Ironfang Invasion Prequel (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Ironfang invasion prequel Map

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The day dawns bright and sunny in the small trade town of Phaendar. The town seemingly sprouts out of nowhere, a respite from the forest around. Most of the houses of wood and thatch seem to have been built in a circular pattern around a dirt trail around the town. The town resembles more like a large clearing then any kind of proper settlement. The sound of gushing water from the fast-flowing Marideth river can be heard in the vicinity as the various townsfolk, clad in leathers and thick rough woven canvas as they go about their business of the daily life. The sound of hammering in a forge as well as sawing of wood can be heard from the Phaendar trading company.

At the town centre, the clearing that makes up Market Green, there is a billboard, with various notices, such as "Buying fine leathers and furs - Contact Daniel at Daniel's Leatherworks", "Got a broken pan? Come to the Phaendar Trading Company to get it fixed, as good as new!" , "Missing Ginger Tabby Cat - Answers to Garfield - Please bring him back to Catherine the weaver for a free sack.", "Oreld's Fine Goods for all your Herbalism needs!"

One notice that draws your interest. ”Adventurers wanted – Please see Father Noelan at the River Wood Shrine for more details”

Male Human Ranger - 8

The first caravan to enter Phaendar arrives a few days early. Leading the train is a nondescript Ranger in his early 20's, riding on a horse. The Caravan enters the Market Square. The Ranger dismounts and ties his horse off at a hitching post. Gathering his gear from his horse, he makes his way to the nearest inn, pausing to read the billboard.
"Adventurers, huh? Sounds interesting."
The Ranger begins to look for the River Wood Shrine.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

'We really don't want to frighten anyone in town.' Stopping a few hundred yards out of town, Ratel grabs hold of Bears harness, and tells the big brown bear. "Stay." The bear shakes his head, twisting his nose around and lift a lip, giving a huff, he flops on the rock and grabs his toes As he twists his head about, Ratel mumbles at him, "You better be here when I get back, or I'm not feeding you supper."

handle animal: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14well crap

'The probably wouldn't mind if he came into town, but I don't want to take any chances.' Walking into town initially headed to the Taproot, he moves through the Market Green seeing a notice, "Adventurers wanted? I wonder what Father Noelan has going on." Turning toward the shrine, Ratel forgoes his drink to speak with the priest.

'Well can't hurt to have a little fun.' Knocking on the door frame before he walks in, Ratel steps accross the threshold and calls out "Father Noelan?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Robert manages to find Riverwood Shrine without any problems. Afterall if he can track a rabbit in the woods, finding a stationary building shouldn't be an issue, right? Joining him to the way of a shrine is a big burly bearded man, with his hair tied up in a topknot.

Riverwood Shrine – C1

A wooden deck surrounds the front of an octagonal structure with broad archways leading into a place of worship. To its left stands a moss-encrusted stone monument. Carved birds, branches, and fruits decorate the wooden supports of the temples archway. On the shrine ground stand some archery targets and two elves, one male and one female, are practicing shooting the targets with their longbows.

”Heh. Got 3 on the red, Tarethelan!” The female elf crows with glee. ”Beat that!”

longbow atk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
longbow atk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
longbow atk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Non-plussed, the male elf lets three arrows fly. One hits the bullseye, one goes wide, while the other strikes the red circle on the target. "One red, one 8 points to your 9. Fine, Lorethiel. You win, this time." The male elf grudgingly admits.

Riverwood Shrine – C2

Wooden statues of both Erastil and Desna stand in their own alcoves in the north west end of the shrine, while alcoves on either side serve as general shrines to the variety of other gods and spirits worshiped by the locals (like Cayden Caliean, Shelyn, Gozreh, Abadar, Calistra, Torag, Iomedae, Irori, Nethys, Sarenrae, Pharasma). A middle aged man with short cropped brown hair and brown eyes, in green hunters leathers wearing a brown fur cloak with a longbow clasps on it greets Robert and Ratel, ”Welcome to Riverwood Shrine. What brings you here this day?”

Behind him, a blond Chelish woman with green eyes is consoling a Vairsian woman, Catherine who is bemoaning about her lost cat, Garfield. ”Don’t worry, Erastil wouldn’t let such an adorable puss come to any harm.” The woman assures Catherine."She's probably taking a nap in Ajobe's backyard.You know Zoya likes cats."

"I mean, if she got onto Daniel's leatherworks...what if he turned her into a purse,Rhyna?"Catherine frets.

"Well Daniel wouldn't do that,he knows it's against the law to be killing cats." Rhyna assures her.

A Qadiran man wearing a silver butterfly amulet on his neck is cleaning up the statue of Desna.

