Pre-Sales For The Gold Edition Of Absalom City Of Lost Omens Begin November 26

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Q&A with Beadle & Grimm’s Product Development Goblin, Donk

Pathfinder Iconics hanging precariously from ropes and support beams attached to the side of a building falling over the side of a cliff face

Moderator: I understand Beadle & Grimm’s Pandemonium Warehouse is releasing its first ever premium Box edition of a Pathfinder Release. Why Absalom, City of Lost Omens?

Donk: Absalom is THE iconic city in Golarion. Plus there’s danger lurking around every corner, so lots of opportunity to make the characters’ lives miserable.

M: Pre-sales of the Gold Edition begin on Black Friday, with 10% off to anyone who orders by Nov 28th. Did you have any say in that?

[D]: Product doesn’t really talk to marketing. There’s a high wall, three moats, and pit traps filled with trolls between us and the marketing department. Our intradepartmental memos are stuffed in the mouths of junior VPs who are exchanged via catapult nightly. That said, I don’t disapprove.

M: I’ve heard the Gold Edition comes with NPC cards that can hang on the GM screen, with artwork on the front for players and roleplaying info on the back for the GM. What kinds of NPCs might we expect?

[D]: You’ll see all the most interesting denizens of Absalom: noble goblins, brave goblins, handsome goblins and brilliant goblins. Probably some other things, too, but I really haven’t checked.

Absalom building mock up cards with art on one side and information on the other

M: It also comes with location cards. Artwork of the building or location on front, background information on the back. We’ve never seen that before from the Warehouse. Why now?

[D]: Locations cards really help you understand where you are at all times. If you’re a member of the Pathfinder Society, that’s great for their motto of “Explore, Report, Cooperate”. And if you’re a member of the Bloody Barbers, it’s perfect for their motto of, “Bury the bodies further from the house.”

M: I’m surprised a goblin would come up with wearable faction jewelry for players. What was your inspiration?

[D]: We take special pride in our jewelry pieces. They’re designed by our crack jewelry designers, and lovingly crafted from the fillings ripped out of the teeth of marketing goblin project coordinators. Reduce, reuse, recycle, but without the reduce part—we call that “maximizing operational efficiency.”

M: I see. So, you included several short bonus adventures in this Gold Edition. How do you expect GMs to use these?

[D]: Our original design mandate for the bonus encounters was that they would be a short, sharp way to terrorize an adventuring party, complete with large battle maps to mark where the characters fell.

M: Oh, so you also include large battle maps?

[D]: Battles are more fun if you know where you are and what’s around you. After all, the difference in a five foot square is sometimes the difference between living to fight another day and your fellow party members looting your corpse.

M: There’s quite a bit more that will come in the box that I saw on How would you rate your website goblins?

[D]: In general, our website goblins aren’t worth the cost of the oil to boil them. On the rare occasion that they actually manage to make the website work properly, we hold a party with floats and cake.

M: Any last quote you’d like to leave our readers with? Words of wisdom?

[D]: If you open your windows after sundown, and if the wind is blowing just right, you can hear the screams of the mighty warehouse engines coming to life. They’re ready—nay, eager—to build something great for the Pathfinder audience, and I think the product department has really knocked it out of the park. Assuming the website goblins can keep the site up and the marketing department doesn’t go berserk and start handing the boxes out with happy meals, we should be in for a good ride.

Beadle and Grimm's Absalom city of lost omens gold edition box mock up
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Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Looking forward to seeing this!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


I want this so, so much.

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Opsylum wrote:


I want this so, so much.

Thanks. We will get that hyperlink into the blog. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don’t think my wallet will like this…

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
AJCarrington wrote:
I don’t think my wallet will like this…

RPG party funds account?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Any chance well be able to order this from the Paizo site? It would make international shipping easier if I could ship with my subscriptions

Horizon Hunters

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Any hope for a silver edition? Or any other kind of edition thats not so premium

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Quick question, If i purchase this; will I be getting a copy of a PDF of the product alongside it?

If so, will one of the Paizo Butlers™ travel to my address to dramatically reveal the PDF's USB from under a bell on a silver platter?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Any word on when the expected street date will be? I'd love to plan an Agents of Edgewatch campaign after receiving this. Provided I can get it approved by the budget officer.

Then again, she and our local player base have been asking for more content. So, it might, MIGHT, be possible. And Christmas is coming.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Lazer Beard wrote:

Quick question, If i purchase this; will I be getting a copy of a PDF of the product alongside it?

If so, will one of the Paizo Butlers™ travel to my address to dramatically reveal the PDF's USB from under a bell on a silver platter?

So the linked article states that it comes with a code to unlock the PDF on Pathfinder Nexus, that new service that recently launched. In the Nexus launch announcement they said that any pdf you get there automatically gets added to your Paizo account as well, so this should come with 2 different copies of the pdf.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elorebaen wrote:
Looking forward to seeing this!

So glad to hear it! Thank you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Terriam Atram wrote:
Captain Lazer Beard wrote:

Quick question, If i purchase this; will I be getting a copy of a PDF of the product alongside it?

If so, will one of the Paizo Butlers™ travel to my address to dramatically reveal the PDF's USB from under a bell on a silver platter?

So the linked article states that it comes with a code to unlock the PDF on Pathfinder Nexus, that new service that recently launched. In the Nexus launch announcement they said that any pdf you get there automatically gets added to your Paizo account as well, so this should come with 2 different copies of the pdf.

