
NottaChance's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Really hoping Commander gets extended in a major way, the foundation is good but I really think it's 1/3rd of a great class as of now, limiting it too only INT feels very strange, I think a subclass system that would allow it to pick it's "Command Style" and use other abilities to lead would be fantastic and open it up for a much more varied amount of play styles and character types.

Wow...I knew Nethys was strong but this is way more than I expected.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:


I admit... this one doesn't feel like it had the same impact as the last. Like... Erastil wasn't really on anyone's list

Thus far we've had...


My guess is that from here it's going to go CE, LG, CN, LN and then... probably back to N for the last? That's my guess, anyway.

Erastil is LG

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What in the world could've killed a god (gods???) that easily>?