Slide 2

Male Human Ranger - 8

"I'm Robert Gallahan, from Magnimar. I'm one of the scouts with the Caravan that just entered town. I saw your advertisement, asking for help."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

”I’m Father Noelan. Welcome to Phaendar.” Father Noelan introduces himself, and gives Robert a firm, hard shake. Robert notices that his fingers have archer calluses on them.

”Ah I see. Well we have a little problem – every year, we send some people to clean up our founder, Nessen’s tomb and put new offerings. It’s someway in the Fangwoods. So this year, it’s been several days, but the clean-up squad hasn’t come back yet. I head the local hunter’s guild, and the hunters said they haven’t seen them in the woods either. “Father Noelan explains, with a worried expression on his face. ”So I thought that we might need to send a rescue party into the crypt itself.”

Male Human Ranger - 8

"Sounds prudent. But we'll need more people."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

It’s about late morning, 10 am or so

”Most definitely a good idea. “Father Noelan agrees. ”But would you want to wait here till more people show up, or would you rather take a break in the Taproot tavern? It’s a pretty long way from Magnimar, afterall, likely you’ve been travelling all morning. Jet’s a pretty good cook, and today’s stew of the day is Venison Stew.

”I could always send a runner to inform you when there are enough people.” Father Noelan suggests.”Oh and don’t let Aubrin know about the notice on the billboard. She used to be with the Chernasardo Rangers before she was mustered out due to an injury. I can’t in good conscience send a visually impaired, peg-legged woman to investigate the crypts you know. And don’t let her catch you saying that. She’s doesn’t like people treating her like a cripple.” He adds as an afterthought.

Male Human Ranger - 8

"Sounds good." Robert turns to Ratel. "Care to join me?"
Half an hour until I go home. I think I'm done for the evening.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Taproot Tavern

The two-story inn’s walls are made of hewn timbers stained with a dark green, all capped with a pine shake roof. A wooden statue of a rearing grizzly bear guards the front door.


A massive fireplace and the horns of two dozen elk make up most of the bar’s décor. The tables are made out of a the same stained dark green timber. The taproom is not very full at the moment, and Robert catches a Taldan woman in a leather smock talking to an Brevoy man in a leather apron, his apron filled with leather working tools, over a mug of beer and bowls of venison stew served with dark rye bread.

”So Daniel, I asked you out of your workshop because I wanted to ask you if you’re taking apprentices.” The woman says to the Brevoy man. ”My daughter Connie said she wanted to learn leather working – an extension of our goat herding business.”

”Well, Bella, you know that leatherworking is hard work – and the smell is nothing to be scoffed at. I don’t want to take another apprentice only to have her disappear on me before week end.” The man says slightly dubiously.

In another corner, Robert sees some traders in his caravan, who are having brunch of grilled salmon, roasted chicken, and a pork knuckle and several mugs of beer.”Hey, Robert, do you want to join us? We’ll head to the Phaendar Trading Company after this. Kinning said a new shipment of mahogany just came in.” One of them, Johnson, calls out to him.
Serving the tavern patrons is a peg legged woman in green leather, with her curly black hair tied up in a pony tail, supporting herself on an ivory coloured quarterstaff. Her peg leg seems to prove no impairment to her mobility, though Robert notices that her eyes are covered with a milky white film.

At the bar is a half elf of mixed Shoanti and Varisian blood wearing a brown and white cotton dress, her hair tied in two neat braids.”Ahhh a new face to Phaendar.” She beams at Robert. ”If you need rooms, its 5 silver pieces per night!”

If Ratel is there

”Ratel! Good to see you again. Where are your drinking buddies, Thomas and Harold? Usually three of you stick together like glue. Beer for you? Or would you like something stronger?” Jet calls out to him.

”Aubrin – go ask Ratel and the new guy what they need.” She urges the peg-legged woman.

Slide 3

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Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

A tall dark complected elf rather stumbles into the temple. "I think I just saw a bear sitting on his butt holding his feet at the edge of town. The thing, I haven't, like, had anything this morning, so it's probably there, but that just weird, right? Is that what the notice is about? Cause if it is, that's crazy right? But that bear's not hurting anything, so just, like, leave him be, you know?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Riverwood Shrine

A wooden deck surrounds the front of an octagonal structure with broad archways leading into a place of worship. To its left stands a moss-encrusted stone monument. Carved birds, branches, and fruits decorate the wooden supports of the temples archway. On the shrine ground stand some archery targets, and two elves,one male and one female are taking a drink out of their waterskins."Yeah Lorethiel,your shooting has definitely improved. I take back what I said about girls not being strong enough to draw a longbow. Why,you actually beat me at archery today!" The male elf compliments the female elf.

