The Godsrain Prophecies Part Five

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

One interesting line of thought that I have yet to formally consider goes beyond the question of whether these “prophecies” should be considered equally as a whole to whether the whole of each of them should be equally considered. If, for example, I dismiss the effects of a particular god’s supposed death, does this mean that I am dismissing their prophesied death altogether? Does every part of a prophecy have to come true for it to be considered prophetic? If the vast majority proves true, what is wrong could be an error of translation, interpretation, or prophetic understanding. On the other hand, if most of a prophecy is false, what is accurate is likely a lucky guess. The Windsong Corollaries never reach this sort of sentence-level consideration (a gap that I might perhaps publish a small paper in when my Lady does not need me, so long as I keep things strictly theoretical). I expect a reading of Beyond Aroden: Failed Foretelling in the Age of Prophecy is in short order to establish a bit of a baseline, but it will be up to my Lady (with my assistance, I hope!) to determine what level of possibility and accuracy any of these must have to be fully considered a work of prophecy.

–Yivali, Apprentice Researcher for the Lady of Graves

The Death of Erastil

Erastil runs. Gallops really. Hoof over hoof, his antlers gleaming, bounding over shallow stream and whirling under tree branch, his body flying forward in a streak of joyous motion. He cannot always be the stag, but there are times he needs to run and feel the wind across his legs, familiar as the dawn but as new as any sunrise. He runs until he’s just past tired and ready for a drink of water, shaking leaves from antlers in a spray of autumn colors and transforming back into the form his followers are used to—horned head and wiry body of an age-old master hunter.

But he is not the only age-old creature resting in this wood. Something emerges, slowly, from a refuge it has tired of, assorted sharp and fleshy parts dragging its pouch of hunger up from somewhere down below. Even Erastil’s well-trained eyes do not quite see it slowly crawling, clawing onto haunch and belly, drawing closer to the god and waiting for the perfect moment. Not until the instant that it rises up to strike.

Erastil runs. Scrambles really. Step after step, bow at the ready, preparing even as he flees, trampling through a clutch of bushes, plunging through the river’s cold, trying to stay ahead until he whirls around to face what hunts him, show it that he’s unafraid. But there are things that even Old Deadeye has no defense against. And when that something catches him, its jaw wide and devouring, it turns what once was hunting god to nothing more than helpless prey, only stopping its ravaging to marvel at the flavor. There’s something here it’s never savored, in between the crunch and squelch—divinely filling in a way that it has never known before and now can never be without. Once it has consumed its meal and all that’s left is bits of bone, it scents the air and twists its body, reveling in the aftertaste of something past mortality, and lurches through the undergrowth to find another morsel.

Followers of Erastil who felt his blessings fade track his remaining footprints to the place he fought and fell. (There’s luck in that, or Jaidi’s hand, steady despite a widow’s grief, putting firm hands against their backs until they find whatever place his hint of dust remains.) A hunt is called, a holy ride, in honor of the fallen god, to track and take whatever beast has left their altars bare. But all they find across their path are other grieving worshippers whose gods (most small in name and reach, their purpose only known by handfuls) now are merely carcasses, devoured by some wretched beast that no one ever glimpses. The Hunters offer shelter and a purpose to these wanderers, and some find comfort in the endless chase across the Great Beyond, even as they never seem to find the subject of their search. Whatever killed Erastil, whatever hunts the other gods, is always hidden from their view, is always one quick turn away, is always adding to the trail of carnage just ahead.

The gods take notice of the beast, each readying their own defense. Some draw together, forming pacts and promising to shield each other—the radiance of the Dawnflower reaches the realm of the Midnight Lord, Norgorber and Iomedae draw swords with Cayden Cailean, the half-abandoned Summerlands fill up with frightened deities—but others use the moment as the perfect time to strike. Gorum turns on the cowardly and sharpens blades against their backs, Asmodeus carves clauses into those he has a contract with, Calistria builds safety from the ashes of revenge. Pantheons rise and fall and splinter in the shadow of the beast, endlessly repositioning even when it has gone to ground, its hunger sated only briefly every new time that it feeds.

