GM mechaPoet's 6-22: Out of Anarchy (Tier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master mechaPoet

Out of Anarchy Map

"Several years ago, rebellion in the seaside town of Pezzack resulted in a Chelish blockade to slowly starve the rioters into submission. Since then few have entered or left, trapping the increasingly desperate citizens with little with which to repair their broken homes and eke out a living. When the Society learns that an important informant still lives in the ruined town, the PCs must smuggle themselves into Pezzack, navigate the devastated urban landscape, and extract their contact—all without igniting a new rebellion and inviting Cheliax’s unfettered wrath."


Madge's poetry:
This “poetry” actually appears to be a coded message from Olandil. It describes his plan to escape the city. He has planned a poetry reading at the Manukirt Trading Co. Warehouse at noon on Wealday. (It is currently Moonday, and Wealday is the day after tomorrow, which is Toilday.) He plans to interrupt his own show by an unspecified magical means that should sow enough confusion in the crowd to allow him to escape into the Guts. He then plans to emerge from an entrance to the Guts located at Whaler’s Point in order to secure transportation out of the city.

Lorrin Meese’s flyer

The drunk from Auntie's:
A severely intoxicated man in Auntie's tavern perked up at mention of the Manukirt Trading Co.
warehouse. He drunkenly told the Pathfinders about a "begoggled ghost" he saw dive into the water, only to emerge several hours later with a white staff. He seemed to be telling the truth,
although neither the staff nor any other patrons could confirm his story.


-Olandril: Pathfinder who has been trapped in Pezzack due to the Chelish blockade for five years.

-Jax Telandril: One of Olandril's disguises. Jax Telandril is known to work out of Docktown. He frequently asked Poppo questions about Fat Harbor and the town's magic item economy.

According to Auntie (of Auntie's), he works a lot of odd jobs around Docktown, mostly adding stories to ships. Rumor is that he’s been trying to start a new magic item business, that he’s up to his ears in debt trying to get it off the ground, and that he’s romantically involved with Amalia Wraxton.

-Jacks Falger: One of Olandril's disguises. Jacks Falger is known to be a one-eyed Galtan spy.

-Jaks Arunai: One of Olandril's disguises. Jaks Arunai is known to be a hot-shot White Thistles poet.