The female elf blushes at the compliment."Its good of you to say so, Tarethelan. I've been practicing."

Riverwood Shrine – C2

Wooden statues of both Erastil and Desna stand in their own alcoves in the north west end of the shrine, while alcoves on either side serve as general shrines to the variety of other gods and spirits worshiped by the locals (like Cayden Caliean, Shelyn, Gozreh, Abadar, Calistra, Torag, Iomedae, Irori, Nethys, Sarenrae, Pharasma). A middle aged man with short cropped brown hair and brown eyes, in green hunters leathers wearing a brown fur cloak with a longbow clasps on it turns to look at Azmythe,on hearing about the bear business, his mouth gaping open in astonishment.

"Bear? You're saying we have a bear on the edge of town?" Father Noelan exclaims."You really sure? Because it's a little too early for serious drinking."On hearing that Azmythe hasn't taken anything this morning, Father Noelan adds,"I'll check it out to play safe. Where was the bear again?" Father Noelan asks Azmythe.

Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

"Just this way, man." Azmythe starts to leave the shrine then turns abruptly. "You're not going to, like, hurt him are you? I mean, like, he's not hurting anyone, man."
Assuming an answer at least vaguely in the affirmative, Azmythe will lead the way.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Father Noelan calls out to the Chelish woman at the back."Rhyna, take care of the shrine, I've got a bear to investigate."

"No problem Father Noelan!"Rhyna eagerly volunteers.

As he moves into the yard,he yells at the two elves."Tarethelan, Lorethiel, we've got a bear to investigate. But stay at least 100 ft away from the bear,and if anything happens, run like hell back to town."

Tarethelan and Lorethiel shoulder their longbows, grab a quiver of arrows and follow him. On his way out, Father Noelan also grabs a longbow and a quiver of arrows from the archery range and they all follow Azmythe

On observing the bear from the distance,noting that it's not showing any signs of aggression, Father Noelan eyes it speculatively,then makes a snap decision. He begins to make grunting noises,in which Bear grunts back.

Finally Father Noelan turns to Azmythe,exasperated."He's someone's animal friend. Ratel's to be exact.Big guy with lots of hair on face and hair knot on top. Come to think of it, Ratel resembles a bear somewhat.Thanks for bringing me on a wild goose bear chase."

"And Ratel should know better then to stickpark his bear out of town, though I suppose he was worried about alarming the townsfolk. Though with the Chernarsado Rangers bringing their wolves around town,a bear isn't that much different."Father Noelan grumbles.

"Jet can put him,"Father Noelan points at the bear."In the shed nearby. Both Jet and Aubrin know how to take care of animals and won't be freaked out by him. Which is more then can be said about the next newcomer to Phaendar."Father Noelan sounds rather disgruntled.

Robert, from your posts I'm gonna assume we came in separately. I guess we can meet around town.

Hedran looked at all the familiar places, sights and sounds around him - Phaendar had not changed much since he last was here. He took his time looking at each passerby, wondering if anyone would recognize him, or even offer him a 'Good morning'

Shrugging it away he pressed on, curious about the billboard - 'Adventurers wanted? That's new' - he chuckled to himself as he made his way to the shrine.

When he arrives there he finds the place mostly deserted, and just walks in slowly - "Hello?! Father Noelan?!" - he shouts.

Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

"Now hold on. First, you do see the bear? Good. But I didn't bring you anywhere, man. Like, you told me to bring you here, right? That's not on me, me, that's all you."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Someone as a matter of fact recognizes Hedran. A stout middle-aged man, Orik, in a brown leather smock, with his donkey and cart half filled with metal bottles, waves at Hedran. ”Hedran, where have you been? The last time I saw you, you were a lad, not fully-grown yet, and now you’ve become a strappling young man. “ Orik cheerfully waves at Hedran. ”Albeit a little green, but one shouldn’t judge a book by his cover.” Orik jokes good-naturedly.

At the Riverwood Shrine

The blond haired, green-eyed Chelish woman Rhyna smiles at Hedran. ”Father Noelan rushed off like his pants were on fire to deal with a bear problem. Azmythe said there was a bear on his butt holding his feet at the edge of town.”

Then the smile becomes a grin, ”Beary funny right?” She bursts into giggles.

”I’m guessing that it’s one of his weird pranks again. Or maybe he ate the wrong mushrooms last night.” Rhyna snickers.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Azmythe and the bear

Father Noelan buries his head in his hands. ”I can’t be having a potentially aggressive animal within the vicinity of the town without actually checking out the situation, you know. What if someone got hurt?”