Among the mortals, fear takes root as one god or another falls, and those who live are sometimes absent, too caught up in safety to give followers their strength. Some flourish in these absences that gods might once have kept in check, selling hope or cruelty as counters to divinity, creating order from the chaos any way they can. And when the gods grow used to fear and venture back into the world (beast still lurking in the corners, drooling at the prey), some find their temples turned to rubble, dusty from years of disuse, or built over to some new purpose they can barely recognize, and must now find a new path in a half-godless Golarion, even as something in the shadows starts to hunt

An array of 20 portraits depicting the gods of the Pathfinder setting. Asmodeus, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Pharasma, and Urgathoa’s portraits have been marked “safe.”

When the god of the hunt falls prey to an unknown hunter, what chance do the beast’s other quarries have of avoiding a similar fate?

Much as I found it distasteful to read about, I wish this supposed prophecy had gone into greater detail about this “beast” with what I suppose is a taste for divine flesh (a prospect I can barely conceive of, let alone comment on!). While I did attempt to use my rudimentary artistic talents to create some sort of sketch, even my best guess at the appearance of this beast has fallen quite short, as it matches nothing I am currently aware of. Either my skills are not up to the task, the prophecy has purposefully been vague, or this beast has never been seen before. If the latter, this is yet another reason to doubt this prophecy in particular. Anything this powerful would surely be noted in someone’s annals. Beyond that, though, the breakdown of the gods noted here seems very unlikely. In both my studies and experiences of the gods, I have found them to be quite devoted to those who worship them (each in their own way, of course), even when to their own detriment. No matter how horrible the threat, I do not believe mortals would be abandoned in this way, nor that they would abandon their gods in return. Or, at least, I do not wish to believe it. Best, I think, to move on to some new, and hopefully less troubling, prophecy.

About the Author

Erin Roberts has been thrilled to be able to contribute a few small threads to the fabric of Golarion in the pages of books like Lost Omens Firebrands, Lost Omens Highhelm, and Lost Omens Travel Guide. In addition to her work for Paizo, she freelances across the TTRPG world (and was selected as a Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program Winner in 2023), has had fiction published in magazines including Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, and The Dark, and talks about writing every week on the Writing Excuses podcast. Catch up with her latest at

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Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, Ol' Deadeye doesn't make his nickname literal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What in the world could've killed a god (gods???) that easily>?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

12 people marked this as a favorite.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Not surprised. While with the hints I was thinking Abadar would be declared safe this week, I doubted they would kill off Erastil or Gozreh with a new Primal based AP on the horizon.

16 people marked this as a favorite.
NottaChance wrote:
What in the world could've killed a god (gods???) that easily>?

The most powerful beast of them all, a Paizo writer.


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

At the halfway point we're up to one per row. it wouldn't surprise me if we hit two per row by the end.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sanityfaerie wrote:


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

Erastil is LG

Verdant Wheel

They did one from each row!


13 people marked this as a favorite.

The death of the hunter marks a new age of predation - and makes the world a fair bit wilder... I love this! The sense the homestead is no longer safe in a cosmic sense is a really clever take.

Glad to see Erastil isn't actually gone. Gorum is really earning his place as my bet on the actual loser in all this with his behavior here :p

EDIT: Interesting that a common theme for many of these is what the gods fear; Pharasma's loss of prophecy, Asmodeus' original sin and his own weakness, Cayden not actually being a true hero, Erastil becoming prey... Urgathoa's is the odd one out here, as she seemed to almost welcome her end.

I wonder what that means.

Whelp, I'm out of the pool.

