, although it is derived from mundane healing of all things! Finally, the architype that he has allows him to cherry pick some key arcane spells. Next level, I will be able to haste the party, which should be a nice addition. Finally, he has basically no melee capabilities, and instead of flooding the battlefield with summons like a typical druid, he instead can spontaneously cast his spells as useful abjurations!

Zengi'a, NG Human Halcyon Druid 7 [Favored Class Druid HPx7]
HP:50|BaB:5|AC:20 T:14 FF:18|Fort:6 Ref:3 Will:11 (+2 vs charm/compulsion, +4 vs evil spells/outsiders)|Init:+6
Str: 8 =-1
Dex: 14 ==2
Con: 12 ==1
Int: 14 ==2
Wis: 16+2+4+1 ==6
Cha: 10 ==0

Race Stuff:
+1 sp/lvl
+2 Wis
+1 feat

Skills: Rank Stat Class Misc Total
Knowledge Plains 7 2 Y 0 12
Heal 7 6 Y 0 16
Knowledge Local 7 2 Y 3 15
Spellcraft 7 2 Y 0 12
Perception 7 6 Y 0 16
Survival 7 6 Y 0 16
Diplomacy 7 0 Y 3 13
Knowledge Geography 7 2 Y 0 12
Knowledge History 7 2 Y 0 12

Class Features:
Bonded Mask: 1/day, cast any spell known
Well Trained: Diplomacy and all knowledges are class skills
Peacekeeper: +.5/lvl to knowledge local and diplomacy
Spontanious Casting: Spontanious spells into spells off the good domain list instead of summon nature's ally(Protection from evil, Align Weapon(good) Magic circle against evil, Holy Smite)
Natural Arcana: 4th, and every even level, learn two wizard spells of a level 1 lower than max spell level.
-4th: Grease, Windy Escape
-6th: Web, Anti-Summoning Shield
Resist Fiendish Influence: +4 saving throw against abilities/spells of evil outsiders, and spells with the evil descriptor.
Woodland Stride: Resist natural difficult terrain
Trackless step: Leave no trail, can't be tracked

Human: Healer's Hands
1st: Improved Initative
3rd: Spell Focus Conjuration
5th: Skill Unlock: Heal
7th: Spell focus Transmutation

Birthmark: +2 vs charm/compulsion, holy symbol on hand
Focused mind: +2 to concentration checks

+4 Wis Headband (16000)
Self enchanted mask of comprehend languages and read magic (2600)
+1 Heavy wooden shield (1157)
+1 Lamellar Leather (1210)
Healer's Satchel (1500)
+1 ring of deflection (2000)
33 gp

(Spells marked with a * have +1 dc
0's: (Usual Loadout: Detect Magic, Guidance, Create Water, Mending)
1sts: (Usual Loadout: Grease*, Windy Escape*, Produce Flame, entangle*, 1 open slot)
2nds: (Usual loadout: Anti Summoning Shield, Web*, Stonecall*, Barkskin*, 1 open slot
3rds: (Usual Loadout: Sleet Storm*, Feather Step Mass* 1 open slot
4ths: (Usual loadout: Spike Stone* ,1 Open slot


The Mwangi expanse is quite a distance from the land of Katheer. So what then is a lone Halcyon druid doing so far away from the Mwangi tribes, the great city, and the academy that he calls home?
Zengi'a is a pragmatic man. He grew up in a small village just outside the city of Nantambu. His parents, wanting something more for their son, who was weak for a tribesman, but was gifted with a thrist for knowledge, sent him to the Magaambya. A man can learn much of magic there, it has been said.
Indeed, Zengi'a learned quite a great deal of magic while he was there. The Magaambya synthesizes divine and arcane castings to try and create something creater than the sum of it's parts. Zengi'a was a natural at this. He felt a deep kinship with the natural aspects of the world, and fell into druidic circles. However, his naturally curious mind always kept him in contact with the academy to refine his understanding of magical theory. Many years passed, and Zengi'a became an accomplished servant of the Green Faith; serving to bring the peoples of the Mwangi together, and defend them against incursions from outer planes, most often the servants of the demon lord Angazhan. Slow to anger, and gracious almost to a fault, he was nonetheless a deadly foe, capible of weaving a variety of dangerous magics, and weilding the very earth itself to destroy unnatural blights. His parents grew more and more proud of him every time he came to visit, and he would tell them of his exploits, keeping the land safe.
Let it not be said that Zengi'a reveled in the violence he brought down upon the foes of the Magaambya. His biggest joy in life was healing those who were in need. Many a village has been saved by Zengi'a's clensing magics. Many a child has had their bones set by him. Those who are familiar with divine magics often mistake him for a paladin, but he will always gently correct them. "Just a man who knows the right way to ask a body to heal itself."
One day, one of the great diviners of the Magaambya asked to see Zengi'a. She told him that she had seen a great danger to the entirity of Golarion; a festering cancer on a different contenent that if left unchecked, could result in the entire world being overrun by strange and alien creatures. "Worse than demons," she said, "For at least a demon's motivation is known to man. They are base creatures. These are older, and far more dangerous." She said more things to him then, secret things, She told him that she had seen a group who would stand against the tide of madness, and that she had seen him with that group. He must travel to Katheer, to meet with them, and to offer them his assistance.
Zengi'a left that day. He was not pleased, but what could he do? The diviner had never been wrong before. Zengi'a had studied the things that lived in the Dark Tapestry before, as part of his studies in the Magaambya. But he had never expected that he would ever be involved with them. It was a dangerous journey for the druid. After all, he had never left the Expanse. But after a long year of travel, he is finally near Katheer. Maybe then, the ramblings of the seer would make sense. But as he traveled, he could never quite shake the feeling that something just beyond his percepton was always looking at him, like a specimen under a magnifier...