Then he gives an aggrieved sigh. ”And now I’m stuck here until Ratel comes and moves his bear. I didn’t bring any honey, nor am I sure I have enough honey to lure him somewhere else.”

”Lorethiel, secure the perimeter. Make sure no one comes close.” Father Noelan orders.

”Tarethelan – go and find Ratel – he’s probably in the Tapwood tavern, then tell him to move his bear.” Father Noelan commands. Then he slaps a palm against his forehead. ”I can’t believe I’m saying this.”

GM Mort wrote:
Someone as a matter of fact recognizes Hedran. A stout middle-aged man, Orik, in a brown leather smock, with his donkey and cart half filled with metal bottles, waves at Hedran. ”Hedran, where have you been? The last time I saw you, you were a lad, not fully-grown yet, and now you’ve become a strappling young man. “ Orik cheerfully waves at Hedran. ”Albeit a little green, but one shouldn’t judge a book by his cover.” Orik jokes good-naturedly.

Hedran feels happier than he would expect when he is recognized, and simply chuckles at the 'green' joke - "Well met Orik. It is good to see you also" - he nods and waves back - "Everything looks pretty much the same around these parts"

GM Mort wrote:

At the Riverwood Shrine

The blond haired, green-eyed Chelish woman Rhyna smiles at Hedran. [b]”Father Noelan rushed off like his pants were on fire to deal with a bear problem. Azmythe said there was a bear on his butt holding his feet at the edge of town.”

Then the smile becomes a grin, ”Beary funny right?” She bursts into giggles.

”I’m guessing that it’s one of his weird pranks again. Or maybe he ate the wrong mushrooms last night.” Rhyna snickers.

He can't help but laugh at the woman's joke, then stops short - "Azmythe..? I haven't seen him in years..." - and realizes he hasn't introduced himself - "I'm Hedran by the way" - he bows shortly.

Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

"I dig it. Life can be, like, weird sometimes. Anyway, have fun with the bear. I'm gonna go and uh experience things, ya'know?" Azmythe goes back to town. He stands in the middle of the road trying to remember why he came to town in the first place.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

”Well you know us, we’re pretty much the same community, and it’s only at the Market Festival do things become different for a few days. Let’s see…Dion sold his carpenter’s workshop in the Phaendar Trading Company to Matthew, then went to live with his daughter in Maheto about 6 years ago. Down here’s it’s a harsh life – without much of civilization’s amenities. And he was getting on years. Sarah, the stablemistress, moved out, saying that there wasn’t really good pasture here and hay supplies were erratic. So we’re down to goat and donkeys for beasts of burden. Ajobe’s wife, Zoya, gave birth to his daughter about 5 years ago. Sweet little kid, you ought to see her sometime. Bella’s prize doe, Patches, died a year back.“ Orik brings Hedran up to speed on what’s happened in the town recently.

”I’m Rhyna. I'm Father Noelan's apprentice! Pleased to meet you!” She beams at Hedran as she holds out a hand for him to shake. One of the at the back of the shrine opens, as an old woman with streaks of grey in her hair, in a rough woven grey shirt and pants with a broomstick in her hand comes out of it. ”What’s all the ruckus around here…” She looks at Hedran while rubbing her eyes. ”Oh. Hedran, if my eyes aren’t failing me, I haven’t seen you around for a while. What brings you back to Phaendar?”

Hedran remembers the old woman as the Riverwood Shrine Groundskeeper, Sandra. She has a soft spot for kids and used to give him candies everytime he visited the shrine.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Father Noelan rolls his eyes upwards. ”Fun? You call this fun? More like keeping the bear and people out of trouble. But go ahead. Go experience life. Don’t let me hold you up.”

Under his breath, Father Noelan mutters, ”Darned hippies.”

GM Mort wrote:
”Well you know us, we’re pretty much the same community, and it’s only at the Market Festival do things become different for a few days. Let’s see…Dion sold his carpenter’s workshop in the Phaendar Trading Company to Matthew, then went to live with his daughter in Maheto about 6 years ago. Down here’s it’s a harsh life – without much of civilization’s amenities. And he was getting on years. Sarah, the stablemistress, moved out, saying that there wasn’t really good pasture here and hay supplies were erratic. So we’re down to goat and donkeys for beasts of burden. Ajobe’s wife, Zoya, gave birth to his daughter about 5 years ago. Sweet little kid, you ought to see her sometime. Bella’s prize doe, Patches, died a year back.“ Orik brings Hedran up to speed on what’s happened in the town recently.

Hedran listens carefully to all Orik has to recount, then smiles - "Things are not the same after all. I will remember to pay a visit to Ajobe and Zoya. A child is something to be cherished" - he adds.