Neat how this one shows a world with gods going on the defensive. It feels like we're getting closer to pieces of what War is the Immortals may look like. Perhaps not thai exaggerated, but where do the alliances drawn, defenses fall.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sanityfaerie wrote:


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

At the halfway point we're up to one per row. it wouldn't surprise me if we hit two per row by the end.

Erastil is LG, and also alignment doesn't exist anymore.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NottaChance wrote:
Erastil is LG


So he is.

Well, that mulches that theory. I still think that the first nine are going to give us one from each of the nine OGL alignments, but it does break the smoothness of it.

Vyndin wrote:
Erastil is LG, and also alignment doesn't exist anymore.

Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The fallout from the story of the death of Erastil would essentially be "the death of the community spirit" which would be a very difficult story to do well, and probably not ideal for a heroic fantasy game. So I get why he's safe.

Shadow Lodge

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

Indeed, there are many things that don't exist that matter.

This one was awesome! Glad to see Erastil sticking around and even if he didnt that death was metal as hell. Would love to see that chase animated

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sanityfaerie wrote:

Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

This is True.

We've had alignment for so long that it's a part of our thinking.

(yeah, I'm glad it's gone too.)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Woo for confirming Erastil isn't dead :D My table is saved from arguments

Horizon Hunters

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sanityfaerie wrote:


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

At the halfway point we're up to one per row. it wouldn't surprise me if we hit two per row by the end.

What are these random pairs of letters?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
rainzax wrote:

They did one from each row!


It was half tongue in cheek when I said it on Part 4, I did write it

Ridge wrote:

I wonder if tomorrow's 'safe pick' will be on the top row of Erastil, Iomadae, Torag, or Sarenrae just to keep the artwork from getting all lopsided ;)

I'm gonna say "called it" anyway :)

On a more serious note, I do love the idea that Jaidi, even in her grief, rolls up her sleeves and gets to work and supports the others grieving along with her.

Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:

Nonsense crack theory time.

Neither Abadar nor Zon-Kuthon is going to be marked safe because they've been passed in the alphabet already.

Hear me out:
Cayden Cailean

If we continue this pattern we should see another late alphabet name, working up from U, so possibly Torag, Shelyn, or Sarenrae, depending which deities have been pre-selected for these blogs.

My kingdom crumbles around me, not even Yivali could have foreseen this!

(Although in hindsight for some reason it simply never clicked for me that Cayden was 3rd and Urgathoa 4th, which put my theory in jeopardy even before the harsh mistress that is reality came to put me in my place)

Paizo Employee Rule and Lore Creative Director

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Yivali wrote:
While I did attempt to use my rudimentary artistic talents to create some sort of sketch, even my best guess at the appearance of this beast has fallen quite short, as it matches nothing I am currently aware of.

I'd love to see everyone else's attempts at drawing a monster capable of hunting a god!

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Ridge wrote:

On a more serious note, I do love the idea that Jaidi, even in her grief, rolls up her sleeves and gets to work and supports the others grieving along with her.

I'd love to have more Jaidi in the setting.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a soft spot for Erastil so I'm glad he's safe! I really loved the bit about The Hunters and them coming across others like them who were similarly victimized by their deities getting eaten and giving them a sense of community.

But also cracking up at the image of Sarenrae and Zon-Kuthon forming a defense pact together. I'm trying to picture it and my brain just scrambles itself lol.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:

The death of the hunter marks a new age of predation - and makes the world a fair bit wilder... I love this! The sense the homestead is no longer safe in a cosmic sense is a really clever take.

Glad to see Erastil isn't actually gone. Gorum is really earning his place as my bet on the actual loser in all this with his behavior here :p

EDIT: Interesting that a common theme for many of these is what the gods fear; Pharasma's loss of prophecy, Asmodeus' original sin and his own weakness, Cayden not actually being a true hero, Erastil becoming prey... Urgathoa's is the odd one out here, as she seemed to almost welcome her end.

I wonder what that means.

