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Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Is it possible to play Paizo's Adventure Paths "solo"? If yes, how?

Alkenstar (Skyside / Smokeside) as a Piltover / Zaun analog

Average games, average characters, and its ok

becoming myth

looking for an online tool similar to Wanderer's guide

Why is the Hammer of Thunderbolts a Large Warhammer?

Favorite reskins?

Do your parties give random NPC's gear?

What does you dice jail look like?

Favorite Dragon Encounter?

Advancing a Gelatinous Cube

Jasmine Reed The Author

Do were-dinosaurs exist?

Best AP for Medium / Large mounted Characters

Twilight Knife...underpowered?

Describe your character with only three details. (You get race / class / gender for free).

PC backstories

Question about the Sihedron Tome's

What monster has acid blood?

Greater blind fight and blinded blade tree

Time travel protection spell?

What character would you create with all stats 10 ?

Kitsune White haired Witch Flavor.

My imaginary friend has an imaginary friend

Industrial Gloves Suppliers

Class positions within holy military unit...

Curse of Strahd in Ustalav (Pathfinder 1e)

Magic item creation help

The Ol' Campaign Self Destruct - How Soon is Too Late?

If there was one last 1st Edition source book what would you want in it?

giving sorcerer non-arcane spells

Best techniques for teaching the game?

A puzzle door, or chest. You can use what I wrote up, or add more.

Skinwalker Inquisitor build ideas?

Would you allow this?

Where would you store things in a working stronghold?

Hmmm mauler's not actually that bad a numbers comparison

What’s your favorite improved familiar and why?

Vigilante Class and Leadership Feat

Base Classes / Archetypes / Prestige classes that change your creature type

What skill is used to craft wonderous items?

Approximate Frequency of Elemental AoE Against the Party?

Adding the Pride Foci to Id Rager via gestalt...

Does anyone know why maulers can't talk?

Starter Cleric Build?

Thoughts on what you'd do as a GM

Who is your favorite deity and why?

As a melee fighter, what are the ideal contents of your "golf bag?"

What is your favorite druid build?

Why I'm convinced that paladin is without a doubt the worst out of all the 4th level Casters.

Let's take a look at the optional NPCs revealed in 'A Song of Silver'

Large Eidolon fused into a medium Synthesist

Grappling alternatives or a really good chart that explains it all

Where to buy in the UK?

Do You Think Rogues Should Have Had A Fighter's HD / BAB?

Builds inspired by art

Health Condition Spell Game

Help With A Build

Wondrous Item thread.

What’s the strongest level 20 PC you could make if you had 19 Negative Levels (that you can never remove / be immune to)?

CLASSIC PROBLEM: Why don't the guards in the other room notice the sounds of combat?

Can Familiar Automaton activate Scrolls or Wands using Use Magic Device?

What Classes Do You Think Are Fine The Way They Are?

monk multiarchetype shenanigans

How Would You Feel if All Magic Equipment....?

As a GM, is there a player type you personally don’t allow at your tables?

Aasimar halos in different colours, how do you feel abou it?

Jet ski suppliers

Bringing light into the darkness... Mendevian Crusade dream team...

Which Demon Lord / Apocalypse Horesman / Harbinger To Choose for the Following?!?

Good race for melee casting Oracle?

Happy New year

DeadCoffee's guide to the Brewkeeper prestige class - 1e

When it's time to introduce your BBEG, how do you instantly convey "this dude is evil?"

Suggestions on Pathfinder Adventures or PFS scenarios that I could modify for playing out the establishment of a new Riddleport Gang?

A party based on Aptitudes

Have all the 1st ed adventure path threads been deleted?

The cost of gold

What Enemy Should I Use?

Would Desna still grant people like this divine powers? What's a good line in the sand?

Class that uses a game board?

What is your favorite cleric build?

"Justify" your favorite weapon.

Stat Blocks

Backup weapons

With using only 1st party non mythical content what is the highest AC you have seen on a player?

Making the most lycanthropic Lunar Oracle possible

"Old Master" build

At what level could one reliably bind a 9HD demon...

How do Oni manifest?

Does The Slow spell affect magical flight?

Ok probably a dumb question

What's your favorite low-level monster (from either edition) and why?

Talk to me about Nature vs Nurture with Chromatic Dragons, or if other instincts can win over their evil alignment

Who's Your Favorite BBEG?

DemonSorrow Blade - dimensional anchor 60' rad (no save)

Question on an item from LoF?

Animal style stances and quadrapedal form would it work?

1e PDF prices...did they go up?

Who cares if they're skill starved, you only need 8 skills

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