GM Mort |

My name is Mort and I’m interested in running a Gestalt one shot of a PFS scenario – Silver Mount Collection for a two players. I intend for this game to progress at a fast pace. I have run games in person and on Roll20 many times.
I post minimum once per day, and I can probably do multiple posts per day as well.Like HERE. I will go at a slower pace this time round to preserve my sanity^^
My posting requirements are as follows – You are required minimally to post not more then 24 hrs after my last post(multiple back and forth posts throughout the day are, of course, welcome). The first time you get a PM warning, the 2nd time you get another PM warning, the third time, I’m looking for a new player. Should you have RL commitments that make you unable to do so, please inform me in the discussion thread. I’m not totally unreasonable.
The maps will be provided on Google Drive.
Sources: All Paizo(subject to caveats under individual categories). You may not take any vision blocking abilities/equipment, combined with the way to see through them(I.e, goz mask + obscuring mist, deeper darkness + fiend sight). No Third party allowed.
Starting Level : 7
Race: Common, Featured and Uncommon races with the following exceptions: No Svirfneblin, Fetchlings and Drow. You cannot create your own Aasimar/Tiefling variants and can only use those found in ARG, Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You cannot roll for variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities.
Alignment: Any non evil
Class: Any Paizo, Gestalt, two classes. No Third Party allowed.
Point Buy - 20
Starting Gold: 23500 gp
No Crafting allowed.
Deities: All Golarion
Background skills are in play.
HP – max for first level, 1/2max+1 after
You start with 2 traits as per normal.
Note that this is a PFS scenario, but its pretty brutal. The following disclaimer applies:
Welcome to the Silver Mount Collection. This is a scenario designed to test your character to its limits and beyond. The threat of character death is very real.
Stealing this one from 5E, I will have everyone take 10 for Perception the moment they enter a new area to find monsters/traps(you’re seasoned adventurers afterall), and the result will be posted in the gameplay thread. If from the description of the room you choose to make more perception checks, you may roll them and I will tell you of the results.
Each character may reroll a single d20 once in the scenario - this is to make up for swinginess of encounters with only 2 players.You may not transfer rerolls, nor use them on anything other then your PC.
The esteemed Blakros family—famous for their museum in Absalom—receives a large shipment of artifacts from Numeria but fears that the ever-vigilant Technic League will attack to reclaim its "stolen" property. When they request the help of Pathfinders to help guard the collection, the PCs discover that the Technic League is the least of their worries.
This scenario is quite steampunkish.
Since this is a 1 shot, I don’t expect much detail. Just give me about a paragraph of minimum 100 words on your character.
I’m on GMT+8 time. I would think myself as a lawful neutral GM. That is, I will do everything by RAW. Please don’t expect me to do the rule of cool, because I am not into it – since we’re giving a bookful of rules, it is expected that they should be followed. I’m running this in part to see what it’s like on the GM screen of a PBP, to see what people will come up with togther as a duo as characters for a scenario meant for a party of 4, and how well they will do. In the name of science. I’m curious. It’s of my traits.

Robert Henry |

Hey Luke welcome aboard, I haven't played a lot at this level, ting is still level 4,
So the first question is if you can work disable device in or if we need to worry about it?
I'm either going to rework Valda as a fighter/oracle or play someone else, I don't see her doing traps though...

GM Mort |

And keeping with the research tradition, here are some questions for you to think about, to be answered after I'm done.
1)Can a PFS adventure of later seasons be accomplished as a duo?(I'm not so cruel as to make you do it solo).
2)What are the differences between solo play, duo and a full party?
3)What do you miss out as a duo players? Do you get the full story experience?
4)How is the story telling aspect like with a GM and two players?
5)The PBP medium has always been a slow one. Is it because the players are waiting for each other, or the GM?
6)Does adding another player slow the game some if players and GM are willing to work on being active?

GM Mort |

Done. I haven't prepped the scenario yet, since I was taking in mind the time that players get to coordinate their characters, but I will do so tonight. I've run this before, so re-prep shouldn't take too long. I will ask if any of you have played or run before, please seperate player and character knowledge. There will be opportunities to buy stuff after mission briefing.

GM Mort |

The restriction on no creating vision obscuring effects that only players can see through without penalty is because of research purposes. No point if things can't see you to hit you, but you can snipe at them with impunity. Won't really be accurate on whether a scenario is doable, if you get my drift...

GM Mort |

Urban rangers get DD. And this whole place is definitely urban.
Trapper rangers do too. Whether its going to be a problem, I can't reveal. That'd be saying too much =)
On a more serious note, when you played gestalt solo, I'm sure you realized you can't cover everything. So you'll still probably have to settle for that, and improvise when the situation arises.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
OK I think the new and improved Valda is ready, GM Mort take a look over her to make sure everything is copasetic.
Luke or should I say Basil, would you look at her to see If there is anything that will make her better working in concert with your character?
I will be back on in between six and seven hours.

GM Mort |

Get your wis score back to 10, Valda - you do not carry any penalties/ bonuses from last scenario. Lets just say a certain noble that owes you a favour returned it by giving you a free restoration.
Also - this scenario is a little out of the norm as it is actually quite large friendly, and should you wish to play something large, you can.

GM Mort |

Basil. Don't forget your holy symbol and/or spell component pouch.
editI realized that he was taking it on inquisitor side - my bad. Birth mark covers divine focus, but quis spells come semi from arcane list. I need to check if any DO have material components.

GM Mort |

See invisibility does, for one. Its the same old story about the powdered iron I was tellimg you about re: enlarge person the last time.