You are correct! Thanks for explaining it better than I could! :) I can't speak on the silver platter, though, that's above my pay grade.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
LuisESR021199 wrote:
Any hope for a silver edition? Or any other kind of edition thats not so premium

Sorry, we are only doing one boxed version of Absalom. But we will definitely consider silver editions for future releases! Thanks for letting us know that you'd be interested.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I am interested in this product. Thank you.

Clarification please:

1. What calendar timeframe is physical shipping of the B&G Absalom Gold product estimated to begin... ie. Q1 2022, Q2 2022?

2. *The anticipated code for access to the PDF version on Pathfinder Nexus, is that the PDF to Absalom, City of Lost Omens (by Paizo) and is it available on Absalom, City of Lost Omens' approximate release date of 15 December 2021?

*Meaning would I be able to download both the Absalom, City of Lost Omens PDF on Pathfinder Nexus AND Paizo on approximately 15 December 2021?

Looking forward to this :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So what about splitting things up a bit rather than bundling everything together into a 350$ piece of madness? The location cards look useful but how come everything else adds up to that figure?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will the Map folio be part of the Gold Edition?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
AJCarrington wrote:
I don’t think my wallet will like this…
RPG party funds account?

Yes, we'll all be putting money aside for, myself and I. o.O :D

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks awesome. The webpage states this comes with smaller booklet versions of the actual lost omens book. Are these going to be hardcover and will it come with a standard copy of the book as well?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psilo Anthro wrote:
This looks awesome. The webpage states this comes with smaller booklet versions of the actual lost omens book. Are these going to be hardcover and will it come with a standard copy of the book as well?

The Gold Edition will include:

Several large-scale maps of the city

Six (6) 24x30” battle maps

A map of the Starstone Isle

A map folder with thirteen (13) 8.5x11” district maps with a place for GM or player notes on the back.

I do not think these are not the same as the single 8-panel poster map of the city that comes with our Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens in size.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lacker wrote:

I am interested in this product. Thank you.

Clarification please:

1. What calendar timeframe is physical shipping of the B&G Absalom Gold product estimated to begin... ie. Q1 2022, Q2 2022?

2. *The anticipated code for access to the PDF version on Pathfinder Nexus, is that the PDF to Absalom, City of Lost Omens (by Paizo) and is it available on Absalom, City of Lost Omens' approximate release date of 15 December 2021?

*Meaning would I be able to download both the Absalom, City of Lost Omens PDF on Pathfinder Nexus AND Paizo on approximately 15 December 2021?

Looking forward to this :-)

Our release date is now December 22.

I do not have a release date for the Gold Edition. I do not think you will be able to download both the Absalom, City of Lost Omens PDF on Pathfinder Nexus and Paizo until the Gold Edition releases sometime in the future.

I do not think Pathfinder Nexus will have the book on release yet. They will in the future.

If you want the PDF earlier, you would need to purchase it separately or subscribe to the Lost Omens line for a bonus PDF.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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The Beadle & Grimm's box is currently slated to release in Q1 of 2022. It does not come with a free PDF, as it is a licensed product. As Aaron said above, if you want the PDF, you'll need to subscribe to the Lost Omens line or order it a la carte. I do not anticipate this being available directly from Paizo, but that's a question for the web store/sales team; I'll see if they can confirm either way.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Psilo Anthro wrote:
This looks awesome. The webpage states this comes with smaller booklet versions of the actual lost omens book. Are these going to be hardcover and will it come with a standard copy of the book as well?

These will be softcover, and divided into book sections! (I know because I'm working on dividing them up right now ;) ) The smaller softcovers make it much easier to flip through and pass around a table.

There is no hardcover included. If you want the hardcover, you'd need to buy the standard version from Paizo.

(Ps this is Char not Robb)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Man, this looks incredible. And my character is actually from Absalom too, so I'd love it.

Unfortunately that price tag is way more than what I can justify spending on a book. I'm sure you get your money's worth, but dang... that's pricey.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this available through my LGS or anyplace in Canada?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
demlin wrote:
So what about splitting things up a bit rather than bundling everything together into a 350$ piece of madness? The location cards look useful but how come everything else adds up to that figure?

We do always sell some select items outside of the box for individual purchase, but bundling everything together into a box of madness is kinda our M.O. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
The Beadle & Grimm's box is currently slated to release in Q1 of 2022. It does not come with a free PDF, as it is a licensed product. ...

But it comes with a code for the book on Pathfinder Nexus and if you have linked your account you should receive the PDF on Paizo for free with every Nexus purchase.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looks awesome, although I must admit I facepalmed at the mention of FOUR coasters. You guys do know that adventures are usually written for a GM plus four players (For a total of 5 people around the table), and most campaigns have 5-6 players (for 6-7 people around the table)?
Why just 4?

Silver Crusade

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The sacrifices we GMs make for our players’ happiness.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Irrgardless wrote:
Psilo Anthro wrote:
This looks awesome. The webpage states this comes with smaller booklet versions of the actual lost omens book. Are these going to be hardcover and will it come with a standard copy of the book as well?

These will be softcover, and divided into book sections! (I know because I'm working on dividing them up right now ;) ) The smaller softcovers make it much easier to flip through and pass around a table.

There is no hardcover included. If you want the hardcover, you'd need to buy the standard version from Paizo.

(Ps this is Char not Robb)

Thank you so much for the info!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, the pre-seller is live but unfortunatly the shipping costs to Germany are really high.
Will there be a chance that the Gold Edition will also be available via more normal channels?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And another question: Will the Map of the Starstone isle contain more detail? Will it be availale elsewhere?

The Exchange

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Shipping notification came earlier today!

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