GM Mort wrote:
”I’m Rhyna. I'm Father Noelan's apprentice! Pleased to meet you!” She beams at Hedran as she holds out a hand for him to shake.

Hedran offers a smile back, and holds Rhyna's hand in a firm but careful shake - "Pleased to meet you too Rhyna"

GM Mort wrote:

One of the doors opens, as an old woman with streaks of grey in her hair, in a rough woven grey shirt and pants with a broomstick in her hand comes out of it. ”What’s all the ruckus around here…” She looks at Hedran while rubbing her eyes. ”Oh. Hedran, if my eyes aren’t failing me, I haven’t seen you around for a while. What brings you back to Phaendar?”

Hedran remembers the old woman as the Riverwood Shrine Groundskeeper, Sandra. She has a soft spot for kids and used to give him candies everytime he visited the shrine.

"Sandra!" - he moves in to hug her but then stops short and stands there somewhat awkwardly - "I... Had a break from my studies in Crowstump and... Decided to come back... Home. To visit"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


”Yup Zoya would be happy if you did, since Ajobe now with one more mouth to feed is spending more and more time in the Fangwood forest gathering herbs to sell. And Ada loves climbing around. She’s like a bobcat. It’s so hard keeping up with her.” Orik describes Ada to Orik.


”So Father Noelan says he’ll teach me the art of healing others, so that I can take care of the community.” Rhyna bubbles on. ”I mean it’s like when Father Noelan lays his hands on a wound, it instantly heals..I can do it too, but only for not too serious ones..only once a day. It’s like it’s a sort of energy inside me…but once it’s used, its gone for the day.”


”Ahhh so you’re back to Phaendar again, aren’t you?” Sandra answers, while giving Heldran a hug anyway. ”And what have you learnt in the big city of Crowstump?” Sandra asks eagerly. ”I heard they do things differently down there…life’s more fast paced..”

Considering Phaendar has a population of 400..anything is a big city^^

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

On his way to the shrine, Ratel notices a stranger in leather, he nods to the man as they both head to the temple. He listens as the Guard from Magnimar and Father Noelan introduce themselves, taking in the quality and craftsmanship of what appears to be a shrine to many of the gods. Distracted by the statues, Ratel refocuses on the task at hand when Robert points out they may need more people. Being a man of few words, at least right now since I’m playing catch up :-) Ratel turns to the priest and offers, ”Count me in, I am Ratel Dier, from Moreau .”

When Robert invites him along, Ratel smiles and nod, ”Sure, I was headed to the Taproot Inn, before I saw the flier.”

Turning back to Father Noelan he asks, ”When will we know that we have enough people to go?”

’I wonder if there would be commotion if I let Bear come with me into town.’ Walking quietly to the tavern, Ratel smiles at the statue of the bear, Knocking the mud off of his boots before he crosses the threshold. Smiling as Jet calls to him, he shrugs, ”I honestly don’t know, Kinning and Matthew probably still have them working, I just got in town and seeing the flier headed to the shrin.”

He nods, ”That’s where I met this fellow.” He thinks for a second, ”A beer would be fine.”

Smiling as Aubrin brings the bear, he turns to Robert, ”After a drink I’m going to need to go check on a friend.”

GM Mort wrote:


”Yup Zoya would be happy if you did, since Ajobe now with one more mouth to feed is spending more and more time in the Fangwood forest gathering herbs to sell. And Ada loves climbing around. She’s like a bobcat. It’s so hard keeping up with her.” Orik describes Ada to Orik.

"And the Fangwood - as it been safe as of late?"

GM Mort wrote:


”So Father Noelan says he’ll teach me the art of healing others, so that I can take care of the community.” Rhyna bubbles on. ”I mean it’s like when Father Noelan lays his hands on a wound, it instantly heals..I can do it too, but only for not too serious ones..only once a day. It’s like it’s a sort of energy inside me…but once it’s used, its gone for the day.”

"That is already an amazing accomplishment if you ask me" - Hedran nods - "The command of divine power is something unique, unlike any other kind of magic in this world. You should be proud of yourself"

GM Mort wrote:


”Ahhh so you’re back to Phaendar again, aren’t you?” Sandra answers, while giving a hug anyway. ”And what have you learnt in the big city of Crowstump?” Sandra asks eagerly. ”I heard they do things differently down there…life’s more fast paced..”

Considering Phaendar has a population of 400..anything is a big city^^

The half-orc returns the hug, then ponders Sandra's question - "I have learned so much, I would not even know where to start" - he smiles - "The wonders of the Arcane magic begin to unravel, I have read dozens of books and learned new languages, how to fight and how to craft" - he reminisces - "These have been truly amazing years for me" - and finishes looking at both of them.