Its weird yeah since Urgathoa breaks pattern, and everyone is afraid of death so that can't be it either

Shadow Lodge

NottaChance wrote:
What in the world could've killed a god (gods???) that easily>?

I call it the Godsreaver.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

If a beast starts devouring gods the first thing I'd check is if anyone's seen Achaekek recently.

So... if we assume that my mad ideas still hold here...

Row 1:
Erastil (LG, Safe)
Iomedae (LG)
Torag (LG)
Sarenrae (NG)

Row 2:
Shelyn (NG)
Desna (CG)
Cayden Cailean (CG, Safe)
Abadar (LN)

Row 3:
Irori (LN)
Gozreh (N)
Nethys (N)
Pharasma (N, Safe)

Row 4:
Calistria (CN)
Gorum (CN)
Asmodeus (LE, Safe)
Zon-Kuthon (LE)

Row 5:
Norgorber (NE)
Urgathoa (NE, Safe)
Rovagug (CE)
Lamashtu (CE)


So... based on my wacky out-there hypothesis, we should expect to see safe calls for...

- Sarenrae (only one remaining on Row 1 that is not LG)
- Abadar (only one remaining on Row 2 that is not CG or NG)
- One of Gozreh or Nethys (Row 3 needs a second, and it makes more sense to double up on N than on LN)
- One of Calistria or Gorum
- One of Rovagug or Lamashtu.

We'll see, I suppose.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Arachnofiend wrote:
If a beast starts devouring gods the first thing I'd check is if anyone's seen Achaekek recently.

He's probably in Pharasma's basement still. I'd make sure Rovagug hasnt had any more kiddos

7 people marked this as a favorite.
rimestocke wrote:

I have a soft spot for Erastil so I'm glad he's safe! I really loved the bit about The Hunters and them coming across others like them who were similarly victimized by their deities getting eaten and giving them a sense of community.

But also cracking up at the image of Sarenrae and Zon-Kuthon forming a defense pact together. I'm trying to picture it and my brain just scrambles itself lol.

I invision the pair of them in some kind of war room with other gods, conversations and strategies constantly interrupted by one or the other of them getting up to flip the light switch.

Paizo Employee

These threads give Lao Shu Po's tummy the rumblies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
E Rank Luck wrote:
He's probably in Pharasma's basement still. I'd make sure Rovagug hasnt had any more kiddos

Dammit, no! Lamashtu does not get conjugal visits!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

17 people marked this as a favorite.

Fun behind-the-scenes fact that I'm sure you'll all love:

This week's chapter originally included a hint about the promised change coming to the Prismatic Ray, but we cut it so we can give that the attention it deserves when the time is right.

You're welcome!

Mark Moreland wrote:

Fun behind-the-scenes fact that I'm sure you'll all love:

** spoiler omitted **

You're welcome!

That rather strongly suggests that

It's not "one of the three bites it"

Huh. Interesting.

Edit: no... wait.

Might still make sense if one of them dies and Arazni takes her spot in the pantheon. The other two would certainly have enough of a desire for revenge at that point to vibe with her.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm currently thinking that the thing that wants to eat Godflesh is the Dark Tapestry thing that's been incubating in Dou-Bral's body (consuming it from the inside, so it has a taste for godflesh, though Dou-Bral's wasn't particularly fresh), and the "God being ripped in half" is when whatever that thing is finally hatches, destroying Zon-Kuthon in the process.

I mean, Liane Mercel is writing the book and she's your go to source for anything about Nidal or Zon-Kuthon.

Note that the blog mentions that the light of Sarenrae is reaching the land of the Midnight Lord, not that the Midnight Lord is still in residence. It could be getting sunny there since the divine force that was making it gloomy is absent! This is also where you'd drop the thing about the the Prismatic Ray since Shelyn is going to be understandably upset about this!

There's also going to be an uptick in interest in the Goddess of Survivors if Nidal loses their divine patron and is overrun by monsters from the Dark Tapestry.