The campaign that I'm currently enjoying the most on the forums is This one, in which I play Abnaki.

I'd love any input, questions, concerns, or even just a friendly hello!

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sorry, headed to work, so no time for much else, but will happily read between meetings :)

One of the first times that someone's actually taken me up on that request :)

This is Knight of Yesterday’s submission a Vine Leshy ✿ Shaman (Speaker for the Past). The fluff is below but I am still working on the crunch. I will put the crunch in the alias as well as post here when it’s completed.

If you have any questions, comments, or advice please let me know.

”Let me out!” Quick Sun Blossom cried from within the crate in which she was currently confined. The little plant person banged her gnarled fists on the lumber walls of her de facto prison. After a few moments the leshy stops, resigned to her fate, and collapses into a heap, tears trickling from her violet, seed-like, eyes. Will I ever get out, she wonders while her thoughts drift to the past…

The leshy’s earliest memories are of the warm, caress of sunlight on her bare vines as they stretched toward the yellow orb with the longing of a neglected lover. She moaned with pleasure, a shutter running through her body, as her vines began to slowly sprout with leaves, flowers, and berries pulsing in rhythm to the witch’s chanting.

Quick Sun Blossom, like all of her kind, was created by the ritual binding of an ensnared forest spirit with a growing plant. Blossom’s creator was the Witch, Oogal, a hag of the Thrushsong Woods. Terror lurked in the shadows of the Thrushsong the land plagued by the horrendous legacy of the Whispering Tyrant. The two spent many years together learning and growing as they waged war against those who would defile the Thrushsong Woods. As fate would have it the witch was caught by a litch and disemboweled while Blossom watched helplessly.

Blossom was now alone, but she was not quite alone, she had the voices of her ancestors calling to her from the past as well as the witches spirit in her hand to help guide her. Thus, began the leshy’s murder-revenge-survival adventure across the Ustalav countryside. Ultimately ending with the decision that she needed to flee Ustalav.

Blossom is startled from her reminiscing by the slow groan of the crate opening. A gaunt, dark haired, human looked down, concern etched on his face, at the distraught leshy, Blossom, what’s the matter?

The leshy considered the question for a moment, why am I so upset. I’m sure it was important. Then it all comes rushing back to her and she blurts, ”Well Gossa it’s…..

”I’m Wreben, the scholar interrupted.

”If you say so,” she responded skeptically while she scrutinized the man.

Wreben sighed and began to pace back and forth as he lectured her, ”Gossa and I are really quite different, from our physiques, to our appearance, coloration, mannerisms. I’m fact we are so dissimilar that…”

”Gosh, I’m sorry already,” Blossom cut him off, growing board of his prattling. ”Anyhow, Gos…err… I mean Wreben,” she smiled in victory at getting it right, ”I’ve been in this box forever and..

”Its been three hours. We haven’t even left the dock yet,” the man replied, frustrated. ”We discussed this at great length Blossom, you need to stay out of sight until we are safely out of Ustalav.”

”Yeah but is dark in here,” she offered.

He countered, ”but you can cast light”

”But I’m thirsty too!” she exclaimed.

”And you can create water,” he crossed his arms.

”Hungry! I’m hungry… actually famished, close to starving,” Blossom said earnestly, trying to look pitiful.

Wreben threw his hand in the air, ”but you can spontaneously grow fruit.”

The little plant lady puts her hands on her hips and pronounced, ”I have to go to the potty!”

”Do you?” he asked, the doubt plain on his face.

No, but I could at any second,” Bloosom informed him, her brow furrowed in concentration. After a slight pause she added, ”still no but soon… maybe.”

Wreben relents, shoulders slumped in defeat, ”Okay, you can get out of the crate but you must stay in the cabin.”

”Deal,” Blossom exclaimed triumphantly as she vaulted out of the box. What’s a cabin, she wondered as she skipped around the room.


Quick Sun Blossom is a collection of twisted vines with rich blue and green, glossy leaves, golden blossoms, and ripe purple berries. Tiny layered, overlapping, leaves make the leshy’s skin look almost scaled, giving her a stoic and stern expression, which is amplified by her piercing, unforgiving, violet eyes. Long, green, vine-like, tendrils fall from her scalp, tied back neatly with twig.

This little plant person is usually clad in natural materials but keeps as much of her skin exposed as, like most plants, she rather enjoys the sun. Typically she smells of flowers and her voice is high, melodic, and song like.


Quick Sun Blossom, Blossom to her friends, possesses very little tact, often saying what is on her mind whether appropriate to the social situation or not, and views the world with child-like wonder. She is curious and over dramatic but is stubborn when it comes to things she “knows.” However, she is forgetful and often gets confused with civilized things. The leshy has a fear of fire, axes, and cows. She will not eat leafy vegetables, viewing it as a form of cannibalism.

Damn, I was looking forward to seeing that Evangelist Cleric... :P

I think the shaman will fill the same roll and you might even be happier. :)

This archetype gets heroism (as spell which is 70 minute duration), plus hexes to buff AC, and Battle Spirit (which is similar to inspire courage). I think this build adds a little more versatility than the evangelist. Plus after I wrote the background she wasn’t a cleric anymore.

battle spirit:
A shaman surrounds herself with the spirit of battle. Allies within 30 feet of the shaman (including the shaman) receive a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level and 16th level, these bonuses increase by 1. The shaman can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

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I like her! That is a freaky avatar. Looks like she’s part hydrangea.

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