"But I digress... How has life been for you since I left?"

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Father Noelan

"When at least I've got 4 interested adventurers, I'll send the delivery boy, Patrick,after you, to find you lot in the Taproot Tavern."Father Noelan answers.

Taproot Tavern

"Yeah,but I was hoping that you could persuade them over for lunch."Jet replies."Harold, possible, Matthew is a nice chap and knows how to have a good time.But Thomas?"Jet scratches her chin."Unlikely. Kinning runs a tight ship at the best of times,and the market festival is just round the corner."

Aubrin hops by the bar and brings Ratel a beer. Then there is knock at the door and the door opens,revealing Tarethelan now sweat drenched and panting. After sizing up the inns current patrons, he moves up to Ratel."Ratel,could I have a private word with you?"

At those words, Ratel and Robert notice Aubrin's ears perk up.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

at the tap room
Talk them over for lunch? but I told the priest I would wait for the boy... and he said not to say anything in front of Aubrin...Don't want her feelings hurt.' Holding his stein halfway to his lips, almost dipping his mustache in it, as he looks from Jet to Aubrin to Robert; not knowing what to say.

'Thank the gods.' At that moment Tarethelan opens the door to the tavern calling for Ratel. Relieved, Ratel quickly downs the beer, and getting up from the table tells Robert, "I'll be right back, don't leave without me." Turning to Tarethelan, "Happily Tarethelan, Happily, but not too long, I need to check on a friend."

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"Well Hunter Taidel got gored while passing through that ol devil of a boar -Gashmaw's territory, and had to be patched up by Father Noelan, but I suppose that would fall under occupational hazards?"Orik replies. "And the Nessen tomb sweeping squad are late. Probably having a picnic in the woods someplace."


"I suppose you're right since Father Noelan told me the same thing in different words!"Rhyna says brightly."He says I'll get better with practice!"


"Ah it's good that you're learning and growing. They say the only time you should stop learning is the day you meet Pharasma."Sandra answers. Then her expression takes on a somber cast. "And Phaendar may have a need of your skills, Hedran. Every year a group of Phaendarians go to clean up our founder Nessen's tomb. And this year, they haven't returned yet. It's been several days. Father Noelan said he was going to do something about it."Sandra explains gravely.

"Where's Father Noelan,anyway?"Sandra asks Rhyna.

"investigating a bear problem?"Rhyna answers ingenously."Anyway,you're worrying too much about the whole tomb sweeping issue, Sandra. All these years they've come back safely. Who knows,they might be chilling out now in the Taproom after a job well done,right?"

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Ratel goes to meet Tarethelan outside the Tavern. "I'll cut straight to the point.Azymythe found your bear animal companion some way out of town, and told Father Noelan about it." Tarethelan tells Ratel with brutal honesty.

"Now for goodness sake could you bring your bear to town before some trader spots him in the forest and causes an incident?"Tarethelan lectures Ratel."The Chernarsado Rangers bring their wolves into town without any issue. Believe me,none of the regular folks are going to bat an eyelash. And Jet has yards and sheds for housing wolves."

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD


A tall, humanoid with slightly pointed ears, grey-tinted skin, and piercing eyes with clear irises, regards the notice on the board.

Adventurers vanted? Zat could be interesting... I vonder vhat, precisely, the problem is.

He then pats his pack, and there is a muffled squeak.

"Let's go see vhat zey have for us to do, Ursula..."

Nigel then ambles off in the direction of the temple.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


"Ahh lifes pretty much normal since you left. Cleaning the temple isn't very strenuous and I usually have my afternoons free to read. My old bones ache in cold weather,don't hear as well as I used to,but aren't these the privileges of old age?" She gives Hedran a gentle smile.

GM Mort wrote:


"I suppose you're right since Father Noelan told me the same thing in different words!"Rhyna says brightly."He says I'll get better with practice!"

"You most definitely will - practice makes perfect" - he nods - "If you need my assistance, just let me know"

GM Mort wrote:


"Ah it's good that you're learning and growing. They say the only time you should stop learning is the day you meet Pharasma."Sandra answers. Then her expression takes on a somber cast. "And Phaendar may have a need of your skills, Hedran. Every year a group of Phaendarians go to clean up our founder Nessen's tomb. And this year, they haven't returned yet. It's been several days. Father Noelan said he was going to do something about it."Sandra explains gravely.

"Where's Father Noelan,anyway?"Sandra asks Rhyna.

"investigating a bear problem?"Rhyna answers ingenously."Anyway,you're worrying too much about the whole tomb sweeping issue, Sandra. All these years they've come back safely. Who knows,they might be chilling out now in the Taproom after a job well done,right?"