Alrighty, not the three vowel deity I was hoping would be made safe, but I'm glad to see Erastil. He's one of the "boring" gods, but I like him, and this prophecy once more sets up an interesting scenario. Also, whatever is eating gods here is probably some horrible eldritch horror, but for some reason my mind only went "hmmm big snake". Anyway, we'll probably be getting at least one of the CE gods before this is done, and while I would love to know Lamashtu is safe more than anything, I must confess I'm really curious as to what Rovagug's prophecy would look like. Maybe Golarion's core dying wouldn't be such a good thing for the planet (though I'm seriously doubtful he'd be the god who dies in WoI).

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:

Fun behind-the-scenes fact that I'm sure you'll all love:

** spoiler omitted **

You're welcome!

Either this substantiates that the prophecies provide some hints of what is to come (which just don't know which the truths are and all the ones that aren't)...

or Mark is lower case evil for teasing us.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I quite enjoyed this one. The idea of a god hunter practicing their craft in the shadows, preying on tiny, barely noticed divinities, before suddenly pouncing on a major powerhouse, is quite interesting. Reminds me of the Collector from the webcomic Aurora.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arachnofiend wrote:
If a beast starts devouring gods the first thing I'd check is if anyone's seen Achaekek recently.

Yes. What IS Achaekek's role in all of this?

He's supposed to protect the gods, right?

I suspect he's going to be the first death in all this, as part of the prelude to the main event. His death opens all sorts of nasty things to happen to the gods.

Liberty's Edge

If there is such a beast still hiding in its refuge and some godstuff reaches it, that would make for an awesome enemy for all those Immortals, Exemplars and Divine creatures.

Shadow Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
MadamReshi wrote:

Yes. What IS Achaekek's role in all of this?

He's supposed to protect the gods, right?

He protects against usurpation of the gods powers. Murder is perfectly fine. Just don't try to take their power.

14 people marked this as a favorite.
DomHeroEllis wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

At the halfway point we're up to one per row. it wouldn't surprise me if we hit two per row by the end.

What are these random pairs of letters?

Myers-Briggs types

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The first deity knocked off the list whom I considered a serious candidate.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I don’t know what this Predator is meant to be but my mind immediately goes to Lovecraftian.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Is anyone noticing a pattern here? Most of the prophecies seem to paint worshippers and allies of the gods in a bad light. Making them surprisingly useless Psychopomps just becoming bystanders, Cayden's followers disowning him over a technicality and much of Golarion abandoning the gods because they ran away. Is the entity making these prophecies have bit of bone to pick with the gods?

I'm not surprised Erastil survives, but I do like the idea of some unseen god-predator. I can only hope that this particular part of the prophecy isn't an indicator of what is to come :p

Grand Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So... A beast that could eat gods, but have yet to do so before eating Erastil... Anyone else remember Five Points/Eyes from a couple years ago? And how it was hinted at in more than one web fiction, but it never came back? It was eating dragons as snacks... :O

E Rank Luck wrote:
This one was awesome! Glad to see Erastil sticking around and even if he didnt that death was metal as hell. Would love to see that chase animated

I agree... That would be AWESOME!

Do you think it is happening in cycles? The gods retreating and people losing theirs faiths... but then is it semi regained, and it happens again? Or is that bit at the end about repurposed or half ruined temples maybe just happens at the end/most recent, when the gods feel ready to return... though we know the monster is still lurking?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
PaperNinja wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:

Fun behind-the-scenes fact that I'm sure you'll all love:

** spoiler omitted **

You're welcome!

Either this substantiates that the prophecies provide some hints of what is to come (which just don't know which the truths are and all the ones that aren't)...

or Mark is lower case evil for teasing us.

Or both. Both is always an option.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

YAY, ol' Staghead endures!

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Assuming that God-killing creature isn't just an escaped Rovagug, I wanna see what could kill the Rough Beast next week!

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