GM Mort |

I personally think all spellcasters should, just to spare any anal GMs you run across a headache.

GM Mort |

Right...GM is baking orange muffins atm. So after this opening post, I'm going to afk. LOL. Maybe an hour or so :P

GM Mort |

And...the muffins are all in their cups, and sitting in the oven, so yeah I'm back =)

Robert Henry |

I can track it down, need to get home first and pull out the 3 x 5 card.
A friend of ours, Cindy, entered this particular recipe in a carnivals 'cookie baking contest' and won second prize. So when we inquired about the recipe Cindy laughed at us and explained that she got the recipe from one of my wife's old cookbooks. When Cindy and her family would visit, if we were doing something that didn't require her full attention, she would sit and flip through cook books and write the recipes down on 3x5 cards. We never figured out which cookbook it was, we believe it's out of one my wife got from her grandmother. But fortunately we copied it back from Cindy.
Again, not sure why I'm telling stories, it might have something to do with being 3:30 god awful in the morning, oh well, but I will now remember to find that note card and type out the recipe ;)

GM Mort |

Basil - you need to recheck your feats to stuff wep focus in,
Special: Starting at 6th level, a ranger with the archery combat style may select Point Blank Master as a combat style feat, but he must have Weapon Focus instead of Weapon Specialization in the selected weapon.

Basil Kettering |

Hmmm... That is odd... The 'Combat Style' section for Ranger specifically calls out that you don't *have* to meet the prerequisites of the feats you take as part of the 'Combat Style'. Oh well!

GM Mort |

Also, gimme a bit to sort stuff, yes inits coming up, and I'll need help on tokens because I'm on the move!

Robert Henry |

Ok, finally got home and found the recipe, I hope you get a chance to try it.
Dry ingredients:
2 ¼ cup flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp ground cloves
1 cup brown sugar packed
Wet ingredients:
¼ cup molasses
¾ cup vegetable oil
1 egg, Beaten
Granulated sugar
Sift together dry ingredients, then add wet ingredients and blend well. Roll into balls approximately 1 inch. Then roll balls in granulated sugar before baking on greased sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Makes four dozen cookies. the cookies expand to a couple of inches so don't get them too close
Ok, I will be up for about a half hour and then going to bed.

GM Mort |

To Basil:
North is up, East is right, West is left. The triangle I have drawn is Valda's initial position before she enlarged, then the square was the area I told you to position yourself, the line shows your arrow projectile path.
You said SW, but there's no creature to your Southwest, so I took it as the back SE creature, gave you positioning where you were supposed to be to shoot it. Grey diagonals are initial starting location of monsters.
Edit:Figured out the maths. Manyshot. Never played an archer character with it. Oh man. So much maths >.< Sorry for inconvenience caused.
Valda - one of them provoked, I can use your attack as AOO, but I'll still need your full round.
Also, if I am not at a computer, please move your own tokens.

GM Mort |

It took me an hour to figure out archer maths :( I think I need to go back for maths class...

Basil Kettering |

*Lightbulb goes off*
Ah, I think we were talking at cross purposes; I did not mean the creature to *my* south west; I meant the creature that, when looking at the map as a whole, was to the south west of the map (as indicated by the red line); sorry for the confusion...
Also, yes, archers *do* create a lot of problems... I even forgot to apply the +2 for Heroism!

GM Mort |

To me, there were 2 creatures south west. I thought you would be trying to be considerate and leave Valda the near ones while you took the far ;)
1d20 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2
+8= standard attack - deadly aim(-2)
+4= favored enemy construct
+2= bane
+1= point blank
+2= studied target(you can only have 1 as a swift action - though swift action study in the middle of a full-round is a tad weird, but I'll allow it)
Next time should you target things(ie your studied target when you remote viewed the room), please indicate on the map. It makes it easier on GM to know who is doing what.
My highest lv archer is a lv 8? or 9?cleric of Erastil. Couldn't find budget to get the dex belt so I could qualify for Manyshot - thus couldn't take the feat :(
What is the difference betwen ranger archers and zen archers?

GM Mort |

In about 10-11h, I'm going drinking with a couple of buddies, so don't expect any posts then ;)

GM Mort |

Did you hear what happened the last time a whole group of us on chalet decided to take up the challenge of playing a scenario while drunk? (GM was also drunk). First they made sure there was lots of sprite and vodka around. Then the combat descriptions were like WTF.
"Player X turns into a rolling, flaming ball of cheese and crashes into Monster Y. It explodes and showers you with stinky blue"
They started around 11 pm, I went to sleep at midnight(I like my sleep, thank you), and I'm not sure they actually finished that scenario...I heard from some others they were still at it at 4 am.
And the GM needed help making out the dice numbers :)
I prefer a...more controlled approach to things :)

Valda Aslougsdottir |
I prefer a...more controlled approach to things :)
Figures that's the answer I would get from a LN Gm ;)
When I played in college you would have thought that would have happened a lot. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we were a bunch of nerds and goody-two-shoes; there was no drinking and D&Ding.

GM Mort |

I'm a nerd and goody two shoes too =) But I've heard good things about this watermelon soju...and I'm a greedy guts.
But seriously you do not need alcohol to make your maths more difficult.
Soju has 20% alcohol content. About 8% more then white wine thereabouts. Therefore, according to my calculatuons, I should stop at 2 glasses.
But not sure how the watermelon juice dilution factor kicks in...ah heck. Just roll with it when it happens.

GM Mort |

Yeah doing dinner there. Lots of chicken wings. Tis ok, I have decent alcohol tolerance for someone my size.