"It is a possibility - I'll make sure to ask Father Noelan - any idea if he will take a long time? I don't mind waiting though"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Nigel, Riverwood Shrine

A wooden deck surrounds the front of an octagonal structure with broad archways leading into a place of worship. To its left stands a moss-encrusted stone monument. Carved birds, branches, and fruits decorate the wooden supports of the temples archway. There are archery targets and tracks on the floor as if 3 medium sized humanoids had left on a hurry.

Riverwood Shrine -C2

Wooden statues of both Erastil and Desna stand in their own alcoves in the north west end of the shrine, while alcoves on either side serve as general shrines to the variety of other gods and spirits worshiped by the locals (like Cayden Caliean, Shelyn, Gozreh, Abadar, Calistra, Torag, Iomedae, Irori, Nethys, Sarenrae, Pharasma). Nigel sees a half orc in lamellar leather speaking to a blonde Cheliaxian woman with green eyes and an old woman in a Grey rough woven shirt and breeches.


You hear someone approach from behind. Turning around,you see a tall, humanoid with slightly pointed ears, grey-tinted skin, and piercing eyes with clear irises.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Riverwood Shrine

"If it's one of Azmythe's pranks, Father Noelan should be back the moment he figures it's a hoax."Rhyna answers.

"If it's a big problem he might not be back till evening, but if he left in a hurry,you might be able to track where he went to."Sandra suggests.

This conversation is audiable to both Nigel and Hedran

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

with Tarethelan
Ah, so it is about Bear, I hope he hasn't caused any trouble. That's right, Rangers bring their wolves into town without any issue. Well, I needed to check on him anyway.' Relieved to hear that Bear hadn't gotten into anyone's bee hives, Ratel nods. "Ok, I'll go get him. But I don't know if a wolf cage would be comfortable. Could I put him in the stable or something, if I stay with him?"

Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

On the way out of town, Ratel, might take notice of Azmythe, who seems a bit lost. On the way back into town with Bear, Azmythe perks up. "Dude! You finally decided to come into town." He sees the harness. "Like, man, I don't know who you are, but that bear didn't do anything. He's a good bear. You better have a good reason for roping him up." Azmythe gets in Ratel's way so he can't take the bear to jail.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Tarethelan gives a long suffering sigh. "Father Noelan is with your bear now. To prevent misunderstandings."

"And no, Jet doesn't use cages. It's inhumane. Its either put them up in a yard, or in a large shed. And if you want to sleep with him on a haystack, you're not the first, since some of the Rangers do that with their wolves too. Says its like having a fuzzy bolster." Tarethelan answers. "Now just follow me to your bear."

Witch (Hedge Witch) 2 | AC 13 (16) T 12 FF 11 (14) | HP 10/140 | Init.+6 | Perc.+6 | F +0, R+2, W+4

Azmythe is a ninja

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Yeah, I noticed.

Closer towards bear.

The female elf, Lorethiel calls out to Ratel. "Oh YOU,"She sounds irritated. "Father Noelan is with your bear, and the cause of all this ruckus."

At bear

Father Noelan gives Ratel an exasperated look, and a lecture. "Look, I've been babysitting your bearbearsitting for the last half an hour. Please in Erastil's name take him to town so that the next incoming traders don't spot him and raise a big hoo-haa, or worse still, shoot him because they think he's a threat."Then Father Noelan, Lorethiel and Tarethelan accompany Ratel back to town with Bear.

On the way back to town

Father Noelan, Lorethiel, Tarethelan, Ratel and his roped bear run into an elf that looks a little lost."That's your bearfinder, Azmythe." Tarethelan drawls laconically.

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD

At the Shrine:

Nigel bows politely.

"Greetings. I am Nigel. Nigel Percival Cartvright. Zere vas a notice saying zat adventurers were vanted...?"

"Well met - I am Hedran" - the half-orc nods - "There was indeed a notice, but it seems Father Noelan is not available at the moment" - he turns to both women - "I was planning on waiting for him"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


"Oh Father Noelan must have put up that notice." The Chelaxian woman answers. "I definitely didn't. Anyway hello there, I'm Rhyna." The Chelaxian woman offers Nigel her hand to shake.

"Or maybe that's what he was saying about doing something about the tomb-sweepers who haven't come back yet?" The old woman wonders out loud. "I'm Sandra, the groundskeep." She introduces herself to Nigel.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

edited my above post
Moving out the door, "Well if the Father is with him we should hurry." Nodding his head, "He just does better when I'm around. HE tends to be a 'bored eater' so he starts to looks for something to eat." He follows Tarethelan to where he left Bear.

'Why is she yelling at me? It's just a bear in the woods.' Looking at the angry elf, Ratel, lowers his eyes as he continues to hustle after Tarethelan, finally reaching the Priest.

Looking sheepishly from The priest to Tarethelan then to the angry female elf, attempting to look as apologetic as possible, he explains, "Sorry folks, I thought the best place to leave the bear was in the woods."

Heading back to the large rock where he left his friend; Ratel, flops down beside him. Using the strange ability to speak with animals, Ratel tells him."Ok you big mooch, they don't want you scaring the population so I need to take you into town with me. but you have to be on your best behavior. Were not going to be in town long, apparently there is some trouble at a crypt that we are going to help investigate. So remember, no scaring the humans and I will try and find us some honey."

with Azmythe
Nudging the bear to stand, Ratel grabs his harness, and walks with the others back toward town. Seeing a confused looking elf who approaches talking to them, Ratel realizing that the elf was speaking to Bear, and then was addressing him about the harness. Ratel looks from the elf, to the priest then to Bear. He looks back to the elf. "Um, it's a training harness. He's used to wearing it. It let's people know he's a trained bear. When they see it apparently." Looking back to Bear, Ratel shruggs, sticking his hand out in greeting. "Well, since you've met Bear already, I'm Ratel Dier." He looks at the sky quickly then turns and points toward the forest, "We live that way."

Continuing moving toward the town, he asks "Why don't you come with me to the tavern, I'll buy you a drink and introduce you to Robert. Were going to do a little investigation for the Father here, want to come along?"

seriously folks, roll those perception checks, he's wearing a training harness :-0

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Father Noelan and Azmythe

"People see a bear. And they don't see whether he's trained or not." Father Noelan explains to Ratel. "Especially those out-off-town tradesfolk. And with Market Festival coming soon, there will be more caravans headed this way."

"I did observe he didn't seem to be acting like a normal bear, so I decided to have a chat with him, and found out that you're his human." Father Noelan tells Ratel.

"He's coming along with you guys on the investigation?" Father Noelan gives a huge sigh. "Nevermind. Just try to keep Mr-Head-In-Clouds out of trouble."

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD

At the Shrine:

Nigel takes the offered hand gravely, and shakes it.

"Pleased to meet you, Rhyna. I guess zat I vill vait for him, then. Vhat is zis about missing 'tomb-sveepers'? Zat sounds vorrying..."

Given that he is waiting, Nigel carefully takes off his pack, and gently extracts an armored carry-case from within. He then un-clips one end of it, and gently extracts a bright-eyed, glossy-coated hooded rat, which he cuddles in the crook of one arm, absentmindedly feeding her a morsel of dried fruit.

"Zis is Ursula, by ze vay."


Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Tomb sweepers? Father Noelan's overreacting. Nothing's happened anyone we've sent there for years, so why is everyone so worried about it?" Rhyna states.

"Well, there's always a possibility that SOMETHING happened, considering that the hunters lodge said they didn't catch sight of them in the woods..." Sandra adds.

"You're new here. Every year to commemorate our founder, Nessen, we send a group of people to clean up his crypt and lay new offerings." Sandra explains. " Going there and back takes about a day and a half, and cleaning up the place takes about a day. It's been a week and they aren't back yet."

"Aww isn't she the most adorable little thing..." Rhyna croons, as she reaches out to rub Ursula's ears.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Father Noelan, Lorethiel and Tarethelan head towards the Riverwood shrine upon arriving back at Phaendar. Ratel leads Bear through the street with everyone doing their own business of daily life, without anyone actually sparing Bear a second glance.

"Hey," Brian the greengrocer, from one of the wood and canvas stands by the road side calls out to Ratel. "I didn't know you were a Chernarsado Ranger? I thought they usually have wolves?"

"I don't really have much a bear might fancy, unless he wants blackberries?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Riverwood Shrine

Father Noelan comes back with Tarethelan and Lorethiel. Tarethelan and Lorethiel decide to keep their bows and arrows in the shed, while Father Noelan, a middle aged man with short cropped brown hair and brown eyes, in green hunters leathers wearing a brown fur cloak with a longbow clasps walks into the shrine. "Ok. One bear problem settled. The bear belonged to Ratel, and he's brought him to the Taproot."

Then he looks at Hedran and Nigel. "Hedran!We haven't seen you for a while." He greets Hedran warmly, "So how was Crowstump? We don't move around much news of other places is always welcome."

He turns to Nigel, then says, "I haven't seen you around here before, what brings you to the Riverwood Shrine? I'm Father Noelan by the way." He shakes hands first with Hedran first, then offers his hand to Nigel to shake.

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